My prayer for peace

by Deborah ()

Every night I pray the serenity prayer. Lord, please grant me the serenity to accept the things or people I cannot change. So many things and people I wish I could change but I can rest assured that I can place it all in the hands of my Holy Father. Please grant me the courage to change the things I can. So many things I know I need to change in my own life. I need to read God’s word more. I need to pray more. I need to share God’s love more. I need to get back in church. I need to be a better wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend. So many things I can change with the help and guidance of my Holy Father. Please grant me the wisdom to know the difference. The difference between right and wrong. The difference between what to say and what not to say. The difference between what to do and what not to do. To me, this is a powerful prayer I pray along with my other prayers. I’m asking you all as prayer warriors to lift me up to Jesus as I struggle in the midst of my caiotic life to give it all to my Holy Father so I can be at peace. I struggle with anxiety and depression. I have to take so many medications until I blame them for my fatigue. I feel like I’m lazy. I feel somewhat ashamed because I’m considered obese. I really want and need to lose weight. My daughter is going through something I can’t explain. Please pray for her mind to be normal again. She and my 3 grandchildren are living with me. I know they need to get a place of their own but I’ve gotten so used to them being here. My husband wants us to be free to do what we want in our retirement and he seems to resent the fact that we aren’t able to. He takes my granddaughter to school every day and he takes my grandson to work every day. We all have our issues but I love them all so much and I just want everyone to be at peace and happy. Please pray for me and my family. Thank you all and God bless you all.

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