Dear Jesus,
I feel weak, last year I failed the first year of medical school and the exam to enter medicine, this year I have a new and last chance to go to medical school, by doing a 1 year degree in biology.
Despite this immense opportunity, I feel like I’m making the same mistakes again
I’m not diligent, I do everything at the last minute, and recently I’ve had disappointing results (pass max).
Next week I’ve got 2 exams (also with a 30% coefficient) but I can’t concentrate, there are some calculations I don’t understand, I feel I’m running out of time, I’m too slow, I’m rubbish
you’re the only one who can give me the understanding and the knowledge, you know my god that since I was a little girl I’ve wanted to be a doctor, it’s my ultimate dream and I need your strength to overcome this huge obstacle, once I’ve overcome it I’ll be in my 2nd year of medicine and therefore in medicine for good, but for that I really need you
i’m desperate, at the end of the abyss, give me confidence my God
I can’t stop comparing myself to others I feel like a loser I feel less legitimate and intelligent than the others I feel like I don’t deserve my place
put these negative thoughts out of my mind and give me the strength and courage to finish this school year perfectly, I don’t want to get pass grades but best grades that can allow me to enter in 2nd year of medicine because they only select the best students
between june and july 2024 i’ll have my results and i’ll finally know if i’m accepted into 2nd year please make my parents proud. I’ll put you 20 candles like when you helped me to validate my second session exams. And over all keep me healthy dear God
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