Prayer to save my relationship with my boyfriend

by Gina ()

St. Jude I ask that you find it in your heart to pray for me and my boyfriends relationship. I ask that you take away any temptation my boyfriend may have or remove any other individual that will come between our relationship. Help him to be aware of how much I care and love him. I ask that you help our relationship be strong, loving, honest, and respectful. In the name of the father the son and the holy spirit. AMEN

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67 comments for “Prayer to save my relationship with my boyfriend”

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  1. Strong Relationship

    In Jesus Name I Pray to you Lord…..

    Please help me build a strong relationship with the man I love. I turn to you because I cant do this alone, I want YOUR Guidance so we can one day become a solid relationship with YOU in mind before anything. Please help us grow as a couple and love one another the way that YOU want us to. I love this man very much, we both have strong personalities that can clash, but I very much want this relationship to work. In Jesus’ Mighty Name I Pray to YOU!….AMEN!

  2. Marriage

    Dearest St Jude, please I beg of you to help my boyfriend and I to have a healthy loving relationship with each other, please take away any temptations and any person who tries to come between us, please that he will start and show me more love and tenderness. I love him so much with all my heart and please I ask you that he feels the same way about me…and will start and put me first in his life..

    I believe in the power of prayer!..


  3. Broken heart

    St.jude I come to you with a broken heart asking for forgiveness and that u please pray for my relationship. Please heal us and make Please let him love me again like he once did please help him trust me and want to make things work. We have so much time invested in each other and my love for this man is beyond measures for me to just give up on him. I will fight till the end I will fight for what I love please st.jude help me be strong help me remove any negative thoughts that go through my head and please help both him and I stay positive and I know it will take a lot of time patience honesty convincing and time and trust to get back to where we once were. But I know with prayer to our Heavenly Father and you st.jude anything is possible. Hear my prayers in the name of our amazing powerful Heavenly Father.

  4. Pray for me

    St. Jude, please pray for me and watch over my relationship. I’m so confused as to why things aren’t going smoothly and why he doesn’t realize my love for him. I ask that you may help us, and strengthen us. That our love may grow as well as our faith, loyalty, respect and above all trust. I ask that you may help me and guide me into the path that I’m meant to be on, and also that he may not take it for granted. Please help me St. Jude, I’m not sure what to do or how to feel. I feel so hopeless, the disrespect, and I feel the drive to fight for me fading…. please help it stop. Please let things get better between us. Because it’s him, and I love him to much to stop fighting for him. I just pray that he feels the same for me. I trust in you. Amen.

  5. My relationship

    Dear God
    I come before you With a broken spirit please save my relationship because I love this man not because of anything I truly love him please God of miracles do something
    I pray in Jesus name

  6. Hurt with pain

    I ask you God to please bless me and my kids father’s relationship to be stronger and for him to not leave me and go off to another female or move our if our place together. Please God of I didn’t need you more then any time in my life I need you now .I promise I will not do anything to unsure are relationship I promise I keep my word please God please bless me through our kids please I need you right now God more then anytime time in my life save my relationship with my kids father and make it healthy please In the name of Jesus we do pray AMEN thank God

  7. Prayer for broken relationship with my boyfriend

    Lord, I have come to you today to surrender to you all the load I carry in my heart. I have come to you to Thank You for blessing me with someone like him. Lord, you know how much love I have for him, and you know the pain I am going through right now. I pray to you to please heal our hearts with all the frustrations, the pain, the anger, the sorrow and all the damages. I pray to you to please Lord help us save the relationship we have. Lord i have come to you to ask you to please keep us stronger just like we were before, that the love we have for each other will always be unconditional as the love you have for the both of us, I have come to you to ask of you to please keep us together that we may face whatever wrath is going to be thrown at us and that we may overcome the struggles we are facing now and the years to come. Lord I know you know how much I want him to become a part of my life, to have him and share with him the remaining years of my life, I ask of you to please continue to bless our love with the help of your grace that we may keep the affection and the care that we have for each other until our last breath. Lord, I ask of you to please guide us through this bump we are facing, and for the years to come. Amen

  8. make my relationship stronger in Jesus name

    dear my father,

    it has been difficult at times to accept the fact from him that his father would never be ready to accept our relationship. in other words, i am scared to fall apart without him. although i neglect the fact that i am not much attached to him. but all these words are utterly false whereas i am deeply in love with him and fail to imagine my life without him. Father,my lord,its true i have never longed for him and now the situation is when i don’t want to abandon him. i love him. i really love him and want to hold him closer to me for ever and ever after.

  9. my love

    st. jude i pray that i want a better relationship with my boyfriend rudy open his heart and his eyes and let him see that i really do love him, care for him keep him away from his ex yvette that she doesn’t come between our relationship let him realize that am the woman of his dreams n that i will make him happy n love him forever help him be abetter man for me and my daughter , san jude i really love him please help me change him into a good person and that he just have eyes for me …..amen in the one of the father and son and hoy spirt amen

  10. Prayer to heal my Relationship with my Boyfriend

    Lord, I have come to you today to surrender to you all the load I carry in my heart. I have come to you to Thank You for blessing me with someone like him. Lord, you know how much love I have for him, and you know the pain I am going through right now. I pray to you to please heal our hearts with all the frustrations, the pain, the anger, the sorrow and all the damages. I pray to you to please Lord help us save the relationship we have. Lord i have come to you to ask you to please keep us stronger just like we were before, that the love we have for each other will always be unconditional as the love you have for the both of us, I have come to you to ask of you to please keep us together that we may face whatever wrath is going to be thrown at us and that we may overcome the struggles we are facing now and the years to come. Lord I know you know how much I want him to become a part of my life, to have him and share with him the remaining years of my life, I ask of you to please continue to bless our love with the help of your grace that we may keep the affection and the care that we have for each other until our last breath. Lord, I ask of you to please guide us through this bump we are facing, and for the years to come. Amen

  11. Prayer for my relationship

    Dear lord ,
    Please hear my prayer my boyfriend of 12 yrs is cheating on me . We have two kids together. I love him so much that I’m willing to forgive him and keep my family together . He’s my best friend and I feel like I’ve lost him . Lord Jesus I ask that to clear his mind and realize that he has true love at home , please lord bring him back home to his family and remove this woman out his life who’s interfering with what we have which is a beautiful family.
    In Jesus name I pray Amen

  12. Need of a miracle

    Please save, heal and pray for my relationship. Stop the temptation that keeps interfering with our relationship. I’m not only blaming outside influence but both of us are at fault. I don’t want to be taken for granted and lied to. We need a fresh start, we need to forgive and move on and love one another just like we did in the beginning.

  13. Help me with my relationship dear Archangel

    St. Jude I ask that you find it in your heart to pray for me and my boyfriends relationship. I ask that you take away any temptation my boyfriend may have or remove any other individual that will come between our relationship. Help him to be aware of how much I care and love him. I ask that you help our relationship be strong, loving, honest, and respectful. In the name of the father the son and the holy spirit. AMEN –

  14. Getting back together much more stronger than ever.

    Dear Lord,
    I seek your blessing in this junction of my life. All my love life was a faliure and end up broken for years..Since my last husband dissapered and took everything I owned. My life just fell & I was broken and mentally trauma too. But after 7+ years I met someone who liked me crazily and needed me more than ever… As very matured adults we started getting to know each other over past couple of months.. It was with his interest that I too started liking him and we are compatible in many ways and our hobbies to coencodice.. Suddnly he is drifting away from me. I started feeling the need and the urge he had to communicate is dying down. And his visits to my plc too dropped. Now it has come to a standstill. Dear lord my god & the Holy Spirit I seek you divine inter vision as this situation to change. Last I spoke to him was more than a week ago. And he mentioned that we should continue our special bond and seren relationship that we have and how I hv changed his thinking to doing things differently & much more positively.
    Holy spirt speak to Shirmal and get him on the right path away from temptation & urge of drak forces. Right now he is in your domain in Rome… Please I seek your blessing and guidense to retreat our relationship and love & care for one another. Keep us together thru thick & thin times. Let us not get distracted or deviate away from each other’s company..
    Speak to him holy father and let us get back our LOVE back in our life’s. Please guide him with his problems and send this lovely person who made me believe in love again. resareac our love & care for each other and make our bond so strong that no evils could look at us.
    Please lord I pray with such heavy heart and know you see it.
    With your guidance send him back to my arms and be there with me until our last breath..

    I await for my miracl to happen.. Thank you Lord & the Holy Spirit for your love, care & guidence.

  15. Please Help

    My boyfriend and I have not spoken in a week and a half. He has depression and gets upset easily. I really love him and I still have hope for our relationship. Please Saint Jude cure us both of all the pain we are facing and touch his heart. I really want him to realize how much I love him and how I help and support him. Please that he can see that all I want to do is to help him heal. Please that he calls me soon and that we are able to improve our relationship. Help him heal and understand. Please that we can talk soon and that it is peaceful. Please I love him. Thank you Saint Jude.

  16. put forgiveness in us

    Please send him back to me I loved I want my relationship with him I want to grow old with him save my relationship

  17. Save my relationship

    Dear Lord

    Save my relationship with my boyfriend. i love him so much and i want to spend the rest of my life with him. He stopped loving and our relationship fell apart i have trying Lord really hard. i traveled across seas to be with him and yet he looks at me like Please fix us almighty. help him see how much i love him so that he may return to me with more love than he did before.

  18. Bless our relationship

    Lord here we are again in this place. We are your children and we are too old to play games. I ask that you guide us to each other love. I bind up the enemy he has no power or authority over our relationship. You’ve did it before and I trust you will do it again. I that you for answering my prayers in Jesus name Amen.

  19. Heal my relationship

    Dear St Jude,

    please heal my relationship.. I love my boyfriend with all my heart but unfortunately our relationship is falling apart. He no longer feels attracted to me. he doesn’t show respect towards me. We were so good together but now everything is falling apart please help me get his love back make him love me more than ever make our relationship stronger and fix the distance between us.

  20. Prayer to save my relationship with boyfriend

    Dear God, I have hit rock bottom. I have nowhere to turn and nobody to rely on. You are my rock. You are the only way. I am here no on my knees… holding back the flood of tears. Give me wisdom to save my relationship with my boyfriend Willie.I want him back in my life. I love him lord. I don’t want Willie to go to another woman/girl. I really really want him back. Please Lord Strengthten our Relationship and strengthen our love lord. I know only you can save this. I beg up you. I plead with you. Show us a better way together. Please open his heart to my love and your forgiveness. Please touch his soul at this very moment. Where ever he is and what he is doing… touch him Lord. Help him see we need to save this love. Please, I ask and pray with all the strength that you are giving me just to be able to breathe. i am lost without him. Lord I need him. I need to feel your love with him. Dear Lord I pray. Please give me the right words, guide me to help save our relationship. Show me how strong I can be through you. My tears soak my spirit, my heart is breaking. I cannot hold on. I feel like every ounce of life is draining from me. Renew me. Renew me. Make him see. Use us as an example of how forgiveness and your love can save and change people. Help him rebuke satan and his temptations. I love him so dear Lord. I will honor you with my love for him. Give me this chance. Please reach out to him now and help him see we need to save this. I love you Lord. I will never doubt your ability. Please do this. Save us. Please. I beg u Lord..

  21. Strengthen our relationship

    Dear God,
    I thank you for all the blessings you have given to me as well as the strength I have received since my recent divorce.
    I ask today that you strengthen the relationship between my boyfriend and I. I ask that you give him peace of heart and mind that he can trust me completely and to remove his insecurity and doubt. May he see how much I love, appreciate and accept him. I ask for your guidance and strength and for our love for one another to continue to grow from strength to strength.


  22. healing for closer and better relationship to my boyfriend that everything will be okay

    Dear God, i know you know me who i am, i just want to say thank you for everything even im on the trials and suffering now to my boyfriend hopefully everything will be okay,God can ask you a favor i hope even his a muslim and im a christian, i hope his accept me as i am, then you make our relationship Good always his have no time na for me God but i hope you touch his heart and mind to remember me always and belong to his life everyday God bring our relation uncomplicated, i love him so much God you know what i have feel to him. God im just hoping his like before when we know each other. i need his care and love God i need your guidance everyday my heart so weak because i always mind him i hope God you touch him heart always to remember me love me and miss me always. i love you Jesus thank you for everything i expect your miracle to our relationship. Amen!!!

  23. healing for closer and better relationship to my boyfriend that everything will be okay

    Dear God, i know you know me who i am, i just want to say thank you for everything even im on the trials and suffering now to my boyfriend hopefully everything will be okay,God can ask you a favor i hope even his a muslim and im a christian, i hope his accept me as i am, then you make our relationship Good always his have no time na for me God but i hope you touch his heart and mind to remember me always and belong to his life everyday God bring our relation uncomplicated, i love him so much God you know what i have feel to him. God im just hoping his like before when we know each other. i need his care and love God i need your guidance everyday my heart so weak because i always mind him i hope God you touch him heart always to remember me love me and miss me always. i love you Jesus thank you for everything i expect your miracle to our relationship. Amen!!!

  24. Save my relationship with my boyfriend

    Dear God please help me get through this trying time. My boyfriend doesn’t care about me like I care about him. I love him with all of my heart. God please bring us closer together and help us get through our arguments.

  25. Prayer for our relationship to be renewed in your strength.

    Dear God,
    I have hit rock bottom. I have nowhere to turn and nobody to rely on. You are my rock. You are the only way. I am here no on my knees… holding back the flood of tears. Give me wisdom to save my relationship with my boyfriend. I know only you can save this. I beg up you. I plead with you. Show us a better way together. Please open his heart to my love and your forgiveness. Please touch his soul at this very moment. Where ever he is and what he is doing… touch him Lord. Help him see we need to save this love. Please I ask and pray with all the strength that you are giving me just to be able to breath. i am lost without you. Lord I need him. I need to feel your love with him. Dear Lord I pray. Please give me the right words, guide me to help save our relationship. Show me how strong I can be through you. My tears soak my spirit, my heart is breaking. I cannot hold on. I feel like every ounce of life is draining from me. Renew me. Renew me. Make him see. Use us as an example of how forgiveness and your love can save and change people. Help him rebuke satan and his temptations. I love him so dear Lord. I will honor you with my love for him. Give me this chance. Please reach out to him now and help him see we need to save this. I love you Lord. I will never doubt your ability. Please do this. Save us. Please. I pray.

  26. Prayer for our relationship to be renewed in your strength.

    Dear God,
    I have hit rock bottom. I have nowhere to turn and nobody to rely on. You are my rock. You are the only way. I am here no on my knees… holding back the flood of tears. Give me wisdom to save my relationship with my boyfriend. I know only you can save this. I beg up you. I plead with you. Show us a better way together. Please open his heart to my love and your forgiveness. Please touch his soul at this very moment. Where ever he is and what he is doing… touch him Lord. Help him see we need to save this love. Please I ask and pray with all the strength that you are giving me just to be able to breath. i am lost without you. Lord I need him. I need to feel your love with him. Dear Lord I pray. Please give me the right words, guide me to help save our relationship. Show me how strong I can be through you. My tears soak my spirit, my heart is breaking. I cannot hold on. I feel like every ounce of life is draining from me. Renew me. Renew me. Make him see. Use us as an example of how forgiveness and your love can save and change people. Help him rebuke satan and his temptations. I love him so dear Lord. I will honor you with my love for him. Give me this chance. Please reach out to him now and help him see we need to save this. I love you Lord. I will never doubt your ability. Please do this. Save us. Please. I pray.

  27. prayer to save my relationship with my boyfriend now my baby daddy.

    please save my relationship with my boyfriend of 13 years now we have a child. i need your prayer so strong some people are interfering in our relationship telling him that i’m not good enough for him and they were not there when we were struggling . now since these problems started he is not getting the write job, he borrows money every where he is not even aware he is messing up his life.i love him we all make mistakes but all of us deserve to be loved by the write people.i trust that God will help me cause i pray for him everyday he is a good person i know him.but these people are helping him destroy his life. he no longer visits his family,his mother had a stroke and he cant even support her. those people who say i’m wrong for him their lives are bad they want him marry someone who left him long ago go and get married because she is educated ,they even told the woman to give him a child he will be hers and she did. my problem is they are doing it for the write reasons they want the guy because they think he will marry her what about me i also want to get married she choose another man @least she got married.the girl new i was there she started by sending him massages telling him that she is sorry that has been going on for 6 years its only now that he responded so his distant family took him and told him that they r going to see a friend that’s when it started pray for our relationship in the name of the father,the son and the holly spirit amen.

  28. Prayer for forgiveness and growth in our relationship

    I pray my lord and savior and through your son Jesus who died for me. I pray that I may have another chance to make my relationship work with James as I have offended and mistrust him for no known reason. May I have peace and leave our relationship in your hands . If his heart is not mine .may you give him the eyes to see my deep love and the real passion I have for him and i pray that you will give him the open eyes and heart to know me and the real love we can share with your blessings Father..Please open the doors again for reconciliation and that we may work on trying to be good to one another I ask and I pray in Jesus name , Amen.

  29. Prayer for forgiveness and growth in our relationship

    I pray my lord and savior and through your son Jesus who died for me. I pray that I may have another chance to make my relationship work with James as I have offended and mistrust him for no known reason. May I have peace and leave our relationship in your hands . If his heart is not mine .may you give him the eyes to see my deep love and the real passion I have for him and i pray that you will give him the open eyes and heart to know me and the real love we can share with your blessings Father..Please open the doors again for reconciliation and that we may work on trying to be good to one another I ask and I pray in Jesus name , Amen.

  30. Prayer for forgiveness and growth in our relationship

    I pray my lord and savior and through your son Jesus who died for me. I pray that I may have another chance to make my relationship work with James as I have offended and mistrust him for no known reason. May I have peace and leave our relationship in your hands . If his heart is not mine .may you give him the eyes to see my deep love and the real passion I have for him and i pray that you will give him the open eyes and heart to know me and the real love we can share with your blessings Father..Please open the doors again for reconciliation and that we may work on trying to be good to one another I ask and I pray in Jesus name , Amen.

  31. Prayer for forgiveness and growth in our relationship

    I pray my lord and savior and through your son Jesus who died for me. I pray that I may have another chance to make my relationship work with James as I have offended and mistrust him for no known reason. May I have peace and leave our relationship in your hands . If his heart is not mine .may you give him the eyes to see my deep love and the real passion I have for him and i pray that you will give him the open eyes and heart to know me and the real love we can share with your blessings Father..Please open the doors again for reconciliation and that we may work on trying to be good to one another I ask and I pray in Jesus name , Amen.

  32. Prayer for forgiveness and growth in our relationship

    I pray my lord and savior and through your son Jesus who died for me. I pray that I may have another chance to make my relationship work with James as I have offended and mistrust him for no known reason. May I have peace and leave our relationship in your hands . If his heart is not mine .may you give him the eyes to see my deep love and the real passion I have for him and i pray that you will give him the open eyes and heart to know me and the real love we can share with your blessings Father..Please open the doors again for reconciliation and that we may work on trying to be good to one another I ask and I pray in Jesus name , Amen.

  33. Prayer to save my relation.

    Oh my lord Jesus, you know everything, what is going inside me and what sufferings I have. Lord my prayers to you to save my relation with Him . My prayers to you to make him understand how much I care and asks for him, my prayers to you to make him feel everything what I am going through. My prayers to you to make him free from the anger which he possess . I surrender to you my lord . You are the only one who can help me . My faith in you is strong as my existence as pure as my thoughts. My givings to you my Lord. Help me Lord. Send him back in my life . Please , please , please 🙁 .. Help me Lord, help me.

    Amen! Amen! Amen.

  34. prayer for my relationship to restore the trust

    lord I begg you to come into my life and I’m a situation it seems like the more I get closer to you I’m getting the more more the devil is trying to attack me I asked you to review him in the name of Jesus I rebuke him coming into my relationship and strengthen lord bring back the love we use to share let him realize how much I love him and everything i do is to help us as a family father god i ask that you work and his heart the let him see I’m how I’ve improve as a good person im working on bring my family closer to you please Jesus help us have take trust issue I need to the to be restored so we can be happy again with each other in Jesus name Amen

  35. Please help I'm begging you

    Dear St Jude

    Please help me and my boyfriend we didn’t have a fight but I took all my anger and stress out on him for three weeks straight and now he can’t be happy because he is hurt. I need your loving and kindness to help us it’s got to the point where if this feeling that he has ( that’s getting worse )can’t get better then we will have to end our relatinship. We both love each other and we want this relatinship to work, it’s our fist real relatinship and we want this to work. I’ve been praying and hoping please St Jude give my boyfriend the strength to move past this feeling I’m begging you.

    In the name of the father the son and the Holy Spirit

  36. Please pray for us.

    I have been having so many arguments/problems with my Bf these past three months I would really appreciate a prayer to help save and strengthen our relationship. To overcome what we are going through and always overcome any obstacle that may come our way. To always have the lord on our side looking over our relationship.

  37. Please pray for us.

    I have been having so many arguments/problems with my Bf these past three months I would really appreciate a prayer to help save and strengthen our relationship. To overcome what we are going through and always overcome any obstacle that may come our way. To always have the lord on our side looking over our relationship.

  38. keep praying on us

    St.jude pls save our relationship of my boyfriend.. we fight last week.. pls give us strength and power. help our relationship strong, loving and honest.

  39. pray for my relationship

    Please pray for my boyfriend and I. We have gotten into a fight this past Sunday and I am afraid it might be over. Please pray that we may make this true, because we really love one another. I could really use the help of everyone.

  40. help us by praying for us

    My boyfriend and I have been going through a fight for a week and today we finally agreed to talk. The fight we had was majority my fault and I ask that you heal us and bring us back together. Please pray that when we meet up he still wants to make this relationship work as I do. Please pray for me and my boyfriend. I really love him.

  41. Strengten and save my relationship with my bofriend

    St Jude I pray that me and my Boyfriend fall deep in Love with each other and let no one be able to separate. I pray we have a future together and one day be as husband and Wife in the Name of the Father Son and The Holy Ghost Amen.

  42. Urgent help

    Dear saint jude please touch the heart of the man I love and help him commit to me.bind us with chords of love that cannot be broken.we have been around each other for him love me unconditionally

  43. Save my relationship

    Father god I pray to you to save my relationship with my boyfriend. I love this man so much. I pray that his love is greater than the misunderstanding we are having right now. Please father god enlighten his mind and open his heart for me. I claim that he is the one for me my destiny. Make our relationship stronger each day. May you be the center of our relationship and put your love in our hearts. And i pray that we spend the rest of our lives together in Jesus name. Amen🙏

  44. Strong and loving relationship

    St Jude i pray that you and the lord Jesus will please help my boyfriend to open his heart to me. Help him to not be afraid of a relationship with me because of bad relationships he has had in the past. Help him to see how well we get along and how much fun we both have and not to be afraid of getting hurt. Thank you

  45. Pray for my relationship

    Dear Lord,

    Thank you for this group of people who read the prayers of others and pray to you!

    I am blessed with the man I have by my side and I think like he is more than what I would have Imagined. Since the beginning, I have felt that it is a relationship brought by God. Lately, there has been a lot of overhinking on my side which has caused anxiety, fears and doubts. I cry thinking that i have to break up with him, and there is NO reason why. I pray that God turns this story around and keeps on blessing us on th epath that we are taking. We have been saving ourselves for marriage, and it has been two years with a lot of love. I pray that Saint Jude will intercede for us and remove all of my doubts and fears so I can enjoy the relationship we have and keep persuing God through it.

    I pray all this in Jesus’s name. Amen.

  46. Keep Us Together

    Dear God,
    Please help me. My relationship has been overcome by the devil and I can’t take it anymore. Me being with this man is only fate because I didn’t even like him before, but I grew to love him. Please put your hands on us and bless us with your grace and mercy. Bring you back into our lives because there’s no relationship without you. Make us understand our faults so that we can come at ease with eachother. Bring us back together to what we had in the beginning, have us come together in harmony and worship your name. Lord I come to you in the name of Jesus to help me, help me get my man back.

  47. Help Our Love

    Please pray with me and help my handsome man let go of his anger and find the love for US, we once had.. Our struggles have been tearing us apart. I pray I can make the changes I need to, for him, myself and for us. My heart is broken knowing he’s so upset, and I’m unable to fix it right now. I feel I have become such a disappointment to him, and I just want him to know how much I love him and want our bond back, to feel close and to feel safe in each other’s arms again. I pray his anger can be replaced with love and happiness the way we are meant to be.

  48. Rekindle our relationship

    Lord Jesus
    Please help bring back the relationship that we once had. I miss the things that we used to do. I feel that the enemy is always taking away things from me especially when things are going good for me. I am so tired of crying and being depressed because of the enemy interfering with my happiness. Please Jesus bring back the man that i want to share my life with and the happiness we once shared. Don’t let the enemy keep winning and help me to keep my faith in you strong so that the enemy will not take away our happiness

  49. Please help save us

    Please save us. I love this man to death and just want him back. I know he is not perfect and I’m not either. But I accept him for who he is, and just want him back home with his family.

  50. God touch my boyfriend heart

    I pray St. Jude that you will pray and restore the relationnship I have with Jeffrey, I pray Jeffrey will come to see how much I love and cherish him. I think hes just lost right now, I pray all obstacles that are between us be removed, take any temptation he has for anyone else away, touch his heart and let him see how much I care and how much we belong together. I know anything is possible, I pray for this request in Jesus name. I pray for all the others on here that are also praying for there loved one to return, I pray you touch there hearts and give them comfort as were all hurting, lord I know you want the best for us all. I pray my x partner comes back to me, AMEN

  51. Prayers Needed

    I am asking for prayers. As I am going through a rough time, and am doing everything I can to save my relationship, I pray. Lord, I pray and ask you to hear me. I pray that you give me the strength to overcome this trial you have placed in front of me, so I can move forward. I lift up my relationship to you and pray for healing. I pray that the love that I know still remains can be rekindled, and that you restore the connection that was once had. I pray that you remind him of all of the great times you blessed us with, and all of the tribulations we have overcome together. I pray that he knows how much I truly love and cherish him. I pray that you remove any temptation that may be hindering the love we have between us. I pray that you restore the strength within the two of us as one. Lord, I’m asking you to hear my prayers and I thank you for blessing me with this love. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

  52. Strong Prayers Needed

    I am asking for prayers. As I am going through a rough time, and am doing everything I can to save my relationship, I pray. Lord, I pray and ask you to hear me. I pray that you give me the strength to overcome this trial you have placed in front of me, so I can move forward. I lift up my relationship to you and pray for healing. I pray that the love that I know still remains can be rekindled, and that you restore the connection that was once had. I pray that you remind him of all of the great times you blessed us with, and all of the tribulations we have overcome together. I pray that he knows how much I truly love and cherish him. I pray that you remove any temptation that may be hindering the love we have between us. I pray that you restore the strength within the two of us as one. Lord, I’m asking you to hear my prayers and I thank you for blessing me with this love. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

  53. God please save my relationship

    God please help me, i am asking you to please help me save my best friend and i had a fallout and are not on good terms. I truly want this relationship to work out. I love spending time with him and we have so much fun together. Things were going so well n then we had a fight today. God please help me help him see that im a good girl and that wr can be happy together. God please i need him in my life. Please help him to see me for the good and forgive me for our past issues. I am so heart broken right now. Gos please save us. Please give me the opportunity to talk this out with him and make everything okay. Please god. Dont let him give up on me

  54. Prayer for this difficult time

    Please lord I ask that you allow Bryan and I to get through this difficult time. I pray that the anxiety he deals with lessens so that we may be given a chance to truly work on our relationship. We are blessed to have one another but as he steps back for a break, all I can do is hope that your guidance will give us the strength to heal and to see that our love should be embraced, cherished and honored instead of change into such sadness that will leave a permanent, indelible mark on our hearts.

  55. Praying for my broken life

    Dear Havenly father I pray for my relationship that is falling apart my boyfriend is sleeping around with other woman help me God to restore our relationship we know one another for 18years we not married but lived together in the beginning was our lives beautiful know is a mess God I love this man please help me i pray that God is with us and help us God forgive me what ever wrong i did in our relationship please lord i beg and plead in your name let us become as one amen in Jesus i pray thank you lord

  56. Prayer to mend a broken relationship

    Dear St. Jude

    Please help me with my current relationship. Please help Antwan and I love each other as we did when we first met. Please make him see how much
    I love him. How much i want this to work. Please better our communication and help me to not lash out destructively and instead learn to control my emotions. Please allow me to heal from any hurt as well as heal him of any of my wrongdoings. Please St. Jude I need you now more than ever, I do not want to give up on this man. I pray he doesn’t give up on me and instead allow us to have another chance to make one another better. Please I beg of you. I do not want to start something new, this has too much potential to be great. I plead we have another opportunity to love each other wholeheartedly with no temptation.


  57. Hurt

    Please save our relationship. I come to you cause my hurts without the that i love he is my everything. I just dont understand where we lost each other we are two strong persons in willing. I pray that he will come and find his way back to me. We love each other i know that we do. We just need your hands to guide us back to one another. I know in my heart i bleed for all forgiveness that done wrong and i know he has done wrong as much as i have plz forgive us and give us the strength to find our way back to each other in the name of Jesus Christ our saviour plz help us to be together💔

  58. Please pray for my relationship with a kind hearted man.

    Dear God, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, grandma, grandpa, all the Angels and Saints and Archangels and anyone else I may have missed. Please help me with my relationship. We’ve been together a little over a year and both have young autistic children who are not getting along. We are trying to blend a family and keep moving forward in the right direction but lately have been stressed and fighting. My boyfriend is having a hard time and he’s closing up and giving up on us. Please pray for me and for the five of us. Please pray for my boyfriend. Help him have an open heart and mind and realize that we need each other and will overcome this. Please pray for him and anything he is going through that I do not know about. Please pray for our two little girls as well as the oldest. Please help them get along. Please help me and my jealous ways and help me to fight off all of my insecurities. Please pray for us tonight and everyday and to ward off anyone’s negative thoughts. Please in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  59. God please hear my prayer

    Dear God, i pray that you help my boyfriend and I during this time. I know that we have a lot to work through. I pray that we can communicate better with one another. I pray that there is no obstacle that we cannot over come. I know during this time you are testing our patience and for that, i pray that you guide me and show us the right way. Please Lord look after us, make us a stronger couple. I know we are meant to be, and i want our relationship to last forever. God i ask that you please see us through this. My heart is breaking and i need you Lord to help me. This is the greatest man i have ever known. I know you put him in my life for a reason, and i know through you that all things are good and possible. God i ask that you guide us in the right direction so we can become a better couple. Amen

  60. Help save our love for each other

    St. Jude I ask that you find it in your heart to pray for me and my boyfriends Jorge relationship. I ask that you take away any temptations that Jorge may have or remove any other individual that will come between our relationship. Help Jorge to be aware of how much I care and love him. I ask that you help our relationship be strong, loving, honest, and respectful. Please help Jorge love me with all his heart and soul. In the name of the father the son and the holy spirit. AMEN

  61. Guidance to continue our relationship

    Dear heavenly father, as I come to you today to ask for guidance and strength to strengthen my relationship Lord I can’t do this alone. I Need Your Loving Arms to keep us focused on you through this difficult time lord. We both have extremely busy schedules so it’s hard for us to see each other Lord and during those busy times we tend to argue more when we deeply love each other Lord come into our lives show us what we need to do to continue going the way that you want us to go, Lord. In Jesus name Amen.

  62. Please pray for my relationship with my boyfriend

    St. Jude, Please pray for our relationship with my boyfriend, he is the guy that i have been praying for all my life, he is everything that i need, he is loving and caring, he is the person that is close to my heart and the person i would love to grow with, Please lord touch his heart to to love and respect this relationship, may the lord bless us. please Lord bless us and be with us though this way of life its challenges.

  63. God please save our relationship

    Lord I come before you With a broken spirit please save my relationship because I love this man not because of anything I truly love him please God of miracles do something. Remove all temptations that are trying to get in between us. Lord hold our hands and make our relationship stronger. In Jesus name

  64. Rocky relationship

    Please saint Jude

    Help me and my boyfriend over come the ruff patch that we are going true and help us come closer together and for to have a happy loving relationship we are currently split up and on bad terms I love him and sure he loves me two please help us

  65. Worried

    Lord I come to you with worry on my heart. I broke my boyfriend’s heart, and my have lost him forever. I just ask that you give him the gift of forgiveness. I ask that you open his heart and allow him to see that our relationship is worth saving. I ask that you be a force in our relationship and help us to fight through this terrible time and fix our relationship one day at a time. I don’t know where else to turn and I know that you work miracles. I am asking for a miracle at this point. Things look really bad right now but I know that all I need is faith the size of the mustard seed. I pray that you help me and my boyfriend get through this and I pray that my family stays together, I ask this in your name.


  66. Falling apart

    Lord i bring my relationship to you, that whatever he and I are lacking to do for each other give us the wisdom to do. Anybody trying to come between us be remove. Lord make my relationship to continue to grow in love, peace harmony trust forgiveness understanding and patient. Lord atm, remove anything that is bothering or making my partner to be not fine or sick. Amen. Bless my relationship to the extent we will have a good future together. Amen!

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