Thanksgiving and prayer to give me back my husband

by Rochelle ()

Father God Jesus Christ, thank You for You. Thank You for Your unconditional love for us; for always blessing and protecting us and forgiving us our sins. Thank You most of all for embracing my most love husband Virgilio up there in heaven giving him new body, no pain, no suffering no sickness, only happiness and joy and peace and love and You. Thank You. As i pray to You, i fervently pray, request, ask, seek and knock to give me back my husband Virgilio, the full him Father Christ. It might be impossible with man but so possible with You. Please will it Father God Jesus Christ. Give me back my husband. Please give me comfort and peace while my darling is not back with me yet. Grieving is so painful. I don’t know what to say. I miss everything about my darling, his presence, love, his voice, laugh, hugs, kisses, advise, comfort, dance, singing, smile, our perfect life together you gave us. I miss him and love him so much. Please please give him back to me.
Please comfort our families too. They are in pain too as they love my husband so much.
Please bless the souls of people whom You called up in heaven and comfort their families as well.
I have faith and i trust You. I know my husband Virgilio will come back and we will be together and will continue our perfect lives together lovingly, happily and peacefully with Your presence. In the powerful name of the Almighty Father Jesus Christ, i fervently pray all of these, Amen.

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