my heart had mild attack pain

by rose ()

help have mercy on me God King Jesus. I am not saved yet, and i had a mild heart attack in March 2024, now heart pain also yesterday. i was wrong to eat fatty foods. I suspect, some blockages /clots occurred. I need Miracles and healing, please take away clots, blockages in my arteries, veins, valves, vessels, almost had a stroke in feb 2024 cause blockage. The hospital doctors & nurses are doing NOTHING but YOU KING JESUS can do Miracles & healings. i accept both, thank you. Please include this miracle prayer for my fat daughter ms. M, and her dad mr. Leo., son lenny. help unclog us, we also ate drank pollution toxic without knowing it. we do not want cancer nor poison deaths. thanks for helping my not saved kids, me, ex hubby.

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