Pray for Peace in my Mind and to Know What is True

by Meg ()

Please pray I have peace and that God tells me what is true. I have been a Christian since childhood and have also since then tried so hard to follow what God and Jesus would want me to do as a teen and adult. However, all my life I have gone through times of completely trusting Jesus and feeling so at peace, and then I’ll go through times when I have fears about my salvation being true or not. Much of this is due to the multiple churches my family attended when I was a child and how they all taught different things, and some teaching were highly distorted. One church literally was in the process of becoming a cult, but thankfully my family left that church before things got worse. And now, when I try to research things from the Bible to understand them better, I find that so many Christian teachers and churches and denominations have different interpretations of things and it’s very confusing. Some people have very black and white answers about the Bible and claim that everything should be interpreted literally without looking at things more deeply, and some claim that there are important passages in the Bible that have been interpreted incorrectly because a comma was in an incorrect place in a sentence. It seems for every Christian person’s/church’s statement of Biblical truth, there is another Christian person/church whose statement of Biblical truth contradicts the other one’s. What I know for sure from my own experience of God is that Jesus is God and Jesus and God are life. In moments when I completely trust God’s love for me and that I am saved, I feel so alive and at peace. There is a huge difference between the peace Jesus gives and the peace or calmness one might feel in a quiet room. But then my feeling of peace from Jesus leaves me because I remember the Christian teachers who say people can’t trust what they feel and that’s why we go to the Bible for truth, but then that circles back around to all the different interpretations of Biblical truths that I have heard and seen. Please pray I am no longer confused and that God makes His truths known to me so clearly that I can live the rest of my life serving Him with peace and assurance of His eternal love and forgiveness of my sins. Thank you.

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