Beautiful broken britt

I’m britt I am 31 almost 32 I’ve had 17 + plus years in addiction I use to traffic and be pass around to be a whore for my fix with 4 high risk pregnancy every beautiful little warrior Babygirls has been adopted I’m going togive my last little girl to a great christian women … Continue reading “Beautiful broken britt”

Deliverance and Restoration for my husband from a life of drugs and alcohol and for him to repent and return to God his 1st love.

Dear Father I come boldly to Your Thrown of grace and mercy asking Lord for an encounter like never before for my husband Steve, meet him on his Damascus road and bring him safely to you. HEALER, DELIVERER, RESTORER, REDEEMER come quickly Lord and bring your child home restore his love for you and take … Continue reading “Deliverance and Restoration for my husband from a life of drugs and alcohol and for him to repent and return to God his 1st love.”

Overcoming ,addiction

Asuperthanks, Father,for being there ,beforei was even in my mother’s womb,and I.want to share with you that yes,there were times,when I was so alone and had no one.But even I noticed after we started to reconnect,my belief became way stronger,I know when all my family passed away, my belief dropped big time!..But I will say … Continue reading “Overcoming ,addiction”

Confession prayer

Heavenly father, I thank you for your unconditional love even when I have turned my back on you. You continued to love me unconditionally, Lord for you said in your holy scriptures that those that comes to your and confess their sins with their mouth shall be forgiven. For years I have struggled with pornography … Continue reading “Confession prayer”

My teen son

I’m asking for prayer to fight against the attack that on me and my son. The last couple of weeks I been finding my way back to christ and trying to get my house hold in order and now I’m being attack through my son. He been smoking the vap and it has change him … Continue reading “My teen son”

alcohol misuse

Please make my daughter-in-law accept that she has difficulty with alcohol. This has caused her marital relationship to seek divorce. It has also caused her to become punishing, ill fit to take care of the children, lie about her spouse, overspend large amounts of money, rely on her own family to reinforce untruthful behavior and … Continue reading “alcohol misuse”


Holy God, Praise you dear lord. I pray to please help me to overcome my addiction to smoking cigarettes and to not living my own self. That i am staying in faith and in the truth and to surrender myself to the holy spirit. That i may become sinless as it is your will for … Continue reading “Struggles”


I pray for 13 year old Jayden L Boone because he has an addictive personality. If he does something one time, he thinks he’s supposed to do it all the time or every day. He also allows people to use him. He’s 13 so when someone uses him, that person is using his family. His … Continue reading “addiction”

I have had enough.

Lord my God, Heavenly father I pray give me the strength , the courage and the wisdom to know you , father I give myself to you because I have being alone all this time , father in your scripture you said we should invite you , father I invite you in my life , … Continue reading “I have had enough.”

Healing in Recovery

Today I am 10 days clean and sober. It is because of a broken heart, loneliness and abuse that I began my relapse after 20 years clean. My heartache was too much to handle. After 23 years of an abusive marriage, it was over. My sobriety, my marriage and a post separation affair, I was … Continue reading “Healing in Recovery”

For Josh

Dearest Jesus please take Josh to Heaven to be with you .I am so grieved & shocked & very sad that over years my prayers weren’t answered .My prayers must not be too good as I surrendered my children almost daily to the care of You I’m not sure what to do Lord Learn to … Continue reading “For Josh”

Removal of all my enemies spoiling my financial and professional, personal life due to jealousy

I request for prayers to remove all cheap people as families always causing chaos giving excuses for several years to different houses nearby. They have such addiction from their parents. People near my house are always a headache to me in money, health issues for a long time. Many places have such irresponsible male and … Continue reading “Removal of all my enemies spoiling my financial and professional, personal life due to jealousy”

Prayer for guidance and strength to follow the ways of the lord and also for exam success which I know I don’t dersve

Lord Jesus, I thank you because you are not a man and for all what you have done for me. Father in your name, I ask that you equip me and give me the strength to follow you and you alone. Help me to stay away from every form of addiction and sin in Jesus … Continue reading “Prayer for guidance and strength to follow the ways of the lord and also for exam success which I know I don’t dersve”


Please pray for my grandson D who is turning 15 years old a few days away. He is not listening to me or his parents and following the wrong people especially his school friends. He is smoking and getting to school late and the teachers are constantly calling the parents telling them about his behavior. … Continue reading “Addiction”

I’m in every need

Father I come to u now to tell u I’m sry and I ask for mercy upon me and my soul idkwhere I went wrong in the last 30 years of life but I know this if I.could change things I would but this where and when I speak and think the serenity prayer in … Continue reading “I’m in every need”


My husband is addicted to meth, he says he’s not doing that and I’ve caught him doing it. I found pipes. I’ve been going to church since 1987, met him writing him while he was in prison. We got married in 2015. I need his financial help don’t know what to do anymore, he is … Continue reading “Deliverance”

How to sit in suffering

I don’t even know what to ask for to be honest. I’m going through so many different things in everyday life and so much loss and suffering and can’t quiet get to the part of being obedient and ok with suffering because it’s been like this my whole life. No matter what my relationship with … Continue reading “How to sit in suffering”

Help with lust

Hello my brothers and sisters in Christ. I wish to become a priest when I get older so this is especially a very hard time for me. For a few years now I have been dealing with lust. Not sexual thoughts lust, but sexual actions. I masturbate at least one or twice a day now. … Continue reading “Help with lust”


Today I woke up and haven’t had a drink yet. Last night I blacked out and found out I have some apologies to make. I’m at a place where I don’t want to drink anymore but also I just wanna get drunk. It’s almost like I’ve lost my decision to choose. I believe in Jesus … Continue reading “Alcoholism”

Family healing

Dear Heavenly Father, I am in a time of waiting and healing… a time of patience and trust. Lord, I ask for your continued presence in the lives of my family. I ask for your arms to wrap the kids in your comfort and peace. That they feel your love and protection in their times … Continue reading “Family healing”

Heal my son

My 43yo son takes ativan lithium clonedine etc We’ve realized he’s thinking he hasnt taken his meds and takes them again and again so has been running out half way thru the month He was living in his car for 2 months but we talked him into coming home during the 20°temps here All was … Continue reading “Heal my son”

Deliverance and Healing

Hi please pray Jesus will deliver Marc from the bondages of addiction, soul ties and strongholds that are in is soul, mind and body. Marc struggles with his mental health and the enemy knows his weaknesses so puts thoughts into his head that cause Marc to make poor choices that leave him living a hopeless … Continue reading “Deliverance and Healing”


Lord I pray for every parent, family, and friend dealing with the addiction of a loved one. Lord I pray you keep us all covered and continue to lean on you Father God. It don’t matter what it looks but what you believe. Lord I ask you to remove addiction from my Son. Heal is … Continue reading “Son”

Daughter at Risk

Pls pray for my daughter Joleen who is struggling with so many issues spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and financially. Just in every way. God knows all the suffering and torment she’s gone thru. Only 39 but I feel she doesn’t want to live anymore. I want her deliverance, salvation, restoration and wholeness to be manifested … Continue reading “Daughter at Risk”


Lord I pray for Steve’s mind to be protected from the lies of Satan and open to Your truth. Take all blinders completely off of him so that he can see every pit of lust for what it is. Help him to fully understand what damage any degree of lust does to our relationship when … Continue reading “deliverance”


Thank you for prayer. I know it helped. Tegan went missing for several days and her car was gone from her house. I reported her missing to the police. I was terrified that something terrible had happened to her. In my fear and terror I kept praying that God was keeping her safe and He … Continue reading “Willingness”

Heart broken

My Heart is just so broken ..I ask for Prayers for my daughter C who is a drug addict and for my Son B who is addicted to food and has Graves’ disease and for my daughter Amy who is addicted to face make overs and overs..and I also ask for Prayers for my Boyfriend … Continue reading “Heart broken”

Overcome Addiction

Dear God father in heaven I pray ask that you help my friends, family, and all my brothers and sisters out there as well as myself to overcome our addictions to whatever they may be. I ask you to open the eyes of our hearts and minds to your truths and so that we can … Continue reading “Overcome Addiction”