Miracle healing

Dear Heavenly Father, please heal Callen from this illness that has taken over his small body. He has so many things to offer you Lord! Please allow him the opportunity to live his life and follow your path. Please stretch your loving arms around him and heal him with your miraculous healing power. We know … Continue reading “Miracle healing”


For my adult son Alex who lives with me and is my care provider. He has suffered from anxiety and depression after being bullied most of his life. He has high Blood pressure and diabetes with high cholesterol. Please help in prayer for weight loss success. I am praying for a heavy duty treadmill as … Continue reading “Thank”

Sons hearing loss

St. Jude, please restore my son’s hearing and mental health. He has menieres and has lost a significant amount of hearing and is told he will continue to lose more and should learn sign language. He is a young man with a bright future ahead of him that is dying out because he wants to … Continue reading “Sons hearing loss”

Avery May

Dear Lord…I humbly ask for your healing hands upon my 9 year old granddaughter Avery who is afflicted with depression and anxiety. Heal her mind of self doubts worries snd phobias of germs snd illness. Bring peace to her mind and heart that she me feel the love and support of her family and friends. … Continue reading “Avery May”

Prayer for healing

Heavenly Father, thank you for baby Kamella. Please touch her and heal her heart. Lord you are the one who knitted her in her mother’s womb. Lord she is missing a valve from her heart. Strengthen this new born baby so that she will be strong enough to withstand a heart surgery. Comfort her parents … Continue reading “Prayer for healing”

For My Son

Oh Abba Father. You know Paul. You formed him in within me. You’ve walked together him all these years. Now he has this horrible cancer in that body you created. It’s been there a long time before being found. It is going to take very extreme measures to get rid of it. I just pray … Continue reading “For My Son”


Please pray for baby Jack. He is 3 months old and has been diagnosed with botchulism. He has been given an antidote and it was caught early. Also because the parents rent a home from us Health Canada has ordered an air quality study on our home and yard to see where it came from. … Continue reading “Anxious”

My son

My son suffers from extreme anxiety and panic attacks and his hands shake with fear. He has really bad problems with anger. It’s hard for him to deal with day to day situations. He is very hateful to me and verbally abusive and I don’t know what to do. I pray for him and send … Continue reading “My son”

Daughter not well

My daughter (18) is currently on a mission trip in Peru. She hasn’t been feeling well and is now throwing up. I’m very nervous for her and am asking for prayer that the Lord makes her well while she is there serving Him. She still has another 8 days there before coming home. Then, she … Continue reading “Daughter not well”

Save our daughter

Dear heavenly Father, Our dear daughter is very sick in her brain. She suffers from severe mental illness and has taken herself off all her meds. She is 20 but acts more like a 12 year old. Please bring her back to her transitional living program. She is lost and hurting. She ran away with … Continue reading “Save our daughter”

A Prayer for Sire

Father your word saids in James 5:16 the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. So I come to you today on bended knees to pray for little Sire. That you will restore his health and strength so he can run around and play and be the happy free spirited little boy that … Continue reading “A Prayer for Sire”

A Prayer For a Sick Child

Prayer for a Sick Child: Pray for Healing Please pray for this precious little girl. Please Lord we ask that you heal Hope, that you come into her and take away illness, pain, or any fears associated with her cancer. Lord, we beg you to spare this child any suffering. Please Lord guide this family … Continue reading “A Prayer For a Sick Child”