Healing and Victory

by Margaret ()

I received an injury on my job of 27years May17th2022. I’m on light duty, so I’m still going to work just 10hrs a day on a concrete floor that’s mentally and physically overtaken me with PAIN. I’m just sitting there and training others in PAIN. Test after Test and being treated like the Victim has gotten to me mentally and causing many bad habits to form in my Life. I’m praying to be Healed physically and Mentally. I’m praying that the Workers Compansation and Doctors will get me the help I need for my left elbow, arm shoulder and back. Pray that The Lord gets me in a Bible base Church amongst True Believers who can help me grow and not judge me or gossip about me. That I will operate in my anointing and appointing God has for my Life. I’m praying to be the Mother I need to be to my only Daughter. In Jesus Name Thank you for praying with me🙌🏾🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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