Healing Hope

Prayers for these young boys who are very materialistic to heal them ,their hurts within family. For my brother concerning his health and operation of his neck together with his divorce. Praying that his wife will not cause any problems. For the up coming of my spine, shoulder, and also my husband with his business. … Continue reading “Healing Hope”

Healing Hope

Prayers for my brother now in custody of his son looking after him. His coming operation of his neck and other issues of health. For my nephew prayers for all of the financial burden in this situation. Also asking prayers for his children to repent and respect him and stay away from the evil sources … Continue reading “Healing Hope”


Jesus I should pass in LLB 1 st year LLB 2nd year and LLB 3rd year with excellent marks and I should get high first class marks in all the subjects in all 3 years and pass with excellent marks Jesus. I should score excellent good marks and get high first class in all the … Continue reading “Studies”

I’m torn

I feel like i made the right decision 2 yrs ago about selling my house to help with my mom. But since then, i havent been happy because 2 different lifestyles living in the same household doesnt work out. I feel like the decision may have been the wrong one. My husband and i need … Continue reading “I’m torn”


please pray for my son eric he goes to court July 18th. Please pray for him not to go to jail not jail time. He didn’t do anything bad he just got pulled over after he had a couple of beers at a birthday party his ex called the police on him for revenge. Has … Continue reading “eric”

Godly husband, $ owed repaid , roommate or place for my house guest, place for me or move back to condo, more of you Lord in all areas of my life.

Holy Spirit remove All odds against the Father from me. I don’t understand as you said in your lean notvto thine own understanding. I don’t understand. Ty for yesterday at the store, bless that man, you know of whom I speak. That gave me a bit of encouragement. Again I know you hear and see … Continue reading “Godly husband, $ owed repaid , roommate or place for my house guest, place for me or move back to condo, more of you Lord in all areas of my life.”


I pray for God to simply continue to be with me. I am fighting so hard to beat this depressive feeling and anger. I am nervous of the road ahead. I want to ask you for peace and patience. I want to ask you for motivation. Please take the anger out of my heart. If … Continue reading “Alone”

Faith and Hope

My prayers for today are to ask for decisions to help me move forward on my bills and my kitchen. That I can go ahead with these decisions. That o will not let the decision that frank is making to make me every thing he is threatening to take away every thing I have worked … Continue reading “Faith and Hope”

Don’t know what to do.

Recently my roommate moved his old girlfriend in to the house. I like her fine, but she has a very unusual personality. I was told not to talk to her. This is very hard on me. I Recently had a bad accident. I now have brain damage. And this situation isn’t helping. I was told … Continue reading “Don’t know what to do.”

Feeling lost and lonely

Father God, You have been so good and generous with me; granting me more than I really need. Since I decided to follow You, life has seemed more down than up. After four years of trying to understand how to live in fellowship with you, I’m exhausted. In spite of all the blessings I’ve received … Continue reading “Feeling lost and lonely”


I don’t know I’m in between religions split in half by my family for my families all Jehovás witnesses and I too follow their path but I have led a different life and I need help deciding wether to walk Christian or jw’s but I know I’m a jehovas witness so what’s going on idk … Continue reading “Life”

The Families @ LWC

Peace & Blessings to you all! Please, I would like for you all to intercede with me in prayer to our Heavenly Father for His Will for all the families at Liberty Wellness Center. All the families are homeless there and are in desperate need of help with salvation, faith, hope, love, support, affordable housing, … Continue reading “The Families @ LWC”

Boyfriends court case

My boyfriend goes to trail on may 8th for his fourth domestic case which all of his cases have had untruth to them I’ve seen an heard so I wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t there trying to make him serve time when he really doesn’t need it only if it’s God’s will since I … Continue reading “Boyfriends court case”

Judgement Day

I pray that God is swift and just during this great tribulation. I pray that the Devil and his princes of hell are returned to whence they came from, never to return to this earthly realm. I pray that mankind put its differences aside and come together in unity. I pray that all children be … Continue reading “Judgement Day”

Having Hope

I pray that I will have a peaceful end to the week and the weekend will bring me hope and encouragement as I work to overcome my fears. I pray no unexpected issues will occur as I am continuing to prove to people who didn’t believe in me that I can handle things on my … Continue reading “Having Hope”

Loneliness & Loss

Dear Lord I’m wrestling with some issues from along time ago. Things that I did that were wrong and often i feel that they cannot be forgiven. Also I’ve lost my husband 26 years ago to a heart attack and I still struggle with missing him. I’ve dated other men but neither of them were … Continue reading “Loneliness & Loss”


Still thanking you for hearing and answerinmg my prayers for that Godly husband that you have for me, a man after Gods own heart like king david, a man like Boaz, hes successful , kind and generous. You see the letter i have written and you know my heart. Thank you for going before me, … Continue reading “HOPE”


Thank you Father for all you have done and will do in my life, dont let me miss you and all the blessings you have for me while on this earth. I thank you now! Keep and my family and friends in your care always. Dont let me and my husband miss you ever. Send … Continue reading “HOPE”

Purpose and healing

Thank you for prayers for me…at 65;I ask for.miracle healing for my daughter 40,miles away ..we both live alone and she has schizophrenia and now so overweight she has pain in her rear bone and feels her legs aren’t strong enough to walk so she can’t sit or walk long and the Dr’s just ignoring … Continue reading “Purpose and healing”


Thank you Father that you hear and see me. Why is H texting me? Help with the feelings that are still there in the past. Heal them quickly so that I can move on. I don’t understand. Send my Godly husband soon and don’t let us miss each other. Thank you for your Peace and … Continue reading “Hope”


Pray for my family Henry,Rita that in Africa trying to get home.Rita is 13 years old. Her dad Henry bank account been hacked and he can’t access until he get back to the state.Bank has locked his account.They been over there since June They staying at hotel but owner only letting him stay because of … Continue reading “Favor,Miracle”


Thank you Father, that I get to wait with you for the Godly husband you have for me. Thank you that the $ owed to me, my daughter and friend is on the way, Because you are a just God and Father. Thank you that you are here with my sister now. Thank you that … Continue reading “Hope”

A New Life

My Daughter is having a Baby in August. She is deemed high risk, not just that, BUT I’m terrified because of all the truth of how HARMFUL, lies, deception about those COVID medicine shots, which my Daughter has taken All effects people,HAS me WORRIED .PLEASE Pray for Her & Her BABY. Pray the Child is … Continue reading “A New Life”


Father thank you that you sent your son to die for us all. Help me to keep going in the name of Jesus. Help me keep my eyes on you cause i dont know what to do. Take this feeling away from me so that i can move on to who and what you have … Continue reading “HOPE”


Praise God & Jesus Christ my Savior I repent of my sins and want to be obedient to the word and follow, grow spiritually my Savior Jesus I forgive all those who have harm me and want to love my enemies as Jesus taught me. Thank You Father Jesus and the Holy Spirit for help … Continue reading “college”

Need hope and Christmas miracle now to see left eye. I need Hope and Christmas miracle now no more learning and developmental disabillties

Dear God I hope and Christmas miracle now to see left eye. I have blured vision left eye. I can’t see left eye at all I have Keratoconus left eye for 18 years now. I need hope and Christmas miracle now to see left eye and normal vision left eye. I need hope and Christmas … Continue reading “Need hope and Christmas miracle now to see left eye. I need Hope and Christmas miracle now no more learning and developmental disabillties”

Miracle and blessings

Dear lord, Please give me blessings and good luck. I’ve put so much money in sports betting but haven’t won big so far. In current world money is everything and through my sports knowledge I’ve gone close 3-4 times just 1 game costed me the money. Please God give the the luck and blessings and … Continue reading “Miracle and blessings”