I lost faith and Satan got high

by Melissa ()

About 2 hours ago on this day everything and everyone I knew hit me with a reality of being so fake that it destroyed every last bit of hope I had. I couldn’t even breathe I couldn’t even see and I couldn’t even swallow the humiliation down my throat the love was a hard reminder of how stupid I had become and how slick Satan’s tongue really was. They just kept kicking me while I was down and it was as if they had no heart and no Compass morally and no new soul they just kept kicking me while I was down no and I was crying no one else hurt and alone and lonely and being bullied and gangstock and they just kept going and kept going and at that moment in my life when I stopped on the side of the road because I couldn’t I couldn’t exist anymore I couldn’t even b. At that moment I begged with what small trembling voice I had left and forced out the best crying yeah I could and I hatefully scolded God and told him to take my life right there that I no longer wanted to live in that living hurt too much

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