Urgent family changes

by Justice ()

Guys pray. There is a family member that God wants to go to heaven.also thenimvolvement of Obasanjo in Kenya could trigger involvement in my birthright since I have ruled kenyabror 20 years. You prayers and intervention will be appreciated.
We can extract the word judge or judgement from the prominent names of the bible.
Kenya in particular is receiving codified instructions from God.
Let God work on the js- job, obasanjo, jomo, jabal, Jubal, jaramogi and and Judith, judah, Jubal, tubal Cain and so forth.
In job chp 2 vs 11. You have a warning from Jesus about eliphaz (son of Adah or judith) from Esau. Bildad the shuite is the area from which Judah’s wife originated. That is also the cave that David fled to at some point.
Zophar the naamathite is the sister of tubal Cain. This cbination is stunning.
God is trying to warn Kenya against coming into agreement with men who have changed spouses or partaken in fraudulent marriages. The names above are A flashpoint.
We have to dwell in the secret place. Job sounds like Jubal, jabal, and tubal in the ancient times. Job chp 5 vs 13- the craftiness of lamech is apparent.
Jehovah wanted to remove bad company from job’s life. That is why the lawgiver is the true birthright of Jacob. Those names are present in Kenya because God does not change his concern. If there is a nation that should avoid political problems, it is Kenya. The warning of Jesus is contained within the names of our leaders and their families.Psalms chp 50 vs 16-22. What right do the wicked have to declare my statutes? Seeing that you hate instruction. When you saw a thief, you ran with him, and have been a partaker with adulterers. God has decided the fate of key individuals among us. What God wants is for everyone on earth to know his instructions for their personal lives going forward. Let his will to be accomplished. His law is more important than his mercy. His judgements are there for everyone to see.

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