Financial Miracle and Last Exam!

by Matteo ()

“Dear Christian Living Articles,

I am sending these two PRAYER REQUESTS all together because I don’t know how to send them separated: please, pray for me to obtain a financial miracle, as I really need money to pursue my University career! I am about to complete my BA Degree, and I need money for the MA Degree, and the PhD! It’s my dream, I am willing to pursue it, and I won’t give up until I see myself accomplished, for my heart knows this is the right path to follow! But I also need it to solve financial problems! I promised GOD not to be mean and stingy, and I also promise that I will give a part of it to those in need and to my Church! Please, pray also for my last exam that I am taking next tuesday, so that I can pass it, and I will be graduated by the end of June! I cannot afford to fail! I’ve got to make these things happen in one way or another, for GOD will never abandon me: HE will take good care of me!

Thank you very much in advance from the bottom of my heart.

May GOD bless you forever and ever. Amen.

Best regards,
Matteo Mereu”

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