
by K ()

I am a college student and every week or so my friends and I binge watch horror films. These usually range from classics such as The Exorcist or Silence of the Lambs, to more recent ones such as Hereditary. While I enjoy these movies and spending time with friends, I notice that many of these center around possession and demons and whatnot. I’m not exactly a super religious person, but I do believe there is a God out there, because logically, for evil to exist there must be a good: a good that can overpower this evil and be powerful enough to scare it. (I know they’re movies, but that stuff is real. I don’t mess with all that occult stuff, super dangerous I don’t care who you are).
To get to the point, I’d like a prayer request for my friends and I for protection against any evil forces. All we do is watch movies, but I can’t help but feel a bit nervous speaking the names of some of these out loud. It feels like we’re inviting in some bad things.

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