Peace and Prosperity

by Karen ()

I thank God for all his blessings. He has always taken care of me. Through the deepest valley to the highest mountain. I ask you Father, please pour out love,grace, joy and security. You know my needs Father. You’ve seen how I’ve been so hurt. Losing my fiance and not having something written down, so that I could legally receive the money he wanted for me. Greed took over & people are mean, hateful. They enjoy the money and do not grieve. Help me to live in peace with security and stability. I’m in the process of such big changes. It’s really scary. I don’t know which way to go and I need thy hand to uphold me. To provide as the bible says, to him who can give immeasurably far more than we ask or can even imagine, to God and the glory. I need your presence around me. To protect me, show me the way. Craig want so much for me, please help me to reveal all I need. Yet, you Father own everything! So I look to you. As I sit here, trying to be strong, I need you now sweet Jesus! Please intercede on my behalf. You gave your life, you paid the price for my life. And I know your still taking care of all I need, the desires of my heart. Help me every morning, and every night to feel happy and secure in You. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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