Christy’s surgery

by Trudie ()

Dear God, Tomorrow Christy is having Thyroid cancer surgery. She is the mother of 2 teens and you know their situations and how much they need their Mom. I ask for your loving, healing hands to touch her body and to guide the surgeons hands to see and remove all cancer from her body. Dear Father, please help her pain to be at the minimum and help her with her recovery. My God, I have seen your mighty miracles through others I love also, and I Thank You for every time You have answered my prayers. You are The Great Physician! I submit Christy to You, to help her through this cancer journey and to perform a miracle in her body. Please give her peace today, facing surgery tomorrow, and let her feel Your presence as she goes into the operating room. Please let her feel your calming peace, that only comes from You. Lord again, Thank You for what You are going to do and we will give you all the praise and the glory for who You are! Dear God, You Are Loved With All By Being, and I Am Trusting You to Remove this cancer and Heal this loved one. Please Dear God be with her children. Help them and their Mom with inner fear and anxiety. Let them feel the powerful source of strength, that only You can give. Dear God, let them see Your miraculous healing, and their Mama, and heal inner hurts from the past in their hearts and forgive their Dad, who loves them so much and if it be Your will, let this bring healing into this family with forgiveness to all concerned. In the Precious,Holy Name of Jesus, I Pray and Praise You, Amen

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