Financial prosperity

Please pray for me urgently Jerasimos D***** for GOD ALMIGHTY and Jesus Christ to miraculously bless me with ongoing financial prosperity and abundance and to destroy all chains of poverty, bad luck and stagnation in my life. GOD bless

Apartment Prayer

Dear God: I got approved for the apartment. Thank you so much for opening that door for me. Please Lord, let me keep my own roof over my head. Please, keep me able to pay my rent. You’ve let me make it this far, Lord. When I was told “no”, my faith and belief in … Continue reading “Apartment Prayer”

Car Prayer

Dear God: Thank you for Blessing me to get another car after my 2021 Kia was stolen. Please let justice be served to the insurance company that wronged me during this entire ordeal dealing with my stolen vehicle. It was rough being on public transportation for 6 months but I am humbled that I got … Continue reading “Car Prayer”

Apartment Prayer

Dear God: I got approved for the apartment. Thank you so much for opening that door for me. Please Lord, let me keep my own roof over my head. Please, keep me able to pay my rent. You’ve let me make it this far, Lord. When I was told “no”, my faith and belief in … Continue reading “Apartment Prayer”

Car Prayer

Dear God: Thank you for Blessing me to get another car after my 2021 Kia was stolen. Please let justice be served to the insurance company that wronged me during this entire ordeal dealing with my stolen vehicle. It was rough being on public transportation for 6 months but I am humbled that I got … Continue reading “Car Prayer”

Loneliness and broken

I humbly ask for you too join me in prayer as I read psalm 147 today..I ask for financial miracle too help me. I ask for companionship and friends…I am alone except for my Father God and his son Jesus Christ too be with me…I have nothing home, no family, a widow, no children, … Continue reading “Loneliness and broken”

Financial breakthrough

I’m in a financial problem and have a huge credit to settle. I don’t have means to settle the credit.


Oh, most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine Splendor of Heaven. Oh, Blessed Mother of the Son of God. Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me, you are my Mother. Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth. I humbly beseech … Continue reading “Thank-you”


Sadness pray for a closer relationship with God!!! Financially drained depressed praying for guidance praying for my szicphronic bipolar daughter praying to have a closer relationship with all 6 of my kids and thanking God and loving him everyday trusting in him for giving me the will and strength for not giving up. Amen

Finance burden

I wish in God’s name that I could pay off all car payments too big for our income retired folks 🍻 barely making ends meet .pray for help forgiveness n econ just hit hard on us I need a lot of income or fortune to hit us to pay off vehicles n bring food on … Continue reading “Finance burden”

Car Prayer

Dear God: Thank you for Blessing me to get another car after my 2021 Kia was stolen. Please let justice be served to the insurance company that wronged me during this entire ordeal dealing with my stolen vehicle. It was rough being on public transportation for 6 months but I am humbled that I got … Continue reading “Car Prayer”

Mount Carmel

Oh, most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, Splendor of Heaven. Oh, Blessed Mother of the son of God. Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity Oh, star of the Sea, help me and show me, you are my Mother Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech … Continue reading “Mount Carmel”

Apartment Prayer

Dear God: I got approved for the apartment. Thank you so much for opening that door for me. Please Lord, let me keep my own roof over my head. Please, keep me able to pay my rent. You’ve let me make it this far, Lord. When I was told “no”, my faith and belief in … Continue reading “Apartment Prayer”

Emergency money

Father please if you could bless me with desperately needed emergency money for groceries and transportation. I ask witb a humble heart. Thank you amen

Removal of all hassles in daily, financial and professional life of mine

I request for removing all fake and evil people or families spoiling my life in any way affecting my financial status. Some strangers as neighbours, fake sibling in-laws are always causing nuisance and money loss. Please pray for me to remove all fake and evil people near and around me always. Please remove immediately. Don’t … Continue reading “Removal of all hassles in daily, financial and professional life of mine”


Please agree with me that the tenant ( Christie Woodside) in apt. 105 and her son, to stop smoking at night in her apt and move, God will taake that demonic spirit of nicotine, vaping And drug use away from them …. and management will put heavy pressure on them to stop….in Jesus name…Amen. Agree … Continue reading “Urgent”

Prayer request

Hi Thank you for praying. Please can you pray for me for protection physical healing completely good answers, the Lord’s light on situations and mysteries that have happened in the past 4 years, that can stop a pattern of negative and harmful things coming my way including financial loss and reveal the right answers. Please … Continue reading “Prayer request”

Financial breakthrough

Trying to purchase a house. Need finances. Praying that God will send me a financial breakthrough, in Jesus name amen.

Trying Times

Please pray for me during these trying times. I’m in debt from looking out for everyone except myself. A creditor is taking me to court in October for a $1600 debt. I hope I can resolve this before court. I applied for another job yesterday. I pray if it’s meant to be, it will be. … Continue reading “Trying Times”

Financial Deliverance

Dear Faithful Father, You know how to give good gifts to your children. Please pay my son’s tuition at university Tuesday September 3, 2024. Their financial clearance is due on Wednesday September 04, 2024. The earth and all that is in it is Yours, let my sons continue to celebrate a praise the One True … Continue reading “Financial Deliverance”


Pray god bless my finances pray god bless me to fix my home I don’t want to move pray god show me his will for my life pray god subdue jimmy jenny Karen pray god show me my enemies to my face openly pray god stop all demonic prayers plans against my children grandchildren and … Continue reading “salvation”

Prayer for a newer car

I need prayers for a newer car, preferably a little more recent model. I have an older car, 2005, it’s getting older and giving me too many issues I can’t afford to fix some of the issues. It causes me great stress. I do my best to keep up with maintaince and repairs but some … Continue reading “Prayer for a newer car”

Urgent urgent urgent

Please agree with me that the tenant ( Christie Woodside) in apt. 105 and her son, to stop smoking at night in her apt and move, God will taake that demonic spirit of nicotine, vaping And drug use away from them …. and management will put heavy pressure on them to stop….in Jesus name…Amen. Agree … Continue reading “Urgent urgent urgent”

Are you there God

Lord I come to you in prayer like I do everyday asking for help and sometimes I feel like you are not there. I’m holding On to my faith, I trust my God and I believe that I’m living a good life the way I should. I try to help anyone that I can. I’ve … Continue reading “Are you there God”


Pray I receive the funds to get a house before my lease ends this month that have working hot water, refrigerator, air and heat a safe place to park and a yard for the dog. Pray that Jermill learns to drive and that I get the funds to help her pay for school. Pray the … Continue reading “House”

Financial Breakthrough

I live paycheck to paycheck and it is very very stressful. I always have to borrow money. I can’t provide for my family like I should. I never have enough. The spirit of lack is in my life. Please pray that this chain,cycle or curse be broken from my life I want to be delivered … Continue reading “Financial Breakthrough”

My prayer

Dear Father God, Thank You for Your undeserved mercy and grace,Praise Your Holy Name!!! Glory to God!!! I pray for a financial blessing,to help others in need,and a car to help my Grandchildren.I desire to be a blessing to others in need,as You are a true blessing to me,but Father,I need your help.I want to … Continue reading “My prayer”

Financial Windfall

Heavenly Father I come to you with a humble heart and a desire burning in my heart to win an enormous jackpot at the casino. You are my God all mighty and I know your miracles can relieve me of my debt and financial difficulties I’m experiencing. I will share my windfall with family and … Continue reading “Financial Windfall”

Financial Struggles

I have recently been out on Disability due to a incurable illness. And what I’m receiving each month is not enough for me to get by. I’m a Home Owner and my Mortgage is far beyond less than rent and I had maxed out my credit cards while on short term disability with my job … Continue reading “Financial Struggles”


I have been off work for about 18 months. I work as a nurse and was verbally/pyschologically/threatened by family members. I was diagnosed with PTSD, depression and anxiety. I am also waiting for hip replacement surgery. However, my disability pay is over this month and the income I do qualify for is just enough to … Continue reading “Work/Finances”

Financial Help

God please help me with my financial future. God I need your help. Lord you know my situation and I ask you to please help me with the money I need to get my teeth fixed and to fix and pay for my home. Jesus I’m in a bad situation and your my only hope. … Continue reading “Financial Help”

Prayer for comfort

Lord, I know I have sinned against your will. You have been faithful to me yet I wasn’t obedient. Despite all this, you still blessed me with a new job. Please help me take away my worries, comfort me as I am due to work away from my loved ones. I a am happy and … Continue reading “Prayer for comfort”

A great new job!

I’m in desperate need of a new job. I have been applying for remote positions and really need one to come through. I’m having a hard time getting my license back and I owe the state some money but you have to pay back before I can get my license. Right now I’m working very … Continue reading “A great new job!”

Financial Abundance & Blessings in & on my Business/Protection from Enemies

Last 2 days we did almost nothing. Thanking God for protecting us from a Tornado yesterday. No damage to our area. Please pray husband John has a huge income day today. God to bring in around 35 buying customers that will buy things today. Buying atmosphere at the store. Great sales ability, confidence, anointing, angels, … Continue reading “Financial Abundance & Blessings in & on my Business/Protection from Enemies”

I truly need a miracle

I need prayer for a job/career as I am in financial dire straits. I had been my mother’s full time caregiver for the last 4 1/2 years but had to recently transition her to a nursing facility because she now needs more care than I can do by myself. This transition took me from weekly … Continue reading “I truly need a miracle”

Help, help, help

Need ,$$$ or decent roommate. Daughter moving ,,(pray she changes her mind).I’m 73 and really need her. Shes 53 we had a falling put and I was horrible 2 her. She says she 4gives but I still live with the guilt. Stopped church bc no help. Pastor recommended a mbr who does odd jobs. He … Continue reading “Help, help, help”

I’m in over my head

I’m in so much debt and my social security check has been cut to way more than half of what I was getting paid in the of August I am only getting 161.00 then after that I will get 511.00 every month and I have a lot bills and my husband is working so his … Continue reading “I’m in over my head”