Prayer for Intellectually Disabeled

by Ashley ()

Thank you Lord for your mercy, gentleness, and kindness. In your mercy, please help Ashley to immediately return to church and to actively participate. Lord, please help Ashley to accept herself as you created her until you decide to heal her from her intellectual disability and any genetic disorders and familial strongholds. Lord, please remove her desire partying and her obsession with dancing. Lord, we ask that she would not refuse good men who don’t share her desire for music and dance. Lord, we pray that she would accept work. Lord, please remove negative mindsets and strongholds. Ask that she would be blessed and that she would supernaturally pass her CNA exam and successfully work as a nursing assistant. In addition, please bless her with the intellect and courage to life independently until marriage. In all your mercy Lord, please help Ashley to not punish those around her and to wait patiently for a friend. Thank you Lord!

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