save my family

by child ()

Forgive me for asking but PLEASE save my family.Please send SC away from LM as she is tearing us apart. I feel there is something not quite right about her. She is destroying us, dividing us.Send her on a different path & bring LM back home to us.It crushes me to see my family torn by her manipulative ways. As a child of god i can sense her purpose. I BEG YOU SEND SC AWAY FROM LM TODAY BEFORE HE IS TOTALLY FOOLED BY HER-he prioritises her and she ensures they do not soend even bdays with us
( my father is 88 and a broken soul as LM barely speaks to him let alond sees him-he does not care, as he is under her manipulative lies. )
I BEG YOU PLEASE LET THIS BE OUR CMAS MIRACLE I BEG YOJ PLEASE I cant skeep worrying about how her kies and actiond are destroying us. In Gods holy name send SC away from LM now. Amen

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