Why did She have to show up at my church?

by Prayers Admin ()

It might be about teachers, how they do not have consideration. These women if they knew me when I was in school do not have to come so close to my life just to hurt me or see me and play games to be hurtful. i do nit have to allow the power and control or the big time bullying and she this girl my age in school came to my church. We had never felt comfortable or hung out very comfortable for me to feel right so why do these things have to have the power to show up at church when IO can’t even go? All seeming like pre-meditated plans by the devil and he is evil and cruel and the devil has taken YEARS from me putting me in isolation and with people who have a greedy disgusting agenda to ruin and hurt me

I have no friends my age who are close to me with real conversations and my life is in isolation and these older women have formed relationships with me. Lord, reveal the illegal truths of what any of them wre doing with my life or of that these women my age try to say I have no person because of the devil. The devil and love that men say it and hurt me so bad. All of them. The devil is trying to say the government wants to arr3est me and try me as an adult for lying under oath and charge me now with charges to put me in jail or sentence me to something i have spent my life suffering for. and because of. They do not have a right to keep making me live in isolation and making my life a cheap unworthy piece of filth and force suffering and deprive. It should be that they help and wanrt to see my life the best it can be until my prayers are answered goals are met and i can make things how i am seeking the lord to be. Not hinder hurt hurt judge, lie, intentionally put down and put more isolation and in social stigma and with liars. whoever keeps using satan is provoking it to others in he church,. I want the Lord top prove this woman Notemi should not come in type church and say I made fun of her and said she copies to be cool and make this something i suffer church wise and hurt ne that way. It really hurt me in my therapy Lord no I know the church issuppose to be for me and you shoukd protect me and bullying is bul,lying

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