Tired of Battles

by Jerilynn ()

I am so tired of fighting. I was a caretaker for my mother for years, and I still grieve her loss over five years ago. I have worked at the same store for fifteen years — much of the reason why I didn’t leave long ago was that I was so involved with my mother’s care. Now I am 63 years old and feel I am stuck there. Only problem — since the new owners took over a couple of years ago, my hours have been cut, until now I am living at poverty level. My car is almost twenty years old, and a constant source of stress. Now I am facing a potential lawsuit over a credit card bill I couldn’t pay over two years ago. I don’t know where to turn but to God. When I come home from a job I despise with my whole being, I don’t want to do anything but lie on the sofa and sleep. I have plenty of hobbies and things I could do, but I can’t bring myself to because of all my worries. And it has been this way for a year or so. Now this potential lawsuit feels like the final straw — I want to live, but something is keeping me from it. Please pray for me. I need all the prayers I can get.

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