strength to get through the day

by Elsa ()

I have lived in a abusive relationship a very long time and working towards leaving. each day is a struggle because i am met with negative cruel and degrading talk. i have a plan to leave when i can afford to as i recently signed for retirement benefits from social security. today i want to accomplish some chores that are a bit trying and i already feel weak and ready to give up my plans simply because ive been bullied and talked to in a very disrespectful manner. Its kept me from doing things to better myself its kept me depressed and feeling defeated. ive believed i am a looser and everything was my fault for a very long time but l have worked on getting stronger and not allowing things like that to get me down, however its very hard and my heart aches from all the negative talk and threats. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME TO CONTINUE ON MY PATH OF FREEDOM FROM THIS HORRIBLE LIFE. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME TO HAVE STRENGTH AND CARRY ON

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