Prayer to remove evil neighbors

by Prayers Admin ()

Dear Father in heaven, I ask you to remove my evil neighbors from my community by the end of this year. Father you know that they bring confusion and evil forces into our midst through the lifestyle that they are living. God you also know that they make my family life and the residents of our community very uneasy with their disrespectful and offputting behavior. I ask dear God that they be completely removed from our midst as I claim my community for you. I ask that your Holy Spirit put a hedge of protection around my home and all my family members so that no harm can come to it or us because of the religious practices.of my neighbors who deal with necromancy and spirit worship. I stand on the promise that no weapon formed.against me or my family shall prosper and that vengeance is yours. I ask that you keep my family and I in perfect peace as we wait on you to remove our wicked neighbors. I give you praise and thanks and all the glory for answering this prayer which I make in no other name but through Christ, Your Son, amen.

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3 comments for “Prayer to remove evil neighbors”

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  1. Neighbors

    Can you pray for me and my family to have my disrespectful neighbors and there teenager kids remove from our neighborhood they causes streets and problems and up all hours of the night I pray that they be remove from our neighborhood with all that it was nice and quiet and peaceful before they came now you can’t rest put your protection around my family and my home in Jesus name I pray

  2. Remove my disrespectful neighbor help me please remove them quick from the neighborhood bevy they disrupt it everyday

    I need prayers ASP because my neighbors are so disruptive and disrespectful and they make me and my family life a living hell don’t feel comfortable with them living right next door to me and my family so I pray hard each and everyday that they be remove some where is and the name of Jesus because I can’t afford to move we had piece and quiet before they came along no problems now they are the neighbors from hell

  3. Remove evil neighbors

    In Jesus name pray that neighbors be removed from neighborhood in the middle of 2 neighbors where they are disrespectful, thieves , illegal acts, loud music and etc…police have been called with no actions taken. They are like vampires sleep all day and up all night. I pray they find a better place to rent away from retired people who own their homes and want to be in Peace off this street.

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