Oh Abba Father. You know Paul. You formed him in within me. You’ve walked together him all these years. Now he has this horrible cancer in that body you created. It’s been there a long time before being found. It is going to take very extreme measures to get rid of it. I just pray that the radiation and chemo will hit the target exactly and be very very effective without being too hard on the rest of his body. He needs to be able to function and be alert to interact with his young teen sons. They need him on that family. He is the glue that holds them together. His involvement is vital for their well-being. So Lord we’ll stop there for now. You know the rest of the story. The radical surgery to remove his esophagusvand replace it with stomach. Lord it all sounds like soon much. But you burned wet wood, made a dry road through the sea, even stopped the sun and moon. You can protect and heal Paul’s body and give him life and strength to raise those boys who need him so. Lord we will praise you forever for every favor you pour over him today tomorrow and everyday through this. Thank you thank you thank you
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