Prayer for God to Restore My Broken Relationship

by Barbara (Toronto)

Dear Lord,

It has been a month since he walked out the door, and I continue to pray to you for reconciliation, and for the miracle of a second chance. I believe everyone in life makes mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance.

My love for him was unconditional, I always stood by through thick and thin. Lord do not let us stray. I believe it was his fear of committment to walk out the door, he told me that he has “lost faith in me”. Almighty God, restore his faith in us, in unconditional love and in the power of marriage.

Lord, soften his stubborness and his pride, surround him with those who offer loving advice and dear Lord, reunite us. Give us a chance to continue on the journey that we started. Take away his temptations, take away ill-advices, fill his heart with the goodness of what once was. Lord, in you I trust, and to you I pray everyday. Lord, hear and answer my prayer.

Hear and answer prayers of those who cry to you because they find themselves in the same situations. Almighty God, while people can be stubborn you are the powerful one, reach out to us today, reunite not only my relationship but those relationship that are crying for help here.


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387 comments for “Prayer for God to Restore My Broken Relationship”

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  1. Praying for a Christmas Miracle

    Dear Lord,

    I pray to you now as I do every night to bring Wowie and I back together. I know now my mistakes and I have humbly asked for your forgiveness. I pray that you will touch his heart and wipe away all his pride and beliefs that were put into his mind by others. We shared such closeness and love for so many years, that I will not give up. Give me the strength Lord to keep fighting for this love. Guide us both to a renewed relationship towards sprituality and a happy life together that we both deserve. It has been a long year Lord, but I will gladly suffer for longer until we are both ready. Bless us and forgive us. Forever and always. Amen.

  2. Bring us both together

    Please bring him back to me Lord I love him unconditionally make let his fear and hatered failed away with you almighty power in you I trust your my only hope please let us be together again in Jesus name

  3. Prayer for broken hearted

    Dear Lord Jesus,

    I humbly beg and pray to you…please bring my beloved back to me.He is full of ego and pride and its always me who has to say sorry and beg him to talk to me, but i do not mind as you have asked your people to be humble and forgiving…so i am.Please Lord Jesus , make him see me in a new perspective and make him realise his folly and my love, sacrifices,caring and need of him and please let him reciprocate in the same manner towards me.
    Lord , bring him back to me once and for all and let us both live in peace and harmony together till we both grow old.
    Dear Lord….i beg of you and plead you ….please answer my prayers and also the prayers of all the broken hearted people who have faith in you and believe that you will answer all our prayers.
    Thank You Jesus…I Love you…Amen.

  4. bring the man of my dreams back

    Dear Father God in the name Jesus thank you for every thing you have done for me thanks for the many blessings you have bestow on me Father God i ask you to restore my current relationship with the man i love with all my heart he came into my life when i thought that there no one for me i thought you had gave up on but you sent this nice man into my life made feel good about myself again but know he is gone and i don.t know why all i ask please bring him back into my life all i ask is just one more chance with him i don.t even know why he left but Father God you do please put my live back in his heart .not only were he the man i loved but he was also my best friend and without my heart is broken all i do is cry and pray that one day you will hear my prayer and see all the things that i am going through with out him please God in the name of Jesus bring him back to me i give all of my thanks in the name of Jesus amen

  5. to stop my divorce from wife

    Will it God help me to get my love back in life.

  6. save our relationship

    Lord I come to you my father.father lord please soften his heart lord just recently I got engaged and because of some misunderstanding he wants to devoic me ..lord our all the vows we took and promises was made with that save our relationship lord

  7. help me Lord

    please Lord help me bring back Ronald. I love him sooo much please Lord help me…..

  8. God bring back to me my love again

    Dear God …. I really need her in my life again I not live with out her dear God I love her so much more then my life I’ll do everything for her happiness but God you plzzzzz refresh her heart for my love …. And bring back to me my love..

  9. God bring back to me my love again

    Dear God …. I really need her in my life again I not live with out her dear God I love her so much more then my life I’ll do everything for her happiness but God you plzzzzz refresh her heart for my love …. And bring back to me my love..

  10. Restore and reunite my broken relationship

    Dear Lord

    I know you sees the heart of men, I sincerely drop my problems with Stanley at your feet, oh God creator of heaven and earth, I ask that you softten the heart of Stanley, may he forgive me, restore the love, joy, trust, he use to have for me, God please make him to see that I’m sorry, plss give him company that will tell him to forgive me, make him remember the times we spent together, lord I know there’s nothing you can not do, plss give me a sign that you’ve answered my prayers, I love you Jesus. thank you.

  11. restoration of love

    Dear God,

    I know that there is nothing impossible to you. I am broken now because my partner wants to leave me. I knew I have done hurtful things to him and we both kept on fighting all the time. He said that there is nothing can be done to restore our relationship even prayer. Please Lord, move your way, fill his heart with love and make him remember the first day we met and his daughter. Jesus, please mend our broken heart and ease away the pain in our hearts. Make a way that your love and your power can mend and soften his heart. You said ask and receive and I believe you more than anything else. You are God of hope and love. I pray to you Nicolas Rubas for his heart and soul and to enlighten his mind that we can change everything and have a new happy start again. I ask this to You Lord, Amen.

  12. Reunite us

    I am praying to bring my girlfriend and I back together. I pray for Jesus to touch her heart , wipe away the thoughts and beliefs that were put into her mind by others. let her heart feel the love, trust , companionship , friendship, and the closeness we shared together for so long. Guide us spiritually to a new and long life together. Bless us and forgive those that came between us , and let us share a relationship in the eyes of God .

  13. Plz bring back my lover n relationship

    My dear god
    Plz help me I’m begging u god plz do help to me
    I’m alone no one der fr me to help me
    U r the nly one god so I’m askng u god
    Nothing is impossible to u
    Everything is possible to u
    U can do dat in fraction of seconds
    Plz god make sharan to towards me
    His shud think abt me nvr think to leave me alone
    At any situation
    Once talk wid sharan make his melt towards me and fill him wid true love and affection care understanding support on me
    Plz help god
    And whom r facing dis problems and crying like me fill dey all lifes wid ur true love happy Ness and blessings I a pray in the name of jesus amen amen amen
    Love u jesus thanks fr grant me all dis blessing in my life praise the Lord amen

  14. Help us heal Lord.

    Lord I come to you humbled, heartbroken, and hurt. I pray for your forgiveness, for myself and for James. We both hurt each other and his actions are probably weighing real heavy on his mind. As the consequences of my actions and Angry words are heavy on my mine. I asked that you reach into both our hearts and take away the stubbornness and the pride and help us both see the kindness, love, and inmense Joy we brought one another. I asked that you touch his heart and help him find forgiveness for the both of us and bring him back to me my Jesus. I am so heartbroken so hard to breathe. Please Lord have mercy on both of us and help us through your guidance Love & Mercy to reunite in a bigger and better relationship For Your Glory. Give me the strength and the courage I need to change for the better, and be the woman that James needs in his life. In Jesus name yes my Lord. Amen

  15. Bring back Amy from NZ please...

    Please restore my relationship with Amy Cammish and bring her back into my life… lead me to be the person that she needs and do what’s right for her…. i know my love for her was real and through You, You can restore this broken relationship… please Lord Yeshua restore the love we once had and let us reunite again so we may be one with you.. thank Amen..

  16. broken hearted husband

    I don’t know what I am doing wrong I have been praying for my wife to call or just come home its been a while.She left in 7/31/2015 we got back seeing each other 9/24/2015 then she stop on 1/13/2016 no calls no text nothing know I now that she wont return to me I did so much praying and it did not work why.I love my wife very much now my heart is broken . please help,

  17. jesus help me

    Please Lord bring my ex husband back to me who no longer talks to me. Please jesus make him have the same love for me. Please Lord make him feel for me tonight. Make him want me desperately . Please Lord do miracle in my life.
    Thank you Lord amen

  18. Give us a chance

    Dear Lord,
    Thank you for being who you are and doing all that you do. I just want to ask you could you restore the friendship that Ka’Nesha Matthews and I shared. We were only talking briefly but I fell in love with her quickly. She has made me the happiest I’ve ever been and I hope we have the chance to explore a relationship. It’s my fault that I messed things up and I want to apologize. Please soften her heart so that she realizes how much I care for us and open up a line of communication between us. I know with you all things are possible, so could you do this one favor for me Lord? In your mighty name I pray, Amen!!

  19. prayer for another chance

    I ask that Sean does not let in any of the negativity others are saying to him about me or us, but allowes himself to hear and feel the good I know Marnie will say, that he opens up communication with me and let’s me tell him all I feel and let’s himself hear it with his heart and soul and realize it is true. That  he can remember that we truly love each other and were  each others life mate. Help him to heal enough from the negativity I caused so often with the unfounded worries I had about us to give us another chance.Help Bring back his hope in our relationship working, give him the knowledge that what we had and can have again was very real and rare. Help him to see that we can work out and be truly happy together for our lifetimes. Guide him back to me so we can have another chance. Forgive me for squandering our relationship with doubts, fears, and negativity. Loosing him once has truly changed me and I would never bring those fears and questions back into our relationship if given the second chance. I will continue to work on my issues while I wait. In my heart I believe we were brought together to be each others life mate as Tobias and Sara, by God and St Raphael forgive me for not letting that be and help us have another chance to be that for each other. Help Turn his heart and decision back towards me, I beg of you.  Guide Sean to change the decision he has made about us being over and see that we are the right people for each other and do not have to be apart to be better or happier people. That we can get past the hurt and badness of what has happened to us and come back together and move forward to have a wonderful lifetime together in love and harmony and not bring back any of the things we did to hurt each other. That he may be as Tobias to me and me as Sara to him.  Through the intercession of St Raphael who guided him and I to each other the first time who let us fall in love with each other the first time, please let us find our way back to each other and be what I know we can be. In my heart I feel God brought us to each other as life mates, please bring us back to each other for the purpose of being an upright and wonderfull union

    There is a great fear in my heart that he is not returning to me, let God and St Raphael look past that and forgive me and let me have this prayer answered for him and I to be together. Please pray for one last chance to try and see if we can do this. What I belive we can. Please. 

    I beg of God for this, with thankfulness in my heart,  Sean was sent to me the first time for us to find love, please do not take us away, guide us to be together and have a wonderful life and union togethter. I beg of Saint Raphael, parton of happy meeting to hear and deliver this prayer at His feet and help in answerinf this with him Amen

  20. forgive and restore

    Dear Lord. Help my ex forgive and allow us to talk to heal the bitterness. I now see all the faults on both sides and want him to know i forgive and should have listened. I trust that in time you will answer my prayer and help us both in your way. Amen

  21. Please make our relationship work once again.

    Lord i am very thankful for all the blessing u have given us for all the opportunity.please guide him back to me .i wish to be with him.please be on the middle of our relationship.pleass guide us come thru all the struggles we are facing right now.lord please bring him back to me with full of love.i know i have done wrong alot of time but my love for him is really big.i want him to be happy i want him to be strong.i am really sorry for all the things that made him feel that he is not worth it.lord please im giving u all my worries.i know i have doubted ur scared that i might lose scared that he will lost the love.for the 5 years that we have encountered.i want nothing but our love to be back.

    Please lord i know i am not worthy asking u so many things.please make our relationship work once again.ilovehim so much.please thats my only wish on my birthday.i know everything will be ok beyween us.please let him realize that he love me.please dont let him change his mind.and guide his family.ilovehim so much
    Please lord im begging you with all my heart so that our relationship will work

    In jesus name.and in your own me make it happen.

  22. not alone .

    You are not alone I too am struggling with a broken relationship. I am praying for you as I know the pain. Stay strong, God is working in our situations. It may not feel like it at times but I know he has a path for us and a way to make things right

  23. Please reunite us with my parents and home now amen.

    Please pray for me, Lord due to my marriage issue dad was very angry he left me totally and restricted my mom all my family not to keep any contacts with me, since 9 years I am living far of my parents and home,plz help me, my dad is very stubborn and egoistic , I tried hard but I dint get any response from him, Lord please touch my dad heart now soften his stubbornness Lord , please stop my dad now at this moment torturing my mom and me and let him accept me my husband and my child and allow mom to keep contacts with me and allow us to home now, Lord do hear my prayers now , Lord day by day my dad’s behaviour and attitude becoming worse he did not changed a bit I got to know his behaviour towards my mom got worse he is torturing my mom , please Lord jesus talk on our behalf plz stand on our behalf Lord, please help us Lord , my dad hurting my mom with his words and his rudeness , Lord please we desperately need a miracle now , heal all the broken relationship with my family now, bless my dad with all the goodness love and affection now,it’s been 9 years till now I didn’t saw any change in my dad, please Lord I have no strength even to cry now I lost all my hopes after seeing my dad’s negative responses since 9 years ,I have no strength to lose faith in you, your child is almost tired and distressed please I beg u have mercy Lord please soften my dad heart now change him make him behave nicely with mom and me , release him from his ego and anger, Lord please reunite us with my parents and home now, day by day his rudeness is increasing please stop him punishing us Lord, we have no strength to bear his attitude and rudeness , please let him realize what he did against us and stop punishing us and testing our patience, please reunite us with my parents and home now amen and bless us with good health peace and happiness forever amen.

  24. I want my dear back to me

    oh lord! please soften his heart… make him realize my love towards him… make his anger go far from him… please lord…i really need him beside me.. without him…i am nothing here… make him realize its really not my mistake… make him realize that i just want to be with him… bring him back to me as he do before… dear lord… make him come and search me… i will be very happy lord…

    thank you lord…

  25. Love returns

    Please bring back the love I let get away. I need her and her son in my life. They brought me joy and happiness. Open her heart and eyes. Please let her feel the happiness And joy we had. Reconnect us in your love. Reconnect all those who are experiencing the Sam sadness and pain I feel. Let your love provide us with strength and courage. Please bring back what me soul yearns for.

  26. restoration for a breaking relationship

    DEAR GOD restore my relationship with Mary in Jesus name,restore it in the foundation of trust,love,understanding and most of all in Your blessings JESUS name i pray AMEN

  27. Broken heart

    Lord Jesus i come before today giving thanks for my health and strength and for allowing me to see a new day. Lord jesus i also ask that u heal my broken heart father i ask that u touch the heart of my boyfriend Anthony where ever he is whatever he is doing that he may stop and think of me and our daughter father we love him so much and is missing him each and everyday he is away pls father send him back to us i ask that u give ear to my prayer and heal my broken heart. I prayer in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

  28. Show yourself

    Dear Lord,

    thank you for my life and
    help me reunite with my girlfriend.
    She is all I ever wanted.
    2 years of happiness then she stonewalled me.
    Help her to have a change of heart and to re-evaluate how special we were for each other and for life.
    Show a sign that you have received this.


  29. bring back my ex


  30. restoration in a broken relationship

    God I know you are reading this a hearing my hearts cry. I love Adil so much more than I dd before and now his actions has caused himto be guilty and he does not know how to deal with it so now his concionce has caused him to break up wih me he does not look or talk to me and it hurts me so much because I love him and I know he loves me too still but his stuborness and pride iss what’s keeping him at arms leghnth he is such a protector of me and certain things he still does shows me he still cares but his pride gets in the way I miss hm so much and miss talking to him when I’m disturbed and its not about sex lord you that you brought in my life for a purpose when I needed someone and was not looking for anyone at the time and its been eight yrs lord. Lord I ask you to please bring him back in my life but Lord first give him such a huge love and missing me in his heart that as I’m going to stay away lord that YOU LORD CAUSE HIM TO CALL AND COME BACK TO ME OUT OF HIS OWN AND LOVE ME MORE THAN BEFORE AND THAT HE CARES AND RESPECTS ME MORE because right now he treats me like a dog and it hurts I ask all this in Jesus namen AMEN AND AMEN

  31. bring love to us

    Dear God,
    I asked that you bless me and my current relationship. I asked for your help to restore the love that my partner Patrick once had for me back. Let him not give up on me and our potiental relationship. Guide us into love and harmony. Bless our relationship with love, care,compassion, understanding and patience. Help us to love one another and have the strength to fight for our true love. Guide us every step of the way God and lead us not into temptation but to to everlasting love.
    I ask this in the name of you o God

  32. Please restore my broken relatinship

    Heavenly father n mother mary recive my pray calling u day and night to restore my broken relationship with jeet . Forgive me for my mistake n remove his sturboness . Father please restore it i want him to come back into my life i want him to be with me till my last breath . I ask frm u true this pray amen

  33. plz answer prayers

    Dear god
    I thought that I was d only one suffering from brkup.
    I do love him a lot and I know he cares for me too .plzz pass away every hurdel of our relationship and his mind . Jesus I don’t know that is he right about that we don’t hold any future and he doesn’t love me ……all I know is that wid u everything is possible..
    Their is a constant hope inside me that says he’ll be back and this tym our bound will be stronger.I thanku my lord that during my breakup until now u have blessed me wid lots of things thnku so much for that I fell lyk I’m a better prsn now..
    Jesus I believe u wid all my heart and it says that he’ll be back we’ll be back together BT today haunts me plzz help me plzz…I need a miracle I want him back as my boyfriend, my husband..
    And I pray for all my frnds that they get love of their lyf and I believe that they have got them u have answered our prayers and I thnku for this ….love u Jesus

  34. Heal my relationship

    Dear Lord, I am a Hindu boy by born but faith in you is permanent. She left me behind in crucial time. I do some mistakes and also she did. But it was too hurry that I just can’t understand what to do.. Almighty God you know how I am and how much love is for her from me… Please give her good thoughts thats why she can able to feel my love for her. I love her so much… Please God give her good company so that they can help her to understand me… This is my only hope of living… Its my final year of graduation. But I can’t even sleep at night. Please God help me and do miracle in my life for just once and also do the same for those of same situation. My hope, life and everything is on your hand. Please show kind to us and make us unite… Thank you.. Amen…

  35. help me

    ohh lord ..plzz help me to get my love back ..all things are going wrong between me and him from 2 months …i know he loves me ..and i also circumtances have proved me very wrong …jesus plzz restore my all problems and i dont wanna lose him at any cost ..plzz plzz plzz help ….i beg u

  36. Prayer for the sign she is seeks

    Heavenly Father,

    I humbly come before you and pray that you take away this fear and pain. Ease my fearful mind, and grant me the peace to accept your will.

    Together we came before you and put our relationship in your hands. I have committed to loving her better than ever before… To being a better man and a better lover, and I want nothing more than to share every aspect of our souls with you, and walk together for your glory. She is looking for you to guide her back to me, or that you lay out another plan. I pray that she gives us another chance Father. That we may learn from this and be a thousand times better, for us and for you! My heart desires nothing more!

    If that is not your will, I pray that you grant me the peace and serenity to accept it, and trust that you have a better plan. I pray you help me to see it, if that is so.

    I make this pledge and promise to you and her, that if she is to accept me back and is willing to fix us, that I will love her better and more than I’ve ever loved anyone, and I’ll show her every day. I’ll cherish her as she deserves to be cherished. She deserves more than I’ve given her, and I’ll fix that for us and you.

    Thank you for our blessings, dear Lord. In your name we pray, Amen.

  37. rosa Marquez

    Father in heaven please hear my prayer i made a lot of mistakes i hurt her in more ways than one and am sorry i really miss her dont give up on us father i want our family back in your holy name Jesus please hear my prayer am a mess without her am hurting really bad please make this miracle i beg you i promise to be a good man to her in jesus name i ask be quick father amen

  38. Please bring my husband back to me

    Dear God, Please bring my husband back to me. I know I need to be a better wife which I will try harder with your grace. We have been married for 27 years. I want him back so much and will do what it takes with your guidance. It has been four long and lonely months. I cry all the time and am depressed and heartbroken. Please bring him home soon. I love him very much. Please hear my prayer. Thank you God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  39. to bring back

    Dear.God please answer my pray now.I love Anthony so so much and I miss very much ant there are a lot of people. Has.come. between me and Anthony and I don’t get to.see.him nomore like I use to we use to spend time together and laugh together. And do things together but.there. are a lot of very.very.evil people out there that’s hurting this.relationship like.his brother. And.other people and call friend please god please hear my crying out. I need. Him back in my life Anthony three times to become his wife and I.said yes and there. Are two people. that’s. Doing. All of this they.are.using voodoo and. Witchcraft. On.this relationship. And.I haven’t. Seen a wild please me.and.send Anthony back home please move.all the.bad things out and move all this.evil.out like this voodoo and witchcraft and return Anthony home .we love.each.other so very much please please send.Anthony back him.and.block all of.those evil people of this.relationship thank god Amen f

  40. restore broken relationship

    please god melt his frozen heart Justin Raj and bring back what once the love he had for me deeply. lord surround him with positive people that can speak to him in returning back to me. my lord my heart aches and in pain. This man really loved me and I fail to understand and see that. Restore my lord Restore – me to restore our relationship. He said that he fell out of love with me, but I believe that there’s still hope that his feelings would change. I love him so much Help us to love each other again, forget the bad memories, forgive each others mistakes, and continue our relationship together once again. Love is truly powerful. I believe in you, my God. The way he looks at me now and talks bad about me it hurts i go always voluntarily i speak unwanted asking him u did not do this and that so on so he get angry but always he says he wants to leave me, now he is very stubborn about his decision, but noone can be stubborn in front of you, God you will make everyone good person i dont want to be a bad person anymore please give my Justin back restore our relationship as it was in the begining now since he got everything he wants to throw me away which i dont like becoz i still love him when he says these kinds of words i feel like doing something i get anger but lord you change me i should not back answer him, and he should not leave or start with any other relationship. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you in i

  41. Pls bring my boyfriend back to me

    Dear god

    He’s being rude to me again. All I want is for him to come back into my life. I love him. God please fill his heart with love. Get him to reconsider the relationship. Make him feel like he has the power to make things right and he can.
    God please break his ego and stubbornness. He so humble and sweet. God pls help me for I am dying without him.
    God please help me.


  42. bring boyfriend back home

    I love this man so much that my love for him is so deep that I can’t think straight I just won’t us to be happy like before I love him so much that I cry cause he doesn’t live with me and dear God I’m begging u to please bring him back to me in Jesus name amen)

  43. Lotd God Please save my relationship

    Dear Lord,

    I ask humbly that restore my relationship with GLD I have been angry and saddened and have not acted appropriately and have pushed him away. He is a good man and was so loving and tried his best and I could not see past my pain. Please Lotd God I am lost without him he leads me to you and to become the best woman I can be and my heart is broke and I did it to myself! I cannot forgive myself but humbly ask you Lord to please forgive me and renew my mind and life and restore our love so we can serve you together Lord. I eant to marry this man and grow old with him so I bring my request to you in the hopes that tou wull nless our union and find the path that leads us back together

    In Jesus holy name I ask this-Amen


  44. prayer for


    Please i need your blessing for my struggling relationship. I love my boyfriend so much, with little understanding we had broke up. Please enlighten him, for him to realize my worth for him that he will come back to me. May he realize that i need him and that our love for each other was worthy. Please help me have my relationship back.




  46. Save my relationship

    Dear Lord, I know this past month has been so hard for us. I pray that you will restore the love that once was back into our hearts. Please remove this person that has made him stray away. I ask you my Lord to please help us get through this terrible time in our relationship. For us to come back stronger than ever before! I cannot see my life without him Dear Jesus. I ask you to please connect us back together Almighty God.


  47. Lord of impossibilities

    Dear God
    You are the Lord of impossibilities. The Lord I trust and worship always. Please turn not your back to my prayer. I thank you for bringing Him into my life. Please restore back our relationship and make your unconditional love dwell forever in us. Melt his harden heart so we can stay and marry.
    Thank you Lord.

  48. Please, St. Jude. Thank you. Maraming salamat.

    Dear St. Jude,

    Tulungan niyo po na kayanin ko lahat ng mga pagsubok na dumadating sa akin. Sana po tulungan niyo ang aking mahal na bumalik sa akin, sana po bumalik na yung dati niyang pagmamahal sa akin. Sana po bumalik na rin kami sa dati naming relasyon, pero sana po ngayon ay mas maging okay at mas maging masaya kami. Sana po hindi na siya maguluhan at sana maging handa na po ulit siya, ma-realize niya po sana niya na mahal pa rin niya ako at ako po ang gusto niyang makasama. Sana po hindi niya ako iwan. Sana po magkaroon pa kami ng pagkakataon na maayos ang lahat at bumalik sa dati, maging kami at mas mamahalin namin ang isa’t isa. Amen.

  49. Praying for my parents to accept him

    Dear Heavenly Father, today, I come before you to pray for my parents to accept my boyfriend. I have gone through a relationship where my ex was violent towards me. A year later, he came into my life. He is the sweetest guy, one who has a personality that is really sincere and one that is the most heartening. However, when my mum saw him few days back, she was shocked to see that he is of the same height as me. I’m 160cm. He could be 172cm but because he underwent depression when he was in primary 4, that slowed down his growth. His immune system is not very strong. That worries my mum because she is scared that he will not be able to take care of me in the future. Father, I’m 21 and he’s 22. I know that we are still schooling and that it is too fast to think of marriage. But, he really showed me how much he loves me. Unlike my ex, he loves me for who I am. And for that, I look past the physical flaws because it is his personality that shines. Father, I thank you for giving him a personality that really warms up someone’s day, someone’s heart. Pardon my greediness for asking You to make him taller and more muscular. But I really hope that few years later, a miracle will happen. Father, we hope that You can give us strength to overcome obstacles ahead. We hope that with Your grace, Your mercy, we can tide through to the end. We pray that my parents will be able to look past his physical flaws and see his personality shine. We hope that miracles will happen for us. I told him what my mum told me. He has started to work out daily. That’s how much he loves me. I hope that Father, You can raise him on your shoulder, help him through obstacles.
    In fact, I come clean before You Lord that I’m not from a Christian family but my boyfriend is a Christian. But I sincerely and truly believe in Your resurrection. I believe that with God, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit, You can make the impossible possible. And I am touched by what You have done for us on the cross. Your love is way beyond what we can expect. Im touched by what my boyfriend did for me, the sweetness in him, I am really thankful for. I believe it is the religion, it is Your love, that allows him to love me as much as he can. So I hope and that You can watch over us from the heavens and from where You are.
    Dear Heavenly Father, we pray with all our hearts that You can guide us through the tough road ahead. I pray that You can keep us safe through this journey.
    In Jesus Name, I pray. Amen.

  50. help me get the love of my life back.

    Dear heavenly father,
    i know i distanced myself from you for quite a long time..
    and i know i have sinned a lot, but i humbly come to you asking for forgiveness, and to please help me get the love of my life back.. i know you put me in her life to love her, to make her happy and protect her and i failed you.. she wanted me to grow up and become a better man and i was afraid to do it, and now i have lost her..she gave up on me..she has lost faith in me, and i ask you to please show her that i am good man and that i will never let her down. I know she has a busy life with school and that her family takes her for granted and that she might have lost her merciful kind side due to these problems…and i ask you to please soften her beautiful heart..allow her to find it in her heart to give me one last chance to prove her i can be a better man ii ask you to please help her to not let her problems darken her heart…give me the strength, wisdom and will.. to be a better man..strengthen my faith father, i believe you will help me i have always have had faith in you..i promise i will keep my promises heavenly father…i wont let you or her down. thank you.


  51. Save this relationship

    I come to you humble. I am human and I make mistakes. I pray that you can help save my relationship and that he won’t move away. That will be the end of us. I pray he listens. I pray he finds it in his heart that I do love him to the end of the earth and back. My love for him is unconditional. I have never loved any other person like this. I pray his mother stops trying to control him. I pray she stops manipulating him with her money. I pray he doesn’t leave. I need a huge miracle. I have very little time left with him. I want to love him forever and be together forever.

    I ask this in Jesus name. Amen

  52. My ex girlfriend

    Dear Heavenly Father
    I come to you first off thanking you for your love and mercy for blessing me to see another day…it’s been several months since my girlfriend & I have went our separate ways I do love her and miss her so much…I pray that u soften her heart Lord to one day know that I will always love her and that I’ll always be here for her…I pray that you (God in Heaven) work this out for us I pray that one of these days you send her back to me…I know you are able Father God I trust you will answer my prayers til then I’ll just be of good faith be patient and wait on you Lord…I want to Thank you in advance in Jesus Holy Name…Amen… Its already done….

  53. help mend and heal what is broken

    Dear God,

    Please send healing and guideance, please restore the relationship you formed between Don Hughes and myself, make us stronger and better as a result, he promised so much and I believed and still do believe he will do right by those promises, dear God, dont let my heart break any longer, tears flow non stop, please make right and bring back what once was mine. Forgive me my wrong doings and give Don the strength and ability to do the same. In your name, Amen.

  54. Best Friend and Ex

    Dear Lord,
    Thank you for being there for me and helping me survive and heal my broken heart even though I still love him. I have accepted what happened and finally decide to let it go and that the past is the past. However, I fear of losing him as what he was before, my best friend. All I hope is for things to go back to the way they were. I also believe that if we’re destined to be together then the universe can lead the way. I know we both have life goals to accomplish before we commit ourselves in a relationship. I believe in second chances, but please reunite our friendship and reconciliation. If we were both in our lives for a reason then we should be in each other lives. Amen.

  55. Dear god

    Dear god,

    As i come before you, on this beauiful day please help me win his love and trust back. Make us one again. Fill his heart with love and caring like it was when we was together. Give me signs. I’m tired of crying. As I pray this in your name Amen.

  56. i need the man i have so much love in my heart back

    Lord please hear my cry and tears I come to you today with my heart open to say that I need this man back in my life he was the only man that make me feel life I could do anything I was so happy God I know you understand how I feel about this man I don’t won’t him to move on without me I don’t know what to do I call him he never picks up his phone he never text me when I text him please God help me I know he know that I’m still thinking bout him everyday please let him know that I still love him I won’t him to text me and let me know what’s really going on with him I told him to take a HIV test and he never said anything else I been waiting on him to say something tell me what’s wrong and what happen please help me cause I don’t know what else to do he don’t wanna respon to what I said to him God please help me to understand what’s wrong and what’s going on I can’t do it without your help please help tell him to text me and say something im waiting on his text please please God hear my cry and tears and pain I’m waiting thank you

  57. I ask for his love and faithfullness in full

    Lord Jesus i pray asking that you send the father of my kids naledi people who will advice him well in the holly spirit to save his broken family no matter what we have both done.
    I ask forgivness from him and you my Lord for whatever i could have done to hurt him and i forgive him too for hurting me.
    Please Lord work a miracle and unite us in Jesus Christ name i pray.

  58. Reveal yourself Lord!

    Heavenly Lord,

    please, hear my prayer, hear my cries, reveal yourself and send him back to me.. He needs you, just as much as I need you, just as much as everybody needs YOU!
    My wish is to be a selfless person as you were once, and forgive and forget and move on forward and do as you wish. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
    We were made for each other. He was the answers to my life-long prayers and now he is still gone. Send him back, Lord. Lead the way to our prosperous future. Let us become a couple of GOD, a couple who fulfills the work of their heavenly father.
    Show us your glory god, show us your grace, reveal yourself. I kneel down before you, I cry out to you, heavenly father!

    Thy will be done,
    In Jesus holy, everlasting name,


  59. Lord, i need a miracle within my broken relationship

    Lord, I just can’t seem to get pass, get over, with all this not talking too each for a misunderstanding something that we could have sat down and spoken about like adults, but it turned sour, were we don’t talk, were we attend the same church, I can feel within me, that he needs me, needs my help, assist and how connected we were , was in separate, but one day, everything just faded away in a blink of an eye, Lord I’m depending on you, Lord you said in your word we must call those things into exists that are not….. Lord, Father, this week, I lay him n I at your alter for you too deal with this pride unforgiving spirit…. I pray Lord for you reveal yourself, and too answer my prayers in Jesus Name


  60. God help us!

    Dear lord,
    Please protect the love of my life,Chris,while he is growing and learning from his mistakes.Please protect our children from the pain he endures by his poor choices.Please help guide the girl he found comfort in to someone else,for his family needs him more than her.She is having a child with another man,guide her to fixing her family so we can focus on fixing ours.Please help him to see our worth and to never give up on me,on our four children.We need each other.Thank you for giving us all the strength we need and for giving us a second chance to start again and make things right this time.In jesus name we pray!


  61. dear god

    Dear god please guide me to the right path. I have
    been single now 8 years now.was married for 27 husband told me he didnt love me any first i couldn’t accept the reason why.but the truth came out. He fell in love with someone was hard to let go but i couldn’t give up i prayed for a second chance.he made it look like it was my fault.i had to give up trying after one year.i realized he really didn’t love me.i was sad and depressed for a long time.but as days went by it got better for me.i just pray he is happy with his new marriage.if it t was worth ending ours.i just wish one. t he would tell me he was sorry for hurting me.i guess he never will and i have to take that to my grave.dear god you have helped me so much now.i feel in love again. But he hurt me. I let go of him.i feel sad at times and lonely. I know your in my life you come first.please guide me and give me strength. One day i hope to find someone who would really love.god bless.♡♡♡♡♡♡

  62. Don't forsake me


    It was January when she walked away. I feel, in my heart, that she is my wife. She is the one I’m suppose to be with forever. Please don’t let this be the end of our story. Please cover us with your blood of restoration. I love her very much and life has been empty and dark since she left. Please God hear my prayer, bring us back so we can continue to serve you together. She has my heart and my mind is where she is, but my physical body is homeless. I’m tired of the wandering. Please guide me back home. Back to her arms and kiss.

  63. Help

    Please God as I fall asleep every night I think of how it should have been. I want a secure family life with my children and a strong man by my side. I need you to bless me with a good man. Who can create protect guide and build me up and I will do the same for him. Please let it get back to how it used to be for me amen

  64. God I miss her.

    Dear God,
    It’s been a month.
    Everyday is torture, every second is pain
    My lord, please bring her back to me.
    I’ve seen my mistakes, and I know what I should do.
    I will be a better man, a better husband.
    My lord, I need a mercy, I need a miracle.
    Please give me a second chance to be a better boyfriend.
    God I miss her so much.

  65. Communication/love restoration...

    Dear Jesus, in your name, I repent of my sins, please restore the love and communication between my husband M and I. Bring him to conversation. Block ill advices, remove him from sinful relationships, wash him clean with your precious blood as well as his family line, and please, please Lord put daily on his path men of God who will influence him to do turn to you and to do the right thing. Lord please block all path that leads him into destruction. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen…

  66. Cast away the demons that live within him

    Lord I pray that you touch James heart, Help to understand the damage he is doing to our children and our home. Lord plz teach him to control his anger and to trust me. Noone is perfect and he needs to understand that. Lord plz help him to understand that just because he has a job that doesn’t define you as a person.
    In Jesus Name AMEN

  67. Prayer to bring my family together

    Dear Lord, please bring back my brother and sister together. May the devil that reigns not win. Banish him till dooms day and let there be unity amongst us. I pray this always hoping that you will come to my aid.
    I pray thee Lord

  68. Prayer to bring my family together

    Dear Lord, please bring back my brother and sister together. May the devil that reigns not win. Banish him till dooms day and let there be unity amongst us. I pray this always hoping that you will come to my aid.
    I pray thee Lord

  69. restore! let me love again.

    please god melt his frozen heart (Omar) and bring back what once the love he had for me deeply. lord surround him with positive people that can speak to him in returning back to me. my lord my heart aches and in pain. This man really loved me and I fail to understand and see that. Restore my lord Restore. I’m alone and desperate. I seen men that want to get with me but I cant. also I gave up sex till he returns to me. so sorry god I feel. I have faith in you. Please don’t remove this. I promise ill be a great girlfriend and wife. bless me my lord with this prayer. my children miss him dearly and that what hurt the most. oh holy spirit please fulfill my dream and wishes. In Jesus name I pray. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

  70. plz pray for my martial life

    Dear god.
    I am ruqested to that. My marital life is very hard. Plz pray for my marriage life. I have 2 babby girls. But my wife was leave my child.she want devorce. Me & my mother care my babby. But I want good marriage life.
    Plz pray for my marriage life
    Thanks god

  71. Broken Hearted

    Dear God,
    I pray to you every day to bring back the love of My Life back to me.
    When I met Ray I wasn’t out to find someone and he was the Best thing that ever happened. Relationships are never easy and you have your ups and downs. We had our share of issues but the Good out weighed the bad.. I use to think when ppeople would say they fell in love in 1 or 2 months was not real “Until” it happened to me. It was a Love you couldn’t explain and it was Wonderful. God I am Praying to you to bring the love of My Life Ray back to me. Please hear My Prayers….

  72. Help me love me to love someone else

    Dear god I ask for you to help me love myself so that I can. L earn to love someone else and so that someone else can learn to love me back God teach me to understand self awareness and be mindful of others teach me to be respectf of others time and wishes God I want joy and happiness to feel my heart please.

  73. Prayer to restore broken relationship

    Dear god!
    am praying from my deep eart core…please send bsck my abhiram..
    I cant stay without him…i donno whats reason for leaving me..but as i known him from a sure he lovese truly!! I am not at all happy widout my well wishers saying me to move on..i cant do day starts wid thoughts start wid him..and now today widout feeling like life was ling like i was left alone away from my pple into dark!i had faith on u..nothing is impossible to u my u gave life to dead man…am syre u could change my before loving dying everyday..none helps me to sort out y problem other than you..i cant move you know about me..please send back my ram to me,.i beg u jesus..please make him to contact to me..change his mind to good..make him realize howmuch i love him..its been days..but fr me like years…help e god…i trust in you…i have faith in you…help all broken hearts who are suffering like me…i beg u my your daughter from this dark..

  74. Heal us Lord. Help our relationship

    Dear God,
    I am here once again to ask for your loving help. Help Danilo and me to restore our relationship. He said that he fell out of love with me, but I believe that there’s still hope that his feelings would change. I love him so much and we both know that. Help us to love each other again, forget the bad memories, forgive each others mistakes, and continue our relationship together once again. Love is truly powerful. I believe in you, my God. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you in advance! 🙂

  75. Aj

    Dear lord
    I come to you with this prayer to please reunite me with AJ . I love him so much always have. We have had troubles he has gotten the police involved many times for no reason, we ended up going to court. This has become a mess for no reason. Please remove his girlfriend from him and bring him back into my arms. I am hurting , missing him a lot . I am your child please make this wish come true. Soon!
    Amen –

  76. Prayer to bring us back together

    Dear God, if it is in the highest and best good of all concerned that Ron and I get back together, as a loving couple That we forgive each other. That Ron realizes that he would miss me if we are no longer together. That Ron realizes that love is important in having a HaPpy fulfilling life. When you have love in your life, you are also healthier.
    I ask this of you dear God.
    As for me, I will take the time to serve the Lord, in ways that will benefit other people. Volunteering my time at the food pantry.


  77. i want my friend back

    Father god I’m praying in asking you lord bring Marvin back in my life he was a good friend I miss him so much he want answer my calls or my texts I can be a better friend to him so I’m praying the next time I call him he will answer I had faith in I believe in my father

  78. prayers needed


  79. Healing my broken relationship

    Dear God, please hear my prayers and heal Eddies heart and help him realize that we belong together. Help him come the conclusion that he misses me and truly loves me and restore his faith in us as a couple. Help both of us heal from past hurts. Let him find it in his heart to come back to me. And regret leaving. Thank you in Jesus name, Amen

  80. I need martin back

    Dear God,
    please you are my only saviour and i pray to you to bring martin back to me..i love him so much and life has not been bow it used to be..only you can bring him back to me in jesus name i pray

  81. I want bck sarawanan in my life

    Dear God ,
    I wish my ex lover sarawanan karrupiah to get back with me . Please fill his heart with alot of love and affections for me . I hope he will contact me n think of me

  82. i pray for my ex boyfriend to open his heart for again

    Dear God,
    I pray and come to you Lord to help me to Reconcile with my ex boyfriend Richard. I made a decision that I regret it,
    it’s been a month now when I broke up with him i love him with all my heart. but theres been lots of ups and down in our relationship. We have so much love for each other and i really want him to come back to me and give our love another chance. Lord I come to you in my lowest situation I know your the one and only one who can help me,
    I pray for Richard to open his heart for me and let me in again. Bless me and Richard so that we never surrender, fill our hearts with love for each other. Remove the fears he had for along time so that he can finally open his heart so that we can both have a happy and long lasting rationship again. Touch his heart for me Lord so that he can see my worth I know Lord God, there is nothing impossible to you. Our love for each other is very strong let him remind of that every time he wakes up and before he go to sleep.
    Lord soften his heart for me and make him to listen to what it’s telling him. Give us a chance to continue what we started . I also prayed for Richard mother to have a open mind to accept me again touch her heart and use her to help her son to see that our relationship is worth fighting for. I know Lord miracle can happen if we put our faith on you.
    “You will make a way where there seems to be no way, you works in way we cannot see, you will make a way for me.. oh God” as of today I leave all my fears and worries to you in Jesus name Amen

  83. I need him

    Dear God,
    Please help me. I need your support. I love my zaf madly. I’m going to tel abt my love towards him. I don’t know wwhether he wil accept or not. But I’m damn sure he will like me. I want him to love me. I want this relationship to continue till the death. I need him as my friend soul mate my husband. I want to marry him. Please make him to love me and he has to feel that I’m his girl. Please god. Help me for this.

  84. Healing thru praying

    Lord pls help us me and my dormmate are best of friends before but due to some misunderstandings we are grew distant from each other..Iam praying that pls restore our relationship..we may not be like before, but at least let there be peace between us and let us leave in harmony..pls God make it happen now I am praying yo you

  85. Lost Love...

    Dear God,
    I pray to you each night to bring the Love of My Life Back.
    I never knew what Love was until Ray came into My Life.
    When Ray came into My Life it was a Love I couldn’t explain.
    I can Honestly say God; He was My First Love. I pray to you God
    To reunite Us… Please bring the Love of My Life back to Me..

  86. Open his heart and eyes

    Dear Lord after 2 days he is in love with her. He left me after I took care of him and his heart. He wants to give her all he never gave me but i deserved. Make him fall in love with me and come back to me. Give us a second chance so we can start over and do things right this time. Amen

  87. Forgiveness



  88. Forgive an forget

    I want my ex back he has a bad temper he needs to forget the past an forgive I never cheated on him as he thinks I did I’m hurting an lost without him please come back we can Wrk it all out love u to the moon an back

  89. Please help me God

    Dear God I pray for you to help me to reconcile with my ex wife Beth. She is the love of my life and we have been together since April 2002 and married since October 2005. She is the daughter of a pastor and a born again Christian and I cannot understand how she could divorce me. We separated in July 2014 but remained close until Sep 2014. I tried everything to try and persuade her not to divorce me. I never cheated on her and i was never violent towards her but i did argue with her. We were on holiday in Spain in July and we had a massive argument about her father and like an idiot I told her that I didnt love her anymore. I never meant what i said but it broke her heart to hear me say those words. The divorce went through in November and it made me really ill, depressed and almost suicidal. I prayed day and night for months but she will not talk to me. We have a beautiful 6 year old daughter called Summer who I love very much and hardly see anymore. My heart is broken, i still love her so much. I love her more than anyone on Gods green earth. She was my world, i would die for her. I found out on Feb 22nd that she has started a relationship with a so called friend of mine and it is like a dagger through my already broken heart. I know she is free to do whatever she wants as we are divorced, but to do it with him of all people !! I simply cannot believe it. It is now May 27th and they are still together. Her new partner and I have been close to killing each other, not only has he taken the love of my life but he is trying to play Dad to my daughter aswell. I am on the verge of going crazy but i continue to pray to you God, your son Jesus and all your angels to help me through this horrible time, reconcile with Beth and not let the Devil break me down. I feel like I have been cursed by someone so please God I pray to you to deflect all evil away from me and send it back where it came from. Please forgive me for my sins, please protect Beth, Summer and myself. Please use your unlimited power to perform this miracle of reconcilliation and I will be eternally grateful And endebted to you forever. Please give me the wisdom to know how to reconcile with her. Please speak to Beth for me and let her know how much I love her. Please soften her heart and push us together. I am begging and pleading with you God to perform this miracle for me. I know there are people out there who are in worse situations than this and I hope you can help them also but please hear me lord. I really need your help. Please help me God. If you cant help me then just take me away because i am nothing on this earth without her. Thankyou for everything you have given me in the past but please bring us back together in the future.

  90. Heart broken

    Father God Please bless my relationship its hurting right now We need to stop fighting over stupid things i love him so much hes my whole heart we were brought back together again and I don’t want to lose him again help us love each other and respect each other the right way lead us down the right path of happiness thank you lord

  91. bring my husband back home

    Dear God,
    It’s been 2 month since my husband left us. Please open his mind and heart and guide him back to us. I want my family back, for my children to grow up with both parents and for me to have back my partner the one that I made a vowel to stay with him for the rest of my life. Please take away any temptation from him, if he really has another girl like i feel he does please take her out of his path, open his eyes and please show him that he is doing wrong. Please help him come home to us.

  92. Prayer to restore a broken relationship

    Lord bless Belinda and I help us to find our way back to each other not a day go by that I miss her let her think of me and start to miss me let her finally understand that no one loves as much as I do don’t let anyone come between us please get the father of her child out of her life I don’t wish nothing bad on him just get him out of her life before it’s too late he’s constantly made her suffer I’m the one that can put a smile on her face soften her anger towards me and let her forgive me get over what she got against forgive the both of us from how we’ve treated each other help to be able to see each other and spend time together help that me, her, and her son for us to be a family I prayed faithfully to you towards you for this a long time now I’m begging you to help us to talk again help us to mature and stop trying to hurt each other with your blessing and will bring Brandon and Belinda back together

  93. God please help me, bring me back the love of my life

    Dear God,

    you more than anyone else know how i feel about him. I pray to you so you can touch his heart, mind, and soul. Change his ways, and guide him to the right path. Help him find you, and please bring him back to me. I miss him so much. Help us so that we can fix our relationship and make everything right. Help us live righteously and follow your word. God please help us, fill our hearts with love towards each other, and help us to be strong and never give up. Help us so that we can overcome the obstacles that we have now. You know i want him more than anything. You know how much hurt and pain i feel without him…please god hear my prayer.


  94. I know your pain

    Dear God,

    I am going through a hard time as well. My boyfriend and the love of my life broke up about two months ago. We had a rocky road and it went back and forth for awhile. When I finally got him I wasn’t satisfied I always wanted more. I regret that more then ever now. I loved him and he loved me and I was too immature and nieve to see and appreciate that. We both had flaws and needed to grow and I see that now but I miss him more then ever. I pray day in and day out for strength, forgiveness, and clarity. I love that boy more then he’ll ever know and I just hope and pray I can call him mine once again. I have been going to church and trying new things to help better myself and help me grow and I have a ways to go but I just hope that boy comes back and walks down this journey of life together. Dear god help all those who feel this unbearable heartbreak and help them see the light at the end of the tunnel. I will pray for them too. I have faith and know in my heart things will work out, it’s all about timing. Please help him see in his heart that he loves me just as much as I love him and have him forgive me and come back and start fresh.

  95. tell my ex to tex me

    I’m back again lord to say can you please help me answer my prayer to find out do my ex still love me like I do I need more than anything in this world fo r him to TeX me and let me know do he still care because im so tired right know and Iddon’t know what to do I’m calling on you lord to please help me to understand what’s going on with him and why he don’t wanna return my TeX’s can you just put your hands on his mine and heart and just tell him to TeX me and let me know something I need to here from him I been waiting for almost 6months and time is not on my side anymore so pplease help me lord I need you help I can’t do it with you my heart is so broken please heal it I need him to say to me whatever he’s gonna do think you lord my father my son my lord Jesus Christ always amen

  96. a prayer for my soul mate

    Lord my heart and family have been separated…and it’s killing me…everyone says to give it up…that I deserve better…but no matter what I do you keep leading us back together….this time my love bug has shut off his emotions…and he can’t see what he’s doing or losing…there is nothing I can say or do to open his eyes..he’s so scared of being loved…and being happy he runs away from it….he’s so scared that we understand each other and that I want know everything about him…if this wasn’t real he would t have stuck around all this time…we would have never talk about a future. .we have both made mistakes but we always come out on top…we are each others other half and we are soul mates….I know that deep down he knows all this and it scares him to be vulnerable and know that he knows this is where he belongs..please hear me…open his heart up to me and you lord..he’s lost right now…Jesus name amen

  97. Ive learned

    Lord please forgive me for taking him for granted, for being disrespectful. Please God restore our relationship. I feel awful for not being the woman he deserves and this break up made me realuze the things ive done wrong. I take responsability for the relationship ending. I didnt realize how hard headed and immature i was until now. You brought this man into our lives and Im asking that you please restore our relationship. Please, through your supernatural abilities, reveal to him a glimps of my desire to become a better woman.

  98. bring him back to me the man thats in my heart

    Please lord help me i need this man back in my life I can’t sleep atnight wwordingand wwondering what is he doing or is he hurt or is he thinking about me can you please god touch his mine or heart and and let him know that I’m here and that no other women in this world are ever gonna love him the way I do god he gotta know this place you hands on him where ever he are and let him know cause I don’t won’t no harm to come to he he is a good man just trying to find something in the wrong place please lord pray for him to call or TeX me and let me know that he is all right please I don’t know whyelse to do but put it in your hands iI’m so lonely without him lord I never thought that a man could ever make me feel this way please he me let him know I love him don’t let him go down the wrong road please save him I know in my heart that he love me please help in the name of my father my lord Jesus Christ amen

  99. Please help lord

    Dear lord,

    The love of my life has broken up with me, please help guide her back to me. Pleas help ease her heart of the thought of anything going wrong again. I know I have made mistakes and I have learned from them. Please lord help guide us back together and let her give me a second chance. I can be a better man. Help soften her heart to forgive the mistakes I’ve made, I believe we can start over and be one again. Thank you almighty lord.


  100. heart broken

    been praying and acting on faith & with help of dr chapman’s hope for the separated for five years now, we are married 30 years. tired of my husband’s personality change and abandonment of our very good marriage and friendship. very discouraged.and miss the husband I married. please pray for us. feel my heart is breaking.

  101. God Please

    God I made so many mistakes. I never treated him the way he was supposed to be treated. I pray that you harden not his heart, but allow grace and forgiveness to consume his heart in order for him to let go of the past and start one together, anew, towards you. Lord I have prayed and cried and talked to you for so long and I truly believe that you are the light and you have shown me my mistakes and I truly have learned. I should have learned before but I’m stupid and losing the true love, the sweet and precious boy that you placed into my life, was exactly what I needed to snap back to reality. Love is precious, and it is sacred. Please allow me to show him that I am trustworthy. Lord you were so merciful to me when you brought him into my life and I never want to take advantage of this blessing again. Lord lead us far from temptation and sin, and please just be with us! You know how well he completes me as a person, and you know that through each other we can guide one another to you! Lord, let my heart not idolize him, but to idolize you, looking to you amongst everything. The love you have placed for me on this earth is a reflection of you, but not you, therefore, may I never treat him like he is better than you or myself again. May I learn to forgive myself and learn to love like you again.

  102. restore our relationship

    It has been 5 months since he walked away from our relationship. You are Lord of a second chance and I am praying for that. I love him with all of my heart and I am asking that you cleanse away hurt doubt fear from our hearts and bring is back together. Father make clean our relationship from any curse or witchcraft may our relationship serve as a testimony.

    Father soften his heart and remove prideful feelings or anything that is blocking our communication. Lord open his ears and heart to the thought of us being together again. Better than before creating a new chapter in our book


  103. Please help him know how much I love him

    Dear Heavenly Father-

    Please let the love of my life return to me. I made a terrible error in judgement,and I just want the opportunity to make things right. I love him so very much, and I am willing to crawl on my hands and knees to the end of the earth, to hell and back, just to get a 2nd chance. I gave this relationship my all, but I allowed my anxiety to control my actions, and I acted in a way that was not appropriate for his values. Please dear Lord please allow him to know how very much I love him, and allow him to return to me, so that I can devote my life to giving him the very best that life has to offer. I pray for his heart to feel my love, and give me the consideration of a 2nd chance. My heart is so empty, and I just want to make things right.

  104. broken relationship

    Lord I pray that that the man that I love to come back to me , because I know he really love me the way I love him that he forgives me for making the mistake of pushing him away I pray that our love nevers leaves from our hearts in that you lord in jesus name Amen

  105. Restoring my relationship

    Dear Lord,
    I ask that you reconcile my relationship with my girlfriend Alexandra Rivera… I truly love her and miss her. I pray that you touch her mind and heart and soften it so that she can forgive me and we can continue on with our l lives. She is the love my life and I miss her so much. I pray that your angels reach out to her and fill her heart with love. In Jesus name I pray Amen..

    Jose Ortiz

  106. Restoring my relationship

    Dear Lord,

    It has been a few days since my girlfriend Alexandra Rivera walked out of our relationshiop, and I continue to pray to you for reconciliation, and for the miracle of a second chance. I believe everyone in life makes mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance.

    Lord do not let us stray. Lord, soften her stubborness and her pride, surround her with those who offer loving advice and dear Lord, reunite us. Give us a chance to continue on the journey that we started. Lord, in you I trust, and to you I pray everyday. Lord, hear and answer my prayer.

    Hear and answer prayers of those who cry to you because they find themselves in the same situations. Almighty God, while people can be stubborn you are the powerful one, reach out to us today, reunite not only my relationship but those relationship that are crying for help here.

    Amen. – See more at:

  107. prayer for us

    Dear lord,
    please mend our relationship. I’ve struggled with alcoholism and have finally accepted the fact I can never drink again. Please heal her heart. Please surround her with good people that will encourage her to follow her heart and not her stubbornness. We have been together for 10 years and I grow stronger everyday lord. Please hear my prayers. Please reunite us soon…

  108. Please father God heal my relationship

    Oh Dear father God please mend my relationship I’ve been with Will for a little over 3years and its been a long and bumpy road father God please bless us with happiness again our life please bring more love and peace back in our lives i really do love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him please hear my prayer in Jesus name i pray Amen

  109. prayer for reconcilation

    Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for all that you do and all the blessings you provide.
    Lord, I come to you confused, stressed, tired and hurt. My Savior, it’s been over a month since my love separated from me. You know the circumstances of our relationship. You know us.
    Lord, I ask that you reunite my partner and I. Help us to forgive the wrongs in our relationship and forget them permanently.
    Help us renew our faith in you and eachother. Help us to change our stubborn ways and adapt to our likings. Fill us with peace, love and joy and pour your love upon us and pour your spirit to save us from hurting eachother futher more. Lord, help me find a way to his heart. Lord, place us both on the same path that leads to you. Lord, please keep him from sinning during this separation. Lord, I pray that you eliminate any temptations and remove any one or anything that is distracting us, pulling us away, influencing us negatively, tearing us apart and/or manipulating us. Lord, I ask that where er my partner is, whatever he is doing that you place me in his heart and on his mind.
    Lord, piece us back together and remove all the negativity. Lord cleanse us of all impurites, any witch craft, and save our soul, spirit and hearts. Lord, I pray that you stop any witchcraft from influencing our relationship. Protect us both Heavenly Father. Lord I beseech you for patience, understanding and wisdom. Help me Lord. Help my partner not to hurt me and instead love me. I thank you Lord for hearing my prayer. In this I pray, amen.

  110. God please reunite me and my husband


    The almighty i am kneeling before you and begging you to reunite me and my husband vijay anand, we both knew each other for 4 years and got married on may 20 2013, we were together till march 10th of march 2014, on march 11th he and his family asked me to go home because we were fighting and they never turned back instead sent a divorce notice. I never want to be called a divorcee, i always want to be the wife of my vijay anand, god, please give me another chance to live with my vijay, i will prove everyone that he is mine by taking care of him i really love him a lot, it is not that i dont know to live without him, it is just that i can’t live without him. Lord the almighty please reunite us, i was not with him for our first wedding anniversary, i really want to get back and celebrate my second anniversary and further all the anniversaries. I am asking you because i tried my best to go to him but he is not responding to me at all, so that it is only you that i am relying on and so you will reach out to him and ask him to come back to me, lord please change his attitude and tell him that i am waiting for him, i really want to live with him. Ask him to email me or call me or message me, i want to hear him, see him what not god. God please pass on the message to my vijay that i am waiting for him, i am on ur feet lord, please help me.

  111. Please reunite us again by the power of your name Jesus Christ

    Lord God almighty i praise you i glorify your name thank you for all the blessings that we rcv each day. I come to you again to ask a big favor and a blessing for our relationship that has recently broken. Pls cleanse our mind our body and our soul to take out all the bad temptations anger hatred bad spirit and to filled with love passion understanding and trust. Lord me and my girlfiend having this big issue problem on our relationship pls reunite and reconcile us like what we have before please heal pur broken heart and restore our relationship back to normal. By the power of your name Lord God Almighty i know there is a miracle that you are working for us to be together again we claim it and receive it Lord. In Jesus name amen.

  112. Prayer to restore my broken relationship

    I pray for miracle for God to restore my broken relationship with my girlfriend. We have been together for the last 2 years, 2 months ago we had a quarrel and we separated, we have been meeting to to mend things up but she’s yet to forgive me. I’m heart broken and devastated, I want her back in my life, our friends and family members have been praying too for us to get back together. Please touch her heart so that she forgives me, I believe in this relationship and it was meant to be. Let your will be done.

  113. Please god restore my marriage please

    Dear Lord, 

    It has been a week since he walked out the door, and I continue to pray to you for reconciliation, and for the miracle of a second chance. I believe everyone in life makes mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance. 

    My love for him was unconditional, I always stood by through thick and thin. Lord do not let us stray. He told me that he has “lost faith in me” that “he no longer had the strength to keep fighting for our marriage”. Almighty God, restore his faith in us, in unconditional love and in the power of marriage. 

    Lord, soften his stubborness and his pride, surround him with those who offer loving advice and dear Lord, reunite us. Give us a chance to continue on the journey that we started. Take away his temptations, take away ill-advices, fill his heart with the goodness of what once was. Lord, in you I trust, and to you I pray everyday. Lord, hear and answer my prayer. 

    Hear and answer prayers of those who cry to you because they find themselves in the same situations. Almighty God, while people can be stubborn you are the powerful one, reach out to us today, reunite not only my relationship but those relationship that are crying for help here. 


  114. bring the man that i have in my heart back to me

    The man that I love with all my heart has moved on but I know deep down in my heart there is still a chance for us please lord don’t let this be the end help please I love him so much I know that in my heart we are ment to be I think about him all the time please can you help me please send him some kinda sign and let him know that I love him with all my heart pleased lord let him know that I never stop loving him I need to know do he feel the same why all I won’t in this world is for him to TeX me and say something please lord touch his heart so he can TeX me I know you can make anything happen so I’m asking from the bottom of my heart I can’t see my life without him I wanna marry him and spend the rest of my days with him doing the lords work please lord I ask my savery my lord Jesus Christ

  115. amen

    lord hear this prayer and in doing so hear my own, for i to cry out for help. please god grant those who pray for help with love this kindness.
    help Jeff to find that path that leads to me.

  116. Restore my relationship Oh lord

    I and Wunmi have been together for one year and we suppose to get married but we have little misunderstanding that lead to breakup. Sometimes I talk to her rudely when I’m upset and I did not show her enough affection .I have been working on the way I talk to her since she agreed not to date me anymore and told me to move on with my life. I truly loved her but I do not know what to do. I am really suffering from a broken heart with depression. I know with God all things are possible by restoring my relationship and I have faith in the lord almighty. Please God hear my prayer and touch her heart. Amen

  117. prayer for reconcilation

    Dear Lord, I trust you and beseech you for help with my current broken relationship. Lord, you who is merciful and always so loving, please send your Holy Spirit to Rub and I. Please soften his stubborness, please heal his heart and allow him to forgive me. Lord, i ask that he stop mistreating me and that he find comfort with me and you. Lord, please remove any temptations, ill advices, please protect him from Satan’s attacks and afflictions. Lord bring him back to me and rekindle the love that was there. Bond us together in love ,happiness and trust. Allow nothing to come between us and Lord, be with us in our hearts, minds and every where we go. Bless him Lord. Please shut the mouths of all those who maliciously gossip about me. I praise you Lord, i adore you and love you. I trust in you and know that you will do what is best for the both of us. Lord, i just ask that you grant me patience during this trial and that you grant Rub peace, understanding, and fill his heart with positive emotions and feelings for me. LORD, please remove all negative, hateful and resentful feelings towards me. Thank you, thank you, thank you Lord for hearing my prayer and working with me to get him back. AMEN!


    We were together with my boyfriend for 10 years since high school through University and after until he dumped me for someone else.
    Its coming to 4 years now since our separation but i have failed to move on. I feel everyone I meet does not match to me apart from him. I pray that God restores us because I’ve never stopped loving him, i am still so heat broken. God please bring this man back in my life that we may be united in marriage and have children all this will be to your Glory.

  119. please lord i pray everyday and night bring the man that i love in my heart back to me

    Lord I know you know what’s best for me but in my heart this man was the best I have never love a man like I love him ccan’t sleep at night I find myself crying so much thinking about him when he told me he was moving on my life just stop and I started to cry lord this man made feel like iI never felt before iI cancan’t go on like this without him I miss all the time we spent togather all the time we texted and talked on the phone I think about him everyday what he’s doing is he eating is he alright are he sick or he thinking bout me so god please don’t let him move on without me cause my life will be lost I love this man so much and don’t wanna lose him I just wanna know do he still feel the same way about me no matter what I do I can’t seem to stop thinking bout him please god in Jesus Christ name canyou bring him back to me cause I wanna be happy please pray for him to come just give him a sign to let him know that I love him so much and need him to TeX and let me know that he still love me so I can feel better please lord let him TeX me don’t let him move on and forget about me cause I’m still here waiting on him I’ve tried everything alli need is a sign that he still out there somewhere thinking about me we been togather for six years I know that this is not the end god all I ask you to do is where ever he is or what every he is doing please make him understand that I love him and won’t him to TeX me I wanna marry him and spend the rest of my life with him and find a church to get in to an become one with you lord Jesus Christ my savery please pray for him and me back togather

  120. Broken Hearted

    Dear God,
    I pray to you lord, please listen to My Prayer.
    I pray to you each day to bring the man I love
    With all My Heart. Ray was and still is the Love
    of My Life. I can honestly say he was My first Love.
    He will never be forgotten. If I could have One wish
    it would be to be with My True Love Ray Again…
    True love happens once in a Life time and felt that
    with Ray. Please hear My Prayer to reunite Us again

  121. Faith

    Dear God , I seek your help in restoring my exgirlfriend and myself together again..I wait patiently and obedient to what you put into my heart from the first time I seen her beautiful spirit. .God we met in our church and became friends first..I feel weak without her being near like before. .You said if I have the faith as a mustard seed you will move mountains. .I believe that I can have anything if I ask you as ypur son..Give me strength to stay fast and to serve you with my whole heart..May you whisper my name to her ear softly and feel bothof us with forgiforgiveness. .She is my better half I don’t want anyone else. .Please Lord bring her back to me..Amen

  122. Richard nd Eshita

    Richard is going through depression… may b cause of me… we were very happy with each other… but he is not talking to me from past 8 days… what kind of misunderstanding have taken place in his mind we don’t know… his parents r also worried… we were about to get married.. as we met to get married through his mom.. we were about to give our decision.. but now suddenly the things are changed… please help me to rescue our relationship… I’m getting sick and tired due to these circumstances… please ask Jesus to protect him and our relationship… please help us…. Please God realise him about my love for him…

  123. prayer to heal the past and to reignite the love that once was

    Dear Lord,
    I have faith in all that you do. I come to you as your servant and ask for your help. Please help Ruben and I come together in peace, love and harmony. Take away his stubborn ways and heal his mind, body, heart and spirit. Remove all evil and negativity from him. Lord, there are woman who are trying to come between us and I ask that you stop them from being any type of temptation or any type of negative influence. Strengthen our love for one another right now. Help us work through our issues and bring you Holy Spirit within us. Lord, you are merciful and I pray that you help me with Ruben to bring to your light. We need you Lord. Heal the past from our memories, humble his heart and remove all the anger and hate he has towards me. Let your goodness prevail all over him. Lord, i ask for your protection in this relationship. That no evil fall upon us or pull us apart. In the name of Jesus Christ, I say NO to any evil, Satan’s attacks, afflictions, and
    or influences. I claim complete protection over this relationship in your name. Bind us together in love forever more. Make Ruben happy and at peace with me Lord. Help us together grow, be better, love better and feel better. Help us turn to you in our struggles rather than giving up. Strengthen us Lord. I praise you Lord. I love you, and need you. Ask this in your precious name. AMEN!

  124. Help me jesus

    Dear jesus ,
    U know how beautiful is the love between us for past 3years but now because of his family he is showing meaningless reasonless anger on me & walked away from me its now more than 5 months he not even attending my calls i can’t realize these things whether its dream or real without any misunderstanding he left away from me i love him sooo much from corner of my heart my soul humans can lie disappoint but u god can’t do that i trust you to bring him to me & led a happy life with help of you plzzz help me i can’t bear the pain plzzzz i’m dying daily jesus plzzz i touch your feet plzzz unite us

  125. For the love of my life

    Dear Lord,

    I come to you with a broken heart. Our beautiful 18 months relationship had come to an abrupt halt last month. I committed a sin but I am very apologetic about it. I have been through guilt feeling since. God, she is my 1st love and I am hers too. We fell in love with each other since our childhood. You brought us together in our college days. Our love resurfaced. I instantly had the feeling that she was the one, the love of my life. I love her from the bottom of my heart, I don’t know if she still feels the same for me. But she surely is suffering. When she was with me, We felt like heaven. We discovered the joy of living. It seemed we found everything. But today, for the last 1 month, I have only been suffering. I have apologized to her but she just refused to forgive me. Even her parents are against this relationship. They have discouraged any sort of contact between us. God, today is her birthday but I could not even wish her. It really pains me a lot Father. Please save me, save our relationship. Please fulfill our dreams of living together happily ever after. I don’t know what to do dear Father, show me the way. Despite all the difficulties and hardships, my heart says not to give up. Certain things happen which uplifts my hope again. Something in me believes that all will be fine again and to have faith. With every bit of hope in me, O Father! I come before you. Please save our love.

  126. Please Lord bring my man back

    Lord Almighty i come to you begging that Lord you bring my man back. I know we have hurt each other so badly. we have done and said horrible things to each other. Lord i need you to raise your hand. Speak on my behalf. Show him there’s no other home except with me and our daughter. we have had complications for more than six years Lord Almighty and i believe it is because of your grace because you know Lord Almighty that he is the one for me. Resolve our problems. Remove all the distructive women from his life as i am willing Lord to rebuild everything. I need him so much in my life and i know he needs me as much as i need him. remove Father God every evil plot that is set against us. Any evil plot that is set against him and every evil plot set against me. Lord he is the man i want to get married to and spent the rest of my life with. I had given up on us Lord but each time i do that there’s something that tells me if i keep praying i will win this battle, and i believe i am going to win this battle. No matter how hard the situation.

    I know i am a sinner Lord but i believe that everything that we ask from the Father we shall receive. I know you are the God that listens and answers. I ask this through Christ our Lord.Amen

  127. n

    Dear God,

    I am not the best cristian, but i do believe. I dont ask for your mercy and help often, but this time around its different. Please dear god, help me to keep my relationship with him, help us get thru this, help him realise that when we are alone together we are happy. Give him the strength to come back to me and for things to be like they used to be. I love him and he still has love for me, even if thinks he can not make this. Give him strength to come back to me. Please bring him back. Please. Amen

  128. Broken heart

    We had the most wonderful time for 3 years and all that came to an end on 5 February 2015 , she left me as she has other responsibilities , her wheel chair bound and sick mother .
    Dear lord , I always believed it was the lord that brought us together and now we are apart .
    My lord please bring us back , join the two love back again .,
    I know she is going thru the same pain and depression I’m going thru .
    Oh lord I beg u to help us

  129. For Steph and Paolo

    Dear Lord,

    I pray for your forgiveness for the pain and the disappointment that that I have caused You and my partner Stephanie.

    It mas my pride, selfishness and immaturity that have caused this distance between us.

    I now know and understand the pain that I have caused her. I am truly sorry for her. I ask for your forgiveness and hers as well.

    I pray that You may not give up on me and “us” just yet. Please help me find my way back to her heart once again, and allow me to love her the way that You have expected me from the very start.

    Please bless our relationship and fill both our hearts with love, patience, joy and forgiveness for each other.

    Thank you Lord.

  130. Plz read & pray for us

    Dear LORD,

    It’s been 15 months now… I don’t get to move on.. I love him even more today..
    And he also never did.. we are so much in love Jesus..
    You know it’s beyond us..
    You know they told him he can’t marry an orthodox like me..
    But I love him Lordy..
    Tell him it’s ok to marry an orthodox..
    Tell him that I love him more than my own self..
    Tell him that I accept him.. and accept his evangelical faith.
    Tell him I will never try to change him..
    Tell him I long to worship you with him..
    Tell him that You bind people, not set them apart…
    Tell him that You will rejoice over our love..
    Tell him that You will not forsake us.. that You will make everything easy and help us with our differences..

    The moment You brought him into my life he has become my man, my child, my soul, the very breath I take in..
    You, more than I do, know how deep his love is rooted within every cell of my being…
    You know how sweet it was.. how spectacular my baby is..

    I know You can.. I know You know.. I know You love us..
    You are faithful..
    I love You.. and I love him..

  131. Make us one again

    Please pray for us,

    My wonderful girl and I are separated but heart screams for her. We have been through many ups and downs, but none of that matters. I love her with all of me. She thinks she isn’t my wife or I her husband. She thinks she isn’t the one for me or can give me what I need, but my heart says otherwise. I love her so much and don’t want to have a life where she isn’t by my side. I lived so long without her. She changed my life once she came in it and don’t want to go back to not having her.

    Lord please don’t take her away from me. Renew her spirit so we can finally be one. I want and need her as my wife.

  132. prayer to reunite

    Der Lord please love and myself. We have been together a year and he broke it off last week. Please send him a dream from you. Whisper in his ear lord I love this man.

  133. Don't break us

    Dear God: Josh and I made mistakes and hurt each other including our family and kids . His family now hates me and I feel hopeless . Please allow Josh to find himself and to not despair from my side. Please help me to keep him attach to me and my family. I want to marry Josh my lord please let him see that I’m the one . Please keep his family away from our relationship they only want us to break up. Oh God I believe in you and your powerful love. Send your angel to whisper in his ears my name as the answer to his loneliness and his happiness. I been praying daily for him to stop thinking about leaving and abandoning our dream of wedding and future together. I leave this request on your hands because I know you can help me . Amen.

  134. God works in miraculous ways

    Lord I thank you because you have listened to all my request and you have decided to bless me for all my days of crying and weeping over failed relationships. Lord I thank you for the new man you have brought into my life. Lord please help me to be patient and not mess up the good, understanding and faithful relationship that we have developed. Please God continue to strengthen the bond between us and let our love continue to wax stronger. Love give me the understanding, knowledge, wisdom and patient to carry on in this relationship. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us and will continue to do. May your name be glorified in our lives. Amen.

  135. broken relationship

    Hello evrryone pliz help to pray for my broken relation ship.i madw a mistake bt he doesnt want to forgive me yet i do when he wrongs me

  136. confused

    lord God,its been quiet a long time he did not communicate in me, I know he made a mistake and from the bottom of my heart I am truly willing to accept him if he would just keep in touch in me. I want us to talk to, reconcile, back the way it used to be. I want him back. He left no words and it hurts me a lot, help me lord— u know how we love each other . almost 9 yrs of relationship….help me Lord to talk to him— amen.

  137. God please hill me and my relationship

    God please restore my trust for my fiance and help him be a better man lord he put me through a lot andvhurt me deeply but I stayed praying to you god because I no you can make thing better you can change him .we have a new baby boy together and I have a sin that he been here for since he was five months now he is 3years old and we was post to get married this year August 28and I still want to marry him and have a happy family but I really need you to restore NY trust for him and let me know that he will be a better man lord please let him stop lien to me let him stop being sneaky and doing thing he know he shouldn’t do lorn I pray that you bring us closer to you and help us start paying more tigather as a family and by are self and make a faith stronger Jesus Aman…..

  138. my love is gone now.but still i love her alot and marry her plzz help god

    i love her alot but she dont now …what to do to get her back. i love her a lot and marry her . i dont get any contact with her now.

  139. i believe in us

    Lord, please help mend our broken relationship. We have had almost five wonderful years. My heart hurts deeply. I can’t just throw it away. Our family, our life, our future. Something that was suppose to help our family has only torn us apart. Just when things were looking up the devil came in and planted negative thoughts in my loves head. Please break through to him and remind him how we were once happy and how a love like ours is worth fighting for. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

  140. i want second chance

    Dear God, pls help me to re United with my x boyfriend i want a second chance,, i want to talk to him but he didn’t want to, we broke up because of my parents, i fill hurt so much because he didn’t told me, pls dear God, pls help me, i want him back to my life, i love him so much, but he already a gf now but i know he still love with me, i will do everything Lord just to be with him again and again, pls Lord, amen.

  141. restore my broken relationship.

    Lord pls restore my broken relationship an let my ex contact me everyday. He must come back to me an marry me.

  142. Restoration

    Dear Lord

    Please help us Lord, please restore me and Paul’s broken relationship.
    Please remove all the the forces that came between us.
    I love him unconditionally, Please let him him remember the promise he made to me.
    Please let him return to me.

    In jesus name

  143. Restoration

    Dear Lord

    Please help us Lord, please restore me and Paul’s broken relationship.
    Please remove all the the forces that came between us.
    I love him unconditionally, Please let him him remember the promise he made to me.
    Please let him return to me.

  144. Broken relationship

    I come to you in a time of need. A time where everything that can go wrong, has gone wrong. Lord, we can’t make decisions based on speculation. Sometimes we need to trust our other half before we can make a big decision to leave. There’s a lot of love between us both even though the claims say there isn’t. I know my other half. Lord please help My other half see that this isn’t broken. You came into our lives to fix us for the better. I am beyond fixed thanks to you. Please pray for my other half and let my other half know that it’s never too late to fix the broken heart. Lord, pray for my other half’s safety and comfort as I do. Pray that my other half is ok and out of harms way. Pray that this has been a retooling stage in the relationship. Pray that we will exceed your expectations together. Pray that will appreciate you and us more. Lastly, pray that we will learn to put 100% faith and trust in each other.

  145. Broken relationship

    I come to you in a time of need. A time where everything that can go wrong, has gone wrong. Lord, we can’t make decisions based on speculation. Sometimes we need to trust our other half before we can make a big decision to leave. There’s a lot of love between us both even though the claims say there isn’t. I know my other half. Lord please help My other half see that this isn’t broken. You came into our lives to fix us for the better. I am beyond fixed thanks to you. Please pray for my other half and let my other half know that it’s never too late to fix the broken heart. Lord, pray for my other half’s safety and comfort as I do. Pray that my other half is ok and out of harms way. Pray that this has been a retooling stage in the relationship. Pray that we will exceed your expectations together. Pray that will appreciate you and us more. Lastly, pray that we will learn to put 100% faith and trust in each other.

  146. broken heart

    Dear lord please help me with my broken heart and broken relationship. We have been with each other for 2 years and he left me 3 months ago because he didnt feel right. 3 days after he texts me because he wanted to talk. Ive let him back into my life hoping we could fix things. Yesterday(3 months after we started talking again) he told me we are too different and we cant talk anymore. My father left me when i was 2 so i have attachment issues. I also dont have a loving relationship with my family which caused me to seek love from him and give all of my love to him. I cant imagine being with anyone else. Dear lord please fix my broken relationship. Amen.

  147. broken heart

    Dear lord please help me with my broken heart and broken relationship. We have been with each other for 2 years and he left me 3 months ago because he didnt feel right. 3 days after he texts me because he wanted to talk. Ive let him back into my life hoping we could fix things. Yesterday(3 months after we started talking again) he told me we are too different and we cant talk anymore. My father left me when i was 2 so i have attachment issues. I also dont have a loving relationship with my family which caused me to seek love from him and give all of my love to him. I cant imagine being with anyone else. Dear lord please fix my broken relationship.

  148. Dear Lord,

    I come before to give you thanks for everything that you have done ,everything that you are doing and everything that you will do in my life. Mighty God I ask you to restore my relationship, make him truely forgive me and make his pride go away. Father make me more than a woman he has wished and prayed for. My Lord I know I have caused this situation but I also know that you already paid for our mistakes and sins on that cross, I know u have mercy and I kn you always take care of me . Dear Lord I am asking for a reconciliation in my relationship, and right now the situation it’s seems impossible to happen and I dont really know how that’s gonna happen but you WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN BECAUSE YOU ARE JEHOVAH! THE MIGHTY GODS. Also Lord help every single person in a same situation,have mercy upon them .

    In Jesus mighty name

  149. for my love

    God divya ko galat family ho gaya hai plz help me bcw i love her apni jaan se zyada usk liye ma apni jaan bhi de dunga i swae plz help me god

  150. reunite us

    GOD.I come to you to pray for your blessings on to heal my broken relationship .. I believe it all happened due to my mistakes and sins … Now that I have realized & repenting each day for it . I m feeling helpless.. I need your help ..I have faith in you & I am asking your forgiveness for all my dues & mistakes in the relationship. Please forgive me God .. I promise I will not repeat them & give my best 100% to my partner throughout my life. I love him truly & want him for always till my last breath .he once said to me but now he doesn’t feel love anymore & says that spark has gone .. please bring back the love in him for me & spark in our relationship ….. I really want to save this relation & make it work with your help & blessings … .Please give us/me a chance to correct all the mistakes & prove my love towards him .I pray on his behalf too for our relationship ., please care him… Please guide & direct us to the right path to restore our relation. we are your children & want to be peacemaker…. we need you God ,we want you God .. Please bring us back together.. In Jesus name Amen !!

  151. Reconciliation

    Dear Lord,

    Thank you for all your blessings in my life. You know how hard the time I’m going through right now is and how terrible the timing for my breakup was, in spite of the fact that time is never right for a break up. I’m begging you on my knees to heal us both and reconnect our relationship in a more mature, loving way. Please let us get back together and be more relaxed and fun and open than we have been in the past couple of months. Please help us forgive each other and love each other unconditionally and help us have real emotional intimacy.
    Thank you for your mercy. Amen

  152. Help us Lord .h

    GOD.I come to you to pray for your blessings on to heal my broken relationship .. I believe it all happened due to my mistakes and sins … Now that I have realized & repenting each day for it . I m feeling helpless.. I need your help ..I have faith in you & I am asking your forgiveness for all my dues & mistakes in the relationship. Please forgive me God .. I promise I will not repeat them & give my best 100% to my partner throughout my life. I love him truly & want him for always till my last breath .he once said to me but now he doesn’t feel love anymore & says that spark has gone .. please bring back the love in him for me & spark in our relationship ….. I really want to save this relation & make it work with your help & blessings … .Please give us/me a chance to correct all the mistakes & prove my love towards him .I pray on his behalf too for our relationship ., please care him… Please guide & direct us to the right path to restore our relation. we are your children & want to be peacemaker…. we need you God ,we want you God .. Please bring us back together.. In Jesus name Amen !!

  153. Help us.

    GOD.I come to you to pray for your blessings on to heal my broken relationship .. I believe it all happened due to my mistakes and sins … Now that I have realized & repenting each day for it . I m feeling helpless.. I need your help ..I have faith in you & I am asking your forgiveness for all my dues & mistakes in the relationship. Please forgive me God .. I promise I will not repeat them & give my best 100% to my partner throughout my life. I love him truly & want him for always till my last breath .he once said to me but now he doesn’t feel love anymore & says that spark has gone .. please bring back the love in him for me & spark in our relationship ….. I really want to save this relation & make it work with your help & blessings … .Please give us/me a chance to correct all the mistakes & prove my love towards him .I pray on his behalf too for our relationship ., please care him… Please guide & direct us to the right path to restore our relation. we are your children & want to be peacemaker…. we need you God ,we want you God .. Please bring us back together.. In Jesus name Amen !!

  154. Healing a relationship

    I would like a stronger more deeper relationship with my boyfriend. We are together for the past 4 years an its been a whild ride. I would like him to be more loving, kind and careing to me but no matter how much i tell him its still the same. Please prayer for us for me to also be a better person too

    Thank You

  155. Save our Realitionship

    Dear Lord.
    I cry to you with a broken heart as i do every day to ask you to please bring me and my partner back together again, We are in a horrible storm since he walked out of our home 6weeks ago due to a terrible strain which i put on our realitionship I ask you Lord to forgive me for my sins and please help my partner to find it in his heart to forgive me and give me a second chance. c to prove to him how much i love him and how sorry i am for hurting him so much by breaking his heart,
    Please Lord fill his heart with much love for me and please make him want to make our realitionship work as much as i do.
    Please Lord bless him and clear his troubled mind for him so that he can be free from his suffering to live his live again with me and our children, We all Love and miss him so much Lord and i pray to you to please change his way of thinking and come home to us.
    Please keep him from all temptations and ill advice. Please Lord don’t let us stray and please take away all our pain and stress. Please Lord fill my partners heart with much love for me and please make him come back home to me and our children soon.
    Lord you are the powerful one please soften his pride and stubborness and make him want me as much as i want him.
    I beg of you dear Lord to please bring me and my partner back together again let us live together forever. I love you dear Lord Thank you for listening to my prayer Amen.

  156. Please help me : ( please

    My boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me he gave lots of different reasons please please please please please help me and answer my prayer please

  157. Believe

    Dear God,
    I come to you with prayers for a chance to reconcile with my ex-girlfriend. While it seems so possible for others, I often why not me? It is not with the intent to have her back only but to have a better relationship and to work out any misunderstandings between us.
    I have been a good person and I really pray for this miracle to happen for me among all your kindness you have shown me throughout my life.
    I pray and thank you in Jesus most precious name.

  158. Restore my Love Life

    Dear Lord

    Please give me back my love life.. there is some sort of misunderstanding going through our relationship.Me and my partner love each other a lot, but some bad phase going through please help us for the same.


  159. bring us together

    My Heavenly Father I come to you and I ask that you help myself and my love come back together as one but I love him and I know we make mistakes I ask that you forgive him as well as myself what I love him as I love you with all my heart I just ask that you please do not allow our 4 year relationship to end this way what is a second chance and allow him to be the father of our unborn child but I love you with all my heart and you said ask and you shall receive so what I ask that you bring me and him together again in Jesus name I pray amen

  160. reunite my love

    Dear Lord ,

    I don’t know if through this portal my message shall be conveyed or not but I have faith in me that people who are reading this may convey this to you as clear heart request. I was too depressed when Mukesh threw me out of his life just for sex and Vishal came and supported me..gave me all love i dreamt of…and finally the left and am at worst phase then before ..I beg of you lord..on my knees for him ..please bring my Vishal back with a job in Mumbai so as I may start a new life with him..I beg of in pain ..please help

  161. My girlfriend leave me

    Dear God Heavenly Father today I bow down n pray unto ur name lord u knw everything before I pray cuze u are the Almighty God.Lord my girlfriend n me we have been relationship for 2 yrs n 3 month n now lord she is ready to leave me cuze I was in darkness in my past life , but lord I commit everything in my life in ur name plzz lord bring her back n I will show her how much I rely love her n nid her n care abt her plzz give me a last change to show my truth love for me lord plzz heal her heart n mind lord n plzz let her come back I my life but without u I can’t bring her back .BT I knw Lord u are always there for me so help me I rely love her lord heal her heart n mind n were ever she go were ever she is plzz look after don’t let the temptation took place in her heart I pray all this into ur name


  162. My girlfriend leave me

    Dear God Heavenly Father today I bow down n pray unto ur name lord u knw everything before I pray cuze u are the Almighty God.Lord my girlfriend n me we have been relationship for 2 yrs n 3 month n now lord she is ready to leave me cuze I was in darkness in my past life , but lord I commit everything in my life in ur name plzz lord bring her back n I will show her how much I rely love her n nid her n care abt her plzz give me a last change to show my truth love for me lord plzz heal her heart n mind lord n plzz let her come back I my life but without u I can’t bring her back .BT I knw Lord u are always there for me so help me I rely love her lord heal her heart n mind n were ever she go were ever she is plzz look after don’t let the temptation took place in her heart I pray all this into ur name


  163. Lord I pray for a miracle to restore my relationship

    Lord please let him see my value, let him see my pure intention, let him know of my deepest love for him. Please Lord restore our relationship, and may it continue to heal and grow. I pray now that you may give me strength to do what is right. Please open our hearts to receive each other once more. I know that it is not impossible with love, because God is Love and nothing is impossible with God.

  164. Relationship prayers

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    Thank you for all your blessing upon us’ Please bless my relationship with Alex Santhana’ to stay longer. Make both of us be respect n love with each n other’ Make him to realize my love and the truth that i can’t live without him. Please touch my partner Alex heart risen him from all the negative thought in his mind, I seek for your mercy and bless that may you allow us to spend the rest of our life with each n other as a husband and wife,

    Every time he will react something different from others’ try to avoid me without reason’ Love me with all his heart, i cant understand whats going on in our life, but I pass all my prayer to you’ Please Father bless our relationship’ to stay forever n ever, Make us to remind our first love that grow between us’ the true love he share to me’

    Until that i will in fasting’ I know every thing i do must be watched by you. I know u the only one could understand the pain n hurt in deep on me. I pray in Jesus Holy Name’ Amen ..

  165. Prayer for love to overcome all

    Dear Lord,

    I pray that you will bring my boyfriend home. He hates my children. Work in his heart to remove that hate and make it something positive. Help him to love my children and to have patience and encouragement with them. Please Lord I ask that you heal his heart and make him love and respect me enough to come home and make this family work. Lord help me, give me the love and strength to make this family work for us. Please help all of us open our hearts and minds to you. You are the only one that can create miracles Lord. Give us the miracle of this family, the four of us together. Give all of us the tools we need to grow as individuals and support one another. Give him the love, patience, strength, and understanding to be with me. Help me to not lose sight of his feelings and needs as well. Help all of us to build a family together that meets all of our needs. Lord. I ask for your strength and your words to do and say the right thing for all of us. Please send him home to me and help us to create love and harmony in our home. I turn to you Lord for all of your wisdom and love. That only you can work in our hearts to heal us and bring us back together. I ask these things in your name, Jesus. Amen.

  166. Pray for him, for us...

    Dear lord,

    I can sit here and tell you whats going on but you already know my story, i just pray for him to find peace and happiness! even if its not with me, give him the strength to get through this and find his way.
    If its meant for us to be together give us both the strength to get through this together and make our love stronger. give us both a sign that we can get through this! give us a sign that we are meant to be together! and if its not then give us the strength and sign to move on and let go of this that is hurting us,

    I just pray for him mostly god for him to find his peace and happiness, help him get through this,help clear his mind and heart of of this hatred and pain… help him be happy with or without me,

    To you i Pray…


    Dear St.Jude,
    I’m waiting for a miracle to happen in my life i.e., my love will realize me and marry me very soon. Deliver me from this pain Lord. Oh Lord please please pray that Kiran, my love will realize me and marry me. please change her mind. Please bring Kiran back to my life and me in Kiran’s life. Since last 6 month that Kiran makes me cry every day. Not such period even from the time I first met her I have been crying for her. There is no other person in my life than Kiran for whom I cried a lot and shed my tears. She pained me a lot but still I wish her to marry me and be my life partner forever and vice versa. I can’t afford to lose her. But what the painful thing is her marriage preparation almost start and going to fixed. She rejected me, even today my love towards her and she is going to marry another boy. Even her marriage preparations almost it’s full swing. I can’t bear this. I’m totally burdened and desperate. I can’t afford to lose her. Infact we had a healthy relationship as we are humans. But we never crossed the limits. But she forgets all these things and going to marry another boy. She knows what is in my mind but she is behaving like she knows nothing. Lord, please change her mind and make her realize me and come back to in my life in Lord’s name. I want to be with her. I want him to marry me because I only can see her in my life as my wife not other girls.
    So I want her to be my wife and me as her husband. I forgive her for all the pains she gave to me. St Jude, please reunite us together and pray for our marriage to take place within 1/6 year. Please pray that Lord will soon join our families together under the protection of holy family, remove all the obstacles that surround us and pray for our marriage to take place very soon and to lead a happy married life by God’s grace. Oh Lord, I want to answer to all those who ridiculed me, who showed pseudo sympathy to me. I want to prove on their behalf that my prayers and tears are got answered by my Lord. It got a meaning and shows them the glory and power of God, the power of prayer of a broken heart to Lord. If love is God and He is the ultimate truth, then I believe that God will definitely hear my cry and answer my prayer and unite me and Kiran and she will realize me and marry me very soon. Dear Lord, please pray and shower your blessings upon us that we will get married within 1 year and 6 months. Please Lord, let this be my Birthday gift in Lord,s name.


  168. i pray for a miracle

    Dear lord, I am in despair and weak from pretending to be strong and pretending i could i do this without you when i cant. I pray for a miracle of reconciliation between me and my other half. i pray that you help him reawaken his love and feelings for me and move past his pride and stubbornness. I pray that you give us both the strength to look past our dislikes of eachother by overcoming it with our love for one another. I Pray that with the second chance we can live a holy life that leads us to marriage. I pray to you because i know you are the most powerful and have the ability to fix anything. Forgive me for my sins that may have made you take away such a beautiful blessing that i had. I have learned my lesson, please give me and andy a second chance to love eachother healthier and stronger than before. Help Andy see that he is still very much in love with me and that he really can not be without me because i am his other half aswell. Please lord, i pray to you because i believe in you. I am surrendering to you because i now see i am nothing without you. i am begging to you my lord, help me and andy re conciliate and go back to loving each other.


  169. bring Kristin back

    dear lord I reach out to you today in despair Kristen my fiance of 4 years left me a few months ago to be with another man by the name of doug they had a loss for relationship behind my back the last two years of our relationship and I’m praying to you Lord because I want you to know that I forgive her and I forgive him for what they have done to me and our relationship Lord I want you to soften Kristen’s heart and make her open up your eyes of the true love that I do have for her she was my soulmate and I didn’t realize what I was doing to her and all the hurt I did to her until she was gone and it was too late Lord through your power in prayer I know you are the Almighty Father and you can heal our relationship and you can bring Kristen’s heart back to me only you can do this Lord through a miracle there’s no other options available and only you can bring Kristin back to me and I can show her true love your love Christ’s love in the love for all our children together do know Lord that I love her very deep and I do forgive her for what she’s done and I want you to open her heart maker dream about us make her he’ll make her want to talk to me and make her want to understand that I’m the guy that she’s what I always wanted Lord for your name I pray please give me the opportunity to bring her and her kids closer to you through me only you can make this happen lord I have faith I trust in you and I am patient in your name we pray Lord Jesus amen

  170. Prayers needed

    Him and I don’t need to be together…he’s older selfish he doesn’t care care about nobody but himself…he would win the worse boyfriend award…he’s jealous he’s always watching my every move..he goes to church..he don’t learn anything..he let’s people come between us he never stood up for me not once …are relationship is an accident…when we met I was 18 he was 25 married with 3 kids on a verge of a divorce..unfortunately we meet…have a daughter together…that he’s not even close too…he’s not even close to his other kids…selfish ! I want to leave and go somewhere and start my life over …but no finances at this point …my work caregiver..painting.Well reads whoever reads this Pray for me..feeling sad and alone.

  171. Prayers needed

    Him and I don’t need to be together…he’s older selfish he doesn’t care care about nobody but himself…he would win the worse boyfriend award…he’s jealous he’s always watching my every move..he goes to church..he don’t learn anything..he let’s people come between us he never stood up for me not once …are relationship is an accident…when we met I was 18 he was 25 married with 3 kids on a verge of a divorce..unfortunately we meet…have a daughter together…that he’s not even close too…he’s not even close to his other kids…selfish ! I want to leave and go somewhere and start my life over …but no finances at this point …my work caregiver..painting.Well reads whoever reads this Pray for me..feeling sad and alone.

  172. Prayer for a second chance

    Dear Lord,
    Please help my ex to forgive me for taking him for granted. I am learning the hard way, that sometimes you don’t know how much you love something until it is gone. God I love him with all my heart, it was never intention to hurt him in any way. I didn’t know I was even doing it, until I look back now. My heart aches every day and everyday Im still full of hope that our relationship is not over for good. It’s been three weeks sense I have spoken to him lord, and he’s moving out at the end of the month. Please don’t let this happen, please turn this situation around and let him know how much he means to me. Please let him remember all the good times we shared in our three years together. Please God let his heart open back up to me again. He is the love of my life, and I miss him so much and never again will I ever take him for granted again.

  173. avoid separation n divorce from husband

    plz,help me to reunite with my husband.he is having multiple affairs.and he n his family says that what is wrong in having affairs.why are you objecting him.and he did fake attempt to suicide.and now in-laws and husband are saying that he will not stay with me and my 8yrs boy.n demanding divorce.orelse husband is saying he wil really commit suicide.plz help me i m so scared of separation and divorce.orelse i ll prefer to die than divorce.i cant live without my husband.plz save my family.n reunite me with my husband.n change his mind.and make him loyal to me..n care for family.he left us alone n staying with his parents.

  174. avoid separation n divorce from husband

    plz,help me to reunite with my husband.he is having multiple affairs.and he n his family says that what is wrong in having affairs.why are you objecting him.and he did fake attempt to suicide.and now in-laws and husband are saying that he will not stay with me and my 8yrs boy.n demanding divorce.orelse husband is saying he wil really commit suicide.plz help me i m so scared of separation and divorce.orelse i ll prefer to die than divorce.i cant live without my husband.plz save my family.n reunite me with my husband.n change his mind.and make him loyal to me..n care for family.he left us alone n staying with his parents.

  175. Prayers

    Heavenly Father, I pray for the reconciliation of my love with him. I pray that I may mend my wrong ways, I pray he may see the hurt he’s brought to me as well, and that together we can both mend or ways and rekindle that bond between us. Please Lord, grant me love and patience, grant me an open heart, and grant me understanding. I pray that his heart may soften, and that once again, he will regain his faith in me, and more importantly, in us as a couple.

  176. echoes


    My heart sinks. Please mend it. My soul burns. I know I have alot to fix. I know I have so many changes to make. Please help to ease the struggle. Please take away the constant agony I walk with each day. Iplease make me stronger. Please help me grow. Please send the live of my life back. So I don’t have to physically do this alone. You know what ive been through. The cards are written before birth. Please give this woman some understandment some faith in me. Please show her how much I loved her. Dont let her forget. Timing must have been wrong. But I need u right now. I cant get through to her alone. Only through you.


  177. Soften my husband heart & come back to me with love

    Jesus Christ, I prayer you to restore my relationship with Santhosh. we had been married a few months ago. There is no peace in our life my husband always talk to me rudely & fights. Now i am at my parent place he didn’t bother to call or talk to me, Jesus please change him and full his heart with love towards me. He should not listen to any false advice against me. Jesus Christ i believe in you and you will definitely bring my husband back to me with full of love. I love him unconditionally and except the same from him. make a miracle that my husband should call me & speak to me. Lord please bless my husband and me to stay together till we die. I Jesus name i prayer. Amen

  178. Lost soulmate

    Dear lord please reunite me and my girlfriend Lupe She left me of 4 years for another guy I forgive her with all my heart her family misses me. she has changed for the worse lord she hangs out wih a bad crowd and disrespects her family please remove her stubbornness and open her eyes for not just me but for her family I also pray for the guy she is with because he is a atheist and disrespects you I want you to open his eyes as well so he may belive in you as much as I do I pray and wait not on my time but on your time lord to mend these problems I will await patiently for your will to be done thank you god in Jesus name amen.

  179. Restore my relationship with Vergil McClure

    Dear lord , I have prayed and cried tears to you for your help to restore my relationship with Vergil. I ask of you blessed lord to answer me as I love him so much and want to be happy again. Lord please don’t hide your face from me as I am your child and you have said in your word anyone who asks in your name will receive please my lord of lords,my king I ask that you reach into his stuborn heart and mind that he may remember the love we once shared and feel what he felt when we first fell in love,lord I’m not worthy of you but I ask in your name and believe in your name that I may freely continue to know that my prayers have been answered and that Vergil and I are back together through Jesus christ my lord and Saviour,I pray in Jesus Name AMEN…

  180. Restoration of relationship

    She’s been telling me O Lord that she’s happy with other guy now. Please Lord, I love her, and I know you are trying to make me stronger. I could taste more the love you have for me through her. Please.. Bring her back :'(

  181. restoration

    Dear Lord I pray for restoration for my relationship. My boyfriend broke up with me 4 months ago after a 3 years relationship. It is hard everyday. He says he doesn’t feel the same anymore but I believe father that you have the power to restore what is broken. You know my heart and soul Lord. I ask you to please restore the love affection and respect he used to have for me. I want him to be my First and only love God. Restore the faith betweem the two of us. Make a man out of him before i ake him my husband. Turn him into a spiritual leader for my life. Please Lord i cry to you. Heart out my prayer. I believe it will happen in your perfect time.

    In Jesus name i pray..

  182. Help

    I love him .he makes me smile on the saddest day .he brought me out of a dark place .please let him love me like I love him .pkeSe saint Jude hear my prayer and help me pleae

  183. Lord I beg you please have mercy and please reunite us with my parents and home now amen.

    Please pray for me, Lord due to my marriage issue my dad left me totally and restricted my mom and all my family not to keep any contacts with me , Lord since 7 and half years I am living far of my parents and home , Lord I humbly request you to please Forgive all my sin and mistakes and let my dad forgive me and accept me my husband and my child now, and allow my mom and all my family to keep contacts with me and allow us to home , Lord please speak to my dad now With your miracle and please change his decision now , Lord release my dad from his ego and anger towards me Lord I beg you please bless my dad with lots of love and affection towards us and please Lord break his silence now Lord please stop my dad punishing me , please Lord restore all the relationship with my family , Lord my mom wants me but scared about dad , Lord with out dad’s acceptance I have no place in my parent’s home , Lord please help me hear my cry now Lord and please answer to my prayers now, Lord jesus please help your child now please respond to my prayers now Lord strengthen my mom now to talk with my dad directly about me and make him realize what he did against me , and convince him to reunite us and allow my mom and all my family to keep contacts with me and allow us to home now, Lord please it is possible only with your miracle , Lord please have mercy Lord, please change my miserable life into happier Lord, due to severe stress and lonelines i am not feeling well I am suffering from severe wheezing and sleeplessness and restless , Lord please heal me, Lord have mercy and heal me , Lord do miracle and heal me , heal me totally whatever bothering me and bless me with good health peace and happiness forever , Lord please hear my cry now and respond to my prayers now and reunite us with my parents and home now and bless me and all my family with good health peace and happiness forever amen.

  184. Oh lord please bring back my love

    I loved her very much. I loved her from the core of my heart.
    She is very nice and innocent. I loved her from my soul.
    Oh lord I know nothing is impossible for you. You take examination
    Of patience of everyone. I have never thought any thing bad
    For her. Please give me my love back. I don’t know what to
    Do or how to do? I can’t live without her. Oh lord please bring
    Her back. I am ready to do everything for her. If ever I have
    Done any good thing in my life please bring her back to me.
    Oh lord if its not possible then take my life. I can’t imagine
    My life without her.

  185. Pray for my broken relationship

    My boyfriend broke up with me about a month and a half ago out of nowhere.He kept saying he didn’t want to do this and that he was scared said that maybe a break will help us get our life together,This breakup came out of nowhere and we have had finances problems,but we have made it through.He said he no longer felt the same way about me and wasn’t sure if all the problems had something to do with it.Well since our breakup he has started drinking excessively everyday and doesn’t stop and he no longer has respect for his family and is always drunk and its gotten out of control.He has blocked all forms of communication from me and it seems like he is just numb to life right now.He is confused,lost that he doesn’t even know himself what he is doing.He has thrown so much money in the trash for alcohol when he wanted this break for us to be for focusing on our lives,but he has thrown it down the toilet.His family has ask for all us to pray for him and try to guide him in the right direction.He is so blind he doesn’t think any of this is a problem.He no longer respects his mother.I do want to get back with him he is a good guy,we just dont know who this person is anymore.We have prayed for God to hlep us get into him and try to help.He is hanging around with easy rebound girls who dont care about him just getting him drunk and getting money,sex,alcohol.He is making poor choices right now.We need all the prayers and guidedance we can get.We are doing everything we can even if he hates us right now.He is in a dark place that he doesn’t realize he is in.He had a good head and goals and one day to another he disappeared.

  186. First Love

    I pray for every who lost their first love I know the pain and hurt you are feeling…I broke up with mine a year ago…she ended it..and I just recently saw her I’m a dream and it bring me back to Him for help I don’t know if He is trying to tell me something or just using her to bring me back to Him…long story short keep your head up and have faith it will get better thanks to the grace and mercy of the Lord

  187. First Love

    I pray for every who lost their first love I know the pain and hurt you are feeling…I broke up with mine a year ago…she ended it..and I just recently saw her I’m a dream and it bring me back to Him for help I don’t know if He is trying to tell me something or just using her to bring me back to Him…long story short keep your head up and have faith it will get better thanks to the grace and mercy of the Lord

  188. Oh Heavenly Father...

    I come to you in prayer it hopes Father God that you hear me. I cry out to you Oh Lord to please reunite Clarisa Candelaria and i back together. Its been 8 months since she walked out of my life and every day since, it’s been the hard. I have not been able to let go. I truly believe that we were meant to be with each other. It has not been easy to move on because of how much I love her. So I come to you for restoration from my relationship but not just restoration but an increase of the love we feel about each other. I pray for commitment understanding and to always be there no matter how bad or how goodthing can be. I ask that you give us a chance to truly be in love with one another and the blood of Jesus pass all this in the name of Jesus all this in the name of Jesus amen

  189. Praying for a forgiveness

    Dear Lord,
    I am working very hard at reforming my life I pray that you will see the good that I am doing and let Leon see the good inside me again. I am trying and refuse to give up hope for a chance one day for his return. Please soften Leon heart and believe in me again. Thank you lord for your strength and goodness.
    Have mercy on me Lord.

  190. Leon please soften your heart and come back to me

    Dear lord,
    Its been a rough first year for leon and I. I did cheat on him in the beginning I had just got out of a very bad relationship and nee sded time to heal first but fell in love with leSon fast and hard. Struggled to get over my ex I messed up with leon and cheated, depression, suicides, and ended up losing him. He blocked all my family phones numbers, mind, work and told me to never contact him again or would get a retraining order against md. So I am getting my life together bring you back into my life lord for I have sinned and I lied trying to get my life back on track so I can turn my life around and be rightest again. Please help me lord to be a better women and win Leon back.

  191. Please get gim back Mother Mary

    Oh holy mother, please I pray for a Miracle in bringing my lost love back into my life . Mother we have been in a relationship for 3 and half year and now its been 8 months that he has left me but I still cant move on..I still love him. Please make him realise that what he has done with me is not right. He had promosed me that he would marry me and love me life long.. Mother please get him back to me…I am in too much of pain..he is always on my mind…I cry for him every second…please mother mary get him back..I am suffering in pain from past 8 months.please have mercy on me mother.

  192. Please God help restore our love

    Please God forgive me for my temper and miscommunication with my boyfriend. I’ve loved him since the night I met him and now 6 years later after a terrible fight 3 weeks ago he’s gone. Our relationship has had troubles but I believe with your guidance and love we can restore our faith in each other. Please dear God touch his heart and take away his pain and anger towards me and help us restore this relationship to be better than it ever has. I truly love this man and would love a second chance to really show him now. Please help us to truly connect this time. I love you God.


  193. Please God help restore our love

    Please God forgive me for my temper and miscommunication with my boyfriend. I’ve loved him since the night I met him and now 6 years later after a terrible fight 3 weeks ago he’s gone. Our relationship has had troubles but I believe with your guidance and love we can restore our faith in each other. Please dear God touch his heart and take away his pain and anger towards me and help us restore this relationship to be better than it ever has. I truly love this man and would love a second chance to really show him now. Please help us to truly connect this time. I love you God.


  194. Please God help restore our love

    Please God forgive me for my temper and miscommunication with my boyfriend. I’ve loved him since the night I met him and now 6 years later after a terrible fight 3 weeks ago he’s gone. Our relationship has had troubles but I believe with your guidance and love we can restore our faith in each other. Please dear God touch his heart and take away his pain and anger towards me and help us restore this relationship to be better than it ever has. I truly love this man and would love a second chance to really show him now. Please help us to truly connect this time. I love you God.


  195. By your power dear Lord, cleanse us from pride and renew our love

    Dear God,

    Forgive me for all the bad things I have done, all the wrong that I said. Forgive me for bearing too much anger.

    I pray with all my heart, and request from your mighty hand to have Keith forget his pride and realize that me and our kids should be his life after you. Guide us both to forgive each other and forget our dreadful past that continues to weigh us both down.

    Lord, give us a chance to start over again, and guide us to do right this time. Please renew our faith in you and restore our love for each other. Guide us Lord in your path that we would bring our children towards the way you desire.

    I claim it Lord, in your mighty glory, to give us a chance again, I beg you and praise you, this for the sake of our children.

    Lord, lead him back to me, please Lord, have Mercy.

    I love you so much and it seems like there is no more going back to US after what has happened, but i know Lord, that you are most powerful and in you all is possible.

    Bring him back Lord, so our family will be whole again.

    Through Mary our Mother and in Jesus’ mighty name, I pray that you hear my prayer dear Father.

  196. I truly love him

    Dear God Please work on his heart and bring us back together.
    please help to understand my trials.
    please tell him that I love him.
    please speak patience in his heart.
    Thank you Father
    I Love you

  197. Restore and Reconciliation of broken relationship

    Father, first of all I want to say thank you for allowing me to see another day. I ask for forgiveness from you for any sin that I may have committed. I trust and believe that my current ex-boyfriend is the husband that you have sent and promised me. Please, reveal to him the signs that you have revealed to me. Help us to forgive each other for the many misunderstandings that came about in our relationship. Help us to both become humble and sensitive to your direction and guidance at this time in our life. Comfort and bring peace to us both as well as the strength to endure and pass this test which will become a testimony. Show him that I meant every good intentions and that my love for him was pure and unconditional. I trust in your will and your word is true. I am standing on your word and believing wholeheartedly that you will reunite us and restore our relationship and make it brand new. Father you know my heart and desires as well. I know this will all work out for our good and prepare us for the many tests that may come along in our future relationship. I say this prayer at the same time of letting go and releasing total control for you to step in and fix what is now broken. I declare that you have heard my prayer and it is already done. In Jesus name . Amen and thank you

  198. Dear Lord

    Jesus I ask u to help me and my gf in the hard times we have been facing. God help to know that u hold our future and its in ur hands. God please touch her heart and mind and body. Lord i love this woman and child i have with her help her see that. God please heal her heart and mind from all of my wrong words and actions. Protect our baby that u gave to us protect our relationship and most of all i plea the blood of jesus over my family. Today Jesus please hear my prayer give me strengh to do was is right for family give the same, renew the love we have for each and our baby bless us Lord so we can have a place to live and get married. I just thank now Lord Jesus for what ur goin to do in the life our me and my girl and our baby. I ask all these things in the name and power of my Lord Jesus make a way Father

  199. i really miss her and wish her back

    God, please help. I really wish she is back. It was a misunderstanding. I really didnt mean to hurt her. I wish she understands. Please god.

  200. restore my relationship

    Dear lord

    I need you to help me restore my relationship… Everything has changed to a point he distance himself from me with know explanation… I want our love back.. Lord please I ask you to restore my relationship… Thank you lord

  201. Bring us back together

    Dear Father,

    You know all and you know the pain my girl and I have been going through over the past months. Things don’t seem to get better and in fact seem to get worse. You know my heart and you know that I do love her and need her. Please Father, wash us over with your blood of healing and forgiveness. Please make us whole again so that we can continue on this road. I want her as my wife, I feel that she is my wife, but things right now are very dark, cold, and disconnected. My home is with her, I want to go home and have a loving relationship.

    Please Father, I beg you for this. Please allow us to be whole again, to be in love with each other again.

  202. Lost Love

    Dear Father God,

    I pray to you, as humbly as I can, to restore my relationship. Nick meant the world to me, and MORE. I stood by him. I loved him more than anyone. I know now that, that was my first mistake-putting my love for him above You. Father, I know that me asking anything in Your name You hear and make it anew. But Father, I am pleading to You to bring back the love of my life. Hindsight is 20/20 and I know now that our relationship had issues, but that they could have been worked through. I love him so much and I know that we can have a successful relationship and life together. I am declaring this in Your name that I will marry this man one day. Although he tells me we will never get back together, You are a God of making extraordinary and miraculous things to happen. I have faith. Faith that you will see us through this hard time and that he will come back to me and realize that I am truly the one for him. It is hard. So very hard. But I know, I feel it in my gut and in my heart, that we are meant to be. Show me that sign, or any sign indicating to me whether to leave or stay- I know either way I’ll be okay, but I really love him, and I believe that I am worthy of his love and that I deserve a second chance. I took his heart for granted. Father, bring him back so I can show him the love that he showed me.

    Lord Jesus, I ask all of these things in Your name, and I have faith that you will provide, just like You always do.

    In Your Name I give all the praise and thanks,


  203. God create a new bond of LOVE in my relationship

    Jesus i believe in you. i believe you died for my sins. i believe that you rose from the dead. I believe in your father sending you here in the flesh for such purpose.
    Today i confess my sexual sins to you and i am very sorry i keep letting you down. Lord please forgive me and please break the chain of sinfulness from my life and i ask for your forgiveness.

    Lord i have a problem that exist out of sinful acts. i have given my heart to a man and i have fallen deeply in love with him for over ten years and i now bear him a son. just before the son was born he proposed and he asked me to let us get married soon. I had doubts in my mind then about him and so i didnt want to rush things i was waiting for you Jesus to change his heart and redirect his thoughts. Now he is telling me he has decided to end the relationship and i should let him go and nothing isnt wrong with me physically we just have differences and he just complains as though he is a perfect man. Lord i pray for a reverse of words that came from his mouth to speak the opposite and to create happiness instead of pain. I pray that you will surround him with people who will speak good in his life and will impact him in a godly way. Lord break the curse of lying and dishonesty from his life and deliver him from his past ties in the name of Jesus.
    Lord he made a promise to marry me LEAD HIM HOME to honour his promise to me and his son in the name of jesus by the power of your holy spirit I declare it done. Free him and send him home to work near by home instead so far away so he can now be loyal and faithful in his walk with you and also to his fiance (thats me of course) in the name of jesus. Amen!

  204. I Love you Deepti...

    Hi God,

    You know she is my Life. She is the one for whom I was working day and night so that we can be together and live our dreams. She made some mistakes but I accepted. I made some mistakes and she accepted. I thought this is what is called – True Love – two imperfect persons ignoring each others mistakes.

    We both were happy with each other. She is all what I wanted from you. I want to spend my life with her happily. Please listen to my prayers God. I Love her and you know that.

    Please bring my Life back..and bless us.

    Please God

  205. GOD your promise of restoration of my relationship cannot go unfulfilled

    Dear LORD,

    I have sinned against you, done so many wrongs and i plead your forgiveness and mercy.
    Show me mercy and restore back my relationship with my partner. Your word in Psalm 50v14-15 promises me that you’ll answer my prayers when i call.
    Please restore back my broken relationship with my partner.
    LORD give me a second chance and fill her heart with peace, Love and happiness with me.
    LORD i beg you. in tears i plead with you LORD.
    I know you hear my prayers everyday because your word in Isaiah 65v24 promises me that you will answer me when i call and while i yet speaking you will hear me.

    Thank you LORD.
    I Love You LORD.

  206. Reconcile

    First and for most, forgive me father for my sins. I thank you father for reconcile between me and my ex fiancé. Father I thank you that you will continue to give me peace and touch my heart as well as his. Bring him to salvation and set him around godly men and women. I thank you Hod that you will show him that he has a purpose with you and that he is a leader and that you have blessed him with what he prayed and asked for. God help him to stop searching and just give his self to you whole heartily. I thank for this time that you are allowi is to go through so that we both can be lined up with your will individually. Continue oto give me strength and compassion.

  207. Return what is lost

    Lord God Almighty Christ, Maker of Heaven and Earth.
    I screw up all my relationships because of this heart. But I find no reason to throw away a loving heart that can love so many and not hate. A heart that you actually encourage. This same heart would not let go of one man for years, and when I finally love another more, I am finally able to say “This is it!” i lose that love. Lord, There are so many people who are in need of the same thing that I do. God, I make a prayer for them, and for me. Please mend these broken hearts, return them to the ones they love. Their hearts may be in just as dark a place as mine. Give us light, hope, and return us our loved ones. Please Our most high, open the hearts of the ones we are reaching for and bring them back to us. Thank you lord. Amen

  208. me an keston to restore our relationship

    After about 3 years we have a son i really love him let us bulied what we started after 7 years we were together

  209. A pray for love

    Dear Lord please reunite the love between Kim and I not a moment goes by that I doubt my love for her. Lord please allow use to share in the love we once both held so deeply. Open our eye to what we had and the magical love we shared please help us to find each other again and fix this pain in our hearts. Dear lord please help us to both draw near to you and forgive for love to grow again where it once flourished. Lord my heart weeps for her each and every day and my dreams a centred around her beauty both physical and for life. Please dear Lord let our love once again be pure and true. i pray to you

  210. Help me and my Fiancee to reconcile

    Dear Lord, I pray for me and Fiancée it has been 3 months that we’ve been separated. Help us Lord to be able to forgive another and be together again. I have realized my mistakes, please father that we may not stray away because of pride or any evil spirits. In Jesus name Amen..

  211. Lord, please restore A and M a 2nd time...

    Dear Lord,

    Thank you so much for restoring my relationship with Anthony a month ago. Everything was going amazing, I know he was trying, and I know he was showing me that he was in it. He had hurt me in the past and I thought I had forgiven him. Unfortunately this Saturday, I had some drinks and I do not know what happened and he claims I insulted him and became destructive. Father you know that is not who I am. Father, you know the enemy is trying to destroy us. Christ in heaven, Father almighty, I pray on my knees, with my heart in my hand, Please Please Please father restore our relationship. Father you are a God of miracles, you are a god of possibilities, you are a merciful God, a Forgiving God, a Loving God. Father I have Faith that you hear my cry for help, I have Faith that you will bring Anthony and I together back for good in your presence, with love, joy, peace and harmony. I declare it, I believe it and I have Faith in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen.

  212. Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam

    Dear God,

    Please remove the spirit of depression from my ex-boyfriend’s heart. He loved me at one time, but turned himself off of me in fear of commitment and uncertainty in life. He cannot feel and it pains me, because I know that, deep down, he does love me.

    God, I heard your word that he would return to me and that you will remove the demons that consume his life. You said we would get a second chance, but it has to be a God-focused relationship; we have to eliminate the impurities that we face and believe in you.

    God, I am awaiting this, but am losing faith that this will happen. The devil is beating on my heart, compelling me to give up and mourn the loss of what could have been.

    Lord God, Yeshua, please restore us rapidly; let him find you again as he once had. God, your grace means more to me than any other being or frivolity of this world. He longs for you God and you have made that promise to return us together.

    Lord, I pray that you consume his heart; burn a fire in soul. Let him remember his love for me and his love for you. I am trusting in your word, but am beginning to doubt.

    Lord give me peace and strength and forgive me of my impatience.

    Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh, elohim

  213. trust

    Dear father,
    Since me and my bf seperated i am struggling through life.But i know you hear my prayer every second and not my single drop of tear has been hidden from you.Everytime i decided to moveon you gave me signs that there is still hope. So trusting on your words i m trying my best to handle situation.So finally god i m leaving everything on your hand .Please restore my broken faith and relationship on your time.But till then please give me faith and strenght not to panic in any of the negative situation.And god please help everyone around the world who really loves someone and wants them back.Before me please First help those who need you the most.


  214. Restore my relationship father

    My fiancé and I broke up. I still love him very much. I seen his mistakes and I also been analyzing my mistakes. I forgive him lord. I pray that you guide him towards Jesus Christ. I pray that you change his life father help him let go of his pride and stubbornness. Also get him away from bad influences bring godly influences into his life. Lord if its your will please restore our relationship on your timing. Meanwhile help me be patient and be at peace. Moving on with my life at the same time. Hear my prayer and everybody else on this site struggling with their relationships father. In jesus name I pray. Amen
    Thank you

  215. Restore my relationship father

    My fiancé and I broke up. I still love him very much. I seen his mistakes and I also been analyzing my mistakes. I forgive him lord. I pray that you guide him towards Jesus Christ. I pray that you change his life father help him let go of his pride and stubbornness. Also get him away from bad influences bring godly influences into his life. Lord if its your will please restore our relationship on your timing. Meanwhile help me be patient and be at peace. Moving on with my life at the same time. Hear my prayer and everybody else on this site struggling with their relationships father. In jesus name I pray. Amen
    Thank you

  216. pray for me and April

    Dear jesus i ask for you to bring April back into my life we still talk to each other.She is the love of my love of my life and i love hersomuch.My life with out her is so sad and and dull all i want to do is drink.She say it gets to her at times because she dosent desireme like i do her.I dont want anybody but her all the money in the world want make me happy only April.I have gave up alot of things to be with her.I want to marrie her I dont mess around on her when we were together.My heart desire to be with her.So i am waiting paticently on jesus and putting all of my trust and heary that he will answer my prayer.He is a awsome god and i belive in with her is getting hard for me to handle so i ask jesus to bring her back to me.

  217. Restore my marriage

    Lord, I pray that you soften my husband Grants heart and let him know how much he has hurt me and our kids . Show him the love that we once had and that I forgive him for all the hurt that he has done to me and get him off that alcohol as we’ll . Turn his heart back home where he belongs and restore my broken marriage and I pray that he does not file for divorce and that he comes to his senses and seeks you . In Jesus name I pray , Amen

  218. to help restore my marriage

    That my husband richard miller would back to me that his heart would be soften toward me. That he will not be with any other women. That he would think only of me an want to see me.bring him back home to me. Let him no how much he is hurting me. Let me be on his every hour an second of the day go by. Let him not be influenced my what other people say about me.let him realize that he’s going on sixty years old . An he need to stop acting like he’s thirty years oh.let him no I love him very much an I missing. Let us both learn to stop hurting each other feeling.

  219. Restore our broken hearts to love one another like we first met.

    Dear father,

    I come to you as humble as I know how to ask you to restore our broken hearts. Father, Im asking u to also remove all the hurt, pain and negativity we once had. I know that we both still love one another and have the need to fix it. We just dont know how to get beyond what made us go a stray. So Im coming to you almight for I know you can not only fix but make our love for each other as new. Father I also ask that you open his heart to want to be the father to our baby he nor I even had. Let us not be a fairytail family but a loving,caring, undstanding godly family. Father, I truly speak life to my situation, for having a famliy with him is something I always wanted. An its just out of the love we both have for one another is so strong and real. Work on us father so we can get back together and fix our home so we can spread nothing but happiness love peace and joy into our baby as we grown into a beatiful family. Father I thank you now for I know your work is soon to be done .


  220. True Love

    Dear Father God,

    Please reunite my beloved and me. I pray you my Lord and Savior, please hear my prayers and answer them. He and I are truly in love. I know it was only wickedness and deceit that has separates us. We have always said we knew it was love from the first moment we meet. The two times I’ve seen him since this awful thing has happen – our nonverbal communication speaks louder than words. Father God I can feel in his heart and soul and he feels the same as I. I asked that you remove the all wickedness, remove the all deceit and deception, and remove all the evil things that cloud his mind from the truth – which is that we belong together. Father God I ask that you restore us and grant us a miraculous miracle that we may once again be united. So one day we may be wed under Your grace, glory, and love in the presence of our friends and family. I am seeking, asking, and knock my wonderful Lord. I know that all things are possible for You. allow us to continue our life’s journey together. Let not the separation and pain continue, please. Turn him back to me and us. I praise and honor You. In Your Son’s name l do pray.

  221. Restore

    Dear heavenly father I stand before you with a open heart I ask that you guide me in the direction to receive your blessings. I ask that you turn me a way from negative energy,and restore my self worth. Its been a couple of months since we been together as a couple we as adults makes mistakes I am emotionality responsible for my actions I ask for forgiveness as I allowed insecurities to play a role in my relationship. I ask that your restore trust,honesty, and loyalty as I understand that these steps I pray for takes time I am patient I am willing to take it slow and continue to follow the path you have in store for us. I realize that we are two different individuals with differences that needs to be understood and accepted
    As an equal. As i continue to pray and ask that you bring us together as a couple, and raise our family as a whole. Amen

  222. Prayer to God to restore my broken relationship.

    Dear Lord,

    It’s me again..I’m sorry to reach out to you so often this week but my heart hurts so bad. I miss Mike and i long to see him and talk to him. I worry about him. I want to take care of him like he once did for me. Our emotional and mental connection is so powerful. I truly never knew “true love” existed. Now i know it does. I believe in soulmates now too. I speak to Mike in the air while I’m driving, cooking, etc. I pray over and over. The pain gets worse with time, not better. All i want out of life is love, my kids healthy and happy and to live comfortably financially. I don’t want or need material things or fame and fortune. I just want and need Mike. Please hear me again. Im lost without him. I’m so depresed and sleep my life away. Please restore my life with Mike so i can live again. Thank you Father for listening once again.

    Hear my prayer. Amen.

  223. Please pray for me and my relationship

    Lord, I pray that you can help my broken relationship. I hope that you can heal her heart and find the love that she truly has for me. Lord, I pray that you change me and make me the man that she needs. Only you lord can perform miracles. Only you can heal her broken heart. Lord I ask that you forgive me for all of my sins. I ask that you can restore our relationship. Lord you know that I love her with all my heart, I ask that you put it in her heart that I am the man that she needs in her life. I want to marry her lord and I want us to be happy. I ask that you perform a miracle with us. I ask that you help me become a better man, one that you can be proud of father god.. Please father god restore my relationship with the love of my life and please keep the devil away from me. Thank you lord and I have faith that you will perform this miracle! AMEN

  224. Please pray for me and my relationship

    Lord, I pray that you can help my broken relationship. I hope that you can heal her heart and find the love that she truly has for me. Lord, I pray that you change me and make me the man that she needs. Only you lord can perform miracles. Only you can heal her broken heart. Lord I ask that you forgive me for all of my sins. I ask that you can restore our relationship. Lord you know that I love her with all my heart, I ask that you put it in her heart that I am the man that she needs in her life. I want to marry her lord and I want us to be happy. I ask that you perform a miracle with us. I ask that you help me become a better man, one that you can be proud of father god.. Please father god restore my relationship with the love of my life and please keep the devil away from me. Thank you lord and I have faith that you will perform this miracle! AMEN

  225. Prayer to restore my broken relationship

    Please pray for my partner Wayne and I, for the restoration of our broken relationship. He cheated and it has been a very difficult time for me. Please pray to ease the pain and hurt in our hearts, to break down all dividing walls and barriers, all hinderances and bring us back together as husband and wife. In Jesus’s name, Amen. Thank you for praying with me.

  226. Prayers for me marriage

    Please lord restore my broken marriage and bring my husband back to me! It’s hard being alone, going through a divorce and being pregnant !!! Marriage is suppose to be forever and I want my husband to love me again like he did when he first met me! Please soften his heart and his stubbornness please get rid of all the temptations and bring him back to me so we can be a family!

  227. prayer to restore a broken relationship

    Dear Lord, please help heal my brokenheart, my broken relationship. please restore us. everyday is a struggle and the pain is difficult to handle. everyday i don’t know how to get through. everyday i feel sick because of my emotional pain. please reveal yourself & be in control. please guide me. you have a plan for my life please show me a sign, give me strength. help those in need of you who feel this way of a broken relationship. i believe you can do anything. in Jesus name, Amen

  228. Please help restore my broken relationship

    Please help me heavenly father, I am so broken hearted. Me and my boyfriend broke up 3 weeks ago and I am so in love with him. Heavenly father you know that the love I have is pure and I have been faithful and true to him. Please help us mend our relationship and make our love stronger for each other. I know everything happens for a reason and I’m not asking for the reason, I’m just asking that this separation came make our love get stronger so that we can appreciate each other for rest of our life. Please give me the strength and patients. I beg you for some kind of sign and hope. Heavenly father you have given me a second chance in life and I thank you for the miracle and I promise not to let you down and I praise you for blessings you have given me and continue to give me. I know that will take a miracle for us and heavenly father I have faith that you will bring us back together and make our love stronger and keep evil and temptation away from us. I love you and I give myself to you. In Jesus name thank you for answering my prayers

  229. dear lord please help us be back with each other

    lord i ask for evette to come back to know how much i love her i was in a bad place and not think clear i never cheated on her but loved her and had so many issue lord forgive me for what i wasnt there for her lord please let her know that i love her and want her to come home to make a life as one i ask for your forgivness and her that she see clear each day and knows that in my heart she will always be loved i beg i plead for mercy i love you lord amen

  230. Prayers to Bring Neema Back in My life

    Dear Lord

    I would like to pray that Neema comes back in my life for ever. We both had met each other for purpose of Marriage. We both have gone through a divorce earlier.

    We have been recently got very close & spoken about marriage & i love her alot. But few people from my past relations have spoken negative to her about me & our relation has again gone bad.

    God she was like my hope to live life again after my past bad marriage experience.

    I pray God Please touch Neems’s Heart & give unconditional love for me in her heart & convince her to marry me god.


  231. Heal our relationship.

    Dear God,

    As you know I broke up with my partner over a month ago. Its been a hard few weeks because i love him still with all my heart. I wish we could continue down the path that we started on because he is my best friend and I will always have true genuine feelings for him. I ask God that you bring us back together as partners and that we continue to be there for each other. In Gods name I pray. Amen.

  232. Heal our relationship.

    Dear God,

    As you know I broke up with my partner over a month ago. Its been a hard few weeks because i love him still with all my heart. I wish we could continue down the path that we started on because he is my best friend and I will always have true genuine feelings for him. I ask God that you bring us back together as partners and that we continue to be there for each other. In Gods name I pray. Amen.

  233. Marriage trouble

    My name is johnnie my marriage is in trouble ,he has been unfaithful and wants to shut me out we have been with each other for 8 years and I know that things haven’t always been perfect but every relationship has trouble every now and then I don’t want to loose my husband for I truly love him I am lost he says he hasn’t been happy in awhile but has never told me how bad it was I need prayers for my marriage.

  234. Inspired By Your Prayer

    I read your prayer and I was truly inspired. There is no doubt that you are an anointed powerful Man of God. Please pray WITH me and pray FOR me. I am in need of pray in the following areas:
    I need prayer – I have several publications to be published; including prayers which I have written.
    I need prayer because I am involved in a relationship that needs more opennes especially in communication. We need to more honestly and openly to express our desires and feelings toward each other.
    I need prayer to overcome envious people around me who constantly attempt to attack me with damaging words and wicked deeds.

  235. Inspired By Your Prayer

    I read your prayer and I was truly inspired. There is no doubt that you are an anointed powerful Man of God. Please pray WITH me and pray FOR me. I am in need of pray in the following areas:
    I need prayer – I have several publications to be published; including prayers which I have written.
    I need prayer because I am involved in a relationship that needs more opennes especially in communication. We need to more honestly and openly to express our desires and feelings toward each other.
    I need prayer to overcome envious people around me who constantly attempt to attack me with damaging words and wicked deeds.

  236. Restoration of r/s with my bf

    It has been coming 3 months since he call it off and say let’s be friend and from there see how we can find back ourselves and see if possible to find back the love previously. But now, he turn so cold & hard. God I prayed for your miracles to open & soften his heart. With you ALL things are possible, broken r/s will be Restored in your Name. With your Love, he will be touched, slowly but surely of Lord. Amen!

  237. i want him to want me again

    Oh dear God,
    Forgive me for my mistakes. I’m sorry for being a selfish daughter, a selfish girlfriend and a selfish human.
    Please restore my relationship with my lover
    I love him from all my heart and I need his love for this life.
    M sorry for being clingy.
    Please give me my love back again
    I love him the way I love you.

  238. To the guy who said to move on, acting like God...

    You’re just pretending. You aren’t God, nor are you able to advocate for what He wants and believes.

  239. I only trust God to restore my relationship with my partner.

    Im so happy to find this website and found out that there are exactly similar problems with mine.I believe that this website help a lot of people to express their feelings to Godand im one of them.I just put everything in Gods hand.I am a believer and very hopeful that my problem qill be over soon by the of God .I just pray to God to give me more strenght and lots of patience in this very difficult time i am in . God bless us all and we dont loss hopw God always be with us all.

  240. Help

    I feel lost without her. I did my best kept God’s rules, and I am an humble servant. I have fasted and prayed to no avail. Here on my birthday I find myself at the end of my rope. I’m so alone. Please bring her back to my life.

  241. new relationship for ex love

    It is no accident that I found this page just now. My ex boyfriend and I split up 17 months ago. Although we only dated for 8 months, I fell so deeply in love with him. The past 17 months have been a roller coaster filled with more downs than ups. I have isolated myself from my family and cry nearly daily. Our contact is not consistent. He contacts me whenever he feels like it. We were making progress for awhile there but he was adamant about not wanting a relationship. I sinned Lord. You know what my sin was and I ask for yiur forgiveness. Please create a brand new loving relationship for Shawn and I. Lord, I gave up praying when my husband left our marriage for another woman, but I feel you don’t want me to give up on Shawn. You have kept him here in my life for a reason and I know it can’t be to torture me. LORD, I pray that all females around him that are tempting him would be removed in the name of Jesus. LORD, if he is entering relationships with anyone new, I ask that they too would be removed and his heart be softened towards me. I ask you Lord, the God of Jacob to touch the mind, heart and soul of Shawn and open his eyes to yiur goodness and plan for his life. I pray over all past hurts that plague his mind and remove them by the blood of Jesus. Lord, help me be the Godly woman helper mate you designed me to be for Shawn. I feel he is the man you created for me and I ask that you rekindle new loving relationship between us, one that is pure, committed, honest and loyal. I pray against any lies and darkness that have interferred with our relationship and I ask for you to cover us by the blood of Jesus. I thank you for hearing my prayer and restoring my faith to believe You hold the power to heal our hearts and mend them together according to your will. In Jesus’ name, amen.

  242. Unbelievable

    I thought this was a legit site praising our actual lord and savior not a ad site for crazy witch doctors you guys are disgusting

  243. Unbelievable

    I thought this was a legit site praising our actual lord and savior not a ad site for crazy witch doctors you guys are disgusting

  244. Unbelievable

    I thought this was a legit site praising our actual lord and savior not a ad site for crazy witch doctors you guys are disgusting

  245. only God

    only God can restore a broken relationship and some sort of healer or something who would squeeze money out of your pocket.

  246. Thank you

    That was the most fitting, most beautiful prayer for my situation. Thank you for putting into words what I couldn’t.

  247. Thank you

    That was the most fitting, most beautiful prayer for my situation. Thank you for putting into words what I couldn’t.

  248. Fix my broken relationship

    Dear Lord, Its been a month since, he walked out the door. I do not blame him. People make mistakes. It was hard to see through all darkness and when I was thinking of my child. After a week long or two of thinking on it and getting my head on straight, I realized I made the biggest mistake of my life. I realized every blessing always pointed to him. I know Lord you have and I have forgiven myself.I pray lord you will restore our faith together and let us love each other faithfully and honestly. I know you have a plan for Lord, please hear my prayers and let us be one again. Thank you for all you done for my.child and I. Your truely amazing. I pray this in Jesus s name, Amen

  249. Thank you for your prayer

    Thank you for guiding m & others in this situation,i ask 4 restoration & for others and i know its my testimony this year,that i wil have a beautiful relationship which wil lid to marriage.he had gone for 4years and im grateful tht he is back and for a good reason we stil got a long way and we hv a baby who is 4,every1 thank the Lord for everything and he has a purpose n our lives,i pray for guidence & success this year,and let it be a testimony & let the lord help us in our faith & patience.God bless u all amen

  250. Please help me to strengthen my bond with a loved one.

    Oh God,

    I ask for your blessings in that I can have a loving, growing, open, honest relationship with my bestbud(MCF) who happens to be my first real love.

    I have faith in that it was meant to be and that you will not only restore but also strengthen the loving bond that I have misplaced for me and my buddy(MCF).

    I ask that you bring us together again and continue to protect us, heal us, inspire us, give us strength, and let us prosper together spiritually, emotionally and mentally.

    If its not meant to be, and if MCF is happier in life without me, than please keep me in his mind and heart for he will be forever in mine as my special buddy and as my first love.

    With that being said, I ask that you give me the proper tools I need to be a better friend towards him. I want to do right by him as if i wrong him i have wronged myself.

    Thank you god.

  251. About your prayer....

    My man pulled away about 1 month ago also….He has lost faith in me also…never said it but I just know… and this world or worldliness has distracted him ! What we had was beautiful and wonderful and we were so wanting to get married and even talking about our vows and the wedding and honeymoon and how we wanted it to be.For both of us its our first love. But sometimes as fallen beings in a fallen world…the world calls us away from those dreams and hopes and distracts us from each other. He got obsessed with his job and success and I got neglected.the relationship had alot of misunderstandings after that, or lack of understanding for each other… hurt feelings ect surfaced…We have had some struggles but they come from what all Christian’s have to struggle with everyday in our fallen state.Selfishness, self centeredness,pride, and for him as a man this was more so than myself. Only he is spiritually blind and cannot see this in himself.And he has a problem seeing any errors he has made in the relationship. Pride again! I am always the one saying sorry or asking his forgiveness. I really believe that the devil comes into love relationships and causes all kinds of problems Even brings up past hurts and fears, insecurities,and even can cause people to lose sight of their original hopes and dreams with each other. Thank you for praying for everyone else also that meant alot to me as I am hurting so much right now and in deep despair…I even feel I am getting physically ill over it. The bible says that ..deferred hopes …makes a sick heart ( I believe this is in proverbs) All we can is hope in the Lord for our relationship to be healed and restored and for God to come into our hearts and lead us back to each other I don’t believe God makes anyone do anything…and asking him to makes someone do or think something.But I do believe God can PLACE something into someones thoughts, heart, spirit and then it is up to them to decide what to do with that. I am asking father God right this moment to place loving, reconciling and positive thoughts into our men’s hearts for us,to speak to their hearts about any wrong attitudes they have in the relationship and to place a love for us in their hearts that only God can give them !

    God Please turn our men we love back to us somehow in your way,in your time.In this world God so many men are lead away from the women who love them,pride,ego,stubbornness and self-centeredness that alot of men struggle with sometimes. Women tend to be naturally more giving,nurturing and thoughtful.Men struggle with pride more often.We are the women that love these men unconditionally. We are standing by them even when they push us away.God turn our men’s love and hearts back to us and teach them how to love us in return unconditionally. It can only come form you Lord ! Help us stay together ! Thank you Lord Jesus !

  252. Unconditional

    Nice prayer, but a marriage is a covenant compact or vow. Covenants have terms that can be violated. When they are violated, then the offended party has the option of forgiving or leaving the bond or covenant. In that sense, it is not purely ‘unconditional’. God does prefer that we forgive the offending party, but if they never repent and make a lifestyle of violating the vows between two parties, then they have broken their forgiveness.

  253. I need her more than my last breath

    I was on this site about a year ago asking for prayer. I continue to pray that she comes back to me. I’m so lonely and life so empty without her. Things I do have no meaning without her. I’ve tried to move on but I just can’t. My heart won’t let me. I need her back by my side. I love her very much and don’t know what to do. I’ve done everything to prove to her that I’m not the man that hurt her, that I’m not a selfish man. But her heart is cold and I need God to open her heart, warm her heart for me. He knows my heart and knows I want to marry her, have children by her, grow old with her. I just need her to know this, to understand, to love me again. I can’t live another day without her. Days are so hard. Please God restore our relationship to stronger than before so she can be my wife. Be my Mrs.

  254. I want to get marry with my girl friend.

    Myself and my Girl friend were in love from past one year, due to some reason we broke up and now I am seeking payer to get back my Girlfriend. I am getting scared that I will do something to myself without her. I want to get marry with her. Without my girl friend there is no life for me.

    Please pray that I get my girl friend back and I want to marry her.

    My request is that our relationship be restored in a peaceful & healing way–& that we may build a better & bigger bridge together. Also, I would like to actualize that our love grow back together into the harmonious vision that it once was.

    Lord, please help me bring the first and hopefully only love of my life back. She was the first woman I have ever loved. I became complacent and did not realize how much this beautiful woman meant to me. I neglected her for some time and she ended it. I would do anything for just one more shot to show her how much she truly means to me.

  255. Trust God

    To all who need miracle for restore your broken relationship..Please continue to trust God, and wait on His timing. Always believe He has made everything beautiful in its time. God bless you all.

  256. saving my relationship

    dear god,

    i’m very blessed that december 5, 2011 you brought the most amazing guy into my life. Sadly he lied to me bout doing the only thing that could tear me apart.One lie can worry someone so much in an relationship. This led my boyfriend to be somebody i don’t even know, he’s just different now and it worries me so much.Last night the fight got even worst and he told me I wasn’t even smart which made me feel worst.Today i decided to go on break with him, girls are wanting him but i need strength god and i need help to know if he’ll come back to me after the break.I cry to you god,heavenly father lead me to my true love or back to him if he is the one for me. I love my baby so much though god, this is the first relationship that lasted the longest and he is the firt guy i ever felt this way about.Please hear my prayer god. I love you and im sorry for every fight or if iv’e ever hurt him but please god please help.AMen<3

  257. I need him back in my life

    My boyfriend and I had a disagreement, and he left. I have been praying to God to bring him back to me, when I asked for someone in my life,I prayed and I believe that God gave me this wonderful man. I will continue praying for all of you as I also pray for my relationship to be restored.

  258. I need him back in my life

    My boyfriend and I had a disagreement, and he left. I have been praying to God to bring him back to me, when I asked for someone in my life,I prayed and I believe that God gave me this wonderful man. I will continue praying for all of you as I also pray for my relationship to be restored.

  259. devestated

    My boyfriend of two years broke up with me 3 weeks ago, he broke up with me because his ex wife who lives in another state wants him back and she went so low as to stalk my face book and find out he and i was going to get my daughter and her baby and bring them to where we live to help her out. She told him he because he did that she wouldn’t allow him to see his kids, that devastated him because he was supposed to have his kids for three weeks this month, and the tickets were already bought. Unfortunately my daughter and her baby went back to where they are from because she did not like it here. She was home sick, and because of that he broke up with me after telling me days before no one would break us up because he loves me and will marry me someday. He broke up with me because my daughter left and he said he could not justify the sacrifice he risked if my daughter didn’t stay and it was all for nothing. Not 3 days before that day he was sitting on the porch with me crying and begging me never to leave him. I have not seen or heard from him in 2 weeks, and I am still so devastated. I pray to Jesus everyday many times a day to take his pain away and to bring him back to me. I tried once to reach out and he never returned the message. I know he truly loves me because how we were together. I pray in the name of Jesus that he brings him back, and my guy doesn’t allow his ex wife to run and use their kids to run his life. My prayers are with everyone out there. The worst part our anniversary was 2 weeks ago. I know he asks about me, but he doesn’t reach out to me. I can not even bare to go get the rest of my things.

  260. devestated

    My boyfriend of two years broke up with me 3 weeks ago, he broke up with me because his ex wife who lives in another state wants him back and she went so low as to stalk my face book and find out he and i was going to get my daughter and her baby and bring them to where we live to help her out. She told him he because he did that she wouldn’t allow him to see his kids, that devastated him because he was supposed to have his kids for three weeks this month, and the tickets were already bought. Unfortunately my daughter and her baby went back to where they are from because she did not like it here. She was home sick, and because of that he broke up with me after telling me days before no one would break us up because he loves me and will marry me someday. He broke up with me because my daughter left and he said he could not justify the sacrifice he risked if my daughter didn’t stay and it was all for nothing. Not 3 days before that day he was sitting on the porch with me crying and begging me never to leave him. I have not seen or heard from him in 2 weeks, and I am still so devastated. I pray to Jesus everyday many times a day to take his pain away and to bring him back to me. I tried once to reach out and he never returned the message. I know he truly loves me because how we were together. I pray in the name of Jesus that he brings him back, and my guy doesn’t allow his ex wife to run and use their kids to run his life. My prayers are with everyone out there. The worst part our anniversary was 2 weeks ago. I know he asks about me, but he doesn’t reach out to me. I can not even bare to go get the rest of my things.

  261. ALBS

    Dear God, please him me in my current situation I only wanted to make things better in her life, I know I put a strain on the relationship between her an her dad but I only did because I thought she was in trouble, she would communicate with me properly, she don’t open up and talk.. God please fix her stubborn ways and her prideful mind. She don’t have faith at all, please break into her naive heart and fix her.. She said she don’t like me anymore but she still love me but she to upset to carry on because she don’t trust me.. She still loves me god and you and I know that.. Please help her get pass this!!! Thank you amen..


    You see I didnt know how to talk and communicate productively through my hurt, pain and disappointment.I’ve been praying to God to restore the both us.To heal both our broken hearts.We were together, going to church, praying, supporting one another through thick and thin for 5 years.I’VE NEVER LOVED ANYONE LIKE THIS BEFORE.I truly feel deep down in my heart that he was/is my husband. It sickens me to think that I may have lost and destroyed my blessing from God.I believe and have faith that God will restore us and with no evidence of that happening I become angry and destructive to myself.I even went as far as to attempt suicide and ended up in a mental facility all of the month of April. What took me over the edge was when I learned of his child being born 3 days after my birthday. This woman became pregnant only after a couple of months after we broke up. Although he says it wasnt planned and that it was an accident, I know now that she is here that is the love of his life. See we planned to have children of our own, but because of the luekemia I had after high school the doctor said that I have a 5% chance with fertility.I grew VERY ANGRY WITH GOD, MYSELF, HIM AND THE WORLD. All I could ask was why, why, why? Why not me? What did I do to deserve such pain.I had lost 50 pounds to due to the depression.I couldnt eat, sleep or think. My job performance was suffering, I’d withdrew from family and friends I was so gone. BUT GOD!! I began to reach out for God like never before. You see no matter what has happend between us or since us I can not get him out of my system. I LOVE HIM FROM A PLACE SO DEEP INSIDE OF ME. Today I pray, decree and declare that God will restore us.I pray that God will heal us individually and then collectively. Saturday was the first time I talked to him since the baby conversation and it was pleasant. Like old friends, I asked why doesnt he marry the young lady that had his baby and he stated that the relationship was based on substance.I couldnt believe I said it when I did, but you see I never want to break up a happy home. Cant live with that karma. After all I did have my chance. Father forgive me though because I dont want to live this life without him. So today I decided to stand, believe and have faith that in God’s timing he will bring us back together again. Its not easy to accept that you may not have children, you may not be reunited with the one man you believe was created just for you and you threw him out, but I know I serve a God of second chances, a miracle providing God.


    I hope you guys can help me pray this also. Last 4 days,I caught my father have affair with other woman , I coincidently see their “love love” message. I cry a lot. Past 2 years, my father also doing the same thing, this time is with others woman. That’s time, my brother caught him, also through the phone. That time, my mother start to know Jesus, she gives all her life to Jesus. For this 2nd time my father got caught by me, I told my mom, and she want to divorce, because she don’t want to sick and hate when my father do not admit that he have an affair, until my mom threatened him to reports the case to police, if she does, the woman and my father will fall to disgrace, my father is well-known government officer. I feel guilty because of me, they will divorce. But my mother said, no need to worry, and my father also said like that, because I’m still study far from home. I’m praying that my Lord Jesus will take control on this case, I love them so much, I don’t want them to separated. I wish they will repent from their sin, and never repeated it again. I love my father and mother.

  264. praying for reunion of my relationship

    Dear Lord,

    I am praying for me and my ex-fiance to reunite. We are currently having some issues & misunderstandings at the moment, but I know “God brings you to it, God will bring you through it”. We are apart now but our love for each other are still there. God please help us to have second chance to understand each other more if it is in God’s will.

    I am praying for his best of luck in his study & coming final assessment.

    Thank you for listening to my prayer.


  265. Reunite my family

    Dear Father Lord Jesus

    Please Hear My Prayer

    For the past 8 months I & my son has been separated from my

    Husband due to misunderstanding created by his family members.Presently i am staying in my mother’s house.He has also applies Divorce for which i am not interested. Because I Love him so much. Please pray to god so that we are united again in the name of our lord Jesus.also for my son’s health.God please help & save us give us sucess in all walks of our life.Amen

  266. Reunite my family

    Dear Father Lord Jesus

    Please Hear My Prayer

    For the past 8 months I & my son has been separated from my

    Husband due to misunderstanding created by his family members.Presently i am staying in my mother’s house.He has also applies Divorce for which i am not interested. Because I Love him so much. Please pray to god so that we are united again in the name of our lord Jesus.also for my son’s health.God please help & save us give us sucess in all walks of our life.Amen

  267. God please bring my ex fiance back

    Dear Lord,

    Me and my ex finance have been apart for almost 2 months now. I am missing him everyday and keep praying every night that God could soften his heart, remove his anger & hatred in his heart so we could have a second chance to be back together.

    I love him so much and I know he does love me a lot too. We were together for nearly a year and we were so happy together. We felt that we were made for each other, we shared a lot of things in common. Sadly, he could not over his own issue, he decided to walk away from my life because of external factors even though he admitted he loves me still. I am praying in the name of Jesus, please grant us another chance to understand each other more and be together for the rest of our lives if it comes in God’s will.

    Thank you for listening to my praying.



  268. Bring my girlfriend back to me

    Dear Lord,

    Please bring my Jessica back to me. I waited so long for her to come into my life, and when she did, it was like an answer to my prayers. I always thought of her as my future wife, and we discussed marriage and a future often. I wasn’t a perfect boyfriend, and she wasn’t a perfect girlfriend, but we were perfect for each other, and we were good to one another. I pray for a second chance to be the man that will protect and love her for the rest of her life. I think about her day and night, and I know deep-down you brought us together to someday get married and honor you.

    I know this by faith, but your will will be done in the end. Please, Heavenly Father, if it is your will for Jessica and I to be together, please change her heart, fix whatever it is that was broken, and bring her back into my life. She’s the best thing to ever happen to me, and I can’t imagine not having her in my life.

    I love her dearly.


  269. Restore my family an renite my children

    Dear lord god I ask that you bring mychildren backhome to me. I know that i made a bad choice an im changing for the best. You know my heart my pain an my love for my children please bring my children home to me help me fight this battle


  270. Restore my family an renite my children

    Dear lord god I ask that you bring mychildren backhome to me. I know that i made a bad choice an im changing for the best. You know my heart my pain an my love for my children please bring my children home to me help me fight this battle


  271. Should I try again?

    Dear Lord, please give me a sign and let me know if I should reconcile with my husband and try make our marriage work. Thank you. Amen.

  272. Praying for my love to come back

    Dear Lord,

    I am praying in the name of Jesus. Could you please bring my boyfriend back to me? We had been together for almost a year, it was all about happiness and fun. I love him very much and I miss him everyday. He had made a decision to leave me because he couldn’t handle all the issues. I know I was wrong at some point, didn’t pay attention to his feelings much, and that unintentionally pushed him away from me.

    You have brought us together and I think You would like to see us happy together too. Please direct his steps to me if You think we are made for each other.

    I believe “What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate”. Amen

    Thank you so much God.

  273. Pray for me please


    I pray that you may help roster my relationship. Forgive me for my past sins. Forgive me for not being the Partner that I should have been. Forgive me for not placing YOU first in my life. I want to thank you for opening my eyes and making me see what i was doing wrong. I believe you put me through this so that I can appreciate my partner more and bring me back to walk in the right path. I have strayed Lord, Forgive me. I love my GF more than anything and will do anything to get her back. Please Lord open up her eyes, open her heart again to me. Lord, be the Rock of this relationship. You are our foundation. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner but I was to blind in my ways to see it. My mind and heart were clouded. I never want to ever experience this pain again but i thank you Lord for making me go through it. I know that I NEVER want to feel this way again so I will work harder than ever to never have to go through this pain again. I will be the best partner to my GF if given another chance. We spend a lifetime looking for our soul mates Lord and I know I found mine. Please Lord hear my prayer and also the prayers of all those who are in a similar situation. I understand and feel there pain. I love you Lord.



    Please GOD unite me back with my love and bless my marriage with him , with our parents blessings and happiness .Please GOD you are my last hope . Please don’t let me down . Please GOD also bless all other people in this world who pray to you and have faith in you .




  276. Broken Relationship

    The more I pray the more I feel him coming back. I love him more than I have loved anything else on earth. I have been hurt so many times and that hurt caused me to push him away. God, please make us stronger through this and bring us to love one another again but love one another in a restored since that is guided by your will for man a woman to love one another. I love him and I know that his love was the cure that lightened so much in my life. I want to love and care for him and have his friendship and love back. Please restore his heart with love for me. You strengthen me everyday and my faith grows and grows. It is true how that only weak will find you. Only the weak will be able to witness your power to answer prayer as we lay our desires in your hands. This darkness has caused me to see your light because you are the only power and the only all-knowing God. You brought ED into my life and I could feel this blessing when he came. I didn’t love you with my whole heart and soul and look to you for guidance and grace the way I should have. I love you lord and I pray that you will restore all of our hearts and bring our loves back to us. The soul mates who have now actually brought us to seek you. Help me have faith and believe in your strength everyday because I know your will will be done and I know that in believing I will receive as all of us will who are broken-hearted and looking to you. Restore the love in ED’s heart for me. Forgive me for my mistakes and little faith and please help him do the same according to your will. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

  277. Love

    Dear Lord, be gracious to me,i am in need of your help to please heal and restore my falling relationship with David Oscar. His mother thinks am not good for him as i am a single mother of 1 and one year older than him. We love each other,that am sure. Please lord let his mother understand this. I have faith and trust that you will make us strong enough to overcome this. Amen.

  278. Broken

    Dear lord,

    I am truly in love with a man, that makes my heart skip a beat every time I see him or hear his voice. Everything was going amazing until we recently broke up. Lord I’ve kept him in my life because I want some part of him, and have hope that we will one day be together again. I know that he was brought into my life for a purpose and we are just being tested. Please lord combine us as one and protect us from the evil eye. Amen

  279. Pray for us

    Dearest Lord,

    Please give me strength to get through this ordeal. Come into my heart and release all of the sins hidden inside. Open Kim’s heart and show her that the decisions she is making are not hers but of her friends. There is nothing more that I want than to take care of her and her needs for the rest of my life. I pray to fix my broken life and broken relationship.

    Give Kim guidance and show her the way back to me.

    I leave this in your almighty hands.

    I pray this in your name.


  280. Second chance

    Dear Lord, you know Esther and I are innocent of the crimes we are being placed upon and now our relationship has been broken because of this. I ask you Lord to give us a second chance in our relationship to prove to her mom that I’m not what she thinks I am, send the Holy Spirit in her and open her eyes to see the truth in her daughter Esther and I. Lord you know how much we Love each other and its so painful to be parted with no genuine reason, I beg for your Mercy and Grace, let the truth be known to her mom and give us another chance in this relationship. I pray all this through Christ our Lord and Savior, Amen

  281. Lord

    LORD you know what really want i want everything to be restore and start over again but both hurt each other so much all i m askin´is you to restore first our hearts, then make each of us see what did we do wrong and change it for good, if in your eyes it was wrong, after that see both of us want to save it but if it isn´t your will at least let us get out of this chield with unbroken heart THANK U IN JESUS NAME let it be what u think it´s best for us cuz ur our father and u know best.

  282. sOrry

    Dear God,

    Please bring some good people into my life and give me a fresh start . I’m trying to change things that need changed. I’m sorry that I ever let myself stray from the right path. I want you to know i’m trying and if you speak i will listen <3

  283. Issy and kelvin d b

    Jesus Christ, I pray to you to restore my relationship with Kelvin. I did’nt mean to hurt your child and he didn’t mean to hurt you either. I have faith in you that he is my soulmate and that things will get better. I regret what I said, I regret goong to our people other them to help us. I will fast for the next five days. I know his the one for me cause he is the only man in my life that has brought me closer to you. Humble his heart, hold him, guide him down the right path. Dont let tge devil play with him. He needs you. We need you. I want to know you and be more lke you. I have faith we will be back together and things will be better then before.Help me have self control to think before I do and say and to ask you to speak for me. In the name of Jesus amen.

  284. Issy and kelvin d b

    Jesus Christ, I pray to you to restore my relationship with Kelvin. I did’nt mean to hurt your child and he didn’t mean to hurt you either. I have faith in you that he is my soulmate and that things will get better. I regret what I said, I regret goong to our people other them to help us. I will fast for the next five days. I know his the one for me cause he is the only man in my life that has brought me closer to you. Humble his heart, hold him, guide him down the right path. Dont let tge devil play with him. He needs you. We need you. I want to know you and be more lke you. I have faith we will be back together and things will be better then before.Help me have self control to think before I do and say and to ask you to speak for me. In the name of Jesus amen.

  285. restore my broken relationship

    Dear God

    Its been months God Bijay Shankar Joshi walked from my life .I want him to return back in life again god.


  286. love lost

    i have loved the same man for over 3 years, we had an on of relationship because he was having a hard time with long distance relationship. we broke up last october but kept seeing eachother and were very close.. i loved him as much as the 1st day.

    a few weeks ago i was with him last and it was wonderful, a week later he told me he loved someone else and asked her to be his girlfriend. i nearly died… i went to his house and we talked i cried, he held me and kissed me, said he does still love me. i want to pray for them to break up, but i can’t i can only pray he will find his way back to me. i can’t live without him and life is hard.

    i pray for all of you to be happy again, hopefullly with the person you love now.

  287. Restoration

    Heavenly Father, I ask in the name of Jesus for You to please heal and restore my relationship with Jason. Amen!!

  288. hope and faith

    My dear Heavenly Father, i pray for all the people here who need your help and your guide..please come to us and mercy us. I believe You Father..You are good all the times. Please hear and answer prayers who cry to You because they find them self in the same situation. Almighty God, while people stubborn you are the powerful one, reach out to us today, reunite not only my relationship but those relationship that are crying for help here. In Jesus Name I pray.


  289. Reunite

    Lord I know I don’t deserve it, you know how I failed. I’m sorry. It’s been 16 months. I will wait the rest of my life if I must, but please help us reunite. Amen

  290. For God to Erase all of his heartache

    In the name of Jesus,

    I ask that the holy spirit reach my soul mate ‘s heart and erase all of the fear , doubt and past heartache that made him run away from me. Lord Jesus our connection and love goes beyond many life times. You brought him back into my life this past January. I know you did because I prayed every day for a year and when he called me , I was praising your name. It took a year, but I would wait my whole life for him. No man could ever come close to the amazing love I feel for him. Lord Jesus, due to his cancer diagnosis, he got scared and doesnt want to pursue a relationship with me. He is doing this to spare me hurt….he worrys he will leave me a widow one day….but I dont want to waste one more minute being apart from him. Lord please enter into Jason’s heart to free him of all of his worries. I know he will come back Lord…as through you all things are possible. I pray that each and every person on this site recieve what is promised to them in Jesus name…amen.


    Your daughter, Concetta

  291. restore for broken relationship

    Dear Lord

    It has been 4yrs now since he walked out of my life,and I continue to pray to him for reconcilliation and for the miracle of second chance.

    I pray that he will grow spiritual and consider his accountability before the Lotd. I pray that he will be a man of understanding,fearing the Lord.

    I also pray that you take away the pain and hurt in my heart. Fill it with love,joy,peace and understanding. Bless me and him so that we may not surrender to whatever challenges that come our away. Please lord,touch his heart and fill it with so much love for me. Make our complicated relationship become uncomplicated. I seek for your mercy and blessing that you may allow us to spend the rest of our lives with each other. Please make this feeling mutual for both of us always put us in each other ‘s heart and mind.

    Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer and I believe that it shall be so in JESUS NAME!!

  292. God Has Not Forsaken Me

    Dear God,

    As you know that im am going through some issues with my boyfriend of 4yrs and only you know how strong my love is for him i pray every day that you take away every bit of stubbornness that he has in his heart. i pray that you fill his heart with unconditional love for me. i feel that he is afraid to make such commitment at this time when he knows that im here for him as his friend, his supporter, his love and companion an i pray that in no way does he have to fear of being mistreated or hurt in any way. My heart is for him and can’t imagine seeing myself with anyone but him. I pray that you mend and heal this relationship in a way that he may see the true AGAPE love that i have for him. So with this i ask that you guide us through this and help me to mend my love with the one i care an long for In JESUS Name.Thank You and AMEN.

  293. Please bring her back

    me and gf have been having problems, we stayed toghter and were fine, tonite i think she left me, she feels shes becoming to close cuase she loves, i said r u mine, she said no, i begged her to stay, her last words were i love u, i dont know what that means, i need her n want her, shes everything to me, she cant leave weve been through too much, i know she loves me, please god bring her back to me shes the only one i want

  294. Please bring her back

    me and gf have been having problems, we stayed toghter and were fine, tonite i think she left me, she feels shes becoming to close cuase she loves, i said r u mine, she said no, i begged her to stay, her last words were i love u, i dont know what that means, i need her n want her, shes everything to me, she cant leave weve been through too much, i know she loves me, please god bring her back to me shes the only one i want

  295. Prayer for love

    Please God help my relationship with MS. Help us to reunite very soon and to steadily maintain a balanced, emotional and physical relationship that shows each of us the love we have for each other. Please help us to maintain this for a the rest of our lives. God, you gave each one of us the ability to love and loving each other makes the world a better place for a lot of people. Thank you, God, for hearing my prayer. Hope you find it in your heart to help us to achieve a solid relationship. Amen.

  296. Bring a family back together

    Lord, I pray to you today to please help me. It has been almost two months now since me and my boyfriend of six years have split up. We have a child together and lived together. We had a great life together living as a family. I know we were sinning in your eyes because we were not married. This is the main reason for out split. After six years, he is still not ready to commit, and although it kills me, I had to let him go. I feel like he is afraid of commitment and he wants to see what else is out there. Please lord, helps us find our way back to each other. I know if we were to get married, we would make it. You are the only one that can help me bring my family together again. Please let him come to his senses. Let him realize that there is nothing better for him out there than his family. Please let him get advise from good chritian people. And please fill his heart for much needed love for me and his daughter. I know everything happens for a reason lord, just please dont let this be the end of our relationship. Also, please help everyone that is in the same situation as I am. Amen.

  297. Please Return My Love to Me

    Dear St. Jude,

    Please return my love to me. This person was the answer to years of prayer for a loving partner to join my life. I always cherished the gift of this person and his love. I knew it was you, St. Jude who meant for us to be together by putting us in each others path over and over until we finally understood. Please don’t let the difficult and painful circumstances that have just separated us be permanent. I had been praying faithfully and with devotion for all barriers between our being together to be removed. I am trying so hard to trust that these unexpected circumstances now parting us are a part of that process and not an end. I am just scared and hurt. Please hear my prayers, St. Jude. Please don’t forget about me. Please help me. I am broken hearted and barely hanging on through the pain . I need your miraculous intercession, Blessed St. Jude. Please hear my prayers.

  298. Please reunite me with the man I love with all my heart.

    Dear God, Its been almost 5 months since the love of my life moved out of our home we share with our two children. We have been together for about 13 years and it breaks my heart to see it end. My children cry for their daddy everyday. We have been through alot together but always seemed to stick together. But the last two years of our relationship have been really hard. I have had some health issues that really caused us to grow apart. I couldn’t be as attentive as I should of been and he started to feel ignored. I thought he understood that it was my health and not how I felt about him, I have loved him been completely commited, faithful, and loyal to this man for almost half of my life He is all that i know. He has been my best friend, companion, everything to me for so long that I feel so alone without him. I pray everyday, multiple times a day for him to come home so we can be a family once again. He is my

    soulmate. I will love him forever. I pray that he will remember the good times we had, the miracle of the birth of our daughters, the reason we feel in love in the first place. I pray he will return to us. I believe that my prayers are being heard, I just wish I knew what Gods plan is for me. Im not sure how long I can mannage to feel this way, Im desperate for my family to be together once again. I believe in forgivness and second chances. Please God bring him home to us Amen.

  299. prayer for a hurting marriage

    I have been so unhappy in my life and began to let it interfere with my marriage. I never even saw what effects that it was taking on my new marriage at the time, until just recently. We have both made some mistakes in our marriage, nothing that can notbe forgiven, but we now seem to be stuck. I pray tha God blesses our lives together and that he help us get our marriage and family back on track. I can see now how important it is to keep our family/marriage together, not only for ourselves but for our children as well.

  300. Broken love

    Dear God, I pray you will have the grace and love to just sew up my broken heart for the last time. God you tell us to love the people that hurt us and im doing my best to. Please god Keep him safe and show him the light of life and not the light at the end of the bottle. God im goin to have to put this in ur hands because i could not save my own mom for the bottle, the way it looks now i will not be able to save him. God im calling on all your power to save him ,not for me but for himself.

  301. Rekindle Love


    Please give Wendy and Ruben the ability to be patient and have a positive attitude toward each other. Let them be able to communicate and understand each other. Give them have an unbreakable bond. Let them love each other unconditionally, be faithful towards each other, be loyal towards each other and be honest with each other. Let them know each others with. Help them bring out the best in one another and be a positive influence for one another. To you Lord I pray for the best for them and for the best for other relationship who need rekindling of their love.

    I love you Lord


  302. me ex cut me off(but I know he loved me)

    My ex has left me for 3 months now. I know through Jesus who healed a blind man and who walked on water, he can restore my relationship. I know that if god did not want me to love him I would have moved on by now. I know he is meant for me and I know we can still get engaged and get married. I believe it and Ive received it in my heart. Anything is possible through prayer and believing. God can restore any relationship as long as you believe.

  303. My boyfriend back

    Heavenly father I pray to you , asking you to re unite me and my boyfriend together. I love him, i miss him very much. He broke up with me for no reason. i tried to be the best girlfriend. He treated me like his princess. But why did you leave me for ? Anyways I would do anything to get him back. I can’t stop thinking or dreaming about him. Oh heavenly father please let me get my boyfriend back.


  304. God is the super power.

    I am going through the biggest pain in my life.

    In front of my eyes, my dhana(girl) is being forced to marry someone else by her family because of simple caste issue. They rejected me because i am not their caste.

    I know God sees this injustice and doing this to test my patience.

    Still i have to respect God’s will, there is nobody go against his will.

    I can just pray god please give me a second chance to love her like the way i am loving her unconditionally.

    Please god do something so that my love again comes back to me again else hold me closely like she does to me when i need help.

    Also please forgive me if i any wrong, it is only to get her but without any bad.

    I love you.

  305. Praying for restoring a broken relationship

    Oh Lord,

    I pray that you help me in this time of sorrow and loneliness. I pray that you are able to fill my heart with hope and strength to move on and better myself. Oh Lord, I pray that you can help restore and reconcile my relationship with my ex boyfriend of over a year. He has been needing space as I smothered him too much to the point where it pushed him far away from me. He does not feel the same anymore and does not want to try. He wants me to let go. I pray that you instill faith and love in him, that he can find his way into your heart and that he sees the good in me. I pray you restore our relationship. I pray that in time we don’t go back to what it was but start a new one just how he fell in love with me. I am trying my best to be strong but it is hard lord. I pray this time I don’t lose myself completely and I promise I won’t lose touch with you. I have been so caught up with being in love and being with the man that I love 24/7. I know now this is not the case. I pray that you give me a second chance to be better with him. I love him with all my heart and I pray time will lead us to a second chance in love together again. Thank you oh lord.


  306. I pray for our love

    Dear Lord,

    I pray to you that you fill her heart with love as I love her. She is confused and afraid to make the commitment that I seek. Please guide her to know that my love is unconditional and that her fear of being hurt is unfounded. I love her so much and wish the best for her. My heart is all hers and my love is all for her. Please let her see the light in your glory. I miss her and will do anything to get her back. Heal my heart and soul so that she may see the love and adoration I have for her. In God’s name amen

  307. Soul Searching for Peace and Harmony

    My heart goes out to you, and I thank God that I saw your prayer. I am feeling the same, only the problem in my relationship was me. I didn’t give him 100%, and I took for granted that all the things I did that annoyed him would be overlooked. We never stayed on the same level. In some ways, I disrespected him. Not by cheating, flirting or anything that has to do with temptation. It had more to do with my need to be Independent and do things for myself in my ways. I miss him dearly and have been crying so much that my eyes are swollen and sore. I failed. I failed. I failed, and it hurts sooooo bad to think about this. I prayed to God for help and guidance. This worked temporarily, but then we would end up fighting and I would feel sad and bad. I never had to work so hard in a relationship before, and I just seemed to come up short everytime this time around. I didn’t listen to him attentively and seemed hurried with my own schedule. He has two previous wives and famalies, and his second ex and her son, his step son, are in dire straits and are homeless. Being an honorable man, he has no choice but to take them in. They were married for 10 years under an oath and commitment made to God. How can I expect him to disregard such a relationship. I see that I have no choice but to let go and pray that he mends the relationship he once had with her and his previous family. God it hurts me to no end, but I know in my heart that its the right thing to do. I want to pray for him to come back to me, and I am sure that God would grant my request to have him as a friend. However, I am not strong enough to accept this kind of relationship with him, as I used to pray for what every little girl wants, a handsome prince to sweep her off her feet forever and ever. I also know that I am not good enough for him. We fought constantly about me and the things I did wrong and how I wasn’t making him feel like an important man. I was too independent and my thinking was always independent. Our relationship was doomed anyway, and I feel that I must let him go anyway for this reason. He needs to be with someone who understands him better than I, and can give him more, because I repeatedly failed to do so. So my prayer is this, God if it is your will and in both our best interests please send him back, and I will try my best to honor him and do for him as I would do for you Lord. But if it is best for him to care for his previous family, God please grant me peace in my heart and rid me of this gut wrenching pain.

  308. Soul Searching for Peace and Harmony

    My heart goes out to you, and I thank God that I saw your prayer. I am feeling the same, only the problem in my relationship was me. I didn’t give him 100%, and I took for granted that all the things I did that annoyed him would be overlooked. We never stayed on the same level. In some ways, I disrespected him. Not by cheating, flirting or anything that has to do with temptation. It had more to do with my need to be Independent and do things for myself in my ways. I miss him dearly and have been crying so much that my eyes are swollen and sore. I failed. I failed. I failed, and it hurts sooooo bad to think about this. I prayed to God for help and guidance. This worked temporarily, but then we would end up fighting and I would feel sad and bad. I never had to work so hard in a relationship before, and I just seemed to come up short everytime this time around. I didn’t listen to him attentively and seemed hurried with my own schedule. He has two previous wives and famalies, and his second ex and her son, his step son, are in dire straits and are homeless. Being an honorable man, he has no choice but to take them in. They were married for 10 years under an oath and commitment made to God. How can I expect him to disregard such a relationship. I see that I have no choice but to let go and pray that he mends the relationship he once had with her and his previous family. God it hurts me to no end, but I know in my heart that its the right thing to do. I want to pray for him to come back to me, and I am sure that God would grant my request to have him as a friend. However, I am not strong enough to accept this kind of relationship with him, as I used to pray for what every little girl wants, a handsome prince to sweep her off her feet forever and ever. I also know that I am not good enough for him. We fought constantly about me and the things I did wrong and how I wasn’t making him feel like an important man. I was too independent and my thinking was always independent. Our relationship was doomed anyway, and I feel that I must let him go anyway for this reason. He needs to be with someone who understands him better than I, and can give him more, because I repeatedly failed to do so. So my prayer is this, God if it is your will and in both our best interests please send him back, and I will try my best to honor him and do for him as I would do for you Lord. But if it is best for him to care for his previous family, God please grant me peace in my heart and rid me of this gut wrenching pain.

  309. Soul Searching for Peace and Harmony

    My heart goes out to you, and I thank God that I saw your prayer. I am feeling the same, only the problem in my relationship was me. I didn’t give him 100%, and I took for granted that all the things I did that annoyed him would be overlooked. We never stayed on the same level. In some ways, I disrespected him. Not by cheating, flirting or anything that has to do with temptation. It had more to do with my need to be Independent and do things for myself in my ways. I miss him dearly and have been crying so much that my eyes are swollen and sore. I failed. I failed. I failed, and it hurts sooooo bad to think about this. I prayed to God for help and guidance. This worked temporarily, but then we would end up fighting and I would feel sad and bad. I never had to work so hard in a relationship before, and I just seemed to come up short everytime this time around. I didn’t listen to him attentively and seemed hurried with my own schedule. He has two previous wives and famalies, and his second ex and her son, his step son, are in dire straits and are homeless. Being an honorable man, he has no choice but to take them in. They were married for 10 years under an oath and commitment made to God. How can I expect him to disregard such a relationship. I see that I have no choice but to let go and pray that he mends the relationship he once had with her and his previous family. God it hurts me to no end, but I know in my heart that its the right thing to do. I want to pray for him to come back to me, and I am sure that God would grant my request to have him as a friend. However, I am not strong enough to accept this kind of relationship with him, as I used to pray for what every little girl wants, a handsome prince to sweep her off her feet forever and ever. I also know that I am not good enough for him. We fought constantly about me and the things I did wrong and how I wasn’t making him feel like an important man. I was too independent and my thinking was always independent. Our relationship was doomed anyway, and I feel that I must let him go anyway for this reason. He needs to be with someone who understands him better than I, and can give him more, because I repeatedly failed to do so. So my prayer is this, God if it is your will and in both our best interests please send him back, and I will try my best to honor him and do for him as I would do for you Lord. But if it is best for him to care for his previous family, God please grant me peace in my heart and rid me of this gut wrenching pain.

  310. please god return my fiance back home

    God I pray to you that my fiance of 3 years wayne return home soon please I pray to you that he looks into his heart and returns home to me and my kids so that we can continue to be the family we once were. Please help him decide and not his family when it comes to our lives. Please open his heart and please that he doesnt forget all the love we have in our relationship we have been thru so much over the years but with your guideance we were able to over come everything and trust in you god that this to shall pass and he will return home. Please god take this pain and emptyness I feel in my heart give me the strenght to stay strong for our family and not loose sight of what is important. Please I pray that wayne returns home so that we may continue on our paths as planned. Please god I cry out to you that wayne be able to stand up for our relationship with his family and realize what we have is our family. God please return wayne home and that he not forget about me and the kids and all the love we have for eact other.

  311. Prayer for God to reconcile with my ex-boyfriend

    Dear Lord,

    Please help me to restore my relationship with my ex-boyfriend for 8 years, I pray to you God to convince him to comeback to me and fix my relationship with him and to love me again. I pray that he will not listen to his friend who gave him an ill-advice against me.

  312. Allow Her to Not Be Afriad of Hurt with A Calm Understanding and Resolution

    Dear Lord,

    I pray for the restoration of my engaged relationship and complete it with marriage. I humble myself to you because I am not faithfully going to you as I should for help and restoration. Please forgive me, Lord.

    I come to you on bended knee and hands chained. I am not a restorer of my relationship(s). I am not the beginning or the end.

    Lord, I ask that you continue to be involved in this situation. I only see from the inside out.

    Lord bring her back to me and cease all hurt and pain that she sees in her eyes. Change her and my negative tongue, Lord. Give us the vision to be positive. Lord cease the evil spirits from entertaining us and give us both knowledge and understanding of our strength and power to endure with You.


  313. Love and Peace

    Dear Lord Jesus,Heavenly father,My Father in heaven please restore all the relationships on this site.I know exactly how they feel. Please help everyone with your hand. Love…Peace…

  314. Recreate my broken relationship

    Heavenly Father

    Today it has been placed upon my heart that I commit my heart’s most deepest desire to you and that is to not restore my broken relationship with the man that I love so much who is the father of my youngest son, . . . I don’t pray for restoration, I pray for a NEW relationship with Peter.

    God, only you can see things fully from all perspectives and all I can do is act upon my most sincere love for this man who, is not perfect, who has so many things that could be changed, but the one thing I pray is that his heart be awakened to the call of your Spirit, that he may come to know you and know Christ as his Lord and saviour.

    I pray that the renewing of our relationship be to your glory and honour.

    Many people who know us know of the 6 years we have had our ups and downs since when first we were together we were supposed to be married but that has not happened . .I just pray for a miracle that a transformation of our hearts and minds be brought about and that those who know us will be amazed and your name be glorified because of this.

    I pray for a loving family with Peter, that me and him be married and be together with our children.

    Only you can do this God. I have run out of all other ideas and options and all the while I’ve been ignorning your still small voice requesting that I bring this to you. So here it is and I have faith. . I will let go and let you guide me . . and work to bring us together like we first met, but better!

    In Jesus name


  315. Prayer for his return

    Dear Father

    It has been 4 yrs since he’s left, I still have no explanation why. I pray that he comes back to take his role as father to his very intelligent young son who needs his guidance and to do right by me as the woman he made pregnant and left. I ask You for this because I know You will help me.

    In Jesus’ Name


  316. Restoration

    Heavenly Father, I pray that your love and wisdom will grow in my wifes heart. May she begin to see how very much she is missed and how very much she needed as my wife, our childrens mother and as the feminine leader of our family. Lord help her to be strong and come to see the importance in the being a loving mother here in our home. Father show me my short comings and teach me how to love her, Adore her and make her feel special in your word. help us to repent our sins and bring restoration to our marriage. Lord I pray for the strength, the wisdom and the understanding, to lead our family, to teach our children how to love, to guide the generations to come. Amen

  317. Dear Lord

    I ask that you reunite my love R and i. Help him see what is in his heart. Guide him towards me and our son. Help our love and bond be stronger than ever before. Keep those who want to destroy my family. Guide my love to realise and to listen to his heart. Take away any anger, confusion and misunderstandings. Let those who are hiding revealed. Heavenly father i ask that you guide him towards us and help us as a family. Thank you my Lord.

  318. I'm incomplete without him!

    It’s been two months since he run away from me and my baby. I’m not almost 14weeks pregnant but he used to run away from all the responsibilities and commitment that he must face. I know I’m not that perfect for him and made some mistakes. We’ve been 3 years and 6 months in a relationship and now is the time to make our relationship into a higher level and having a baby is one of God’s way for it. Unfortunately, he leave us without any word and now no communication at all. I committed mistakes but hopefully he forgives me for all those things. My love for him was unconditional, I always stood by through thick and thin. Lord do not let us stray. I believe it was his fear of committment to walk out the door, he told me that he can’t be with me for the rest of his life. Almighty God, restore his faith in us, in unconditional love and in the power of marriage. I still wanted him to be the father of my child, only him and no one can replace him. Time will come that everything will be alright. Lord Almighty guide him, let him realize everything, let him have the wisdom to decide for his better life. I love him and it will be always him. Been missing him and can’t live without thinking of him. Lord restore our love to one another, restore the respect and understanding we had once we were so deeply in love.


  319. With Him is better

    Real believers in The Awesome Lord Jesus. Please help me in Prayers. My relationship with Him is in its weakest every. I am drifting away and need His help. He is my life, and I am conviced without Him, I am nothing. I acknowledge that knowing Him is depending on obeying Him. Please pray for me so God does not end up turning His mighty face away from me…

    I am overcome by other lies and need a revival.

    thank you!

  320. Restoration of a broken relationship

    Lord Jesus, I pray that you will restore my 3 year relationship with the love of my life D. The way we met was divinely appointed and that is why I am not giving up dear Lord. I love this man with all my heart. Lord, have your way in him, and heal him from all the past hurts that caused him to compromise our relationship o Lord.I ask that you forgive us for all the things we did that are not in accordance with your will. Ask you to cleanse and wash us with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Replace the spirit of unforgiveness with forgiveness, and patience, and love dear Lord. I pray that you will walk with him, and watch over him at all times and he will know he is not alone, but he is so much loved especially by you. Lord, put positive influences in his path, to pray with him, and encourage him, and guide him. Most of all, walk with him, so he knows he is not alone. I know Lord, you have the power to turn any situation around, and I can feel it in my heart that you are working something out for us. Thank you for all you are doing, I praise and glorify your name my father. In Jesus name I pray and believe, Amen!

  321. Restoration of a broken relationship

    Lord Jesus, I pray that you will restore my 3 year relationship with the love of my life D. The way we met was divinely appointed and that is why I am not giving up dear Lord. I love this man with all my heart. Lord, have your way in him, and heal him from all the past hurts that caused him to compromise our relationship o Lord.I ask that you forgive us for all the things we did that are not in accordance with your will. Ask you to cleanse and wash us with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Replace the spirit of unforgiveness with forgiveness, and patience, and love dear Lord. I pray that you will walk with him, and watch over him at all times and he will know he is not alone, but he is so much loved especially by you. Lord, put positive influences in his path, to pray with him, and encourage him, and guide him. Most of all, walk with him, so he knows he is not alone. I know Lord, you have the power to turn any situation around, and I can feel it in my heart that you are working something out for us. Thank you for all you are doing, I praise and glorify your name my father. In Jesus name I pray and believe, Amen!

  322. I love Kristin

    I lost the love of my life four months ago. She broke up with me and refuse to give me another chance. God please work with us to reunite.

  323. reunite a relationship

    I pray that my broken relationship is restored i love this person honestly with my whole heart. All communication has been lost. I pray dear lord that communication is gained love is restored are hearts are filled with love for each other, trust, love and understanding. This can be restored i just pray for the lords blessing upon me and my mate. Lord i pray that u let me stay positive and have good faith. Amen

  324. Communication

    I pray to forgive and to be forgiven. Lord, please forgive me for my mistakes and my rush to judgement. I know you have a greater plan for both of us. I love S with my heart but failed in supporting S. I pray S will soften and will allow communication between us.

    S, I have forgiven you. You caused great pain to me. You are forgiven. Although this is a time for healing, I ask you, the Devine Power, to help me think of S first before thinking of my own wants.

    I know you will hear my prayer. Please guide me to become a better person for you, for S, for me. Amen

  325. Communication

    I pray to forgive and to be forgiven. Lord, please forgive me for my mistakes and my rush to judgement. I know you have a greater plan for both of us. I love S with my heart but failed in supporting S. I pray S will soften and will allow communication between us.

    S, I have forgiven you. You caused great pain to me. You are forgiven. Although this is a time for healing, I ask you, the Devine Power, to help me think of S first before thinking of my own wants.

    I know you will hear my prayer. Please guide me to become a better person for you, for S, for me. Amen

  326. Fix Broken Relationship Between My Parents

    Our heavenly Father, I am very sad because what happened between my father and mother. My father got another women outside there, my mother very angry about that. I am very thankful because You give me very loving mother who are very forgiven.. Yesterday, she told me all about my father’s fault to her.. everything after they married.. and she said she cannot take this anymore.. last time, I even heard she cursed my father to go to hell. Maybe, she really can’t take it anymore. Lord, I don’t want my father go to hell. Please save both of them. I really love this family.. I don’t want them to divorced.. Lord, there will be no one can separate them if you said so.. Give love to them Lord.. I love you Lord. In Your Son, Jesus Christ’s name, I pray.. AMEN.

  327. Lord Thank You but not over

    It’s been two months since things went down last. Due to constant prayer and action, my lady and I are in getting back to a better place. I still need you Lord. She is the one I want to marry with all my heart and soul. I know we will get there but don’t want to take the progress we have made lightly. I know you are God of everything. I pray you continue to pour your blood into the foundation of our broken relationship. That you make it whole and stronger than before. I love that woman with all my heart. Continue to bless each and every one of my actions towards and for her.

  328. please lord help

    please lord help, the women i love and adore left me,we had arguments over nothing,and i tried to reasure her that everything is ok.Lord i really think you put the two of us together for a reason,Please show her a sign of the love i have for her,And please give me a sign that she will come back to me.I love you lorrie,you are truely my soulmate.

  329. time will tell

    Lord i feel ya presence. I know your are able to see. Things through. Continue to be my guide. Help me to mend my love. You are my rock and my salvation. I you I will trust.

  330. i. love you

    Cedric, i really love and miss you. I want our relationship to return. You are My soulmate. I truelyforgive you. Let God be our guide. He knows our heart. Trust me.

  331. i still love amd want him

    We were once perfect,,in love, happy and all. As with all relationship with took the bitter with tha sweet. I love him and i know he truely love me.i want him back.. this is my undying request by faith that we will be together again..Real Soon…He has a wall up deviding because it shields him from his embarrasments and flaws. I want to and will forgive him. I LOVE HIM. ….. UNTIL MY PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED, I’LL NEVER GIVE UP ON HIM OR MY FAITH. IN JESUS NAME I WANT (CH ) NOW,TOMORROW AND FOREVERMORE. WORK. WITH HIM,STRENGHTEN HIM,ENCOURAGE HIM,RESTORE HIM, …WHAT EVER IT WILL TAKE LORD PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REUNITE US IN IN LOVE,TOGETHERNESS, AND MARRIAGE. …AMEN




  333. Lord, please help us

    my boyfriend (i’ll call him CK) of almost two years has separated from me because of selfish temptation that we’ve both fallen into a few times together. he believes that God wants him to get right with him now and so he tried to break up with me until i fought for a break period to hopefully give him time for himself and for God to help him and forgive both of us for our wrongs. i believe he is the one for me Lord, i feel you telling me that in my heart everytime i pray for us and for him. he is the one that brought me to Christianity, and i believe he really is my angel sent from you Lord. Lord Father, you tell me everytime i pray to help him, and to not give up on him, but he wont let me. please help him understand the love he has is still there in his heart Lord, and i pray he just wants to get right with You first. Lord, please hear my prayers, and his prayers also. help bring us back together again, but this time with You in mind always. i know you cant take back what has already happened, but i ask that you forgive us both for our failings, and that you may grant us with the love we once shared through You Lord. if you decide to give him back to me, i promise to get us both purity rings to help symbolise the cleanliness and purity we will have as a couple from then on, even though you cant take back whats already happened we can find forgiveness through You Lord and never do it again. I thankyou for all the blessings you have given me, and i ask you to bring this one blessing back to me. in Your Holy name i pray, Amen.

  334. need him back?

    my boyfriend (i’ll call him CK) of almost two years has separated from me because of selfish temptation that we’ve both fallen into a few times together. he believes that God wants him to get right with him now and so he tried to break up with me until i fought for a break period to hopefully give him time for himself and for God to help him and forgive both of us for our wrongs. i believe he is the one for me Lord, i feel you telling me that in my heart everytime i pray for us and for him. he is the one that brought me to Christianity, and i believe he really is my angel sent from you Lord. Lord Father, you tell me everytime i pray to help him, and to not give up on him, but he wont let me. please help him understand the love he has is still there in his heart Lord, and i pray he just wants to get right with You first. Lord, please hear my prayers, and his prayers also. help bring us back together again, but this time with You in mind always. i know you cant take back what has already happened, but i ask that you forgive us both for our failings, and that you may grant us with the love we once shared through You Lord. if you decide to give him back to me, i promise to get us both purity rings to help symbolise the cleanliness and purity we will have as a couple from then on, even though you cant take back whats already happened we can find forgiveness through You Lord and never do it again. I thankyou for all the blessings you have given me, and i ask you to bring this one blessing back to me. in Your Holy name i pray, Amen.

  335. It's in Gods Hands

    my girlfriend of 2and a half years broke up with me 3 weeks ago, I’ve prayed to God to return her to me, but I have to also let God do what he thinks is right for me, I need to trust in his decision for me, I love her and miss her, but he calls the shots, maybe he has something better out there for me, I don’t know, but I need to trust him, in Gods name Amen

  336. Please pray that God will restore my broken relationship with cherie

    Please Lord Jesus Please restore my broken relationship with Cherie I truely love this woman with all my heart!

    please pray that we can get back together please!!

    In Jesus name please help me!!

  337. Jesus Homme Sauveur

    Have faith Micheal..

    I’m more or less in the same situation as you..where i’m principally the one who has messed up mostly.

    what matters is that you have realised your mistakes..

    But when she comes back, DO NOT repeat them again!!

    If you love her conditoinally , your prayers will be answered..

    Have faith……….

  338. I truly need her back.

    I truly need her back, i admit i messed up. I know she is my blessing, father i need her back. We been together 3yrs, and i messed up, i feel depressed, sick, confused, and alone. Father i come to you please reunite us. I need her. No one else matters to me. Soften her heart to give me a chance for reconciliation. In your name i pray. Amen

  339. Jesus Homme Sauveur

    Music has united us..

    we were then friends..

    we had our first kiss on the 21st sep 2010..

    2010 has been a magical year for me..

    for us…

    I have messed things so much..

    i regret it..but he doesn’t want to forget it all.

    he keeps on reminding me about my past mistakes.

    it hurts me so much when he talks rudely to me.

    he has changed..

    i know he’s the man of my life.i know it!!!

    but we r so different from each other that it’s difficult for us to get along..

    but STILL i love him and only him!!

    its easy to say move on, forget him bla bla..

    but my heart doesn’t agree to that..

    please God, even though i have to wait for 3 years, make him come back to me so as we can fulfil our dreams..have 3 babies, a house of our own, our small garden……

    or else, …O God.i don’t kow!!

    i love him so so so much…

    so much…

    i can’t see him unhappy..

    I love you Steph…<3

  340. Prayer for reconciliation

    Please pray to restore my broken relationship. I was with him for three years, we are both in our 50’s. He’s been depressed and quit his job this year to go back to school…he hated it. Now he is leaving to teach English in Ecuador and said that he is no longer in love with me. That was a month ago. This man has been so good to me and my best friend, I believe this is part of his mid-life crisis. Please pray that God would soften his heart and reunite us one day.

  341. Prayer but action

    After posting on here yesterday, I selfishly thought of myself and not of everyone else here. If you are still in contact with the one you truly love, even if it is just through talk or limited physical interaction I suggest to you today to do the Love Dare on the one you love. Go to any Christian bookstore and pick up a copy of Love Dare and watch the Fireproof movie. Prayer is great and you should continue to lift up your relationship and the one you love, but God also blesses actions. It is a 40 day journey, I’m only on day 2 but I’m committed to do the entire journey because I know what is at stake. If you are going to do something different to get them back, might as well do something that is God based.

  342. I Need My Love Back

    I identify with all your pain. I have known the love of my life (CL) 17 months now and we seem farther apart than ever. Our relationship was never really in effect because of my childish ways when he so earnestly pursued me. I realized the err of my ways and I want him back with all his initial love, zest and passion for me. He completely ignores and doesnt want anything to do with me because I had rejected him. He once told me that I am the future Mrs L and that God made me for him, I didnt believe it then but I beleive it now. I love him so much, I want to sooth away all the pains I have caused him but he wont allow me to. Now, I pray everyday, I have been praying to the Lord and to the saints to soften this man’s heart towards me and let love flows. I am asking St Jude, St Anthony and all the saints in Heaven to intercede on all our behalves and let our love prevail. Thank you Lord, I commit this prayer in Jesus’ name. I love you Lord, Amen!

  343. Prayer Request

    I had been dating my ex for about a year and a half. I prayed that God would send someone into my life that would love me with all of my flaws. I messed up time and time again, only for her to forgive me. Only this time, she has moved on and my prayer is to love her enough to let her go, in hopes that we can reconcile in the future. I have hurt a lot of people including family and friends along this journey. My prayer request is that she will give me the opportunity to show her that I can be the man in her life that cherishes, adores, and loves her.

  344. Prayer Request

    I had been dating my ex for about a year and a half. I prayed that God would send someone into my life that would love me with all of my flaws. I messed up time and time again, only for her to forgive me. Only this time, she has moved on and my prayer is to love her enough to let her go, in hopes that we can reconcile in the future. I have hurt a lot of people including family and friends along this journey. My prayer request is that she will give me the opportunity to show her that I can be the man in her life that cherishes, adores, and loves her.

  345. Prayer Request

    I had been dating my ex for about a year and a half. I prayed that God would send someone into my life that would love me with all of my flaws. I messed up time and time again, only for her to forgive me. Only this time, she has moved on and my prayer is to love her enough to let her go, in hopes that we can reconcile in the future. I have hurt a lot of people including family and friends along this journey. My prayer request is that she will give me the opportunity to show her that I can be the man in her life that cherishes, adores, and loves her.

  346. Prayer for the love of my life

    I’m asking for prayer for the love of my life. We were dating for 8 months and I did something stupid that caused the trust to leave. She has been gone almost a month and each moment she is all I can think about. I pray constantly and even though we have some communication it is cold. I pray that God shows me how to reconsile our relationship because I know she is the one for me. She is my future wife and I want to show her I am the man that she has been praying for. I miss her so much.

  347. praying for god to bring us back together

    I broke up with my ex about 4 months ago after dating for about a year..when we met it was as if God had brought him into my life for all the right reasons, not to mention at the perfect time..

    As time went on I was stressed out at a new job in a brand new field and I took a lot of my anxieties out on him, not to say he was perfect but we added fuel to the fire each and every day which eventually led us to the split

    We got back in touch a few weeks ago and have been seeing each other and talking since, but in his words, taking it very slow

    God I am just praying that you guide us in restoring our relationship and showing us the love that we feel for each other is real. I have faith in your will and am working hard every day at putting all of my faith in You. I love him so much and will cherish him and praise You for guiding us back together


  348. heartbroked

    To all of you suffering the agony of losing your partner, I feel and know your pain too. I close my eys and imagine your faces, all of a sudden, I don’t feel so alone. My own broken heart and soul goes out to you all. What can we do? Nothing except wait on the Lord. together,

    All my love from Irelandxxx

  349. Prayer

    My ex went through a divorce prior to us getting together and as a result we had to face challanges and in hindisght he probably wasnt ready. We recently broke up as both were trying to control things rather than go naturally with our feelings and let the relationship grow. I miss him every day and we have so much in common. We went on a trip after we broke up and were getting along great so I know we still care for each other. I have been praying and ask now forothers to pray with me that he can open his heart and realise that we make a good couple. I am praying that we come back together and grow in love for each other. Please pray with me to help the two of us restore and then rebuild a soild relationship.

  350. Celeste & Alex

    Hello everyone… I have an ex whom I was best friends with we ended up dating for 10 months. We recently split and I fell in love with him…he used to serve the lord and once he was in the hospital for.months he lost faith in everything. Including me I am here to encourage him. However he feels That hes lost love for me…I ask For Your prayers cause i miss him so much and im wishing he seeks God in theses times.

  351. shikha with vikram

    Please every one prayer shikha and me always together with fall in love each other

  352. my future husband

    Me and my friend met each other three years ago…we tried to start a relationship but it didn’t work so we lost touch and I felt bad because I was missing out on a great guy. But we saw each other again and we decided to try again…we did for four months we were happy until he decided to sort his feelings out with his ex because she was back in the picture. He apologized for it and he want us to be friends so I agreed. It hurt so bad but I immediately started to seek God and when I cried out to Him he said that the reason why this happened because he wanted the both of us to get our hearts right for Him so when He put us back together He can be in the midst of it. For this to happen I put my trust in Him and let Him be God. I miss him so much and he is the reflection of me and I’m the reflection of him and the Lord has indeed answered my prayers and He has surely pointed out my future husband. I have to focus on Jesus and then he will pursue me again…we both love each other and the story between us is not the end it’s only the beginning. So I’m claiming that the man that I’m in love with is my future husband and my man of God. So until then I’m gonna wait…this goes out to the people out there when you want God to do something for all you have to do put your trust in Him and believe in Him then everything will fall into place. If we ask anything in His name He will do it…God bless you!!!

  353. we will be united

    I believe there is a living God, I believe that the Lord will help us all, as I am in the same situation. I love my boyfriend very much and I believe the Lord has sent him to me to be my husband. I pray that the Lord will carry each of us and give us comfort. i pray that our loved ones will return and we will continue the journey we all started. For the Lord is Great and hears our cries. Be faithfull and keep praying, we will be reunited.


  354. This could be my prayer

    I could have written this prayer request. Everything is the same, it’s been a month since he left me…his fear of commitment…people giving bad advice, stubborness & pride….

    If it is the Lords will, these relationships will be mended. I pray that if it is not the Lord’s will he will show me a sign to move on. I cannot live my life like this.

  355. 6.24.11

    I am praying this same prayer with all of you as I am in the same situation.

    “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20

    Let us all pray together in Jesus’ name. He is with us.

    “I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!” Isaiah 65:24

    He hears our prayers. He will answer them.

    The LORD says, “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name.

    He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.” Psalm 91:14-15

    “Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I.” Isaiah 58:9

    “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

    We can have hope because God has plans for us. Even if we do not feel it right now, we can know it is true because His word says so!

    “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” Luke 11:9-13

    “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” Ephesians 3:20

  356. I seriously want him back :(

    i pray that we could get back together. our relationship is a sinking ship, and now i can see that our friendship is on the line. i hope and pray that there is still a way to save this. i want to save our relationship. please God.. please give me a chance.

  357. I need him in my life back

    I am praying every moment to get him back with same love.i didnt do any mistake to him please jeasus i need him in my life.have faith on you u cn do miracle.

  358. I'm not alone

    I have felt alone in my thoughts and now I realize that others who are faithful to God feel the same heartbreak. I felt a little guilty because I kept praying and questioning God waiting for some sort of answer. I have been praying and reading scriptures yet I still feel sad on the inside. I will keep praying for God to restore my relationship.Patience is not my greatest virtue but I know that God does hear me and he knows my hearts desire. I will pray for us all. I am not alone.

  359. Thankyou for that prayer

    God can restore,renew and refresh broken relationships…..I stand with you in prayer believing that he will show up in the 11th hour. My situation is lyk urs. My only hope is God…..I put all my hope n trust in him…n I believe n I receive. Amen.he will soften tht heart n fill the stubborn heart with overflowing love ,he will give us second chances,he is merciful n full of compassion. Thankyou jesus.

  360. cherish your relationships

    i pray that God will help all those here that are truly in need and despair from a hurtful relationship. I pray that we all find healing and a healthy belief in ourselves and when in a relationship to take nothing for granted. Live, laugh and love deeply.

    In Jesus name I pray.


  361. Bring my loved one back to me

    I pray to all the powers that be for the one I love to be safe and well and to be protected from all evil and evil people. I pray that God will deliver him from the darkness into the light and will bring him back to me very soon so that we can be married and be a happy family once more. Amen.

  362. Faith is the most important thing to have

    My girlfreind of three years left me three months ago, since then I have tried everything to get her back with no success. I recently have been praying to the infant jesus of prague and to st anthony through these prayers I believe lies my only hope to win her love back. However a big piece of the puzzle is faith!!!! You must believe in your heart while you pray that your love is coming back to you. Also when your prayers are granted (not if but when!!) You must promise to sing the praises of those who helped you.

  363. We pray together

    I will pray for all of you. I am experiencing the same with my relationship of 17 years. I know the pain, hurt, and frustration just as I am sure all of you have felt. We need HOPE and FAITH and that is what the Lord will provide for us. God Bless.

  364. relationships

    I pray that my girl forgives me for breaking the trust i lied to her about selling powder and i regret it with all of me and i pray that god helps me find a way to make things right again cuz we have a child on the way and i want nothing other than our relationship to work out i have changed for all the right reasons i went down the wrong road for to long and i jus want the trust back becouse i feel a end to this we are hanging by a thread.

  365. God can restore broken relationship

    God is Omnipotent,omniscient,omnipresent and everlasting.Nothing is impossible for Him and that is His own word.Therefore God can restore again brken relationship and it is also up to us to believe strongly that He can answer prayer.

  366. God can restore broken relationship

    God is Omnipotent,omniscient,omnipresent and everlasting.Nothing is impossible for Him and that is His own word.Therefore God can restore again brken relationship and it is also up to us to believe strongly that He can answer prayer.

  367. Please restore us 4.21.11

    I dont know how long ago were these prayers added, it would be nice to know how God answered your prayers since i am confident that he did and how the relationship is now going. I am in the same situation, im glad i found this site since many of them are about marriage restorations. My bf of 5 years walked out my life about a month ago, and i have been praying God since for our restoration. Today my friend told me that she saw him with a girl at a restaurant yesterday. I am really hurt. I pray God for my sin, i m praying for God to bless him and change his heart so he can forgive me as i always forgive him. Every one is telling me to move on and that God may have a better plan for me. I would hate to ruin God’s plan therefore i am asking God to please guide me. I really Love this man, and would love to be with him. Please God restore us if that is your will of course. Make me a different person, i already know i have your forgiveness , and he has mine and yours. Please make him realised that we have to finish on our journey together. I am faithfully standing in prayer for the restoration of my relationship, because it is not over until the Lord says it s over. It is very painful. As i am standing in prayer i am finding myself closer to God. ..I am walking by faith and not by sight.

  368. Prayer Request

    I am praying for many things…employment and a return to financial security, the health & wellness of my child (mental, emotional & physical), the restoration of my own good health (mental, emotional & physical), my broken relationship with the man I loved (JAR) and hoped to spend my life with and the restoration of my relationship with God, Our Father as I have failed to put him first…I pray for forgiveness and grace and ask that you spport me with your prayers.


  369. My prayer to you

    I pray God heals and restore your relationship. Your story is my story, my ex has not talked to me in a month and I miss him so much and just like your situation he has fear of committment, I don’t want him to fall into temptation, nor listen to ill advice and I pray yours will not fall into it either. I will continue to pray for you, God is good. I have faith he will restore the both of our situations in his timing which may not be actually when we want it but it will be right on time. God bless

  370. ill pray for you... i have a similar pain..

    I know how it feels.. too be in this pain… my bf of a year and a half just told me 5 days ago he stopped loving me long time ago…but he said he was talking too someone else..i pray for him too come back.. I’m willing too forgive him.. i know he was once in love with me..and I know deep down he still cares.. the sound of his voice on phone on breakup…This pain is awful… when we truly give our hearts out and they do this.. i pray and hope it works for you as well as i pray and hope it works for me..

  371. i pray for you

    I to am waiting for my love to contact me and want to come back to me, i will pray for you.

  372. pray to restore the relationship

    Dear , I have full faith in lord, tht he will listen to our prayers as we all want our relationship with our beloved restored,. I too want my husband , who has emotionally drifted away and lost faith in our love, to realize our love and fall in love with me again. Pray that all these insecurites of pride hurt and ego are healed by the Lord and we all live a happy and peacefull life with our loved ones , and spread the message of HIS love and peace to all around us!! Thank you Lord . Praise you Lord. Amen

  373. Prayer for God to resore my broken relationship

    I pray that God will answer your prayers. I am also suffering from a broken heart and ill health. I have not treasured my relationship when it was there. Instead I made many mistakes throughout the times we were together and took him for granted. I pray that God will hear me, my pain and cries. I want to change and hope that my ex would one day soften his heart and feel the love I have for him and come back to me. I know that only God can help us to get back again. Lord, please have mercy on me, ur undeserving son. I miss him so bad. I would try my best to change and treasure our relationship again.

  374. hear me out.

    please move on I have better things for you in store. why won’t you see my signals and signs? PAY ATTENTION!


    There is nothing impossible with God. I am also believing in God to restore my relationship. I have been in love with my boyfriend its a year now. I met him at a time he had no job, he had just broken up from his girl friend. I stood by him in all situations it wasnt easy but God helped us to pull through, i saw the Hand of God move in his life.

    Today he has opened up his own company, God has also blessed him with a car. Just when things are working fine for him, he decides to leave me for another woman. He went ahead to introduce me to her, deep in my heart i know its the work of the enemy. I am trusting in God to fight for me this case and restore back my relationship. It hurts when another woman reaps where she did not sow.Let God be God and judge the case from his throne.As we pray let’s allow His will to be done and let our hearts open for whatever God decides for us.

  376. I am praying with you too

    I know the situation you are in for I too am praying for reconciliation and being in the same circle of belonging once again with the man I love the most. I pray that you and your love will recognize and remember the love that first brought you beautifully together. I trust and I have faith in an all knowing Power and Love. Bless you both.

  377. Same prayer request

    I pray for you and your partner to re unite. I am praying the same thing for my bf of13 years to come back to me He cut all contact from me after I found he cheated. Now I’m left with broken heart and spirit. I pray god re unites us too

  378. Help us heal our broken hearts

    Lord, I come to you humbled, heartbroken, and hurt. I pray for your forgiveness, for myself and for
    Aldo. We both hurt each other and his actions are probably weighing real heavy on his mind. As the consequences of my actions and Angry words are heavy on my mind. I asked that you reach into both our hearts and take away the stubbornness and the pride and help us both see the kindness, love, and immense Joy we brought one another. I asked that you touch his heart and help him find forgiveness for the both of us and bring him back to me my Jesus. I am so heartbroken so hard to breathe. Please, Lord, have mercy on both of us and help us through your guidance Love & Mercy to reunite in a bigger and better relationship For Your Glory. Give me the strength and the courage I need to change for the better and be the woman that Aldo needs in his life. In Jesus name Amen

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