Mercy and Grace

by Glenda ()

Please hear my prayer Lord Jesus through your HOLY NAME – You are aware of the situation that is weighing on my heart and on my family, please through your great grace and mercy provide a way out of this for the affected one because you alone have the power to touch this life, a life that was humbled and lifted to you, a child of Almighty God who was called into his fold as a child, baptized in water, and is now walking through the flames of the evil one. Let your favor release the stronghold, let the truth prevail, and let the consequences melt away with forgiveness and miracles beyond anything our minds can fathom. Jesus, you know this heart, you know the depth of care that lives within, you know the mind, the actions, the trauma, the persecution, the abuse that has occurred and I implore you to continue to love this one who you favor. It is difficult for any of us to understand why you allow some of the heinous things that occur in this world, how a father could conceivably do to his own children the horrors that destroy others, their own flesh and blood. What is and Why don’t get answers because you laid the foundations of the earth and have had a plan for each of our lives. Joseph, Paul, and others suffered greatly for you. Whatever the purpose or reason that the one of whom weighs so heavy, my soul aches and yearns for you to release the chains that bind, and set the captive free literally and in spirit.
Almighty God, you know this through the groanings of this family, that we love and trust you even though we cannot understand how this can be. IF there is any-way you can have the stone cutter to soften like melted butter and have compassion, to alleviate this burden on all of the children by retracting the lies and healing this life altering wound, it would make all of us forever grateful to you.

Let the Blood Shed at Calvary wash over **************** and cleanse all impurities and release calamity from taking a claim on (*) soul.
In Jesus name,

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