
by Jennifer ()

Dear God,
I praise you in the morning; I praise you in the afternoon; I praise you in the evening! I love you with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength! Please watch over my father as he works hard for us to earn a living and save money to buy a house. Help him to feel inspired by you, and give him patience with his customers as I know they frustrate him trying to find their stips (basic stipulations for buying a car sich as ID, proof of residency, proof of income, etc.) Guide his days to flow peacefully so he is not so exhausted, but that he makes enough car sales to hit at least two grand a week. This way he can make ends meet in one paycheck, and save the other. Not to mention, he will look good on a credit application for buying a house. Lord, he has work hard and your will be done. But I beg of you to help my dad make more money at work. You know I have never cared about riches. But after living in a shelter, I want a place to call home. No more rent. I want a place that if Im making payments to, then Im working toward ownership; then no one can sell the house from under us again. Heavenly Father, I ask that you let Jesus’ light shine through me to my dad without being too “churchy”, as he’d put it, to open his eyes to the truth, in order to restore his faith in you and your Son. Let his prayers evolve in the mornings as I speak with him. For I believe, in my heart, that once he experiences the joy of the Lord again, he won’t have any troubles making money.
Lord in Heaven you know how much we have. You know it’s about halfway there to buying a cheap house with cash. Or a good down payment and closing costs on a cheap house with a loan. We would prefer to buy it outright so that it’s ours. But i want to stay in the area. So i have to wait until one is available in the area that we can afford. This is your orchestra; and by your music, i shall follow your ways. I shall continue to pray upon the matter each day. I shall read your Holy Word for guidance. I shall attend my church for wisdom and fellowship. Dear Father I repent of my sins today, within the last hour even. Please help me to rid myself of it through the blood of Jesus. Have mercy on me through your grace. Help me to keep my eyes on you and you alone, dear Jesus, Heavenly Father fill me with the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for everything you’ve given thus far. My rented home for the last year and a half when Washington rendered us homeless and unemployed. Thank you for my dad’s really good paying job. Without it, we wouldn’t be able to survive, build towards buying a house, and knock down his credit card debt to build an 800’s beacon score. Thank you for my disability check, so I can take care of the things i need each month. You have provided for me over the years, Lord, and I am grateful to you that you have watched over me even when I was led astray. I thank you, Jesus, for being the Light/Love of my life. Without you my life would be empty and meaningless. You are the one that makes it all worth it! I do all I do for you! (Which isn’t much, i know. I live alone all day. But I have been doing my best to get your name out there. Wearing your name, and bearing your crosses around my neck seems to let me know who’s accepting and who’s not ready. I need to take a class of discipleship at church this summer to be better equipped at sharing the gospel.) I thank you, my Saviour, for forgiving me of my sins day after day. For I know you are still working in my heart. God, I thank you for all my clothes. So I might dress myself for church and for public decently, under your standards. (I do not dress like a boy, always skirts or dresses. And i never dress to try to seduce the opposite sex; Im always covered appropriately.) Lord I also thank you for my bedroom. It’s my sanctuary where I can draw close to you. I can listen to praise and worship music music on Pandora through my oversized JBL speaker i got for chrismas/birthday (since their so close together and it was a $300 speaker). I can pray online, in my journal, or in my head to you in th air either in the silence or during music, while dad’ at work. I can also spend devotional time in the Word studying it with either it’s own study notes (it’s a kjv stdy bible; very in depth) or with books I bought off amazon. My bedroom is where my cat likes to sit on my lap, sometimes for an hour as I talk to you, because he loves me and the fact that you helped me quit smoking two months ago today. Praise Jesus!! Hallelujah!! Thank you for that too!! I needed away from those filthy things. Anyways, my bedroom is also my cozy place of rest. Sometimes i fall asleep in my chair. But the bed has cozy soft blankets dad bought me (plus a new one to lay on bc dad doesn’t want it; the washer ate it at the end), two plumply pillows one flatter soft rose colored pillow and one furry pillow. I also have one large ugly comforter I wouldn’t trade for any other comforter bc it is warm and cozy in the winter. So, i am thankful for that too. Plus my cat loves that comforter more than my soft fuzzy blankets. Im thankful for my cat, who loves me dearly and missed me while i was at the shelter last week. As i understand it, he looked for me and meowed for me. I guess things aren’t the same around here without me. Jesus, Im thankful for my church for which you Shepherd. I thank you for the brothers and sisters I’ve met and friends I’ve made going to my church. I thank you for the elders, and the wisdom they’ve offered. I thank you that I could confess my sins to them. I pray that I don’t have to give up my church when we move; or that I find one that is just as good as that one. I thank you for the Choctaw Indian Tribe that I am one sixteenth part of. I am glad to have benefits such as medical and psychiatric care, as well as food allowance for each month. I will also be grateful for the Choctaw when it comes time for my dad to need more healthcare. He’s getting older and doesn’t take care of himself very well; so, he will need the doctors around the Indian clinics to survive his old age. Mostly, he needs you; but you know what i mean. Thank you for the kitchen full of food. Lord, you never let us go hungry.
Dearest Father, Holy Jesus, Divine Spirit, I know we are blessed with many things. And this life is about serving you, serving others, and spreading the gospel. I just know one thing. I want home security; and my dad is willing to offer me that inheritance through his hard work, patience, and love for me bc he knows I won’t ever be able to buy a house on ssdi or with my student loan debt (which we have a plan to take care of). But we can’t have home security without you. You are at the heart of every plan set in motion. You are at the heart of every success. Please let my father get more car deals; or car deals with higher down payments at work and ease his stress as much as he will let you. Give him the Holy Spirit and the gift of gab to sell each vehicle.
In Jesus name I pray,

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