Severe Anxiety

by Shannon ()

My lifelong response to trauma has caught up with me physically, slowly at first, but at a rapid pace over the last few years. I feel broken physically and mentally and am paralyzed by severe anxiety. I am self aware and recognize thinking errors, etc, but for reasons I don’t fully understand, it feels like a volcano blew overnight and I am overwhelmed with a new level of paralyzing anxiety. I recognize the mind/body connection and how traumas not fully dealt with wreak havoc physically. I am asking for prayer to help navigate my way to inner healing with God’s guidance. I have taken steps to work with a new therapist that deals with struggles like mine, but the day to day physical/emotional struggle affects my reasoning and clarity, so the majority of the time I don’t know which end is up and the severe anxiety increases physical and emotional pain as well as confusion about the accuracy of my thought processes. I know Satan does not want me to heal and be effective in doing what God wants me to do. I need peace and clarity so that healing can occur physically and emotionally. Thank you

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