Prayers Answered, Thanks to God and St Joseph!

by Anon ()

Thank you St Joseph for your help. Thank you so much..Thank You God for answering my prayers through the intercessions of St Joseph. πŸ™‚

O St. Joseph whose protection is so great, so strong,
so prompt before the Throne of God,
I place in you all my interests and desires.
O St. Joseph do assist me by your powerful intercession
and obtain for me from your Divine Son
all spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, Our Lord;
so that having engaged here below your Heavenly power
I may offer my Thanksgiving and Homage
to the most Loving of Fathers.
O St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating you
and Jesus asleep in your arms.
I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart.
Press him in my name and kiss His fine Head for me,
and ask Him to return the Kiss when I draw my dying breath.
St. Joseph, Patron of departing souls,
pray for us.

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302 comments for “Prayers Answered, Thanks to God and St Joseph!”

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    Thank you St Joseph for your powerful intercession to our Lord on my family’s behalf. Thank you for all that you have done for us. Thank you also for listening to my prayer requests. I will honor and love you always and forever! Please continue to bless, protect and heal my mother, AMEN!


    Thank you St Joseph for your powerful intercession to our Lord on my family’s behalf. Thank you for all that you have done for us. Thank you also for listening to my prayer requests. I will honor and love you always and forever! Please continue to bless, protect and heal my mother, AMEN!

  3. Thanks to god and St. Joseph

    We Thank you God and St. Joseph for your intercession in selling our home. Our home was sold in 3 weeks. Cash with furniture. We did not put St. Joseph on his head on the ground. We prayed for his intercession. I will have his statue in a special place in our new home.

  4. Thanksgiving

    Thank you Dear St.Joseph for helping my sister in the first step of her paperwork today and the amt she had to pay was within my budget.Please help her to complete all paperwork with no problems along the way.I am confident you will bring her to me by Xmas God willing.

  5. Thanks giving to St. Joseph for ansereing all our prayer

    Dear St. Joseph , I thank you for your great intersession and answering all our prayers so quickly. I will always continue to pray to you and encourage many more family to pray to you.

    Dear St. Joseph bless my children with strength and courage to be more responsible and hard working in their studies. Help them to always respect their parents and those in authority. never to sin deliberately or be lead in wrong direction.,

    O wise guardian of the Holy Family ,St. Joseph defend our family for enemies visible and invisible, extend to each one of us your continual protection.

  6. Thanksgiving

    I want to thank St. Joseph for helping my grandson to obtain employment. I finished a novena to St. Joseph on September 3rd and on September 14, my grandson called to tell me he had found a job. I am very grateful to St. Joseph for interceding for me with Jesus to answer my prayer

  7. Thank you St.Joseph

    Thank you St.Joseph for your intercession in my time of need…this day my prayers through you have been answered…..may I never ever forget you Amen

  8. Prayers Answered

    St. Joseph thank you for watching my grandchild be born and guarding her. Honorable, loving and merciful Saint. watch over her and her mom, protect them against infernal spirits, let the baby grow and lead a saintly life on earth.

  9. thank you Saint Joseph for your intercession

    Thank you Saint Joseph for your intercession in helping my daughter pass two very difficult classes in college. I do believe in miracles and this is one of them that you helped my family with to surpass difficulties. I will always honor you every day of my life, amen.

  10. Thanksgiving for getting a good job

    Thank you St Joseph for your powerful intercession to our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for all that you have done for us. Thank you also for listening to my prayer requests. I will honor and love you always and forever! Please continue to bless, protect and heal my my Family, AMEN!.

  11. Thanksgiving in advance for answered prayers

    Thank you to Saint Joseph for inviting me to ask for his intercession a few weeks back. I am thanking him in advance for carrying my prayers to God, who has undoubtedly heard and answered my prayers. I am thanking God, that through Saint Joseph’s intercession, I am protected, God is fighting my battles as we speak without me ever having to get involved, with a successful outcome for these issues in my favour suddenly and unexpectedly. Thank you Saint Joseph. Thank you God. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirt and Thank you Mother Mary.

  12. Thanks St Joseph

    My husband prayed to St. Joseph yesterday. The feast day of St. Joseph to sell his car. It sold today. Thanks St. Joseph for your intercession.

  13. Thank you Dear Saint Joseph

    Dear Blessed Saint Joseph thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart for my prayers answered. Thank you for being my true friend I am always grateful to you. Thank you for believing in me In Jesus name Amen.

  14. Thank you!!

    Thank you Saint Joseph for answering my prayers. I prayed that we would find a buyer for our house and we got two!! I will continue to prayer to Saint Joseph and give thanks always. I will honour Saint Joseph in the future. God Bless xx

  15. Thank you

    Thank you St Joseph for your amazing and powerful intercession. Please continue to look after my family and I in terms if health. We love you very much.

  16. Thanks . St. Joseph

    Thank you St. Joseph for helping my brother get a job and for all your blessings!

  17. Thank you St Joseph!

    Thank you for your intersession in selling my daughters house!

  18. Thank you St. Joseph

    Thank you St. Joseph for answering my prayers and helping my son-in-law get a new job.

  19. Thanksgiving

    St. Joseph, my friend and the guardian of our family, here I come again to thank you for helping us ask our Lord to help my son pass his EMT licensing exam. As always, you are at our side to aide us in our needs. Never leave us until our death of St.Joseph. We love you.

  20. Thanksgiving

    St. Joseph, my friend and the guardian of our family, here I come again to thank you for helping us ask our Lord to help my son pass his EMT licensing exam. As always, you are at our side to aide us in our needs. Never leave us until our death of St.Joseph. We love you.


    St Joseph, you are so amazing! I am in awe of your power! Thank you so much for helping my daughter with her new job. I prayed to you and you answered my prayers in short order. I truly believe you are all powerful and I feel truly blessed that you honored me by interceding for me with our Lord. Let your name be praised forever!

  22. Thank you for a new job

    Three months ago I had big work issues at my workplace I prayed to st joseph for 30 day novena , now I have answered marvellously .
    With a new job and a career change as well .

    I will keep this for the rest of my life .

    Thank you st Joseph .

  23. St. Joseph is awesome

    St. Joseph, thank you for always being there for me and my family. We love you so much, you are awesome. You are the greatest example of a true father after God. We will continue to bless and praise you and cause you to be invoked. Amen.

  24. St. Joseph is awesome

    St. Joseph, thank you for always being there for me and my family. We love you so much, you are awesome. You are the greatest example of a true father after God. We will continue to bless and praise you and cause you to be invoked. Amen.

  25. Thank you

    Thank you for taking care of my family There wasn’t any stress and I thank you for that Now we can build a home. St Joseph you will be coming with us sitting in are home we as a family will thank you and talk to you in everyday conversions. You’ll will be in our hearts along with st Teresa We have a new beginning Thank you

  26. Thank you

    Thank you for taking care of my family There wasn’t any stress and I thank you for that Now we can build a home. St Joseph you will be coming with us sitting in are home we as a family will thank you and talk to you in everyday conversions. You’ll will be in our hearts along with st Teresa We have a new beginning Thank you

  27. Passing my ACT test to Graduate HS

    Thank You! Saint Joseph thanks to God! for answering my prayers n concerns for my son #Faith you are my protector n you guide us in our daily lives I will for ever hold you in my heart I will always keep my prayers to you n all my lord Jesus in my heart and when things get hard I will hold my faith strong that I feel I will never be alone.. Amen lord Jesus thanks to be to God forever my love in my heart and soul and as my son is out of HS please be he’s eyes n ears in life! Amen Amen Amen I will cont praying for the people in need people who suffering people that need help to the sick to the alone people who feel alone that they keep confident n things will get better and my friends n family never get weak to stay strong!! Amen amen amen πŸ™‚

  28. Passing my ACT test to Graduate HS

    Thank You! Saint Joseph thanks to God! for answering my prayers n concerns for my son #Faith you are my protector n you guide us in our daily lives I will for ever hold you in my heart I will always keep my prayers to you n all my lord Jesus in my heart and when things get hard I will hold my faith strong that I feel I will never be alone.. Amen lord Jesus thanks to be to God forever my love in my heart and soul and as my son is out of HS please be he’s eyes n ears in life! Amen Amen Amen I will cont praying for the people in need people who suffering people that need help to the sick to the alone people who feel alone that they keep confident n things will get better and my friends n family never get weak to stay strong!! Amen amen amen πŸ™‚

  29. Passing my ACT test to Graduate HS

    Thank You! Saint Joseph thanks to God! for answering my prayers n concerns for my son #Faith you are my protector n you guide us in our daily lives I will for ever hold you in my heart I will always keep my prayers to you n all my lord Jesus in my heart and when things get hard I will hold my faith strong that I feel I will never be alone.. Amen lord Jesus thanks to be to God forever my love in my heart and soul and as my son is out of HS please be he’s eyes n ears in life! Amen Amen Amen I will cont praying for the people in need people who suffering people that need help to the sick to the alone people who feel alone that they keep confident n things will get better and my friends n family never get weak to stay strong!! Amen amen amen πŸ™‚

  30. thank you

    Dear st joseph if u only knew the comfort I feek when I pray to you. I immediately feel happier in myself such is the comfort you give me .thank you always I will continue my devotion to you with kind saint. Forever

  31. Thank you St. Joseph

    Thank you St. Joseph for answering my prayers. Thank you for giving my son such a good job on the 9th Day of your Novena that I was doing. Bless and protect my son St. Joseph and be his strength and guide in his new job. Thank you St. Joseph.. Thank you St. Joseph… I can;t thank you enough.

  32. Puno Hvala

    Saint Joesph I give thanks to you for praying for us. Thanks you God for helping us sell our home in a timely manner and to a good family. We ask in Jesus’name that you continue to pray for us that we may obtain our new home this coming October on Grand Palisades Parkway. We thank you for giving our family a new start and for allowing us to live both in the same country and in the same neighborhood! Your love is so great and our will sing you praise and serve the Lord our God forever and ever. Amen!

    God is great!

  33. Thank you, St. Joseph

    Thank you, St. Joseph for helping us sell our home to a wonderful family who will take care of it. I also thank you for helping in having our offer accepted on our dream home on Grand Teton Parkway. Please continue to pray for each and every member of our family as we begin our new life in Georgia. Bless and protect our children. Bless our future co-workers, teachers, bosses, neighbors and friends. Thank you, Jesus, Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph.

  34. Thank you, St. Joseph

    Thank you, St. Joseph for helping us sell our home to a wonderful family who will take care of it. I also thank you for helping in having our offer accepted on our dream home on Grand Teton Parkway. Please continue to pray for each and every member of our family as we begin our new life in Georgia. Bless and protect our children. Bless our future co-workers, teachers, bosses, neighbors and friends. Thank you, Jesus, Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph.

  35. Thank you, St. Joseph

    Thank you, St. Joseph for helping us sell our home to a wonderful family who will take care of it. I also thank you for helping in having our offer accepted on our dream home on Grand Teton Parkway. Please continue to pray for each and every member of our family as we begin our new life in Georgia. Bless and protect our children. Bless our future co-workers, teachers, bosses, neighbors and friends. Thank you, Jesus, Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph.

  36. Thank you St. Joseph and Brother Andre

    Thank you St. Joseph and Brother Andre for answering my prayers. My fiance and I are grateful for you intercession. Our relationship has improved and we are working on the steps toward a better and fruitful relationship and healing in Christ. We are forever grateful. Thank you again for your help.

  37. Thank you, St Joseph

    Thank you, St. Joseph, for answering our prayers. My family is thrilled to have our mortgage loan approved just in time for the scheduled closing. We are so grateful for your intercession and are looking forward to raising our family in our new home. Praise be! Amen.

  38. Thank you St. Joseph and God

    Thank you, St. Joseph and to God for helping us sell our home in a timely manner, to a wonderful family who will take care of it. I also thank you for helping us find and obtain our dream home within weeks of selling ours. Please continue to pray for each and every member of our family as we begin our new journey. Bless and protect our children and our family. Please continue to abundantly bless us in our new home. Thank you, Jesus, and St. Joseph.

  39. Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving to God and St. Joseph for help and success in sale of home and aid in financial matters

  40. Thanksgiving

    Thank you St. Joseph for your prayers on my behalf. You provided for and protected the Holy Family. With God’s grace and your prayers, may I do the same for my family.

  41. Thank you St. Joseph for Prayers Answered

    Thanks to God and to St. Joseph’s intercession on the sale of our old home, our purchase of a wonderful new home and a painless transition between cities. I pray for your continued blessing and in finding a gainful career in this new city; along with the opportunity to finish school. May your blessings continue to come upon my family and me. Amen.

  42. Thank you

    St Joseph, thank you so much for answering my prayers for a job. I prayed the Novena faithfully everyday. In the end, I was extended a job offer. I will forever be loyal to you St. Joseph.

  43. so. very grateful

    Dear St Joseph, I am forever going to be grateful to you for answering my prayers. You have shown my children and myself that we were/right to believe in your generosity and greatness. After praying the Novena to you both of my children communicated that they are experiencing success in their perspective jobs, and are making certain that they give their all everyday. Thank you so much for ALL you have done for us in the name of you son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

  44. St. Joseph

    Thank you Saint Joseph for your guidance and deliverance of selling my home. My home at been on the market for over a year and when i found you, you made it sell within 4 months. You are truly wonderful!

  45. Thank you for my job

    Thank you Saint Joseph for hearing my prayers and bringing my intention to your Son on Earth. I have had my prayers answered by obtaining the job that I wanted. Thank you again for your intercession to our Lord Jesus.

  46. Prayers Anwsered

    Thank you so much Saint Joseph of Cupertino for helping me pass my exams in school. You really answered my prayers, I am really grateful for the blessing. Bless and protect my family. I also ask if you could help me be prepared and help me obtain a high score on the ACT and SAT I will be taking coming up in October and November. I ask if you could help me get a high score to obtain a scholarship into the top schools I choose. Again Thank You.

  47. Thank you St. Joseph

    Thank you St. Joseph for hearing my prayers and for giving them to your precious son Jesus Christ who has answered them. Please continue to listen to my prayers.


    Thank you St. Joseph, for your kindness and Blessings, answering my prayers for the well being of me and my family as we move to a new city. Finding a new house and selling our old house has been a great worry for us. We Thank You again for any and all help you have found for us



    Thank you St. Joseph for answering my prayers, and interceding for me and my family. It is with great joy as we move forward in our lives now to new beginnings. Your kindness and love fill me with hope, I pray to live my life with as much faith and love as possible.
    Thank you again.


    Thank you St. Joseph for answering my prayers, and interceding for me and my family. It is with great joy as we move forward in our lives now to new beginnings. Your kindness and love fill me with hope, I pray to live my life with as much faith and love as possible.
    Thank you again.

  51. Forever grateful

    St Joseph, thank you so much for answering my prayers, just when I was giving up of my husband finding employment you stepped in and made it happen. I will always be so grateful and will continue to praise and glorify you. Thank you so much tara


    My dear St. Joseph, the beloved adopted father of our Lord Jesus Christ and the husband of our Mother Mary, I cannot even begin to thank you enough for answering our novena to have our house sell. Not only did it sell, but did so for full price, and to a young woman who loves our home as much as we do! We waited patiently because we knew that you would bring us the exact buyer for the exact price in the exact right moment, and you did not fail us! You will always have a special place in our lives and in our family. I promise to tell everyone about the wonders you have done for us. Please now lead us to the perfect house at the perfect price in the perfect location in which to raise our children. I have complete faith, trust, and hope in your powerful intercession! Much love and Gods blessings always.

  53. Dave Murphy

    Whenever I have questions about fathering, or being a good husband, I look to St. Joseph as a role model who was selfless in his relationships to Jesus and Mary. Although he has a low profile in written scripture, I guarantee that if you invite him into your life, you will enjoy his kindness. As an aside, if you have a home repair project to complete, call on this saint who was a highly skilled tradesman during his human life. I requested assistance assistance from him today during a tense plumbing technique, and I believe he got me through it because it was God’s will.

  54. I'm no carpenter . . .

    . . . but I know who to call. I had put off this project for weeks, expecting it would take me days to complete. Finally I asked for St. Joseph’s help. In his quiet, humble, but encouraging way, I heard his answer. I had no confidence that I could modify my departed parents’ antique bed by myself. But in 2 hours, and without even a ding to the 100 year old carved walnut frame, he got it done with me. Best of all, my wife and I will lie nightly on this reminder of Jesus’s Mercy, St. Joseph’s intersession, and my departed parents love.

  55. thank you

    I was in need of work . I am 56 years of age . I have vast skills as a semi trailer driver. No one would hire me due to my age. I found a prayer to St. Joseph and asked his assistance in my struggle to find work. In about three days my wife was reading the paper and found an add for a truck driver. I rang and got an interview. I started the next week . I have been asking St. Joseph for his help in my first week finding my way safely to all the new areas that i have to find. I have purchased a medal to wear in his honor, Is it ironic that my first school was St. Josephs in Rozelle , Sydney . My mother and father were married at St. Josephs Rozelle and I attended Balmain Christian Brothers school whose patron saint was …you guessed it …St. Joseph.

    Thank you St. Joseph.

  56. Thank you St Joseph

    Thank you St Joseph for your help. My prayers were answered, I thank you for praying on my behalf to our Heavenly Father.

  57. Thank God and St Jospeh

    Thank you God for answering my prayers and thank you St Joseph for your most blessed intercession. Amen

  58. I thank you a million times....

    For all the miracles that you give me at each second and moment
    Of the day. I do love you with all my soul and spirit. Thank you,
    Because without you, Blessed Mother and Jesus I will be lost.

    Thank you St. JOSEPH!

  59. Thank you St Joseph

    Thank you God and St Joseph in advance for answering my prayers couldn” t do it with out ur divine intervention

  60. Thank You St Joseph

    St Joseph I believe in my heart that my prayer has been answered through your intercession, I thank you with all my heart.

  61. Thank you for your intercession of healing

    Thank you St Joseph for listening to my prayers!

  62. Thank you St Joseph

    St Joseph, through your prayers and intercession to God I came through both of my surgeries successful. My pain is all but gone and I get stronger every day. I thank you in advance for my family being safe and all health restored. I thank you for financial blessings and for being able to pay all our bills. I thank you for finding someone to love me and for me to love. Thank you St. Joseph for all you do for my family and myself, for your constant love and prayers and for being such a beautiful inspiration for myself and my family of what a true father, husband and worker should be.


    Thank you Jesus for all answered prayers that i make through your saints, Mary your and our mother, St Joseph, St Anthony, St Jude and all your saints in heaven. Thank you for your prayers I am very blessed and can never cease to thank you. Please continue to support me in your prayers that i will never lose sight of heaven and that one day i will join you in heaven and pray for others just as you are doing for me. Praise you JESUS

  64. Sale of home

    Thank you St Joseph for all your assistance. Thank you for answering my prayers

  65. Prayers

    To ask God and st Joseph to hear my prayers ! More importantly to let Jesus know I want him and God 100 percent in my life . It the best place to be.

  66. Thank you so much st Joseph

    St Joseph, our Lord & Mary never fail in answering my prayers
    Thank you so much once again! The power of prayer is amazing!!! ðŸℒðŸ½ðŸℒðŸ½ðŸℒðŸ½ðŸℒðŸ½

  67. Strongest faith

    Dear st Joseph , please let Jesus hear my prayers and give me the greatest faith.

  68. thank you Saint Joseph

    Thank you Saint Joseph for prayers answered. We love you Saint Joseph.

  69. Thank you St Joseph

    Thank you St Joseph for listening to my prayers and granting never fail me.

  70. thank u for selling home

    Oh God, Willie and I thank you thru St. Joseph’s intercession in assisting Willie to sell his home. Thank you a trillion times. Thank you. Praise to you Lord Jesus. We bless you.

  71. Thank you St. Joseph

    Thank you St. Joseph for answering my prayers for my daughter! Thank you for opening a door for her and giving her a solution to her problems at school. She know had a path towards graduation. Thank you for interceding on her behalf with you son.

  72. Thanks

    Thank you St Joseph for your prompt answer to our prayers. We sold our house on the first day on market to a beautiful loving young family. You truly. Are an example of a loving father just like my dad Joseph.

  73. Prayer Answered

    I wish that I could shout it to the world and thank GOD, St. Joseph and Mother Mary for answering my petition on yesterday. I had given up hope which was my 7th day of petitioning St. Joseph and Mother Mary but within a matter of minutes of giving up, my prayers was answered. I will forever be grateful to St. Joseph, and Mother Mary for petitioning my prayers to GOD for me. I love the Lord, St. Joseph and Mother Mary.

  74. Thank you St. Joseph

    4 years ago my father was diagnosed with lung cancer. His oncologist said he had 6 months to live with treatment. I brought my petition to St. Joseph on behalf of my father. 4 years later my father is alive and in remission! Praise be to God!! For anyone reading this may it give you comfort and hope. God bless you and thank you Lord Jesus Christ.

  75. answered my prayers

    Thankyou St Joseph of Cupertino for answering my daugter scored 90 percent in her board xth board exam.Always help her in achieving outstanding success .in the name of Jesus.Amen.

  76. Answered Prayer

    I sincerely would like to give thanks to St. Joseph. He answered my prayers and I passed the exam for promotion. I am forever grateful to you and your grace.

  77. Thanks to st joseph

    June 24th 2015

    Thanks St Joseph,

    For helping my nephew Marcus, who had successful cancer
    Surgery today after having terrible chemo sessions.

    Today we witnessed another of God’s miracle in our life.

    Thanks Lord.

  78. thanksgiving

    Thanks to st joseph, Mother Mary and god for answering my prayer to find a rental flat. Also thanks to saints that I submit my request for this petition. However, waiting for signing of the contract. Keep finger crossed

  79. Thank you

    Thank you St-Joseph for hearing my prayers. Thank you for your multiple blessings.

  80. Thanks to St. Joseph

    I prayed to St. Joseph to sell my house….no matter how much I wanted to sell the house, I could not bring myself to say the prayer that suggests putting the statue of St. Joseph head first into the ground….I just couldnt do it….so I prayed and said just that, that I needed to sell the house but could not put him in the ground….and I sold my house! Thank you St. Joseph! I will now put a statue of you in a beautiful spot in my house!

  81. Thank You

    St Joseph of Cupertino,
    Thank you for giving me the strength to get a good grade on my Humanities 101 exam #2. I will be sure to let you be known. Thank you again.


  82. Thank You

    St Joseph, Mother Mary and Jesus. I thank you for standing by me. St Joseph THANK YOU for your kind intercession when I most needed help. Praise to you father for showing me the light and for continuing to guide me. You hear our prayers, Amen.

  83. Thank you St. Joseph for answering my prayers

    Saint Joesph,

    Thank you so very much for your most powerful and loving intercession. I had been praying for my husband’s deeper conversion, to come back to the church, the sacrament of reconciliation and to give up some of his unhealthy habits of chewing nicorate gum for 4 years, drinking many diet sodas, and too much alcohol each night.

    Last month, in addition to my prayers to Jesus and the Blessed Mother, I felt lead to pray to St. Joseph. So I began to pray everyday to St. Joseph for intercession for my husband for these intentions and also for his success at work. My husband’s business development team was down millions of dollars with weeks left in the quarter with no prospects. My husband has never not hit his numbers in many years in this career. Within three weeks of praying to you, St. Joseph, the team my husband leads hit its numbers – bringing in the needed 4 million dollars out of no where.

    At the end of that week, my healthy athletic husband developed an excruciating medical problem that brought him to the hospital for 5 days. I prayed to you, St. Joseph, everyday to obtain his healing from Jesus and to avoid the procedure scheduled for the end of the week which included putting him under anesthesia.

    Upon entering the hospital, I asked for a priest to visit. Within two days and without my prompting, my “confessor” priest had been assigned to visit my husband. He showed up, heard my husband’s confession (his last confession was at least 10 years ago), gave him Holy communion, and gave him the anointing of the sick. Later that day, he prayed his first rosary with me. Thank you Blessed Mother Virgin Mary for your prayers and intercession. Within two days, my husband’s excruciating pain subsided and tests revealed that my husband no longer required the scheduled procdure. He was discharged the next afternoon. He no longer drinks diet soda or chews nicorate gum which he chewed for 4 years and has cut back on drinking.

    To summarize, all of my prayers to St. Joseph, my husbands success at work, return to Mass, return to confession, his healing, and elimation of his unhealthy habits were all answered within one month of praying to St. Joseph. Praise be to God for this loving and wonderful Saint and most cherished foster father of our dear Lord Jesus Christ to whom all the honor and glory go.

    Thank you St. Joseph for your love, intercession, charity and protection. You have changed my husband’s life – our lives. You are truly a holy and good man beyond words. We will love and honor you all the days of our lives. Many many Blessings be upon you most lovely St. Joseph.

  84. Thank you St Joseph for helping with the sale of my father's home. Forever grateful to you!

    Thank you St Joseph for all your help in selling my father’s home. Forever grateful to you!

  85. Thank You!

    Thank you St Joseph for your powerful intercession on my behalf before the throne of God and thank you Lord Almighty God and Heavenly Father for hearing my prayers. Even though my petition has not yet been answered, I truly believe in my heart that it will be, in your way and your time, not mine. I will patiently wait for your answer to my prayers.
    St. Joseph, I am forever grateful to you for your intercession and will spread the love and blessings you have given me.
    Thank you and please continue to help and bless me and my family.

  86. Thank you

    Thank you St. Joseph for strengthening my Faith by answering my pray to help sell our house. I am so humbled .

  87. Thanks for praying for me, Saint Joseph of Cupertino.

    Thank you for my good results, and thanks be to all of the angels and saints for praying for me.

  88. thank you for answering my prayer request



  89. Thank you St. Joseph

    Thank you St. Joseph for your intercessions leading to the good result coming from a difficult work situation. Thank you God for your graces and this gift of respite.

  90. Thanksgiving

    Thank you for the sale of my Condo. I will always have you in a place of honor in my new home.

  91. Thank you St. Joseph

    Thank you St. Joseph for your interssesion. Thank you for your help in praying for me and my prayer answered to have our house in Atlanta be sold. I am forever grateful to you. Thank you for your help St. Joseph.

  92. sale of acreage

    Thank you St. Joseph for interceeding to the Lord for us in the sale of our acreage.

  93. In thanksgiving for the sale of our property

    Saint Joseph,

    Thank you for intercession on behalf of the sale of our property and mobile home. I will always thank you in the name of Jesus Christ our savior. I will keep your statute and be reminded that you are a great saint. I will promote your gift to all that is willing to sell and having a hard time. Thank you again.

  94. Thank for help finding a job

    Thank you St. Joseph for helping me in my search for job, giving the strenght to continue and courage to go to my interviews.
    You have helped me in so many requests.


    Thank you St. JOSEPH for praying for me and getting my prayers answered. I am forever thankful

  96. Thank you

    Thank you St Joseph for answering my prayers you never let me down I am forever grateful my faith and love for you is eternal

  97. Thank You Saint Joseph

    I thank you Saint Joseph for all of the blessings that you have bestowed upon me. Please continue to watch over me so that I may be able to fulfill my duties as the patriarch of our family. I ask for nothing for me Saint Joseph, only that I may be allowed to care for the ones that I love my wife, 3 children, 10 grandchildren, and my mother all who you have entrusted to my care. Please help us to find somewhere to live closer to my daughters and to the children.

  98. Thank you St Joseph!!

    Thank you St Joseph for saying prayers to help with the closing of our house. It was an impossible situation where we had been turned down last minute and your prayers made it happen and we close tomorrow!!! Thank you for your blessings please pray for us in our new house!

  99. ranking top 10 in board exam

    Thank you Lord for accepting and granting my prayers thru St.Joseph of Cupertino for passing my daughter Christine L. Ayson her board exam and ranked top ten. We owe to you our success Amen……

  100. Thank You

    Thank You Saint Joseph for granting my petition, I really really appreciate it , this is the best day ever.

    Love Aoife

  101. Thank you

    thank you sweet St Joseph for the sale of my house without you Your blessed wife Mary and Jeaus I would be lostҝ€ï¸ Amen

  102. Thank you Saint Joseph

    Thank you St Joseph for answering my prayers and for proving strongest at the hardest times. It can be no coincidence that my wife and I have experienced the intercession of your loving protection immediately following the completion of novenas in your name, which both my wife and I have completed at different times over the past few weeks.

    Whoever reads this, I would encourage you to go to this website and pray to St Joseph.

    I prayed for justice not revenge, the ability to secure protection for my beloved family and to find imminent closure to a situation that was has damaged the health of my wife, through her exposure to my own suffering. I pray for an end to discrimination and that anyone who experiences what I have can share my passion in standing up to it.

  103. Thank you

    Thankyou St Joseph of Cupertino,
    Who helped me study for and pass my exams with flying colors
    Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou

  104. Thank you!

    Heavenly Father,

    Thank your helping me passed the examination for Master Plumber last July 2015. For the guidance and wisdom you have give to me during the exam. For helping me recall what I study.

    Thank you Lord for all the blessings and protection you have given to my family.

    In Jesus Name, Amen.

  105. thank you

    St Joseph thank you for helping me sell my home, and to just the right person. I also thank you for helping me find a home that is suitable for myself. Amen

  106. Thank you

    Thank you St Joseph for answering my prayers to have a successful inspection of my home. Thank you again and now will pray for a smooth closing. In your name Amen

  107. Heartfelt thanks

    Thank you St Joseph for your help in selling our house to the perfect buyers.
    We are grateful for the relief that we feel,and for your loving care and help.

  108. St Joseph Patron of a happy death

    Thank you to St. Joseph for asking God to answer prayers for my brother and Dad to have happy deaths. Thank God for the mercy and love.

  109. St Joseph Patron of a happy death

    Thank you to St. Joseph for asking God to answer prayers for my brother and Dad to have happy deaths. Thank God for the mercy and love.

  110. Thank you prayer

    Thank you jesus for listening my prayer through st. joseph cupertino, for success in my kids examination, i am sure they will get a very good grade for their exam which turned out to be much better than they thought, i promise i will thank ST.Joseph cupertino after they get their grades, thanks for helping the students to succeed in their exams.

  111. prayers answered

    Thank you Lord for answering my prayers through the intercession of St Joseph in selling my house.I will keep my promises made to you .


    Dear St. Joseph,

    I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, for interceding to your son Jesus Christ, and answering my prayer. May your name be always blessed, and may you be invoked, for always being there and answering prayers within our hearts.
    Thank you with all my heart, and please continue to do great miracles through Christ our Lord.
    May you always be glorified, and kiss Jesus in my name, and THANK YOU BOTH for answering my prayer.

    God Bless you always St. Joseph of Cupertino.



    Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers through the intercession of St. Joseph, may his name be invoked, and known that when St. Joseph intercedes, our sweet Lord Jesus Christ answers our prayers. Thank Jesus, thank you St. Joseph, may the praise and the love you have for your followers always grow.


  114. thank you

    thank you st joseph angels and saints i am in awe
    thank you for letting are mortage get paid today and for letting us
    get health insurance alls i can say to anyone is pray pray pray
    and believe god will not let you down have faith dont give up i will be paying it forward i want to thank you because i know my prayers will be answered that my husband will be back to work soon and that my business will get busy soon and there is no doubt in my mind it will happen thank you and i love you

  115. Thanksgiving

    Thank you St Joseph for your powerful intercession to our Lord. My prayers have been answered and our lives blessed. Surgery for Ivy successful, daughter still in remission and other daughter great test results.
    Thank you and brother Andre for your love, support, prayers and intercession.
    Thank you God for hearing the prayers and intercession of St Joseph and answering our prayers and petitions

  116. Thank you

    Thank you St. Joseph, for interceding on my behalf eternally grateful for prayers answered.

  117. Thank you Saint Joseph!

    Thank you so much, Saint Joseph, for sending me the money I need just in the nick of time!! Thank you also for sending our parish church the money it needed as well back then, and also for helping us with our business ~ I know that every time we had a projects or opportunities that they must have come from you. I’m sorry I haven’t been as devout to you as I should be; I know I keep asking you for help and I know that you always come through. Please help me to be more devout to you going forward.

    Even as I thank you from my heart for all the graces I’ve received from Dear Jesus through your intercession, especially for the money I just received, it’s super embarrassing but I need to keep asking you to help me. Please help us to shut down our business as legally and as hitch-free as possible according to Dear Jesus’ will, please help me to resolve my tax issues, and please, please keep a special eye on my brother and his family, the way that you watched over Dear Mama Mary and Dear Jesus, and to take special care of our family and my dad as well. Super thank you for everything, Dear Saint Joseph!! Please continue to pray for us!

  118. All thanksgiving

    Thank you St Joseph and Brother Andre for all your prayers and intercession a. Thank you God for answering the prayers of St Joseph

    Thank you for great lab test results and for easing my fears and anxieties.

    Thank you for your prayers and intercession for keeping my family
    Safe and well.

    Thank you St Joseph for your help and love.

    St Joseph, patron Saint of my family thank you, pray for us

  119. Selling our new home and buying a new one.

    Thank you so much St Joseph for selling our old home and finding a beautiful new home that far exceeded our expectations.

    Please would you provide help for a dear lonely man who is going through a divorce.He has informed us that unfortunately he will as it stands be having the same Judge who declined his offer last time as a woman is trying to rob him of all that he has and is trying to leave him with nothing.

    Ancient prayer to St Joseph please work miracles for this man to enable him to have a female Judge the next time who supports his case and knows what he is going through.As this would in turn help him to be in with a chance of winning the case.His hearing is in May 2016.

    St Joseph patron of departing souls please pray for him.Anybody else out there please could you also pray for a miracle to change things around for him as he is a lonely,desperate man.

    Many Thanks

    In Jesus name


  120. Prayer Answered and more help!

    Thank you St Joseph for helping me sale my old residence. It took 7 years since I left my home to sell it after failed attempts and one major mistake of renting it to a friend and her husband. Thank you for helping relieve this burden in my life!

    Please continue to intercede with prayer for the right job or business that will allow me to move home and live with my family full time. I am frustrated with my health and how it affects my outlook on jobs please help the physicians who are treating me to provide a diagnosis to make me healthy. Help me to be a better provider for my family than I have ever been before.
    I graciously thank you again for everything that you have done for me in my life!


  121. Thank you so much!

    Thank you so much my blessed st Joseph!! My prayer has been answered!!

  122. thanks for the tennant

    We have had a property vacant for seven months and there was no interest despite renovations, drastic rent reductions and multiple viewings. I drove over and planted a st Joseph medal in the garden and prayed for help. Two weeks later we have it rented. Many thanks St Joseph.

  123. Thank you

    Thank you sweet caring and loving St. Joseph of the worker for listening to my prayers. I got a job, I knew you would never abandoned me and also thank baby Jesus too for your intersection. I love you both. It’s a miracle , thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

  124. Thank You St Joseph

    Thank You St Joseph for listening to my prayers and guiding me through the right carreer moves…providing routes that I didn’t realise existed and helping me listen to God’s will…as you also did in your life on earth. Thank you St Joseph…

  125. Thank you God, Jesus, and St. Joseph

    We were on the verge of having to short-sell our home, and there was little interest in our home, until St. Joseph brought us a buyer! Thank you God, Jesus and St. Joseph!

  126. Thanks for your assistance.

    Thank you Saint Joseph for appearing to me only minutes before my real estate agent informed me of the offer on our home. Your kind words “Don’t worry Joseph, we sold your house” left me speechless and in awe of your presence. I look forward to thanking you again in Heaven someday. I pray that God will help me be a loving provider – as you were to Jesus and Mary.

  127. Thank you

    In thanksgiving for my daughter getting a job n my son finding an apt along with numerous graces given thru St Joseph’s intercession

  128. Exam

    Thank you st.Joseph for your prayers. I passed my nclex! Praise to be to Jesus, Mary, and all the saints now and forever!

  129. Thank You St Joseph.

    Thank you St Joseph for answering my prayers. My home has been sold. Thank you once again for sending us a buyer. Help us with our mortgage. Thank you!

  130. healing

    thankyou for healing me & getting me off disability so i can work as a nurse helping people once more…as i did before i got so sick.Thankyou St .Joseph,the holy spirit ,& God Almighty.

  131. Thank you

    Thank you for answering my prayer for my husband’s employment
    AND career guidance.

  132. Former Homeowner

    Thank you St. Joseph in hearing our call to you and for interceding on our behalf to God Almighty.
    The journey has been swift and God’s presence known throughout the entirety of the process. It’s been difficult, though, on all of us.
    It’s been sad at times. But when I would doubt, you would provide a sign that this truly was the right path.
    Please continue to help us move through this journey. Look after our kids and help them deal with this uncertainty by accepting this change as a new adventure. Please allow our son to take full advantage of the opportunities you’ve provided for him, Lord.
    Continue to sooth my soul when I feel remorse.
    Keep guiding us to where we’re supposed to land.
    In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  133. prayers for my estranged son

    Many thanks to St. Joseph for his intercession for my son who is alcoholic and estranged from my family. Things are slowly improving and I wanted to give thanks

  134. Grateful thanks

    Dearest StJoseph please accept my most grateful and heartfelt thanks for granting my petitions I will honour and invoke your name forever xxx

  135. Thank you

    Dearest StJoseph please accept my most grateful and heartfelt thanks for granting my petitions I shall honour and invoke your name for ever xxx

  136. Thank you

    Dearest St Joseph please accept my grateful and heartfelt thanks for all the petitions you have granted I promise to honour and invoke your m
    Name for ever xxx

  137. Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino

    Thank you kind patron saint of students, especially when undergoing examinations. Your request for divine intercession for my family members is so helpful. I promise to continue to invoke your name and make public your welcome listening to requests for aid. thank you immensely St. Joseph of Cupertino!

  138. Prayer answered after 9 day novena immediately

    Oh St. Joseph our love and gratitude for answering our prayer. In times of difficulty and stress, you interceded for us immediately. With humble thanks and praise to you and Jesus, we are joyous!

  139. Getting Our Dream Home

    Thank you St. Joseph for helping us find and settle into our home. After 2 years of looking and getting outbidden 4 times, we finally contracted on our home of our dreams. It took 2 weeks to close but after praying faithfully through the powerful intercession of St. Joseph, God had answered our prayers! Thank dear God and St. Joseph for giving us such a lovely home. And as promised, I will place an honor for you in the entrance of my new home to greet and protect us in our humble abode. I’m forever grateful!

  140. Thanksgiving for help selling home

    Dear St. Joseph –
    Thank you for finding a buyer for our home so quickly. Please help our buyer through the mortgage and home inspection process and help us find our new home. Amen.

  141. Prayer Answered!

    Thank you St. Joseph for your intercession, my prayer got answered!

  142. Thank You - Prayer Answered.

    Dear St. Joseph,

    Thank you for your intercession, my prayer got answered. My son passed his exams.

    Please accept my most grateful and heartfelt thanks for granting my petitions I will honor and invoke your name forever. xxx

  143. Thank you

    St Joseph has intervened in our business to help us find our way out of a challenging situation, the first signs of his works happened today, thank you St Joseph I know things will only get better from here

  144. Praying to st Joseph to sell our home in Costa Rica and better health

    Dear Saint Joseph I’ve never prayed for you I’m not Catholic that I am in the desperate need to sell our home in Costa Rica and move back to our home in Florida. St Joseph send us a buyer that will love our home love our property and our dog if we need to leave her Blondie. I pray that you bring me Better Health and a cure for whatever is ailing me that I can go back to Florida to my home and good health for me and my husband. I want to see the world in Jesus’s eyes with the love and compassion and kindness give me good health that I can do that after we seller home here in Costa Rica St Joseph I bought the statue and as soon as I get it hopefully I bury it appropriately and my prayers will be hard and a buyer will come and with the buyer my house will come with you interceding and helping. Thank you amen

  145. Thank you St Joseph of Cupertino

    Thank you St Joseph of Cupertino for your intercession. My son and I have passed our examinations. The good Lord has answered our prayers.

  146. A Prayer of Thanks

    Dearest Saint Joseph:
    Your are truly my patron Saint. I was told that my mother, Jean, taken from us by our God, had you as her favorite Saint. I was given your name as my middle name for this reason. I feel proud and blessed by this. You are the earthly father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and gave up your life for Mary and Jesus. Help me to be less selfish and as strong as you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for granting the first part of my Novena prayer request to you. I’m confident that will also grant the second part of my request as you gave the favor of our Lord. Thank you my patron saint. I will share your Novena, hope, and help with others in need. Thank Saint Joseph!

  147. thank you St. Joseph!

    thank you St. Joseph for making it possible for me to make it this far in my career. I could not have done anything without the grace of God or without your intercession.

  148. Thanks to God and St. Joseph of Cupertino

    Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino for answering my prayers. I passed my exam! Thanks to you and God guiding me through. I love you dear God and St. Joseph of Cupertino. Amen.

  149. Thank you Saint Joseph of Cupertino

    Thank you Saint Joseph of Cupeetino for praying for me. I passed my exam a while ago. Thank you also for being a good example of humility.

  150. Thank you

    Thank you St Jospeph for all of your help! I could not have done it without you. I humbly thank you for all you have done

  151. Thank you

    Dear St Joseph of Cupertino, thank you for your intervention and answering our prayers.

  152. St Joseph Cupertino

    ThAnk you for helping my daughter pass her course. Your amazing.

  153. Thank you St. Joseph

    Thank you dearest St. Joseph, patron saint of workers, for your intercessory prayer and to our Lord and God for prayers answered.

  154. My son needed to work

    N thx to St. Joseph, he got called to wrk 3 days after my request, n has been working since. And of course Our Lord Jesus Christ :β€’), had a lot to do w/it. Thank you Jesus, bcuz YOUR THE BOSS!!!

  155. nursing school

    thank you st Joseph Cupertino for helping me on two of my tough nursing exams. I am so grateful to God and you for your guidance and spiritual help.

  156. Thank you St Joseph

    Dear St Joseph,
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me in the sale of my mum’s flat. Thank you for helping me get a good buyer . Please continue to bless and protect me and my family.

  157. Thank you

    My Dear St. Joseph,

    Thank you for your guidance and intercession throughout my examination. I could not have done it without your help. I humbly thank you for all you have done for me

  158. Thank you

    Thank you St. Jospeh for your divine intercession and helping me pass my examination. This would not be possibly without you.

  159. St Joseph Cupertino

    Thank you for my daughter’s grade on her test today. You are a true blessing to her.

  160. St Joseph Cupertino

    Thank you for helping my daughter to do well on her exam. You are amazing and wonderful. Please aid her to earn good grades on future exams.

  161. Thank you St. Joseph Cupertino

    Thank you for aiding my daughter to earn a passing score on her exam and in her course. You are truly a miracle worker and your blessing is greatly appeciated.

  162. St. Joseph, I am always amazed at your prompt intercession for me. Thank you,,

    I was having trouble to get my Blood Pressure monitor to work correctly. It had just stopped working. This morning, I asked St.Joseph if he would please fix it for me. Lo and behold it started working shortly there after. I have had many prayers answered by St. Joseph. Especially for things that don’t work or need repaired and I feel I can’t afford to get them fixed. I pray the St. Joseph prayer and then ask. Then I just wait. I also , if it is especially complicated for me, also include The Blessed Mother along with him since she was so precious to him I feel sure he will respond to her request. Sometimes , I don’t want to bother God, and turn to St. Joseph and the Blessed Mother for household things I am having trouble with.

  163. Thank You, St. Joseph

    Dear St. Joseph, thank you for hearing and listening to my prayers and for helping my family in the sale of family property. You took care of and protected your family, took care of and protected Mary and Jesus. I thank you for helping me take care of my family by having the property sell. I will strive to be a better person, to be as you were: humble, responsible, working hard. Thank you, again, St. Joseph, for listening to my prayers, I will continue to pray to you in Thanksgiving.

  164. St. Joseph Cupertino

    Thank you for aiding my daughter in earning a passing grade in her course. You are amazing!!

  165. Thank you

    St. Joseph. Thank you for your divine intercession. Thank you for all of your help in passing this examination.I am humbly grateful. Thank you.

  166. St. Joseph Holy Cloak Novena

    Thank you St. Joseph for answering all my prayers after I said this 30 day Novena, known as the Holy Cloak. I came acrosa this Novena by accident but I felt St. Joseph was listening and he answered my prayers and interceeded for me. I would recommend for anyone with a special intention to say this Novena. It can be found online. God bless xx

  167. Thamls to the Holy Cloak Novena

    Thank you St. Joseph. This novena really can be found online xx

  168. Thank you, St. Joseph

    Thank you St. Joseph for answered prayers for my son. Thank you for finding a job for him.

  169. Thank You To God and St. Joseph!

    The school year is almost over, and I honestly could not be happier about that. This year honestly was way too much for me; I’ve truly lost all motivation to do well or put any effort in, and my third quarter grades somewhat reflect that. That being said, I still did pretty well, and regardless it is over and time to move on toward a better fourth quarter. In Physics Honors I received a 75 average, the lowest I’ve ever had, and this really is a huge blow to me, but I’m going to try hard 4th quarter to bring this up. Other than that, my grades were pretty decent. I received a 92 in AP US History, a 92 in Pre Calc, a 100 in College German, a 95 on AP English Language, and a 96 in AP Psychology. Besides Physics, I am very proud of myself and the grades I received fourth quarter, and as far as Physics goes I have to understand that it is by far the hardest class I’ve ever taken and that I can still bring up my grade. Thank you St. Joseph for helping me get through a very difficult quarter and having it culminate with mostly favorable results, I really appreciate it. Please help fourth quarter be much better in all classes, and may I be able to finish the year off strong with 5s on my APs, high final grades, and an overall average of about a 96, it would really mean a lot to me.
    Thank you again to St. Joseph and God for all they’ve done for me education-wise, I am beyond grateful for everything.
    Thank you so much,

  170. Thank you

    Thank you for all of your help and guidance. Thank you so much; thank you for helping me pass all of my examinations.

  171. St Joseph Cupertino

    Thanks so much for helping me on my kaplan nursing exam I was able to get extra points toward my final grade ”thank you God

  172. st joseph cupertino

    Thank you for assisting my daughter in earning a passing grade on her exam. You are marvelous and a true blessing to my children.

  173. Thank You St. Joseph!

    Thank you for helping me sell my house swiftly and for overseeing the building of my new house. My faith in your intersession kept me calm throughout the process and you did not let me down. My family and I are eternally grateful and I thank you, Jesus, and the Blessed Virgin Mary from the bottom of our hearts.

  174. Thank you

    St. Joseph, you took upon yourself the responsibility of providing for and protecting Mary and Jesus. God trusted you to know what was best for their care and comfort. Thank you for providing me with new employment so that I may care for my family. I know you have directed my path among the opportunities I interviewed for, and selected the one that is best for me at this time in my life. Please accept my gratitude and be with me as I start this new career, blessing my efforts and providing me peace in and lightness of heart.

  175. Answered prayers

    I did this Novena for my son and his friend. They are in the Marines. The class they are currently taking is extremely hard. The next couple sessions are not as. Intense. They both passed this 1st round and I am excited to share the good news. Thanks you St Cupertino for helping them.

  176. St Joseph Cupertino

    Thank you for aiding my daughter in earning s good grade on her exam. You are incredible.

  177. Prayers answered

    Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino, for answering my prayers and helping my son pass his finals and AP tests. I promised to envoke your name and help with the power of God.

  178. Thank you for helping us sell our duplex

    Thank you blessed st joseph and blessed st jude or helping us sell our duplex, it has been a long stressful year but our prayers were finally answered. Please bless our future projects and guide us to make the right decisions. Please here the prayers I have in my heart for my children and our family Amen

  179. Thank you st joseph

    Thank you st Joseph of Cupertino for making my daughter pass her exams.u

  180. St Joseph Cupertino

    thank you for helping my daughter with her exam. Aid her in her remaining exams for this course. Your the best.

  181. St Joseph Cupertino

    Thank you for aiding my son in passing his major exam. Also, in helping my husband pass 3 out of 4 exams. I will be praying for him to pass the last one next week. You are amazing and a true blessing to our family.

  182. Thank You for the miracle St. Joseph

    Thank you so much St. Joseph for working the miracle me and my family were waiting for. You answered my prayers and I cannot thank you enough for it. Please continue to aid and guide us. Amen

  183. St Joseph Cupertino

    Thank you for aiding my daughter in passing her important exam. We rely on your spiritual powers. We are so grateful.

  184. Thank you St. Joseph

    Thank you for your intercession in selling my house in 3 days! I put your statue in the ground before it went on the market and you brought a full price offer with the first showing of my house. Please pray for me during the closing process and in finding the right apartment for me to move to. Thank you in Jesus name!

  185. Thank You

    Thank you St. Joseph for the results my son obtained in his exams.

    Please help him now to recover from all the stress and anxiety.

  186. St Joseph Cupertino. And st joseph

    Thank you for my husband passing his exam. We are truly grateful. You are amazing saints.

  187. Thank you st joseph

    Thank you St Joseph of Cupertino for answering my prayers and helping my daughter with her exams

  188. St Joseph

    Thank you for all you do. Please allow life to go smoothly with family. Lifetime bonds form.

  189. Thank you

    Thank you st joseph of Cupertino for helping my daughter pass her exam.

  190. Thank you God through the intercession of Saint Joseph


  191. Thank you st joseph

    Thank you St Joseph of Cupertino for hearing my prayers and helping my daughter get through her exams.Please continue to aid and guide us .

  192. Thank you

    St. Joseph Cupertino! Thank you so very much for helping my niece pass her examination. I am eternally grateful for all of your help and guidance.

  193. Thank you blessed st Joseph of Cupertino

    Thank you lord holy trinity … thank you blessed st Joseph for wonderful help you given on my yesterday day exam, through your blessings and prayer my exam fear and anxiety went away from me so I could able to perform my exam very well and answered my maximum. Please intercede with god to gibpve a good result please.Thank you Lord , thank you Jesus thank you holy trinity. Thank you blessed st Joseph of Cupertino.
    Thank you mother Mary

  194. Thank you st joseph Cupertino

    You are truly a miracle worker aiding my daughter to pass her exam. Thank you.


    Thank you St. Joseph for interceding on our behalf for the sale of our home. We buried your statue and began the Novenas to sell our place. On the 9th day, our realtor contacted us to let us know we had a very strong offer. I believe in the power of prayer and especially the Novena. Praise be!

  196. Thank you st Joseph

    Thank you st Joseph for your help with me getting my job at aptive back. I love you so much and will sing your praises in Jesus name forever!

  197. St Joseph Cupertino

    Thank you for my daughter passing her exam last week. Please continue to aid her in her memory for future exam.
    In addition, please deliver us good news about our son’s national exam next week.

    Your are truly appreciated.

  198. Thank you St. Joseph

    Dear St. Joseph, thank you for your intercession on behalf of my son for employment. After 3 yrs. unemployed, followed by almost 3 yrs. underemployed, he now has a job that will earn him a dignified living. We are so blessed by your prayers, your love, and your charity.

  199. Thank you Prayer of StJoseph of Cupertino

    Thanksgiving an Answered Prayer from St. Joeseph of Cupertino, that your intercession that you hear our Prayer and you answered, My daughter Kathleen took the NLE in June 3-4,2018 had passed.
    Daghang Salamat, In Jesus Name. Amen

  200. Thank you St Joseph Cupertino

    Thank you for aiding my daughter to pass her exam. Please allow my son to receive passing results for his major exam.
    You are amazing and wonderful.

    Thank you!!

  201. St Joseph Cupertino

    A tremendous thank you in aiding my son in passing his National exam. You are truly remarkable and no words can describe our faith and belief in you.

  202. St Joseph Cupertino

    Thank you for aiding my daughter in her exam. She truly needs the intervention and aid you provide her in increasing her memory.

  203. Thanks, belief, and enlightenment

    Thank you dear St. Joseph, for answering my prayers and helping me find employment. Please continue to help my husband find work and sell the house of his client. I continue to pray to you and I believe in you. Thank you for showing me the way…..

  204. Thank you, St. Joseph

    Thank you, St. Joseph of Cupertino for interceding and helping my niece pass her exam.

  205. Thank you st joseph Cupertino

    Thank you for helping my daughter pass her exam. Please continue aiding her memory.

  206. Thank you Lord, and St Joseph of Cupertino

    Dear Lord, St.Clare, St. Joseph of Cupertino and Divine Mercy,
    I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for helping me pass my boards this July. I know it would have taken a miracle for me to pass since I do not think I did well. But my prayers were answered and for that, my eternal gratitude. To God be the glory! I trust and have faith in you. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. RJ

  207. St Joseph Cupertino

    Thank you for aiding my daughter in passing her exam. You are a blessing

  208. st joseph cupertino

    Thank you for aiding my daughter in passing her exam. Please continue to be by her side in her continuing education.

    You are a miracle to her.

  209. Successful exam results.

    Thank you St Josep the Worker and protector of families,also St Joseph of Cupertino for students and exams. Our granddaughter had successful results today and passed all her GCSE exams. We are all delighted. Many, many thanks x

  210. St Joseph Cupertino

    ThAnk you for aiding my daughter in passing her exam. You are wonderful.

  211. Thanks for success at Exams

    Thank you St Joseph of Cupertino for my children’s success at their final exams, all praises and thanks for your gift. To god be the glory. Please continue at their side in all future Endeavour’s.

  212. Thank you prayer

    Thank you St. Joseph the Wonder Worker for answering my prayer for finding a job for my brother. Praise to Lord Jesus. I am very much thankful for your help. I have more faith & trust in you.

  213. Thanks to God &St Joseph of Cupertino

    I would like to thank you to St.Joseph of Cupertino for your powerful intercession in helping my daughter to pass the Physical Therapy Licensure Examination last Aug.11&12,2018..Thank you also to Our Lady of Mount Carmel,Holy Infant of Jesus..thank you for everything..

  214. Thanks to St Joseph of Cupertino

    Thank you St Joseph of Cupertino for helping my daughters and my daughter’s boyfriend to succeed in their exams. Please continue to guide them through all their exams, I ask this through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

  215. St Joseph Cupertino

    Thank you for assisting my daughter in passing her course. Your guidance and intercession is incredible.

  216. Gratitude for St Joseph’s intercession

    Dear St Joseph,
    Thank you for your holy aid in finding me a job. I will always be grateful for your help in my time of need. God is Good All the time and All the time God is good!

  217. St Joseph Cupertino

    Thank you for helping my son and I to pass an important exam. You are truly a blessing.

  218. Grateful

    Thank you St. Jospeh for your guidance, help and insight. I am so very grateful…. Thank you for helping me pass my exam

  219. Thankful

    Thank you for all of your help and guidance. Thank you for your Intersession and helping me pass my exam!! I am eternally grateful St. Joseph Cupertino.

  220. Thank you St Joseph

    Thank you St Joseph for helping my daughter in achieving a great success in her English exam and winning a state award in her assay. Thank you for your intercession to God in getting me a job after a decade being a stay at home mom and helping me learning a whole lot of new things at my new job. Thank you St Joseph for answering all our prayers.

  221. Thanksgiving

    I prayed Novena to saint Joseph for employment, by fourth day i was for an interview and on the ninth day i got the job.I also fasted on the ninth day of the Novena.
    I thank God and I thank saint Joseph for interceding for me.
    Glory be to God.

  222. Thanksgiving for sale of our house

    Thank you St Joseph for interceding with our Lord God for the sale of our house. It was sold in three weeks, all cash and a 16 day escrow. My children and I are so thankful for your help. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

  223. Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino

    Thank you God and St. Joseph for blessing my sons to pass their exams. Please continue to guide and bless them in all their exams.

    Concerned mother

  224. Thanks to God and St. Joseph

    Thank you, dear Lord and St. Joseph for helping my mom get an offer on her house. She has been very stressed out because it looked as though it would not sell. I asked St. Joseph to intercede for her. It has only been a week, but we are hopeful that this offer will go through. Thank you again for your powerful intercession, dear St. Joseph. You always help me when I ask. All glory and honor be to Jesus Christ. Amen.

  225. Thank you

    St. Jospeh Cupertino, words can not describe how thankful I am for all you your help and guidance. Thank you for helping me pass my exam today. I know you were with me throughout…. Thank you

  226. Thanks giving to God and St.Joseph of upertino

    Thank you st.Joseph of cupertino.I made it,I passed the let exam.Pls always guide me and enlighten my mind to continue my journey in life.
    In Jesus name.Amen

  227. Thank you Saint Joseph

    Thank you Saint Joseph for interceding in prayer for the purchase of a new home for my husband and I after we lost our home in the terrible fires in Paradise and Magalia California. I will be eternally grateful dear God, Jesus and Saint Joseph.

  228. Thankful

    My St. Joseph of Cupertino! Thank you so much for all of your guidance and help throughout this semester. Thank you for being there with me as I took all my examinations. I could not have done this without you. Thank you

  229. Thank you St Joseph

    I can not praise you enough, thank you St Joseph for answering my prayer..

  230. Thank you

    Thank you dear St. Joseph. I prayed to you and said the nine day Novena to you for the sale of my house. It all worked out well. I will always cherish what you have done in Gods name!! Amen

  231. Thank you St. Joseph

    Thank you God & St. Joseph. I prayed to you continually for getting a job for my daughter. My prayers were answered and she got a job. Guide me in my journey of life. Thank you once again.

  232. St Joseph Cupertino

    Thank you for aiding my daughter in passing her big exam and graduating. You are amazing.

  233. Thank you to St Joseph of Cupertino

    Thank you St Joseph of Cupertino for your guidance and intercession throughout all of my exams recently.

    I will have my results tomorrow, no fear I have done well with confidence.

    Thank you for remaining with me.

  234. Thank you so much

    St Joseph, thank you for helping us selling this property. I will let all know about your assistance and spread devotion to you.

  235. Thank you St Joseph of Cupertino

    Thank you for answering my prayers for my daughter’s exam.

  236. St Cupertino

    Thank you St Joseph of Cupertino for answering my prayers and helping my daughter pass her exam.

  237. Thank You Saint Joseph

    Thank you Saint Joseph for never failing me and giving me the focus I need to do well on my exams.

  238. St Joseph Cupertino

    Thank you for aiding my daughter in passing her difficult national exam. It has been a long road and you have been with her every step strengthening her mind and aiding her in feeling success. You are wonderful.

  239. Thank you so very much

    Thank you Lord and St. Joseph for hearing my prayers every morning and for giving me the strength and knowledge to know that I can put my worries into your hands. I am so very happy to know that you hear me and are always there for me. I love you.

  240. Grateful

    Thank you St. Joseph for helping me with my house sale, which was more than realtors expected. I put my faith in the Lord through your gracious heart. While I still do not truly understand the ritual of burying your statue in the dirt, my heart and faith is with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and I am forever grateful for your intervention on my behalf. Amen.

  241. Prayers Answered

    Thank you St, Joseph for prayers answered. I prayed a Novena for employment and it worked in 7 days. So grateful to God and St. Joseph

  242. Thankful

    Dearest St Joseph, Thank you for answering my prayers when the situation seemed hopeless. I am forever in your debt. I will offer my good deeds up for you. May we all have love, peace, health and joy.

  243. Prayers lovingly answered

    Thank you St. Joseph for lifting up my prayers to your beloved foster son our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Through your intercession we have sold our home and a huge burden has been lifted from us.I will always praise you as a powerful intercessor and a loving patron saint to those in need.

  244. Thankful

    St Joseph ……… Words can not express my gratitude for your help and guidance. I thank you for being there for me throughout my exam and helping me pass . I will never cease to appreciate all that you have done for me.

    thank you

  245. Thanksgiving

    Thank you so much my dearest st.joseph,for interceding on my behalf to succeed in an exam in which i previously failed.i am eternally grateful

  246. Thank you for helping me with the driving test

    I prayed to St. Joseph Cupertino, and I had an excellent drive test. I have struggled with this a lot and felt there were many things against me. I asked him to help me, and he did. I thank God, Blessed Mary ever Virgin, and St. Joseph Cupertino!

  247. Prayers Answered

    Thank you dear St. Joseph for answering my prayers. Our house has sold. We will be forever grateful for your powerful intercession.

  248. Thank you

    Thank you Saint Joseph for guiding me and allowing me to do well on my midterm exam. I love and appreciate you.❀️

  249. Thank you

    Thank you St. Joseph for helping me pass my examination. Thank you for guiding and enlightening me along the way. There are no words to express my sincerest gratitude for all of your help.

    Thank you

  250. Thank You

    St Joseph thank you ever so much for hearing my prayers and answering my prayers. I thank you for keeping my faith strong and I ask u to continue to bless my relationship with Orrin, my family . Thank you

  251. Thank you, my sweet Saint

    Oh dearest, St Joseph. My husband and I leave for the Air Force base in 3 months but he doesn’t have employment until then. Our first baby will be born in less than 3 weeks. We laid in bed last night and prayed for your intercession. That John would find work, that you would bless him and protect our family. Today, less than 12 hours later, he received a job offer from a place he’d applied to 2 months ago. God is ever faithful, ever true, ever present. And St Joseph? We will always love you, and never forget the ways that you continue to work in our lives when we need it most. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Praise God from whom all blessings flow β™₯️

  252. Thank you

    Thank you Saint Joseph for allowing me to do well on my exams and allowing my mom to pass the big exam at work. Continue to guide and protect me please ❀️

  253. Thank you

    Thank you Saint Joseph for allowing me to do well on my midterm. Please let me raise my grade in the class ❀️

  254. Most Thankful!

    Thank you God and St. Joseph of Cupertino for helping me to pass my board exams when my energy was low and my mentality was not in its normal state due to outside circumstances. Thank you for taking away my worries and anxieties while I waited months for my score; and Lo! I have passed. THANK YOU!!!!!! High vibrational love.

  255. For Prayer Answered

    Thank God and St. Joseph for helping me find a job so quickly that meets my financial needs. I continue to pray that this job has long and stable future Amen!

  256. Prayer to St. Joseph (over 1900 years old)-Taken from the "Pieta Book"

    O St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the Throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires. O St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession and obtain for me from your Divine Son all spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, Our Lord; so that having engaged here below your Heavenly power I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers. O St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms. I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press him in my name and kiss His fine Head for me, and ask Him to return the Kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, Patron of departing souls, pray for us. Amen.

    Say for nine consecutive mornings for anything you may desire. It has seldom been known to fail.

    Thank you St.Joseph for interceding to infant Jesus to grant good marks for my son in his exams. Praise the Lord!!!

  257. FLB

    I called upon you in a dilemma and you answered me very quickly and efficiently….so fast in fact it brought a huge smile to my sad face…you fixed my problem of the specific thing in my way but my sadness at the also…Let this be my testimony you are not only a “fixer” but a healer…thank you so much St. Joseph…Amen

  258. Thank you St.Joseph

    Thank you St.Joseph for answering my prayers and for getting me a good score.
    Oh St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires.

    Oh St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession and obtain for me from your divine son all spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, our Lord; so that having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers.

    Oh St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms. I dare not approach while he reposes near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss his fine head for me, and ask him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, patron of departing souls, pray for us. Amen

    Please pray for 9 consecutive mornings and it has been seldom known to fail.

  259. St Joseph of Curpertino

    I thank you for prayer answered .for the success on my Grandaughter achievement in her interview and her new job .her own ability did ger the position ,but I will remain faithful believer St joseph &St Anthony

  260. Grateful Mom

    Thank you St. Joseph for praying on behalf of my son, he passed his Series 7 exam today!

  261. Sold my home !

    Dear St.Joseph, THANK YOU for selling my home.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜˜πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜πŸ₯°

  262. Passing exam

    Thank you St. Joseph of Cupertino for helping me pass my board exam. I know it was through your intercession that I was able to calm myself during the exam when I was feeling anxious and overwhelmed.

  263. Thanks

    Thanks to you St Joseph for your help with the selling and moving of my home , with gratitude

  264. Thank you for walking with me on a major change in my life

    Without you and God I could not have gotten through these major changes in my life these past eight months. My eyes have been opened with lessons I have been taught by you. I can finally see the light through the dark tunnel and are so grateful and thankful that I have you both walking next to me, picking me up when I failed. Words and my heartfelt gratefulness can’t touch how i feel about your showing me what’s best for me. Luckily, my wishes were granted to ultimately improve my life. So grateful that I am a believer.πŸ™πŸ˜‡

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