A Prayer For a Sick Child

by Sharon (Arizona)

Prayer for a Sick Child: Pray for Healing

Please pray for this precious little girl.

Please Lord we ask that you heal Hope, that you come into her and take away illness, pain, or any fears associated with her cancer.

Lord, we beg you to spare this child any suffering. Please Lord guide this family let them feel your amazing power and grace, bestow upon them the love, faith, and guidance they will need to conquer these trials, we praise you, Lord.

In Jesus name, Amen

Thank you everyone who prays this prayer!

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245 comments for “A Prayer For a Sick Child”

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  1. Prayers for Surgery


    I sincerely request prayers for my young niece, Alexandra, who is going in for a 7 – 8 hour surgery on June 3rd. She is expected to be in the hospital for a week. I humbly request prayers to Our Father, our Holy Mother, and our Lord Jesus for a successful surgery for my niece so that she is fully functioning afterwards with as little pain as possible. Thank you and kindest regards.

  2. Prayers for Surgery


    I sincerely request prayers for my young niece, Alexandra, who is going in for a 7 – 8 hour surgery on June 3rd. She is expected to be in the hospital for a week. I humbly request prayers to Our Father, our Holy Mother, and our Lord Jesus for a successful surgery for my niece so that she is fully functioning afterwards with as little pain as possible. Thank you and kindest regards.

  3. Please pray for our baby

    I’m pregnant for the first time my husband and I prayed hats for twin and God answered. Now discovering twins we were told one had no detected heart beat and is significantly smaller than other. Man is saying baby is dead or won’t live please pray for Gods mercy that babies will be healthy and strong and know there Mother and Father.

  4. urgent prayer for my nephew undergoing brain surgery


  5. Sick baby boy

    Lord please help my little Noe with what is going on with him remove all pain that he is feeling . In the name of jesus. Amen

  6. Please Pray for Emma!

    I have asked all my Friends and Family to pray but now I am BEGGING you Jesus to take Our Emma under your Care. Her parents were told that there is a possibility she may have Kidney Infection, Cancer or Leukemia …Emma as you know us only 3. She is such a Loving, Caring and Funny little gift from you. Please don’t take her back…let her have A Life with those who all know and Love her since the day they met… Emma has never been sick before and with all she is going thru now She is being A REAL TROOPER. 😊 PLEASE KEEP HER HEALTHY

  7. Prayers for my grandson baby Ryan

    I am asking for prayers over my grandson Ryan who is only two months old . He has the whooping cough and is sick. I pray for healing and that our mighty God will wrap his arms around him and provide healing . In Jesus name . Amen

  8. Prayers

    My dear sweet cousin is having complications from a surgery. She needs prayers. Please pray for her to recover completely from this in the name of JESUS.

  9. Prayer for My Teen Boys

    Dear Lord, I pray for my boys Elijah and Isaiah to heal mind, body and soul. My boys are on a unhealthy path of drugs and alcohol, they have many things in life that teens needs loving family and friends, home, education etc. Even with this gifts my boys are suffering and weak to the self discipline to stay healthy mind, body and soul. I am asking for healing for them, I fear for my boys daily, and pray they learn from their rebellious mistakes and get healthy. Please Lord help guide my boys Elijah and Isaiah to a healthy life mind, body and Soul.

    Thank you

  10. prayer

    Please pray for my three month old son.he’s got cough .plzzzzzzzzz pray .so he gets well soon.

  11. Healing for my baby girl Gemma

    Please pray for my 3 month old daughter Gemma. She is the PICU unit at the hospital with severe RSV infection and is having trouble breathing. She already has laryngomalasia which already makes it difficult for her to breathe normally. Please pray for my baby that she overcomes this and gets well very soon. Thank you…

  12. Healing for my baby girl Gemma

    Dear Lord,
    I come to you in faith and lay my child at your feet and ask that you touch her with Your healing hands to rid her little body of these infections and heal her breathing . She is only 3 months old and already been through so much. I pray that she receives Your healing touch as you have done with so many. Thank you Lord, for the healing power of prayer and also help me to be calm through all of this…In Jesus name, Amen.

  13. None

    Dear lord Jesus ask you to heal thee baby of cancer my wish is all kids to get well i am asking god to heal you all in Jesus name amen

  14. In need of a prayer

    I pray to god that my daniel 13 year old wake up from a heart attack, please god heal this young boy from pain and guide him to wake up that for his parents are waiting for him in the name of god amen. Dont take him from us give him a chance.Amen

  15. Prayers for precious child

    Prayers that siezures are taken away from my daughter and she is restored and made well in The mighty Name of Jesus

  16. HEALTH

    I am asking for prayers to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew, St Pope John Paul II and St. Anthony for the health of my parents and myself and my husband so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please pray for his job. Please pray for my father and mother. Please pray they can enjoy life. Please pray that I can relax and not be so stressed out. Please pray for my 4 yr old niece. Please pray for my health issues to go away. Pray my husband and I will live a long and healthy and happy life. I am asking for the TMJ issues to go away. Please pray for my brother and that he gets his eyesight back.I pray please for good teeth. Please help me with the exhaustion I have. Please pray that my health issues get better

  17. please pray for my sick nephew Bentley

    Dear lord I would like to ask you to heal my sick nephew Bentley he’s only 3 days old and he is having stomach issues please Heal him so he doesn’t have to have surgery and he may return home

  18. Prayer for Healing

    Most Gracious and everlasting FATHER, I lay my child on your alter asking you to heal her of every illness in her body. It is only you JEHOVAH that I know can do it. She is 21 months old and cannot sit unsupported, neither walk or talk.
    You have done it before and you can do it again.
    There is nothing you can not do. You are the HEALER, the GOD of yesterday, today and tomorrow.The GOD of Shedrack, Mishel and Abednego, I AM that I AM. I believe you can do it – in JESUS name……..AMEN!!!!!

  19. sick friend needs healing prayer.

    My friend,Kalyani (22)is suffering from cancer. Please pray for her to recover completely from cancer in the name of JESUS.

  20. health

    I am asking for prayers to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew, St Pope John Paul II and St. Anthony for the health of my parents and myself and my husband so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please pray for his job. Please pray for my father and mother. Please pray they can enjoy life. Please pray that I can relax and not be so stressed out. Please pray for my 4 yr old niece. Please pray for my health issues to go away. Pray my husband and I will live a long and healthy and happy life. I am asking for the TMJ issues to go away. Please pray for my brother and that he gets his eyesight back.I pray please for good teeth. Please help me with the exhaustion I have. Please pray that my health issues get better.

  21. pray for sick child to Virgin de Guadalupe

    Virgin de Guadalupe,
    I ask you to please assist this family with their sick child. Beautiful Virgin de Guadalupe, I ask you to help heal this child of all physical and emotional illness, you who is the mother of GOD and have experience the suffering of your child must know the pain of this family. I ask to please help this family and bless them with this miracle through your son Jesus Christ our Savior. I thank you for hearing our prayers.
    In Jesus Christ our Savior name, Amen.

  22. Carter

    Please Pray for Carter. He needs many healing prayers for a recovery. Please say a prayer for him to heal.

  23. health

    I am asking for prayers to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew, St Pope John Paul II and St. Anthony for the health of my parents and myself and my husband so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please pray for his job. Please pray for my father and mother. Please pray they can enjoy life. Please pray that I can relax and not be so stressed out. Please pray for my 4 yr old niece. Please pray for my health issues to go away. Pray my husband and I will live a long and healthy and happy life. I am asking for the TMJ issues to go away. Please pray for my brother. Please pray for my brother and that he gets his eyesight back.I pray please for good teeth. Please help me with the exhaustion I have

  24. health

    I am asking for prayers to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew, St Pope John Paul II and St. Anthony for the health of my parents and myself and my husband so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please pray for his job. Please pray for my father and mother. Please pray they can enjoy life. Please pray that I can relax and not be so stressed out. Please pray for my 4 yr old niece. Please pray for my health issues to go away. Pray my husband and I will live a long and healthy and happy life. I am asking for the TMJ issues to go away. Please pray for my brother. Please pray for my brother and that he gets his eyesight back.I pray please for good teeth. Please help me with the exhaustion I have

  25. Prayer for all children who are sick

    Heavenly father we are greatful for your love and mercy lord I pray and hope for the healing of all children listed here and in all hospitals around the world that we may come together in prayer and love. glory be to you heavenly father I rebuke the sick evil spirits in Jesus name

  26. 4 surgeries

    Praying for 9 month Jacob, that he survive his surgeries and be healed, in Jesus name.

  27. 4 surgeries

    Praying for 9 month Jacob, that he survive his surgeries and be healed, in Jesus name.

  28. A prayer for my little girl

    Please help me to pray for my daughter who was born premature at 26 weeks old,she needs a heart surgery this Monday to close P.D.A aligation,,may you all be blessed, she is now 31 weeks

  29. TANNER

    Please pray for Tanner , For a Cure he is 4 years old just found out he has Cancer (rare) PPM please pray for Tanner so he does not suffer and that he will have a cure so he may live to be an old man!

  30. prayer for fast recovery

    please pray for my niece who just have an accident today… she really needs our prayers… she’s just a precious child…

    i hope she gets well soon.. Lord, touch her with your healing hand.

    please Lord, in Jesus name we pray.. Amen



  32. health

    Please pray to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew, St Pope John Paul II and St. Anthony for the health of my parents and myself and my husband so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please pray for his job. Please pray for my father and mother. Please pray they can enjoy life. Please pray that I can relax and not be so stressed out. Please pray for my 4 yr old niece. Please pray for my health. Pray my husband and I will live a long and healthy and happy life. I am asking for the TMJ issues to go away. Please pray that my teeth are not rotten.Please also pray for the pain from other health ailments will subside and I can live happily

  33. please pray for my sick granddaughter who is very poorly

    Please help my granddaughter Sophia to get well, she is only a few hours old and very poorly, watch over her God as I pray for her, she is a much wanted first baby for my son and we are all devastated, give her the strength to get through this illness and watch over God please I have prayed too you and I,m going to pray with all my heart that you hear these prayers, I accept Jesus Christ as my saviour and I accept the power off prayer, thank you God

  34. My prayer for Elli

    Shining power of light
    Healing power of the lord
    Please descend upon my child
    And take her pain away
    Free her mind from negativity
    Inspire her and give her hope
    Remove the sadness from her face
    Send your breath flowing through her being
    Make her breathing easy again
    Let her make dreams of the future once more
    Take her anxiety away
    Fill her life with the bright sunlight
    Bring her close to her brothers once more
    Fill her with your blessing
    Bring back her smile
    Please God I beg you
    In the name of everlasting love
    That is your son Jesus Christ.

  35. Healing for my son

    I ask prayers for my son’s healing from RA. That the medications he has to take will work for good, that he will feel well while taking it. I say no to nausea, fatigue and any other negative side effects.

  36. Prayer for a sick child

    I pray for a friends child who has been diagnosed with a rear heart condition.

    Lord in heaven please help this child to recover and give her family the strength and support at this difficult and mentally challenging time. Please fill their hearts with hope and love, amen

  37. health

    Please pray to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew, St Pope John Paul II and St. Anthony for the health of my parents and myself and my husband so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please pray for his job. Please pray for my father and mother. Please pray they can enjoy life. Please pray that I can relax and not be so stressed out. Please pray for my 4 yr old niece. Please pray for the pain that I have daily to go away. Pray my husband and I will live a long and healthy and happy life. I am asking for the TMJ issues to go away. Please I have been living with this for a long time and it is so painful. Please also pray for the pain from other health ailments will subside and I can live happily

  38. Please pray for my daughter Ella

    Please Lord please help me heal my 3 year old daughter Ella’s skin
    Is itchy and scarred. Doctors have not found a cure.
    Please send good energy to Ella to help heal her.

    God Bless you Lord,

    Sierra & Ella

  39. Please pray for my daughter.

    Please lord Jesus stretch your hand of healing and heal chimamanda my little girl. Lord touch her brain, spinal cord and nerves for healing. Make her able to carry her neck, sit down and stretch her feet in Jesus name. Amen

  40. Prayers please

    Please pray for my Daughter; the Doctor stated that a report came back positive for a disease after a blood test but the Dr thinks it’s an error. Please pray that this is indeed an error & pray that my baby is fine & healthy; in Jesus’Name, Amen🙏

  41. prayer for my son,nick.

    Dear almighty god, pls put Yr hands on my and heal him of all illness.let him have a clear mind and a healthy body.in the name of Jesus the miracle of healing is done.


  42. Sick little boy undergoing heart surgery

    Prayers please for my nephews son Adiyn Cesar Delgadillo, 3 years old undergoing his third open heart surgery. God willing he will be a normal little boy.

  43. Dear Lord

    Please pray for my sick 8 old son hes having sizures . Im feeling not well watching him like this 😢

  44. Please heal my son

    Dear Lord Almighty who hears our prayers. Please send your holy healing powers to my son who has kidney failure. Heal his body so that he may be free of this infliction and may go on to live a fulfilled life that honors You. In the name of Jesus, I humbly ask your blessing for my beloved son. Your eternal servant, Mary A.


    Lord JESUS
    Please watch over my son. He need you, He is sick with fever and chills hopefully the cancers is not coming back he is only 3 years old and he has been throw a lot. Please LORD HEAL my son I put him in your hands I want to be normal running around playing with everyone please LORD.

  46. Prayers for my son Ammiel

    My 3 and a half month old son was admitted for a VSD (ventricular septal disorder) surgery that went as planned. Three days later he went in for a double aortic arch repair that was not planned, which was keeping him from breathing on his own. He was intubated for a week and did not find the desire to feed on his own so he is now fed through an NG tube that goes from his nose to his stomach. He has refused to eat by mouth to the point that doctors are considering inserting a G tube, which is a tube opening from the stomach. It is surgically done and has a recovery of four weeks. He also has a floppy airway that could cause him to aspirate at any time during feeding if milk goes into the lungs. Now he has been reintubated because he Spiked a high fever causing him Lack of sleep And exhaustion, the medical team had to sedate him so he could finally rest. Once they are ready to extubate they are going to start to try to feed, that will determine if his floppy airway isn’t leading milk into the lungs instead of the stomach. A lot to take in.. I know he has purpose in his life to serve the King of Kings but clearly the enemy is angry! I’ve made him understand that I am not accepting his way, I am a mother fighting the battle for my son. He will overcome this because Jesus Christ overcame the grave and did not make us lame but made us victorious in his holy name! I’m asking all warriors to unite in prayer with my husband and I for our son! I know there will be a miracle moving in our sons life! A miracle is coming in Jesus name, Thank you Gods People ♡

  47. prayer for Honour

    Please pray for Honour, who is losing his sight and has to have an operation to replace both corneas by the end of July.

    Prayer for peace for Honour and his mother and for God’s intervention and healing.

  48. In you God, I trust

    Please help my nephew who is only a couple of weeks old. He’s suffering from some illness and I ask you to please be with him and help him and my family get through this. Please watch over him. Annoint him and help him to good health ,amen

  49. please pray for my son

    Please pray for my son for he has gone under all this testing and blood work. Please pray for healing and good health please make the serve itching all over his body go away and the continus stuffy nose be cleared up without medication or surgery.

  50. healing

    Dear Jesus- I came to You in faith and I know You are the same yesterday ,today and tomorrow. I asked in Your Mighty Name that You heal and restore my daughter Teniel from cystic fibrosis. And pray for breakthrough on the medical field- give wisdom so that a cure could be find. Lord give us strength as we fought daily battles. I pray for wisdom and guidance through your Holy Spirit. And thank you for all the angels in our life who help us and giving support. I blessed Your wonderful Name – Amen

  51. Prayer for a sick child

    Please pray for Adiyn Cesar Delgadillo going through a very dangerous heart surgery. He is three and is going through his third heart surgery. He began his first procedure today. Thanks for all the prayers and faith.

  52. Please please pray for my daughter Alexis

    Dear Jesus,
    Please heal my baby girl. I need you right now..please stay close to me and help me be able to understand. Don’t leave me we need you so much..

  53. Sick Daughter

    Lord please help my daughter get better she is 11 1/2 yrs. old and has been battling with seizures since she was 4 yrs. old you know she was born healthy but, due to ongoing ear infections since 6 months old she developed encephalitis/meningitis due to doctor negligence. I pray to you dear god the almighty father . Amen

  54. Prayer for baby Ashton

    Dear Lord Please heal Ashton from the terrible SMA disease. The doctors can do nothing for him. I know that all is possible with you. Please heal him in Jesus Christ our lord’s name I ask!
    Thank you

  55. Prayers needed for little boy...

    Prayers needed for my nephew. He is 5 years old and suffers from autism and ADHD. He is troubled and his mother is raising him by herself. She is a wonderful, loving mother who wants nothing more than to have a healthy child. Her faith is so strong and she constantly spreads the word of the lord. She has so much trouble with this poor child. School can’t handle him, help is not readily available but she never gives up. His dad is not in his life. He is on his way to the hospital after banging his head so hard on the floor at school during a tantrum. Please lord, please give my niece the strength to continue fighting for him and please give this little boy some peace. Please help them figure out how he can live a happy life where he is not tortured in his mind. Please, give soothing special to my niece by letting her know you are with her. It’s all she would want. A sign for her to continue her faith in you would be miraculous. Her faith never waivers. She has nothing and asks for nothing. Please help her and thank you for being here for all of us. In the name of Jesus Christ, our savior. Amen

  56. Louise

    Please pray for my daughter Louise , that she may overcome her overcompetitive nature, the pain she has been through and heal her traumas and anxieties. Pleasepray for healing in my family and please pray for me that, as her mother i am not weak in giving her direction and Domini for her bladder cancer. Please pray for protection in my family from evil entities and for my late parents. Please pray for anyone that is suffering. please pray for my child’s restoration of her values and please pray that she may see clearly that material things do not matter.Please pray that she is more grounded and that she has good friendships.Thank you.

  57. Louise

    Please pray for my daughter Louise , that she may overcome her overcompetitive nature, the pain she has been through and heal her traumas and anxieties. Pleasepray for healing in my family and please pray for me that, as her mother i am not weak in giving her direction and Domini for her bladder cancer. Please pray for protection in my family from evil entities and for my late parents. Please pray for anyone that is suffering. please pray for my child’s restoration of her values and please pray that she may see clearly that material things do not matter.Please pray that she is more grounded and that she has good friendships.Thank you.

  58. hear my prayer o lord

    Please pray for my baby jacob as he was diagnosed for hirscprung disease since he was born.please pray so that miracle will happen..as his mother I don’t want my baby get to do operation for colostomy.lord,Jesus Christ..hear my pray o lord.

  59. hea

    Please pray to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew, St Pope John Paul II and St. Anthony for the health of my parents and myself so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please also pray for the health of my husband.Please pray for the health of my family. Please pray for his job. Please pray for my father and mother. Please pray they can enjoy life with health. Please pray for the dental issues I have to clear up. Please pray that I can relax and not be so stressed out. Please pray for my 3 yr old niece. Please pray for the pain that I have daily to go away. Please pray that the health issues I meet each day will diminish. Pray my husband and I will live a long and healthy and happy life. Please pray that I am healthy. Please pray that the TMJ goes away.

  60. Prayer for healing of Andrew James

    Please pray for Andrew James , he is developmentally challenged. Non verbal, partially aumbulatory. Gets seizures. Precious angel.

  61. Prayer for healing of Andrew James

    Please pray for Andrew James , he is developmentally challenged. Non verbal, partially aumbulatory. Gets seizures. Precious angel.

  62. La la

    Dear god I prey to you and to Jesus. Please come to my daughter and give her the strength to fight anorexia. She needs your help to learn how to overcome the negative thoughts about food. She is waiting for a bed in an eating disorders unit. We have been told she has to wait four to six weeks. She doesn’t have that amount of time to wait. I’m a desperate mum who can’t make her better. I talk to the angels and ask them to help me, guide me. I ask you lord please help my daughter. Use your healing powers Jesus go to her and heal her mind. Thank you almighty god. Sue mum of Lois

  63. seizures

    Jesus i ask for you to please bless my daughter to get past all the pains and hurt brought on by her seizures in Jesus name I pray amen.

  64. seizures

    Jesus i ask for you to please bless my daughter to get past all the pains and hurt brought on by her seizures in Jesus name I pray amen.

  65. niece health

    Please pray to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew, St Pope John Paul II and St. Anthony for the health of my parents and myself so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please also pray for the health of my husband. Please pray for the health of my family. Please pray for his job. Please pray for my father and mother. Please pray they can enjoy life with health. Please pray for the TMJ I have to clear up. Please pray that I can relax and not be so stressed out. Please pray for my 3 yr old niece. I pray for my brother and his issues.Please pray for the pain that I have daily to go away. Please pray that the health issues I meet each day will diminish. Pray my husband and I will live a long and healthy and happy life.

  66. My son

    Jesus please please heal my son Jordan who is only 10 years old. His health is not improving from those terrible tics. Please take away his pain and sickness. Heal him so he can do your will father. So he can go back to school and live a normal pain free life! I live my son Jordan in your hands Jesus. Amen.

  67. 34 weeks pregnant baby really sick.

    Dear lord, I ask that you please help my daughter Ivyanna thru this hard time. She has been diagnosed with Spins Bifida. She also had fluid on the brain. The fluid went down now its going back up. I ask that you please continue to help her get better so she can be born healthy and happy. She has time to heal and get better I ask that you cleanse her with your blood and make the fluid go down and the spins bifida get better. I’m Jesus name I pray.

  68. health

    Please pray to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Padre Pio, St Andrew, St Pope John Paul II and St. Anthony for the health of my parents and myself so that they may place these prayers before Our Lady, so she may give the prayers to her Holy son. Please also pray for the health of my husband. Please pray for the health of my family. Please pray for his job. Please pray for my father and mother. Please pray they can enjoy life with health. Please pray for the TMJ I have to clear up. Please pray that I can relax and not be so stressed out. Please pray for my 3 yr old niece. I pray for my brother and his issues.

  69. Please give me a miracle for baby boy who has Lars liver disease

    Dear god I have a baby he was born 2months early cause he’s heart beat stopped he was put in special care he was sent to a different hospital and the told us he had Lars liver disease and he’s an imik and low bow mare he’s one half years and he’s still not crawling or walking and he has a peg he’s not eating please lord I beg of you to give my baby a happy life like any other baby please heal himxxxx

  70. Please give me a miracle for baby boy who has Lars liver disease

    Dear god I have a baby he was born 2months early cause he’s heart beat stopped he was put in special care he was sent to a different hospital and the told us he had Lars liver disease and he’s an imik and low bow mare he’s one half years and he’s still not crawling or walking and he has a peg he’s not eating please lord I beg of you to give my baby a happy life like any other baby please heal himxxxx

  71. My son Matthew

    Heavenly father please come at this very moment to heal my child from the condition of diabetes. Cover him with your blood giving him a new life. FATHER I speak healing in the the name of Jesus. please have mercy over my family give us strength. Give me patience to understand that everything is done in your time..

  72. My son Matthew

    Heavenly father please come at this very moment to heal my child from the condition of diabetes. Cover him with your blood giving him a new life. FATHER I speak healing in the the name of Jesus. please have mercy over my family give us strength. Give me patience to understand that everything is done in your time..

  73. Health for Mary

    Please please ray for my niece.
    She is Three yrs old.
    Please pray she comes through all she has gone through with health.

  74. Niece

    please please please pray for my 3 yr old nice!!! Please pray for her surgery please pray for her health. Please pray that the surgery will be successful. Please pray she will be healthy.

  75. Josiah Lopez

    Please pray for little Josiah Lopez that he will not if our Lord should call him home. Please pray that he may b cured of his illness n regain his health.

  76. Lord , Please Heal My Nephew

    May You our good Lord give us strenght to handle this , whatever results from nephew’s medical
    Now we humbly ask for You that may he ( Bryan )
    will have a negative results from all these diagnosis.
    We lift up to You Lord this kind of burden in our heart, body and soul

  77. Lord , Please Heal My Nephew

    May You our good Lord give us strenght to handle this , whatever results from nephew’s medical
    Now we humbly ask for You that may he ( Bryan )
    will have a negative results from all these diagnosis.
    We lift up to You Lord this kind of burden in our heart, body and soul

  78. Lord , Please Heal My Nephew

    May You our good Lord give us strenght to handle this , whatever results from nephew’s medical
    Now we humbly ask for You that may he ( Bryan )
    will have a negative results from all these diagnosis.
    We lift up to You Lord this kind of burden in our heart, body and soul

  79. Jesus Christ pls heal our angels

    Lord I wish you could still hear me,,, I humbly ask for your grace and healing power to my beloved nieces and nephew…they need you most.and no one else could do the miracles im longing to see my whole life.
    aside from you our Lord,our creator. By your healing power…you can take away all their pains and suffering. Grant them the life that they deserve to have oh Lord, they were the innocent angels who needed you.most…pls give them the miracles of healing..Amen

  80. Sick son V.J.

    Hear God Thank you for my son’s miracle last night and today. Friends and family was miracle requested for prayers. As I postéd this, and hé was miracle given venvous médicàtion hé sit up. Hé was given blood hé quickly improved this morning and discharged as an out patient. Now more that ever hé need you to Continue his life line blood. In thé name of Jesus I pray. I know hé is in thé mist of miracles.

  81. Lord please bless my boys

    Lord aft few yrs i got twin premature babies bt one have sum brain problem n breathing problem he is on ventilater n needs to gain weight he is in lots of pain other also need to gain weight please lord bless them tat they recover fast n heal them soon also theydont get ne brain or other related issue give them strength n make them healthy amen please pray for them

  82. for sick baby my neice

    dear lord Jesus I ask Ur special blessing on my Neice she is just one month old she is at hospital under treatment of her stomach .when she drink milk it dosent stay in her stomach.she vomit.doctor going to do operation tomorrow on this for her intestine.so dear loving Jesus keep your special eyes on her .she and all the children in the hospital need Ur blessing .God give courage to the parents of each and every child family.Lord here my prayer amen.

  83. for sick baby my neice

    dear lord Jesus I ask Ur special blessing on my Neice she is just one month old she is at hospital under treatment of her stomach .when she drink milk it dosent stay in her stomach.she vomit.doctor going to do operation tomorrow on this for her intestine.so dear loving Jesus keep your special eyes on her .she and all the children in the hospital need Ur blessing .God give courage to the parents of each and every child family.Lord here my prayer amen.

  84. healing

    Lord Jesus please heal my new born baby with two large holes in his heart and a minor brain issue according to doctors. Also dear Lord heal my daughter too with brain problem.

  85. Sick with cancer

    Lord Jesus Christ please heal my daughter lisa, place your hands
    on her body and heal her pain, her cancer and everything associated with this illness. Take this illness away from deep down
    her body and give her strength, guide her medical doctors so that they give her the proper treatment the proper dose.
    Please lord forgive our sins, have mercy on
    us father, give us strength and hope
    to recovery and a happy life.

  86. Prayers for Yasmeen

    Please pray for my nice Yasmeen who is 4 months old. She has a mass and it’s cancerous. Please pray that they got it in time and that’s it’s not in her bones. Please pray that she is not in pain. Please give the family the strength and support fighting this battle. Please find a cure for cancer.

  87. Prayers for Yasmeen

    Please pray for my nice Yasmeen who is 4 months old. She has a mass and it’s cancerous. Please pray that they got it in time and that’s it’s not in her bones. Please pray that she is not in pain. Please give the family the strength and support fighting this battle. Please find a cure for cancer.

  88. Prayers for Yasmeen

    Please pray for my nice Yasmeen who is 4 months old. She has a mass and it’s cancerous. Please pray that they got it in time and that’s it’s not in her bones. Please pray that she is not in pain. Please give the family the strength and support fighting this battle. Please find a cure for cancer.

  89. Son away at College

    Dear Lord, Please help my son feel better he doesn’t feel well. In the name of Jesus. Amen Thank you.

  90. Son away at College

    Dear Lord, Please help my son feel better he doesn’t feel well. In the name of Jesus. Amen Thank you.

  91. Son away at College

    Dear Lord, Please help my son feel better he doesn’t feel well. In the name of Jesus. Amen Thank you.

  92. by your stripes heal o lord

    Heal me Lord I am your child… Take all pain and illnesses away in Jesus holy make

  93. Please heal my sister

    Please Jesus put your hands in my sister please heal her from her flu.

  94. my daughter Anika C. Deguro has in fever lord help her

    Dear lord, thank you for the life of my daughter. Thank you for your presence in our lives, i work far from my kids and my daughter has fever for 3 days. Please put your healing hands upon from her and take the sickness and pain away. As a mother i humbly ask this for my daughter. Thank you lord our father in heaven.

  95. Please pray for my son Jayden

    Please God, help heal my son Jayden. He’s not feeling well and we would like to ask for your help! Please ease him of his pain as he was unable to walk today. Thank you so much for your LOVE!! We have so much faith in you. Love you, Mary and Jayden xo

  96. Sons

    Gracious God, Heavenly Father I ask you in Jesus’s name to heal my sons from all illness and diseases. I pray that you shrink his mass and lisions on his brain. I pray that you keep the gallbladder working no more side pains when he eats it is in Jesus’s name that I pray that you watch over their souls and be with them at all times.


  97. Jason

    I am asking dear Lord to watch over Jsaon and help in his time of need. Please heal his body and guide him along to speedy recover. Lord I also ask that you give Carol the strength she will need to help Jason through his fight with cancer. Let us pray.

  98. prayers to Anthony Ayaan Kelab Abraham

    Dear Lord.
    please heal my son completely from all illness that he has, as doctors start his treatment now at 4pm on Sep 9th, 2014 we has parents have faith that you will bring him safe out of the sickness that they claim he has, you will baffle the medical field and give him complete healing dear god. please be with the staff in hospital who are treating him as well. pray for the family that your grace will be upon us and you will anoint each one of us to live a life pleasing to you and the baby to grow to serve you for ever.

    thanks and praise to god.
    Terrance, Dilshara and Ayush

  99. healing

    Dear papa Jesus,
    Thank you for the life of my daughter. Thank you for your presence in our lives. Tonight I lift my daughters high fever to you.. Please lay your healing hands upon her and take all the heat and pain away. As a mother I humbly ask this for my daughter. Thank you Lord.

  100. neoron migration

    please sacred heart give full healing for ever to my daughter saoirse… please take away her seizures, restore the memory that is lost because of the brain malformation, let her live a normal life without meds, may the sacred heart of jesus be adored . glorified .loved and preserved through out the world. amen.

  101. Dear Lord heal my daughter

    Dear Lord I come to you as humble as I am, I ask you to heal my daughter’s respiratory illness, I pray that you lay your healing hands on her, I pray that you open her lungs. I ask you Lord to annoint her with the blood of Jesus everyday and that you heal her and that she may completely recover, I ask n plead you Lord to heal her, I love her and place this sickness and her healing in your loving hands.

    I ask and plead all of this in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviours name.


  102. Baby Henry

    Lord in this day You have given us baby Henry , three months old will face open heart surgery with three issues needing healing and correction. Father God I appeal to You for You to help in guiding and blessing each one involved in this surgery to doing Your work in restoring the issues. Lord, bless the family and friends with Your peace and comfort that does exceed human understanding and make this day Amen… remember bel great day in their lives as this is the beginning of the healing for Henry, I pray in Your Name, Amen

  103. Only You

    Lord, there are so many requests in the prayers above. I add mine asking that each child, each family member and friend might feel Your peace, comfort and blessing they need in their lives. You, Lord, are our hope and faith for answers in all our needs. Please guide and direct each of these people through the issues the face and restore their health. I pray in Your Name, Amen

  104. For DANIEL

    I come to you Father God i ask of your forgiveness, Please take care of my newfew he is suffering Viral infection , I trust you Lord coz you are the great healer i know in your own perfect timing all illness and pain will be gone and he will be able to go back to school and enjoy his life and be a good christian i trust you my LORD with all my heart my soul and my mind i know of your plans for us plans to prosper us not to harm us so beggining today i claim for his early recovery in your mighty name JESUS and i also pray for every child who suffer any kind of sickness to be well thank you father for your unconditional love for us …..ALL things are possible with GOD ..

  105. Baby Noah

    My son is five days old . He was born without a heart beat for 10-15 minutes. He’s fighting for his life . It hurts so bad because I can’t fight this fight for him 🙁 or take his place . Please keep my son Noah in prayer. I would give up my life for him and serve eternal in hell to give him a chance in life. I love him so so much !!!

  106. Grandson with epilepsy

    Dear God
    Please prayer for my grandson and he’s family
    That we can control he’s siezures and he can live a normal happy
    Life hopefully eventually the seizures will stop altogether
    Thank you dear God

  107. 3 month old with stage 4 cancer

    PLEASE!!! Pray for my baby!! Lord, I beg of you to hear my prayers. Please spare sweet Little John. We know that all you have to do is grace him with your magnificent touch and remove the cancer from his body. We need a miracle lord, and we know that you are capable of preforming the miracle this baby so desperately needs. Please ease his pain and do not allow it to overtake his little body. Please spare this child lord.


    Please please all pray for my ex husbands son and brother to my 2 sons Keagan Scallan age 5. He fell through a sky-light and suffered serious brain injury and is in critical condition in ICU!
    Lord please put your angels around little Keagan tonight, protect him and keep him safe, give his parents Bruce and Jane the courage to get through this very trying time! AMEN

  109. Pray for the children

    Lord, please have mercy on all these children. Please place your miracle hands on them to restore their health completely. In the precious Jesus name we pray Amen.

  110. Pray for the children

    Lord, please have mercy on all these children. Please place your miracle hands on them to restore their health completely. In the precious Jesus name we pray Amen.

  111. Pray for the children

    Lord, please have mercy on all these children. Please place your miracle hands on them to restore their health completely. In the precious Jesus name we pray Amen.

  112. prayer for my son Jacob Lopez

    Jesus I come forward to you today to beg with all the faith I have in my heart and soul that you will heal my son Jacob Lopez from this bacteria he has, I pray you remove this illness away from his body and that he gets well at a very fast paste I know and I have all my faith in you that by you he will be fully recovered and you will always protect him from any kind of illness. I leave his illness in your hands for you Jesus are the healer and I have faith my baby boy will be healthy and with me at home very soon in Jesus name AMEN thank you lord.

  113. Briana Ramos

    Lord I ask you tonight for healing of my daughter for her to heal you are the greatest doctor i ask for her bleeding to stop for her pain on her stomach to vanish i ask in the name of jesus you rebuke any diseases on her body i know you have the power of healing lord i ask in the nane of jesus amen…



  115. mothers ptayer for her son

    Would. Like a small. Prayer of s mother’s prayer. For her.Don that’s very sick without having to read other people stories not being mran but running out of time need right prayer

  116. Daughter

    Please GOD, help cure my daughters illness. I offer you my life to save hers. Please take care of her. I hold her up to you so that you can heal her completely . I humbly ask you to restore her so she can continue to worship you. I trust in you JESUS.

  117. prayer for nadia

    Blessed of my father I ask of you to heal my granddaughter, heal her of her illnesses for she is still an Angel, it is said your father knows what your needs are even before you ask him thank you god for listening to me AMEN.

  118. Please heal my daughter Lord

    Dear Jesus, Thank you for blessing us with a daughter. The doctors sy she has a severely swollen Club foot possibly caused by amniotic band syndrome. I beg u Lord to please remove these bands, protect her from all diseases, remove swelling and clubfoot. Thank you God and please heal all the sick children in the world.

  119. Prayer for tony

    I pray Lord for the complete healing of my son tony. You are the all mighty physician. You are the only one the can take his pain away. I thank you and praise you for removing his tumor safely. I pray and ask for it not to be cancerous. You all might Lord are the only one that can heal my son. Please in the name of Jesus your son I ask.. Amen

  120. Prayer

    Dear Lord,

    Please forgive my sin and direct me your path. Please help my son and heal his body. I know you care about him more than I do. Please help him walk by himself. Please look at him and see how much he tries and how much he wants to walk. Please let us witness your miracle and please help me be a person to continuously seek you in good or bad. Thank you for your mercy and thank you for listening my prayer. In Jesus name. Amen.

  121. Pray for Grant

    Please dear Lord , today we ask for your Prayers for Grant , my Grand daughters Childhood friend.

    Dear Lord Grand it having surgery this morning and we ask in favor that you stand by his side dear Lord. During this surgery and every day after that you are able to heal this young man of cancer. Please in your name we ask that you remove this terrible cancer from his throat and help him heal…

    Please deliver all fear from his parents mind and heart. May you bless the family and classmates of all fear by healing this young man. Please protect him of all illness and help him stand and walk away from the surgery table well and blessed and delivered from all pain and cancer free—In Your Name Jesus Christ.

    Amen !

  122. Pray for Grant

    Please dear Lord , today we ask for your Prayers for Grant , my Grand daughters Childhood friend.

    Dear Lord Grand it having surgery this morning and we ask in favor that you stand by his side dear Lord. During this surgery and every day after that you are able to heal this young man of cancer. Please in your name we ask that you remove this terrible cancer from his throat and help him heal…

    Please deliver all fear from his parents mind and heart. May you bless the family and classmates of all fear by healing this young man. Please protect him of all illness and help him stand and walk away from the surgery table well and blessed and delivered from all pain and cancer free—In Your Name Jesus Christ.

    Amen !

  123. a blood clog in her brain

    Please pray for Madison Torres , she is 11 years old and having surgery on Friday May 2, 2014. May the Lord heal her and take away any pains and illness or any fear. I beg you to help her and her family. In Jesus name Amen

  124. a blood clog in her brain

    Please pray for Madison Torres , she is 11 years old and having surgery on Friday May 2, 2014. May the Lord heal her and take away any pains and illness or any fear. I beg you to help her and her family. In Jesus name Amen

  125. Prayer request for my Daughter Eva Angel

    Please pray for my little daughter 5 months old Eva Angel, she have stomach pain and loose motions, I request you my brother and sister to Pray to my Daughter Eva Angel.
    Also I pray to God our Lord to heal her and touch her in the name of Jesus of Christ so she can be healed and blessed by God. Amen!

  126. Prayer for my sick children

    Dear Lord I pray that you will heal both my children from any mental illness and physical illness that they both suffer from and please keep them healthy mentally and physically all the days of their lives. Please help my son to be discharged from the hospital soon and secure employment when he is able to in our country. Lord I ask that you help my daughter with the stresses of her job and help her find her soul mate to settle down with. For this I pray in Jesus name.

  127. Cameron

    Dear Lord
    Please wrap your loving healing arms around my darling grandson Cameron who is in hospital. You lnow Cam and he is suffering so much from the effects of chemotherapy and cannit breathe on his own. Please breathe life into his lungs and make him well again. Please guide the doctors and show them how to make him well agsin You are the Great Physician and I pray to you with all my heart. Please also give strength to Camerons parents and guide them. OH Dearest Lord hear my prayer.

  128. Lorenzo

    Please pray for my baby nephew Lorenzo, he was born 4 weeks premature and is very sick .Please Lord protect him and continue to give him strength relieve his pain guard him from all danger . I really appreciate all the prayers for this blessings that has come to my family . God bless Amen

  129. Please pray for baby Sydney

    Baby Sydney is almost 2 weeks old and has acid reflux.
    Lord I come to you and I ask you pls to heal her acid reflux, her pain and discomfort.. I know that with you all things are possible to those who believe, and I’m believing you Lord for total healing, and I claimed it in Jesus name.. Amen..

  130. the great healer

    Dear God, Thank you for forgiving my sins and for the promise of healing through Jesus Christ. I believe you are the greatest healer and Doctor above all mankind. I pray that you heal Ntokozo my daughter who has been struggling with a cough that makes her not to enjoy life. I believe you are the only one who can heal us(your children) becaused we are destined for a better life you desire for us. In Jesus name , Amen.

  131. For My Son

    Prayer for my son: God, I thank you for the many wonderful blessings you’ve given my family and friends, as well as so many others in this world. Thank you also for forgiving me of my sins.
    I ask you God to bless my son with the strength his body needs to stay well to fight his kidney disease. I’ve prayed to you for 4 years now, and my son has been able to live as peacefully and normal as possible. His family and friends all love him so much. We ask that you help him listen to his doctors and do what’s best for him to live a long and happy life. Thank you for all you do.

  132. Lanie

    Please keep Lanie in good health. Keep her in your palm and protect her. Give her a healthy happy lift. She has so much to offer this world

  133. Prayers for Nichlolas,he needs a miracle

    Dear Lord, Nickolas needs a miracle. The Dr.s say they can’t help him. He has been fighting brain cancer since he was 8 months old. He is 4 now and has more new lesions. He is being cared for in hospice, but pleaae give his family this miracle for this beautiful boy

  134. For Carrie

    Oh good and merciful Lord, you heard our prayers for healing of little McGuyre and he is well and happy and a normal little boy now. We thank you with all our hearts for the gift of life you gave him. Please, too, heal your precious servant, Carrie, of her most devastating cancer. You are the Great Physician! We believe in your power over sickness and death! Give her family strength to bear this trial. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen

  135. prayer for healing against cancer


  136. heal my son

    Please Lord
    Heal my baby Izaiah heart
    And help him to be healed of any sickness
    Thankyou Lord Amen

  137. plz help us pray .....

    I wanna ask for prayers from all faithfull ….. my son max is 7 and was diagnosdd with chrons disease since abput 4 years of age …. a month ago we did more testing and report came back … it was bad news his crohns is so advanced its that of what a 16 year old would have at late stages of it …… is imunne system is attacking his intestins and also has ulcerative colites … he might have to go on remicade which is a strong medicine …woild have to lower his immunity and his risks of fatal caners are high ….. plz plz plz ….with are faithfull people w put him in gods hands but we still need all the prayers possible for his remmision …. plz ……from the bottom of this mothers heartt I appreciate it .! Blessings to all ……godbless .

  138. Prayer for Teresa with multiple concussions

    Please pray for a lovely 12 year old who has multiple concussions over the last year. Help her to heal her brain and look to Jesus for comfort. Please bless her with all the help she needs .

  139. please pray for my friend jinu

    Please lord i beg your mercy on my friend jinu.lord u know how much she is suffering.she is a mother and wife too look at the agony this family is going through becos of jinu having cancer.lord i beleive nothing is impossible for you.please heal her completely of her illness and transform her to a new person.amen

  140. Little Raylin Collins

    Lord you know her condition when the Dr. is without cause. Lord touch as only you can, bring healing and total restoration. Lord we command lungs to open and pain to cease. Your word says that by your stripes we are healed. We seek you Lord, we put our trust in you. Touch the family, let them know that you are with them. Lord we ask your blessing, in your son Jesus name. Amen.

  141. Prayer For Gia

    Our Father in heaven,
    I believe with all my heart that you are healing Gia right now from her illness. Thank you Lord Jesus!

  142. Thank You father John 3:16

    I pray for any child fighting a battle with any sickness. Thanks for the prayer I said it for anyone that needs it and for my two year old daughter that has cancer and is in the Hosp going through chemo. Thank you father for being here again and again when I need you. Please anyone that sees this say a prayer for her
    There’s only so many prayers I can say . but if we all join together the earth will be a better place. Sin is what causes sickness if we are praying were not sinning her name is Kennedie Thank you!!!!!!!!!

  143. Thank You father John 3:16

    I pray for any child fighting a battle with any sickness. Thanks for the prayer I said it for anyone that needs it and for my two year old daughter that has cancer and is in the Hosp going through chemo. Thank you father for being here again and again when I need you. Please anyone that sees this say a prayer for her
    There’s only so many prayers I can say . but if we all join together the earth will be a better place. Sin is what causes sickness if we are praying were not sinning her name is Kennedie Thank you!!!!!!!!!

  144. Please join me pray for my unborn child

    Lord God almighty, though I am a sinner, I beg for your mercy and forgiveness. I lift my unborn child up to you for healing. He is diagnosed of a cyst in his chest. Father Lord, no one else can do anything about it but you. I Believe this child is a gift and miracle from you O God, and therefore Lord, I beg you to complete this miracle with lasting joy and happiness like all other miracles you have performed from the time of old. I believe in the healing blood of our Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins and healed us by the stripes on the cross. Father, your word says that you can do abundantly, exceedingly and above all that we can ask, think or imagine, therefore Lord I need not tell you how to do this because you know the best way to make this happen.
    Thank you Lord for this testimony in the making. Your word says be still and know that I am God, I saw a seed of Faith o God and I wait in hope and expectation for a healthy life baby in due time.
    With Praise and thanks giving, I pray in Jesus Mighty Name, AMEN


    Dear God, pls take care of my daughter ysabel. she was just diagnose with dysgerminoma. heal her Lord. make her healthy all over again. thank you.

  146. prayer for my baby boy

    Dear All
    Please pray for my baby boy, he remains restless most of the times. By the almighty’s grace he is healthy but any little change/pain makes him cry continously… I beg the holy spirit to always be beside my child to keep guide him and keep him healthy forever…

    Thank you

  147. Thy will be done

    Lord I am grateful that you have blessed me in so many ways. The birth of my beautiful son Eliot has shown me what unconditional love feels like. I know that he is, now and forever, in your loving hands. I beg for you to restore him to health and remove any disease and disorder from his body. I beg for you to take away my fears of losing him so that I can be of better service to you. Thy will be done. Amen.

  148. Prayer request

    Father God, i humbly bring my children and all my grandchildren before your throne this morning; Jesus, I beg of you my God, that you will make way for them to get to know you, as their Saviour. I pray for them God, but only you can release them. Let them start having the need to serve You and only You. Father, I am a mother praying for my kids; please forgive me my trespasses and hold me safe in Your arms. I thank you God
    Cornelius, Nicky, Jani, Dane, Sonja, Emile, Marco and Inge.

  149. Prayer request

    Father God, i humbly bring my children and all my grandchildren before your throne this morning; Jesus, I beg of you my God, that you will make way for them to get to know you, as their Saviour. I pray for them God, but only you can release them. Let them start having the need to serve You and only You. Father, I am a mother praying for my kids; please forgive me my trespasses and hold me safe in Your arms. I thank you God
    Cornelius, Nicky, Jani, Dane, Sonja, Emile, Marco and Inge.

  150. Prayer for my niece Kathia

    Dear Father God I thank you for the many wonderful blessings you’ve given me Thank you for forgiving me of my sins and I humbly come to you and ask you Father God to bless my daughter with the strength her little body needs I ask that you take away completely the sickness & disease in her body she is struggling with and let her live and be the active, healthy fun loving happy little girl again. She has brightened every day of my life since she came into my life I love her so much. I put it in your hands dear Father God I know you will heal her Thank you In Jesus name Amen. –

  151. Prayer for Baby Frances

    Lord we want to thank you for giving baby Frances to our family. Now she is on the hospital because of high biliburin and suspect sepsis. Please Lord heal her and have pity to the new parents. Give her parents strength to surpass this trials in their life. Please Lord heal our new baby. She is a two weeks old baby. Her mother not recovered from normal delivery. Please Lord . . . .

  152. Prayer for healing

    Dear Lord,
    Please wrap your ever loving arms around my son and surround him in your white light. Protect him from all harm, harm against himself and emotional harm felt from others through his own fears from anxiety. Reduce his stress and relieve him of the burdens suffered from depression. Please heal his brain, heal his soul from this terrible affliction. Let the light shine through so he can see how much he is loved…that he matters and brings good into this world. You entrusted him to me as his mother on earth to care, love and nurture. I ask that you give me the wisdom and the strength to help him through these dark times. I entrust all to you, Oh Most Holy Lord. Your will be done. Amen.

    I pray for all of God’s sweet babies inflicted with illness. I offer my prayers, love and strength to all of the families so that they can continue to move forward during these desperate times. You are all very special people. God doesn’t give you what you can’t handle for He is a truly loving God. May He continue to bless you all as you move forward on the journey of healing. Amen.

  153. mental sickness please lord help this girl get better or get the help she needs

    her name is jasmine taylor bless her heart lord that she get the help she needs an me ad her mom want her to get help im worried about this young girl she24 need mental help to get meds. help lord

  154. prayer for Rayna

    Dear Lord,
    Please heal our Rayna!
    Please remove all her cancer!
    She just a baby our joy our heart & soul!
    All our faith is in you lord!


  155. Prayers for my son Jayden Josiah

    Lord, please cover my son and continue to keep him strong during his time of sickness..please bless him and heal his lungs from disease.please help him to breathe better Lord.please cover him when he goes for surgery and help him to overcome this disease.please bless your child Lord and please help me to stay strong during these very hard and trying times. I know you did not bring us this far to leave us. Amen

  156. prayer for Mulungi

    oh dear lord,

    thank you for the love and guidance while bringing up our believed daughter , now that she’s sick father i pray that you place your holy hand on her so that she can be healed from the sickness that she has , help her gain the power and appetite that she has lost . i also pray that you bless and take over our family , in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our lord have prayed . Amen

  157. Payer for Isla

    dear lord Jesus we pray for 6 month old Isla who is critically ill, also for her parents and family circle, give us all strength to endure what lies ahead. Amen

  158. Pls make her well

    Lord, my daughter is sick again. It’s painful seeing her this way. Please take the fever and cold away. Heal her completely and if you could grant this wish, please let this be the last time she falls sick this year. She has gone through so much, Lord. All I want is that she be healthy, just like the other kids. I continue to trust and love you, Lord. Please don’t let me lose faith in You.

  159. prayer for my son

    Lord please pray for my sick son Jacob William. Please ease his discomfort as he sleeps. Clear his chest of asthmatic wheeze and sooth his blistered skin from chicken pox. I pray your light will shine upon him so he may get back to his job off being filled with sunshine and showing your love through his smile. Amen

  160. Prayer for Princess Kaylin

    Lord God, I am coming before you’re holy presence, praising and thanking you for the pleasure of meeting my little princess. Father I know you as a healer. So I come presenting my prayer request of healing in Kaylin’s lungs. I command all of the infection to leave her body right now in the mighty and matchless Name of Jesus. Never to return I speak with the authority of Jesus Christ. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over her life. Father you know the plans that you have for her life according to the Prophet Jeremiah in chapter 29 verses 11 through 13. Thanking and
    praising you in advance. Hallelujah, Praise the Lord God almighty AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  161. Prayer for Princess Kaylin

    Lord God, I am coming before you’re holy presence, praising and thanking you for the pleasure of meeting my little princess. Father I know you as a healer. So I come presenting my prayer request of healing in Kaylin’s lungs. I command all of the infection to leave her body right now in the mighty and matchless Name of Jesus. Never to return I speak with the authority of Jesus Christ. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over her life. Father you know the plans that you have for her life according to the Prophet Jeremiah in chapter 29 verses 11 through 13. Thanking and
    praising you in advance. Hallelujah, Praise the Lord God almighty AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  162. 'ayeshea'

    A prayer for this young lady please who is fighting for her life . . . I ask for strength and peace for her mother Samantha . . . may god heal Ayeshea & bring her back to the loving arms of her family

  163. 'ayeshea'

    A prayer for this young lady please who is fighting for her life . . . I ask for strength and peace for her mother Samantha . . . may god heal Ayeshea & bring her back to the loving arms of her family

  164. cure type 1 diabetes

    Lord Jesus,
    Please cure my little girl Lupita from type 1 diabetes. All things are possible through you. One touch will correct her pancreas. Stop the auto immune from attacking her. Don’t let food hurt her body. Thank you. In the name of Jesus Amen.

  165. prayer for successful surgeries for JJ

    Dear God, please keep JJ ( John ) in your strong embrace as he prepares for 2 surgeries this summer! Guide the hands of his surgeons so that they may help to heal his medical issues! Help him to have a comfortable period of recovery! In your name we pray! Amen

  166. For my niece ysabelle...

    Father God…thank YOU for all the blessings…my niece ysabelle will undergo operation tomorrow…i pray YOU give her strength and healing touch… Father..guide the surgeons…be with them in the process…i pray for her fast recovery,,.i pray also for all those sick children who resemble Your love…i ask these through JESUS CHRIST our LORD AMEN…..

  167. thankyou to everyone who prays for us

    Dear God,Jesus,all the angels and saints and mother Mary.
    please keep our Alessia in remition and make her cancer never see the light of day.
    keep her healthy and strong,as well as her little brother Matteo, and give her parent the strength and patients to deal with all that we encounter on this journey of healing for Alessia and our family.

  168. My grandpa z healed in jesus name.

    Let they b light upon evry pain in that body i realise the annoting of God on u 2 take away that shameless sickness which z neva yo potion.be healed now in jesus name,Amen

  169. for my grandaughter adelynn grace

    Dear god I come to you with this prayer to please put your heading hands upon my grandaughter for She is is so tiny and tired. Please Just give her the strength She needs to keep fighting.and the strength to fight her illness.addy is so loved and we need her here with us. AMEN

  170. Prayer for my sick son Oratile

    Heavenly Father,
    Please forgive us our wrongs and we thank you for all the blessings. My GOD here I am asking again and beseeching You to hear my call and prayer. My son Oratile is sick and in great pain and it is only You GOD Who knows why this is happening to us and Who gave us this heavy cross to carry. The best doctors on this earth have given in and are preparing us for the worst. Please Father, touch our son’s heart and make it whole again we beg You but if that’s Your will. Give us faith to be worthy of understating your ways. Please Father send Your angel Michael to fight for us the evil spirits that over power us and bring death. GOD my LORD, please hear my prayer as we need you. I ask these in Jesus name Amen. Mary mother of GOD and all the saints, pray for us.

  171. Prayer for baby John

    Lord Jesus, please help baby John, take away the pain that he is enduring now, I know you adore him so much, please help him and also his family. Thank you lord, I love you lord Jesus.amen

  172. Prayer for Franse Hedo- ( فرانس هيدو )

    Dear Lord,
    I come to you Heavily Father, asking for a prayer for a little boy Franse Hedo( ( فرانس هيدو ), who is battling his life in a critical condition at the hospital as a cause of Drowning, Lord give strength to his mom, dad and family members who are very devastated, please give them the strength in order to go thru this difficult times. Please lord lay your hands on him and cure him.

    Thank you God,
    In Jesus name Amen

  173. Prayers for Baby G

    Please God guide the surgeon’s hands in the surgery today to clear the skin flap that is obstructing this dear baby’s breathing. May breathing be normal and may there be no more incidences of breathing failure. Let there be no side effects from past breathing problems and the surgery. Be with his parents and grandparents and show them how good and mighty you are. May all know it was your miracle, and bless your holy name.

  174. Prayer for Shauna Quinn

    Lord, we bless your name and thank you for all that you have done and will do in our lives. Right now Lord we come before you asking for your grace and mercy upon Shauna Quinn. She is a strong little girl who knows and loves you. Please heal her of her cancer. Remove any traces in her body. Restore her health so that she may go back to school and play as a 6 yr old should. Please minimize her pain, keep her from suffering we pray in Jesus name. Work a miracle in Shauna that she may live to be a witness of your great works and healing power. Your are a Doctor, your are the Alpha and Omega. Bless her and all children who are ill. Bless we your people and strengthen her parents during this trial. Protect and bless her siblings. This we ask in Jesus name and will forever give you the glory the honor and the praise. Amen

  175. Adrian

    Please help our Adrian. We dearly love this innocent child that was bestowed upon us. Please heal any disorder, anomally that he may have. Please guide the doctors in caring for him. Please let him grow out of the seizures. Heal is stomach and let him grow. Please help our baby grow to be a confident boy without any complexes about his appearance.

  176. prayer for my son

    Dear Lord,
    Please touch g.venkatasubramanian my son, heal him from any diseases, disorders or anything wrong with him. Please restore him to the normalcy only You can give. We are pleading, asking, seeking and knocking. I have surrendered all to you. Please comfort me and take away any fear or doubt in my mind because I know ANYTHING is possible through You.

    Forgive me too. I am always a sinner.

    Thank you God,
    In Jesus name Amen !!!

  177. Sara Rebecca Nobles

    Please pray for this precious little girl.
    Please Lord we ask that you heal Hope, that you come into her and take away illness, pain, or any fears associated with her cancer.

    Lord we beg you to spare this child any suffering. Please Lord guide this family let them feel your amazing power and grace, bestow upon them the love, faith and guidance they will need to conquer these trials, we praise you Lord.

    In Jesus name Amen

  178. Bless the child oh my god

    Dear Lord

    I pray for my Joanna (4 months old) who is suffering from short bowel syndrome , i want your healing hands to touch her and heal her, please Jesus we need your help have mercy on us, please cover Joanna with Ur precious blood oh Jesus, thank you Jesus, praise you Jesus, love you Jesus…..

  179. baby kaykay

    heavenly father this prayer is for kaykay her mom toots.lord pour the precious blood on your son jesus christ over kaykay and heal every intestines of her body.lord you said knock and the door shall be opening.Lord i am knocking and I am asking for kaykay healing on these days and nights.

    In jesus name .Amen

  180. Prayer for my sick daughters

    Dear heavenly father,

    I come to you today to ask that you heal my daughters from this flu dear lord I put all of my faith into you an give all of my stress to you because I know by the grace of you that they will be healed. Take their temperatures,Coughs, an sore throat an heal. In Jesus name I pray AMEN

  181. Ryan's Health

    Dear Lord we come before you with thanks giving and praise for giving us a precius gift in our litle man Ryan. Lord we pray that you touch and heal his litle body and grant him true healing that comes from you, that he will live a strong and healty life praising and worship you in Jesus name we pray and belive.

  182. A mother's prayer


    I have not been so close to you lately. If this is your way to remind me that You are here then now I am reminded. Please dear Lord, spare my daughter from her illness. Let her be healthy again so she could serve your church once again. Let her platelet count increase, vanish her fever and worries. Send your healing hand to my daughter. I humbly ask you to help her.

    God, I put all my faith and trust in you.


  183. Prayer for Grace's Girl

    Dear Lord,

    Please bless dear Sasha that she may feel your healing grace. So young and innocent we prayer for her health and send her sheer love.

    May you watch over her and protect. Forevermore.


  184. Prayer for My son

    Dear Lord,

    Please touch Michael, heal him from any diseases, disorders or anything wrong with him. Please restore him to the normalcy only You can give. We are pleading, asking, seeking and knocking. I have surrendered all to you. Please comfort me and take away any fear or doubt in my mind because I know ANYTHING is possible through You.

    Forgive me too. I am always a sinner.

    Thank you God,

    In Jesus name Amen !!!

  185. Please hear ourprayers

    Father Lord, please hear these concerned guardians prayers for their little ones. Only you can restore their health and solve their problems. lord we are trusting you to please hear our prAyers and help us lead lives that will glorify You. We pray for deliverance from all illness, protection from all evil and harm and we plead Your guidance and mercy. Please hear our prayers.


  186. Please hear our prayers

    Father Lord, please hear these concerned guardians prayers for their little ones. Only you can restore their health and solve their problems. lord we are trusting you to please hear our prAyers and help us lead lives that will glorify You. We pray for deliverance from all illness, protection from all evil and harm and we plead your guidance and mercy. Please hear our prayers.


  187. Please hear our prayers

    Father Lord, please hear these concerned guardians prayers for their little ones. Only you can restore their health and solve their problems. lord we are trusting you to please hear our prAyers and help us lead lives that will glorify You. We pray for deliverance from all illness, protection from all evil and harm and we plead your guidance and mercy. Please hear our prayers.


  188. Prayers for your children

    I just wanted to wish you and your children the best of luck during this very difficult time in your lives. My heart and prayers go out to each and everyone of you. God bless you and your children.

  189. PRAYER

    Lord Jesus christ pls stretch ur healing hands on her n grant her a quick recovery IJN Amen

  190. Prayers for Emma

    prayer for a sick child NEW

    by: Anonymous

    dear lord place your healing touch on this precious child Emma and grant strength and peace to the family in jesus name we ask

  191. Daisy

    Dear LOrd,

    I pray that you lay your healing hands on my Daisy who is batteling Chiari 1 malformation of the brain. I pray that you give her strength during her brian surgery and that you guide and give her surgeon patience as well as guidance. That you may please heal her and help her to have a speedy recovery. I pray you give me the will power to be strong for my baby while she is going through this.


  192. God protect and heal our son Brandon Franco

    Dear god we ask that you heal our son that you help him thru his Time of need and that you allow him to get better very soon. We ask that you help him in his time of discomfort that u allow the doctors to provide him with medicine instead of surgery and if surgery is needed we ask that you watch over him and help him recover 100%. Father we put our trust faith and love for our son in your hands. Help him father, guide the doctors and nurses to find a reason that our sons sick So that they may begin treatment very soon.

    I’m jesus name we pray

  193. Healing for Elena

    Heavenly Father this Prayer is for Elena her mom Elizabeth and family. Lord pour the Previous Blood of your son Jesus Christ over this child and heal every fiber of her being as only you can. Lord you said knock on the doors of your heart, Lord I am knocking and I am asking for Elenas healing on this night. Lord please lay your hands on Elena and bring her to perfect health as you see her, as you created her for your Glory. Lord this child is loved and cherished, but only you can save her life and heal her forever from the pain and suffering she has endured in her little life. I am praying this in Jesus name. Amen

  194. A prayer for Madison (Maddy)

    Dearest Lord, I ask of you, to provide this four year old girl with your blessed mercy and strength. To the almighty highest look over this sweet child and her family during this more than difficult time. Bless us that pray for them. Amen

  195. Emily Nevarez

    Heavely Father,we ask that you wrap your healing loving arms around my niece Emily who is battling leukemia.Provide her with strength to get through her secound round of chemo and rid her of her leukemia.Lord please place your hands on her and provide healing love to her at this time. And lastly,provide your strength to all our precious little ones who need your strength through their illness.Please lord give streght to her mom and dad who are very devasted give them the strenght they need in order to go thru this difficult times. Please lord lay your hands on her and cure her. AMEN!

  196. Emily Nevarez

    Heavely Father,we ask that you wrap your healing loving arms around my niece Emily who is battling leukemia.Provide her with strength to get through her secound round of chemo and rid her of her leukemia.Lord please place your hands on her and provide healing love to her at this time. And lastly,provide your strength to all our precious little ones who need your strength through their illness.Please lord give streght to her mom and dad who are very devasted give them the strenght they need in order to go thru this difficult times. Please lord lay your hands on her and cure her. AMEN!

  197. Emily Nevarez

    Heavely Father,we ask that you wrap your healing loving arms around my niece Emily who is battling leukemia.Provide her with strength to get through her secound round of chemo and rid her of her leukemia.Lord please place your hands on her and provide healing love to her at this time. And lastly,provide your strength to all our precious little ones who need your strength through their illness.Please lord give streght to her mom and dad who are very devasted give them the strenght they need in order to go thru this difficult times. Please lord lay your hands on her and cure her. AMEN!

  198. Prayer request for Emihle Nzima

    Prayer Warriors please support in prayer for Emihle, she is having walking difficulties. It starte last month, she has cramps from her knees going down and now she can’t walk. May the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ shower her and wash her sickness away. God grant her the chance of being a child again. In Jesus’s name i pray. Amen

  199. prayer for Lily

    I come this morning asking for prayer for a little girl name Lily. She has been diagnose with mengitis and we lift her up in prayer that our Lord Jesus Christ will cure her. Also to help her parents and family members.

  200. The healer

    oh lord my God i thank u for everything you done for me and what u wil still do for me,please Heavely father lay your hands on my child lungs heal her for us so that we can be greatful to you.whatever the problem she as in her lungs that is unkown to the doctor only you alone no it.i beg u in youq mighty name to heal her.tank u ALLAH for hearing my prayers.

  201. prayer for my child, Sinqobile

    Dear God,

    thank you for entrusting me with the wonderful treasure You gave me. Sinqobile is trully a blessing to me.

    please dear Father Almighty, please heal and cure her pains and bone strucure, so she may be able to walk properly.please give the doctors she will go to the knowledge to make her able to have a proper skeleton.

    you do say in Your word that i must be still for You are God. Lord, you are my refuge and strength and in You and You powers i believe.

    Grant this to Her oh Father, the ability to walk.

    in Jesus name


  202. Loving Prayers for all sick children

    Heavely Father,we ask that you wrap your healing loving arms around my daughter Megan who is battling leukemia.Provide her with strength to get through her secound round of chemo and rid her of her leukemia.Lord please place your hands on her and provide healing love to her at this time. And lastly,provide your strength to all our precious little ones who need your strength through their illness. AMEN -God Bless-Tammy-Megans Mom

  203. Prayer for Rachel

    Dear Lord,

    Please be with my daughters classmate Rachael and her family during this journey they endure with cancer. Please hold Rachel and her family in your loving arms and comfort them through their fear and pain as they go through surgery and treatment.Great physician please find it to heal Rachel of her cancer please place your hand on this child and heal her as only you can. Please use the medical staff to care for Rachel. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

  204. Kynlee


    You are all knowing. Every good thing comes from you. Kynlee is yours. We ask that you heal her heart so she can show her parents the love you have for her and this world. God you are the only one who can bring peace and healing to this baby. Please let your will be done. I pray the blood of Jesus Christ over Kynlee, her momma and daddy and the surgeons and doctors you have placed in their path. In GODS PRECIOUS AND HOLY NAME,


  205. For my sons friend Ray and his wife.

    Today my son called me crying. He told me his friends 8wk old son was having brain surgery. The baby has two tumors in his brain. One small and the other very large. All Mighty Father I come to you on bended knee. I pray that you become the hands of the surgens removeing the tumors. That they are completly removed in your name Amen. And all the nurses who care for him give them tender hands n hearts. Amen. All things are possible in your name Amen. Touch his tender little body and give hime all the strength he needs to grow up stong n healthy Amen. And give his mother and father strength n let them know that u are always with them. Amen Blessed are the little children for they are the angels that we are blessed with. Amen. Father heal all the litte children who are sick one this page that everone is praying for.Amen. God Bless The Children.Amen.

  206. a prayer for my wee angel

    Dear Lord, I know she know no pain now, I know now she’s simply sleeping. Please Lord let this sleep be a short one, find her ailment and quash it. allow us to be graced in her ever present glory again and see her precious smile, for that smile would light up the darkest of days and this being the darkest of days let it be this day. Lord I give you me in exchange. Amen


    Dear Lord I pray for a miracle today and ask that you turn and look to Sarah and please give her healing and a full recovery so that she and her family may know you and your wonderous power and love.Thank you Lord, if it be thy will. Amen.

  208. A prayer for Christian

    Dear Father God I thank you for the many wonderful blessings you’ve given me and the wonderful people around me Thank you for forgiving me of my sins and I know Im not worthy I humbly come to you and ask you Father God to bless little Christian with the strength his little body needs I ask that you take away completely the sickness & desease in his body he’s struggling with and let him live and be the active, healthy fun loving happy little boy again. He has brightened every day in my life since he came into my life I love him so much. I put it in your hands dear Father God Thank you In Jesus name Amen.

  209. Please Pray

    Please pray for son, I know the Good Lord takes away all sickmess. I pray and ask the Lord to remove this tumour from my son. Lord bless him to have a strong and Healthy life. In the name of Jesus Amen !!!!

  210. Prayer fo Suffering angelie

    Lord God, Giver of life, Savior of sinners, all powerful Creator and gentle Healer. I come to you humbly and unworthy today asking once again for Your covering grace and glorified healing power in the restoration of our precious suffering daughter Angelie. We know she is not ours, but Yours to do with as You please, but we beg You to cure her of this affliction and bestow her with a long and healthy life in which to serve and praise You our Lord. This we pray in the name of Your precious Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

  211. A Prayer for Claire

    Dear Lord, I lift my Little girl Claire up to you in prayers. Please heal her from her depression and thoughts of self-harm and suicide. Protect her from the impact of peer bullying and give her strength. You have entrusted her in my care on earth and I now come to You that You heal and protect from all earthly harms. I also pray that she will come back to trusting and loving You.

  212. healing for Amber

    Lord God, our Heavenly Father, please heal my daughter Amber of all cancer. For by your stripes, Lord Jesus, she is healed. Thank you, Father God, in Jesus Holy Name.

  213. Please pray for Ashley

    Dear God Please help Sean precious little girl. that she would recover from this sickness malaria so she can grow up love and known you her dad do

    plz pray for her

  214. Prayer for baby Michael

    Father, we come to in for Michael, the baby of our dear friends, who is ill and has already had a liver transplant. YOU are the Healer and YOU said that if we ask anything in YOUR Name YOU will do it.. so we come and bring him and the family to you.

    We do not presume to tell YOU what to do , but we ask humbly that YOU will touch his body and bring healing in body, mind and soul to him and rest and continued trust to his family.

    We ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen

  215. Prayer for my Baby Dirk

    Heavenly Father, please heal my baby. I offer him to you, please remove the illness in his body and give him back his strength and good health. We thank you for all the blessings you have given to us. I am sorry for the sins i have done. Bless all the babies who needs your protection and healing. In Jesus name, Amen.

  216. Prayer for Baby Caroline

    Dear God lift up these innocent babies to you in h

    Complete healing. Please God heal Baby Caroline

    From renal abnormalities and bless all these precious

    infants with your love and allow them to live long and happy

    lives and live in your love always.

  217. Please heal Kate

    Dear Lord, please shower our sweet Kate with your divine grace and healing as You have always done. Destroy completely and forever all traces of the staph infection that plagues her and any other infections that are lurking. She is our greatest gift and we trust You in all things. Please heal all children lifted up here. In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen.

  218. Natalia

    Lord please care for and remove every last trace of that tumor from my Natalia. Please give her the strength she needs to play again and lead a long and healthy life. Thank you for all the blessings you’ve given us. Please protect her from further harm and bless her with your love and strength. Take care of my baby Jesus. And take care of the other children who are prayed for here today. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen

  219. Natalia

    Lord please care for and remove every last trace of that tumor from my Natalia. Please give her the strength she needs to play again and lead a long and healthy life. Thank you for all the blessings you’ve given us. Please protect her from further harm and bless her with your love and strength. Take care of my baby Jesus. And take care of the other children who are prayed for here today. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen

  220. Lyme decease victim

    May the lord give my daughter “Melissa”

    strength in these trying time during her healing process of this terrible decease that has taken so much from us. In Jesus name I pray.

  221. Prayers for Sophia

    Father you gave us your only son who died for our sins i ask this day to send your divine grace to heal my Grand daughter Sophia who was born at 24 weeks and is strugling a bit. Lord give her the healing gift of health that she may grow to be your angel on earth.

    In your Holy name i pray.


  222. Our borrowed son, Your child Mason

    Lord I pray in Your son’s holy name of Jesus asking that you please touch Mason, heal him from any diseases, disorders or anything g wrong with him. Please restore him to the normalcy only You can give. We are pleading, asking, seeking and knocking. I have surrendered all to you. Please comfort me and take away any fear or doubt in my mind because I know ANYTHING is possible through You. Thank you Godfor an answered pprayer!

  223. Our borrowed son, Your child Mason

    Lord I pray in Your son’s holy name of Jesus asking that you please touch Mason, heal him from any diseases, disorders or anything g wrong with him. Please restore him to the normalcy only You can give. We are pleading, asking, seeking and knocking. I have surrendered all to you. Please comfort me and take away any fear or doubt in my mind because I know ANYTHING is possible through You. Thank you Godfor an answered pprayer!

  224. prayer for a sick child

    dear lord place your healing touch on this precious child and grant strength and peace to the family in jesus priceless name we ask

  225. Baby Sofie

    Lord, I ask that you keep your guardian Angels with Sofie. She is a few months old and is ill. I ask that she get better soon.

  226. Baby

    Please pray for baby Sophia, may she experience God’s divine healing and recover to the healthy angle God intended her to be. Please bestow upon her love, shower her with healing and allow her to flourish into a beautiful and healthy girl.


  227. Emily's friend's Baby boy

    I’ve seen miracles in my life and I’m expecting another one for this precious Baby. I lift him up and his precious family. To God be the glory.

    In Jesus name.

  228. Emily's friend's Baby boy

    I’ve seen miracles in my life and I’m expecting another one for this precious Baby. I lift him up and his precious family. To God be the glory.

    In Jesus name.

  229. Emily's friend's Baby boy

    I’ve seen miracles in my life and I’m expecting another one for this precious Baby. I lift him up and his precious family. To God be the glory.

    In Jesus name.

  230. Prayer For My sick Son

    Lord I bring my son Bright To you this morning with all hope and faith that God you understand his illness and suffering that he is going through, he is A gift you gave to us and his happiness and comfort is our happiness too , you are the master of all treatment and the healer of all ailments.Touch him this morning and heal him father. Glorified be you name .Amen

  231. prayer that surgery can happen

    Lord please help the medications work this Friday so that the surgeons feel comfortable in moving forward to attempt to fix Guerlin’s heart. Please give them the opportunity to move forward with the surgery on Monday so that he may have the chance to grow up into a happy healthy little boy.

  232. Prayer forGeorgia

    Dear Lord, if it is your will that Georgia should live, give her thecourage and strength to continue fighting for life. Give her parents and family hope at ths time. Georgia is a twin and Lord we would like to see Georgia re-united with her twin sister once again.From the day of herirth Georgia has been in Intensive care in hospital and getting worse, but Lord, I know your will must be done and I know, with a miracle, Georgia can be reunited with her sister

    Thank you Lord, that on this day, Georgia will make the right move to be strong and ready to take her place in life among the living.

  233. May God Be with Her

    Lord, let this child enjoy life as you created it. Let her to love and be loved by this world. Whatever you decide to do,oh Lord, stay with her.

  234. Young little girl Hope

    It is my prayer this day that, God is healing young Hope from her cancer situation. i encourage her parents to continue putting their trust in God.

  235. Young little girl Hope

    It is my prayer this day that, God is healing young Hope from her cancer situation. i encourage her parents to continue putting their trust in God.

  236. Sick children

    Pray for children who are not well. The illness is lingering and the children are in desperate need of healing. They are just babies. Guide their parents and the children to have strength and be well. Let sickness vanish and wellness replace all ills. In Jesus name. Amen

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