My first born

To all, this past 18 months we have experienced much loss in our family. My Mom and my Mother in law passed in the same week. I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to my own Mother bc she had a sudden massive stroke and was on life support for 14 days and never … Continue reading “My first born”

My prayer for peace

Every night I pray the serenity prayer. Lord, please grant me the serenity to accept the things or people I cannot change. So many things and people I wish I could change but I can rest assured that I can place it all in the hands of my Holy Father. Please grant me the courage … Continue reading “My prayer for peace”

Boldness n Isolation

Speak boldness, walk talk n the mist of serpents I was going yo say my enemies; wow, yet, they r not MY ENEMIES, WOW!!! How can I not be my ownself enemies, help Lord Jesus. Teach me, let me heard, n activate ur cleaness, friendliness, the DO, mix-n-mangle, read, comprehend, wisdom, knowledge, speak clearly, destinies, … Continue reading “Boldness n Isolation”

Bless peaceful day

Oftentimes I find myself inclined to pray to jesus I love you help me to love u more and not just Jesus but Mary joseph Heavenly Father Holy Spirit love true binding of the soul to another is spoken in simplicity in trust in humility no matter what my prayer is bless my soul Proverbs … Continue reading “Bless peaceful day”

I’m about to snap

I’m trying to give up my desire for marriage to God but it’s still pulling on me hard and I’m seriously about to snap. I saw a hooker when she was at the store earlier and I had 50 USD on me. I came really close to asking her for sex. I’m sick and tired … Continue reading “I’m about to snap”


Please Lord, help me to deal with noisy, disrespectful neighbors. I am at my witts end. Loud music and noise steal away the peaceful quiet of the lake. Help my neighbor to see how obtrusive his actions are. Help me to endure his thoughtlessness , his ego trip, his need to be seen and acknowledged … Continue reading “Disrespect”

Alone and loneliness

My wife got involved in a burns accident and was hospitalised for 7.5 months but now she is home.I have been there for her, and we have spent a lot of money. She is at home now and she is recovering. She has a nurse aid who came to take care of her, and I … Continue reading “Alone and loneliness”

The Serenity Prayer

The Serenity Prayer is one of the most famous and powerful prayers in all Christianity. The prayer, also known as God Grant me the serenity, is one of the AA Prayers that is said at every meeting to help recovering alcoholics. At the bottom of this page you will find a Prayer Request form. We … Continue reading “The Serenity Prayer”