Prayer for my son to retain his current job

by Sylvia (San Antonio, TX)

Please, Heavenly Father, my son made a mistake at work. Although it was not a huge mistake, human resources is considering job termination as one of the options. Almightly God, in the name of my Saviour, Jesus Christ, we are human and by no means perfect.

You are the only perfect One. Please touch the hearts of the ones that feel that they are in charge of making this decision and enlighten them with your wisdom and love. Please allow them to see You in my son and that Your hand is the only one in this decision process. My son is Your son. Please defend him. Fight this battle. Allow him to keep his job and that he will be ever mindful that You, and only You, worked this miracle for him.

Humans are not in control—— You are! Nothing is impossible for you. I claim your victory, Jesus Christ, in this prayer request and I thank You in advance.

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11 comments for “Prayer for my son to retain his current job”

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  1. Thank you

    This is a beautiful prayer and I am praying it for my son in the same situation. It’s in the hand of God in Jesus name. Amen

  2. A troubled father

    My son is in same situation I know the lord saved him I stand in agreement the lord will save sons as well god bless you for this prayer

  3. Suspended

    Lord please pray over my husband today he was suspended from work until further notice and upon investigation. He has always been an amazing provider and a great Store manager. He may have handled things in a very strict way towards his employee and in turn they called for an investigation due to misconduct and is now suspended. Please protect his job and enlighten the HR and supervision hearts that they make a just decision and allow him to keep his position and Employment. I ask you pray to keep him at peace as hes struggling so much with this now. Lord hear our prayer-. Amen

  4. Thank you heavenly father

    My son relied on me to wake him up for work. I made a mistake when i heard the alarm i didnt get up. I thought ok when it goes back up i will but it didn’t i didn’t hit snooxe he ran in my room and he was already 30 mins late dear god please fix this it was my fault please let him keep his job in jesus name i pray
    Thank you

  5. Son to retain his job

    Please Lord; pour out the holy spirit upon my son. He has made mistakes which in turn effects his job. Please provide him the wisdom and direction so he is able to redeem himself with his employer. I know you are working behind the scene and many of our prayers have been answered already in his life. Protect him and his job.
    In Jesus name AMEN

  6. My son's 1st job

    Dear lord god Itoi. My son has just started his first job its demanding. Give him strength and guide him to be at ease to be himself also to find confidence in himself to make it thru so he may gain experience as well as continue to learn and be a good hard working man. Amen

  7. Thank you this helps me and mentally get through the hard times.

    Bless you. My son was of the clock when he made a bad decision that might cause him his job. Pleases pray for him and his decisions. And please leave him to the Lord Jesus Christ and for help with his decisions. Please pray for him and me for God to lead us both.

  8. I understand

    I have a similar situation with my son, he needs to keep his job, gain better understanding of his duties, and be teachable. Lord Jesus, you know him and he knows you. Hear our prayers for these young men in Jesus name!!

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