Prayer for Missionary Support and Wisdom

by Mark ()

Please pray for my wife and I. We are full-time missionaries with an itinerant, overseas, teaching mission but have lost 4/5ths of our support, which was two very large donors ($3500) who were in deep financial struggle. I am a recently retired Professor of Missions and Theology and my wife is an adjunct professor of Christian Worldview and Missions still at the same university. We are trying to raise support in SW Missouri, which we have moved to after retirement but Southern Baptists give almost exclusively through their church and the Lottie Moon offering.
Pray that we find real prayer team members and many faithful, additional support team members
Pray that I would find more online adjunct positions to supplement our income (I have done one so far).
Prayer alternatively for a good part-time job, while raising funds.

Pray for my wife who has allowed herself to become very angry and depressed over the situation. She has been a missionary and is 35 years in the faith.
Pray that I would be sensitive and compassionate with her while remaining joyful and positive.
Pray also for wisdom to move to Huntsville, AL where our grandbabies live. Perhaps the people there would be open to missionary fundraising.

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