
by Anonymous ()

I am asking for a clean and clear bill of health. I am asking the Dear Lord and his Blessed Dear Mother to lay their healing and comforting hands upon my body for a good health. I am asking for the sore throat to go away. I am asking to be able to sleep. I am asking to be less anxious. I am asking that the KS are gone. I am asking for the pain to be gone from Fibromyalgia. I am asking for the blood pressure to go down. I am asking for the cardiomegaly to be be normal. I am asking for the digestive issues to be clear. I know what I am asking is a lot . I have lived with all this for a long time. I have known that all people have issues. But Dear Lord please help me. I have lost both of my parents in the last few years. I am the oldest of a large number of siblings and I ache for the fact that some have wronged the rest of us and is isolated from the rest of us. Dear Lord please help me with my health and with my family.
Please help with the bloody nose I had recently. Dear Lord I know others have issues please. I ask this please. with your Blessed Mother and Padre Pio and all the saints please please I pray for a good clean clear bill of health.

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