Life issues and a house

by Ebony ()

Pray I get a home asap that had working hot water, non leaking ac and a yard for the dogs.Please pray I receive money to put a down payment or purchase a home asap. Pray I get money to pay my car an get my kids Pray I get a home asap that had working hot water, non leaking ac and a yard for the dogs.Please pray I receive money to put a down payment or purchase a home asap. Pray I get money to pay my car an get my kids school stuff. Pray for my mom health that she stops stressing with her grandson and son. Pray for my leg and back pain to go away. Pray nsf don’t come when I am working. Pray jermill learns to drive without being afraid stuff. Pray for my mom health that she stops stressing with her grandson and son. Pray for my leg and back pain to go away. Pray nsf don’t come when I am working. Pray jermill learns to drive without being afraid pray my eye gets back to normal an the red goes away

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