Illnesses after Illnesses

by Karen ()

Please, before I get into my prayer, pray for my daughter and grandkids who are teens in this day with so much gong on, that they’re protected from Evil at all times. Please pray for my health, please. I can’t seem to get a break for years now. It seems that all my adult life I’ve been ill with something and I’m not sure why I’m being punished this way. It first started with Breast cancer in 2001. A few years after that I was diagnosed with Diabetes. Few yrs later colon cancer; afterwards chronic pain. A few yrs later Afib, and now stage three kidney disease. Why would so much be placed on one person. Why? I haven’t done anything that bad in life to have all of this placed upon me, but with all the prayers I’ve given to my Lord, I don’t get answers. I just suffer. Please pray for me, that I can get some relief some way, some how, and hopefully not be diagnosed with anymore illnesses for the rest of my possible short life.

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