Struggling with postpartum and mental illness

by Sarah ()

Dear heavenly Father please Lord forgive me for my troubles and sin, allow the Holy Spirit to shine within me and revel the truth of which the enemy is trying to destroy. Lord thank you for all the positive opportunities you’ve put ahead of me in my journey with you. God I ask for the strength in faith to not go to my flight or fight instant and break the generational curses of my past. Lord thank you for meetings and understanding individuals. Thank you for tears and not being embarrassed to shed them although I’ve struggled with that in the past. God I beg I please ask for a sign to know everything will be okay for me and my children. I understand everything happens for a reason but I feel lost, confused, hurt, lonely, betrayed, and alone. Although I know I’m not alone it feels like the support I had left within a blink of a lie. Please help me to feel comfort and peace in this hard time, allow me to not show my frustrations towards my children or anyone whom doesn’t deserve it.

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