Abusive to be removed

by Mary ()

Today is brian suehn court date. 1/19/2022. In a agreement with us that the court finds him very guilty of child pornographys then sentences him to life in prison. My family is tired of brian manipulating us and blackmailing us and the court matter. He has been threatened our family and held our daughter and I hostage…he controlling and abusive in all areas of his life., lazy playing games while he makesher do all the work…he treats our daughter like a robot.brain don’t support her in anyway shape or from. You know how in denial victims are till the abusive person is away they get help.well this is why we’re praying this will happen today. Brain will be put in hand cuffs sent off to prison. We will have the bills paid and be free of the abusive. I have stage 3 cancer I don’t need this. Mess.may our father in heaven be at the center of the court system people and intervene in this battle for a brakethrough over brian suehn found guilty and charged for life sentences to prison. We’re be very grateful. Can heal from this trauma of brian suehn. Slandering. Ect our family .thanks mr.and Mrs Mark and Mary havery. 1/19/2022..ant 7:55 am

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