Torn and Worn

by Marcia ()

Dear Heavenly Father. All glory and honor be Yours in all things. In the precious name of Jesus, I pray for my broken family. A relationship between my husband and son that has never been complete. Our only son who with his wife of 7 years, and 3 children ages 5,4,and 2 are moving out of state. There has never been a good relationship either with our daughter in law. Anything that happened in the past was always blown way out of proportion and full blame on my husband. It has been a nightmare. With a weak relationship with our son to begin with it only divides even more! I have been praying for 40 years for a softening of hearts, and a forgiveness miracle. My husband has nothing in his heart for my son, his wife, and he feels the children will be fine, and forget about us anyway. I just kept hoping that someday God would answer my cry and hear my plea. I don’t understand. I feel I have done my best to lay these concerns at His feet. To surrender them in His care. Our son is a believer. His wife is too. Strong Christian upbringing. So why is this happening? Our only son. The only family we have. Leaving. We have been caring for the children for 5 years. Our family is broken. I do my best to listen for the still small voice. But, I just don’t hear anything. I am not looking forward to this new season. I am so very very sad. I hope someone has time to pray for us. We need a miracle.

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