Pet Prayers

We have received prayer requests for ailing and lost pets, so here is a page on Pet Prayers. We believe that as part of God’s creation, pets and all animals have a special place in the universe.

They show us the graciousness of unconditional love, the beauty of God’s creation, and they provide us with so many wonderful years of companionship and sharing. We pray to bless all animals and pets everywhere around the world.

Prayer for a lost pet

Heavenly Father, please help me. My dear pet, [pet’s name], is lost. I pray you, Father, let our beacon of love shine more and more brightly, so that he/she can find his/her way home again.

Let it shine forth from my heart and home to light his/her way back and to hasten our reunion. Thank you Father, for hearing my prayer.

[Pet’s name} come home, come home, come home!

Prayer for a sick pet

Dear Lord, my beloved pet and companion [name] has fallen ill. I am interceding on his/her behalf, to beseech your good and kind assistance to us in this time of need.

I humbly ask that I may be as good and kind a Master to my pet as You have been with all your children. That your blessing will heal my lovely companion and give him/her many more wonderful days that we may spend together.

That both of us may be blessed and healed as part of Your loving creation. Amen and Thank You!