Prayer for my child

Please pray for my son he is in a relationship that is not good for him. The girl he is dating has no job and has no desire to find one. She just wants to get drunk. I have been praying for God to get hold of my sons heart and make him realize that … Continue reading “Prayer for my child”

Freedom for My Son

Heavenly Father you know the burden that I carry in my heart for my son. I submit myself to You Oh Lord to relieve my pain and worry. Father I ask that you free my son from all that has him chained. You already know his heart and hear his prayers. Please dear God answer … Continue reading “Freedom for My Son”

Peace in all things

I pray for peace, that only He can give me for my grandchildren. They are without a father and their mother is not a gentle and wise woman, who has many struggles of her own. My grandsons are in medical school with loads of student debt and no money to help. I pray that God … Continue reading “Peace in all things”

Prayer for my family

Please pray that my ( daughter and 2 sons) that they will turn from their harmful life choices and back to God’s way. Also that God will help them deal with the grief that they are experiencing from losing my oldest child, their brother. I also would like prayer for my grandchildren (8) that they … Continue reading “Prayer for my family”

Reconnection with daughter

Dear Heavenly Father, I’m praying for a better reconnection and bond between my oldest daughter and myself..we once had a strong bond but after she became pregnant and had children that bond somehow weakened..I pray that that her and I can once again regain a bond, a reconnection that we once had where we talked … Continue reading “Reconnection with daughter”

for my son

please pray for my son he goes to court on july 18 for a dui and facing jail time . please put it in the judges heart to not give him jail time please give him a secound chance he made a mistake . he s a good man he loves and only supporter of … Continue reading “for my son”

Thank you for Healing G

Thank you God for empowering G to love himself and move on with confidence, joy and optimism. We trust you God and we trust G, thank you that he is healed and whole and happy. Thank you that he is smiling and active today and beyond. Thank you for sending your strength to him and … Continue reading “Thank you for Healing G”


Heavenly Father I pray for the healing of my daughter. She was in a car accident June 9th and suffered a fractured pelvis. She had surgery to repair the fracture and she has a long road of recovery. She is a warrior and she will be better than before the accident. I pray for her … Continue reading “Changes”

For my children

Dear Lord I thank you for your never ending love and Grace. I thank you for the gift of being a mother to my children. Lord I ask you to watch over them as they transition into adulthood. Bless them with discernment to make good decisions and guide their steps that they may know your … Continue reading “For my children”

God I Trust You

God I truly thank you for all that you have done for my children day in and day out. Father I pray that you would continue to keep your hands upon them. As you Bless them collectively with your love, peace and joy and good health I ask that you touch there minds allow them … Continue reading “God I Trust You”


Hi. Prayer for my daughter Ashley. She is overwhelmed, has depression, anxiety, tired, no strength, not eating. To many conflicts happening at once. Asking for wisdom, understanding, strength for these situations. Have friends who are stealing money from her on deposits she made for rent, hotels, Telus, Rogers, electricity bills all wrongly charged. Praying for … Continue reading “Healing”

Please pray God miracle power help me conceive baby girl and successful implantation into the uterine lining wall

Please pray God miracle power, merciful, promises, blessings help me conceive a baby girl and ensure successful implantation in the uterine lining wall, perfect fetus development leads to a healthy and happy life. Please pray God protection no abnormalities, no deformities, no health issues. Please pray God merciful no curses, no evils, no enemies, please … Continue reading “Please pray God miracle power help me conceive baby girl and successful implantation into the uterine lining wall”

my teen son

Trying to keep my son involved in positive activities. He is on the baseball team and is feeling unconfident and discouraged, wants to quit. Please pray that he has confidence, and please pray he has a great game tomorrow to help him feel he has skills and is contributing to the team. A home run … Continue reading “my teen son”


I pray God bless my daughter Kuhle. Please God break the chains of alcohol abuse and the spirit of laziness. As her mother I would like to see her turning her life to God and crafting a career for herself. Break the bondage of bad friends from her life. Break the spirit of selfishness and … Continue reading “Prayer”


I have a 47 yr old daughter hasn’t spoken to me in 4 yrs and no one knows why, I’ve beg her to tell me so I can apologize but nothing, we are 1200 miles apart right now, I’ve finally connected w.ith my grandson 17 who loves the Lord but I just send things on … Continue reading “Daughter”

Legal Hearing

Today is the day for the legal hearing for my son and his estranged wife who is possessed by alcoholism, hate and anger. Dear Lord, as I sit here looking for your intercession into this situation, it’s hard for me to understand this fight that has created so much heartache. Help me and my son … Continue reading “Legal Hearing”

Please answer

Dear Lord, my son is so upset and angry by the lies that his wife is telling the legal system. He cannot see that God is his refuge. He sees that You have not helped him and that his honesty and living the good life has done anything to prevent his alcoholic wife from going … Continue reading “Please answer”


Dear God I pray to you for forgiveness because there are many times I feel like a failure as a mother I have two beautiful children whom have struggled with a lot of issues growing up as I and my husband did there was no physical abuse but I worked 3 jobs and my husband … Continue reading “Forgiveness”

Drop Protection Orders

Dear Lord, You know that Y & J’s relationship is dissolving with each filing Orders of Protection against each other out of anger and retaliation. As a hearing approaches on Thursday, please remove Y’s need to punish J and prevent him from seeing his children and living in his house. Oversee the lawyers, judges and … Continue reading “Drop Protection Orders”

Sophie’s salvation

Father God you know what my heart is when it comes to praying for the salvation of my granddaughter, Sofia. I am not too proud to plead in prayer with you for her her soul. Lord Jesus, please do not let her get past you. Please bring her to genuine saving faith in you as … Continue reading “Sophie’s salvation”

prayer for provision

Dear God, Thank you Lord for all that you have done for us, Lord I pray that you help us to survive until the end of the month meaning my payday. Help us Lord with food and transport money to go to work and to school. Oh Lord I pray that you bless me with … Continue reading “prayer for provision”

Cover my children

Dear God this morning I put my boys before you, they are 17 and 19 years old father. Lord I want to ask you to protect them where ever they go with your Holy blood. Be with them and guide them with each decision they make in life my Father. Open there eyes to the … Continue reading “Cover my children”

A prodigal son

My adult son, Paul who has changed since marrying 17 yrs ago . A woman I always feel has issues of jealousy & insecurities & I believe practices a craft. My son has changed to someone I don’t care for! Things have not gotten better over 17 yrs! I don’t trust a person who changes … Continue reading “A prodigal son”

Strength for my son

Pray for my son and his family. They need financial help asap. They have had some rocky roads and is still trying to get back. Pray that the devil leave him alone so he can find a job to support his family.. He just got through a court case and can now apply for some … Continue reading “Strength for my son”

I finally had my baby and child protective services showed up over transportation issues when I had a plan already

I am really stressed out sitting here at the hospital yesterday at 5am is when I had too get induced too have my breeched baby. Now she’s here and before I had her. Because I didn’t have a actual set transportation like my own car but was gonna get a cab too get home after … Continue reading “I finally had my baby and child protective services showed up over transportation issues when I had a plan already”


My son needs the Holy Spirit to give him wisdom so that he can meet the difficulties of his high school situation–struggling with school work because he procrastinates and is off-task, and struggles with ADHD–but more with just needing the GRIT to do his work. He is academically capable–just so apathetic. Pray for God to … Continue reading “Micah”

Guidance and discernment

Dear Heavenly Father, You are the Almighty and powerful God! I beg for forgiveness of my sins. Please Lord watch over my family, my children and their children. Bless my family with your grace, mercy and abundant love. Guide us on the path You would have us to go. Lord, I pray for Your blessings … Continue reading “Guidance and discernment”

Prayer for my Niece

Lord, please help my Niece in her decision to move. Give her the insight and knowledge that this is a bad decision to leave us and go back to her father. You, Lord got her out of the bad situation with her father and she came back to us to love her and guide her … Continue reading “Prayer for my Niece”

The kids

Lord be with them always, protect them with your most powerful angels, show them that there mom and daddy love them, no matter what happens. Show them the joy and the life you gave them, make them know they are blessings to this world from you, qllowme to prove to them you made them unique … Continue reading “The kids”

God’s Healing

Dear God, please send the Grace of Your Holy Spirit to be with all children and as they age and make choices that are not in accordance with God’s Will. I especially beg God’s Blessings and Healing Peace for the son, Charles, that God gifted to my care. He and his family are lost in … Continue reading “God’s Healing”

he my children know God

Father God, I am challenged by the devil everyday and am not the best example for a peaceful Godly servant. I ask for prayer to give !e strength to come to you everyday and give you my burdens. Help me be an example of trust, patience and faith for my children. They have made and … Continue reading “he my children know God”

Heal My Leg Lord

Father God, I have,as you know, had this very bad injury which has been years in the making. I had just about had it fully healed with a skin graft to complete the healing.But ,somehow,unbeknownst to me, an infection appeared and wiped out the skin graft. So, once again it healed enough to try another … Continue reading “Heal My Leg Lord”

My son

Dear God, Thank you that you are mighty and all- knowing, and that your love is infinite. Lord, I am suffering because my son has been taken into care and I don’t agree with the reasoning; I don’t understand why. We didn’t mistreat him. His father is very angry and sometimes blames me and is … Continue reading “My son”


Please touch and agree with me. My daughter went against my request to not get married. She married a woman in spite of me telling her how God says it’s wrong! I told her it was abomination and he detested it! I explained it all! Am deeply hurt but let her know I love her … Continue reading “Deliverance”