Permanent Residency Anxiety

by Brooke ()


Please help me with the anxiety I feel about my future. You are larger than any and all problems that I can or will face. You have conquered death and sin and risen to life. You are Jehovah Jireh, El Roi, Saviour, and Comforter. I trust that I am following in your path, and that you are doing miracles in my life, even as I can’t see them. I pray that you will provide for me, sooner than I expect, but I know you will provide right when I need it most. You are not someone who abandons, you sustain. I pray that you will soften my heart and help me see how you are already providing for me. That you are going before me and planning my path. My feet do not go where you haven’t already been. I ask that you will help me rest in that. Approve my application sooner than I think. Provide for me in the meantime. But most of all, grant me peace in this process.

In Christ’s name,

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