Weight Loss

Heavenly Father I have been so unhappy with my weight. I am here to seek your power in getting me to my goal weight of 125-130lbs within 4 months. I know with you I can achieve this. With you I will forever keep the weight off and get off my blood pressure medication. I want … Continue reading “Weight Loss”

Family Salvation, Health, where to live here on Earth, health and good behavior of our dog.Great weather on vacation Sunday.

Lord please bless us with Sunshine and great weather while on vacation. Help me to Lose weight healthfully. To bring my unsaved family members to Salvation. Keep our Dog Moses safe and Happy & Healthy. Bless him to eat all his meal daily, let him know we will be back for him and bless him … Continue reading “Family Salvation, Health, where to live here on Earth, health and good behavior of our dog.Great weather on vacation Sunday.”

Lose weight

Heavenly Father I’ve struggled with hashimoto’s thyroid disease and anxiety and it has affected my weight. I ask that you help me to get back to 140lbs. I’ve struggled and I’ve missed out on so much in life because my weight and insecurities about it have left me nearly homebound and embarrassed. Please just let … Continue reading “Lose weight”

Divine intervention

My doctor request that I lose 100 pounds so I joined a Fit Body Boot Camp and is trying to lose the weight for my health. please pray that I have the strength and endurance too get this weight off healthy. I am on a diet plan for transformation and the way that I eat … Continue reading “Divine intervention”

Help me please

Please can you help me to lose weight. I have gained weight over the years through emotional eating and being in a difficult relationship, which I am still in. My health isn’t good and my self esteem and confidence is so low. God created me slim and I feel so guilty that I have completely … Continue reading “Help me please”

Prayer Diet

Utilizing a prayer diet is a great way to lose weight. Like many things in life that are difficult, praying to god can make it easier to make positive changes in your life. The most important aspect of a Prayer Diet, is consistency. You must pray on a daily basis, every morning, in order to … Continue reading “Prayer Diet”