Need hope and Christmas miracle now to see left eye. I need Hope and Christmas miracle now no more learning and developmental disabillties

by Brian ()

Dear God

I hope and Christmas miracle now to see left eye. I have blured vision left eye. I can’t see left eye at all I have Keratoconus left eye for 18 years now. I need hope and Christmas miracle now to see left eye and normal vision left eye. I need hope and Christmas miracle now no more learning and developmental disabilities. I am 48 years old. I have learning and developmental disaibllties my whole life now. I am disabed. I need hope and miracles now to see left eye. I need hope and Christmas miracle now no more leaning and developmental disabilties. I need hope and Christmas miracle now to have my own apartment and be able to do things on my own and go back to my hometown. I need prays, hope, healing and miracles and God, Jesus, Padre Pio,
St John the Baptist, All the Saints, Blessed Mother, Heavenly Angles, and ArchAngels now. I need hope and Christmas healing and miracles now Amen.

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