Reunite My Marriage

by Deb ()

Father God, I humbly & fervently ask that you fix our broken Marriage that my husband of 37 years chose to end with a Divorce as I’m battling Stage III Lung Cancer & desperately needed his love & support! He told the Court soo many lies; the Judge granted him Occupancy of our Jointly Owned & Community Property home of 25 years, & I & my Service Dog have been Homeless since Oct 1, 2022 & desperately trying to Survive…Lord I’ve felt that something evil invaded my loving, kind, gentle & generous husband within the last 4+ years ago as I simply am still in shock that he’s done such cruel heartbreaking things to me… 37 years Lord… I love him & I have 89% completely forgiven him..
My Marriage means the World to me; I have told my husband that a piece of paper signed by a Judge ending a Marriage & Granting a Divorce means nothing to me..that I take my Marriage Vows very seriously & still continue Honoring those Vows today.. I have prayed & pleaded with you Lord while sobbing my eyes out that I just want to go home! I want my Marriage back with my Husband; the good Husband please Lord…And cast out whatever evil has invaded my Husband & never allow it to return & try & destroy us if we were Blessed to be reunited together again.. Please Father God- I beg of you to reignite my Husbands morals & kindness & deep love for me…In Jesus name I pray, Amen

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