Reunite my Marriage

by Deb ()

Please Father God- I have tried & tried to let my husband go after he Divorced me while I’m battling Stage III Lung Cancer & other medical conditions that you know of Lord. We had a Committed Intimate Relationship for 31.5 years & a “legal” Marriage of 4.5 years. I was/am 100% financially dependent on him after a previous Spinal Surgery left me unable to work. He committed NUMEROUS acts of Perjury in his Court Documents & as several Free Attorneys have told me- I got totally screwed! I was made Homeless (such an ugly word) when Judge Granted him Occupancy of our Home of 25 Years which she Ruled was Jointly Owned & Community Property but failed to specify how long he can live there until we have to sell it. I’m scared Lord; I’m frail physically & emotionally.. I ask that you touch my husband’s heart & soul & make him remember the Vows he took- Until Death, to LEAVE his parents home & cleave unto me, his Wife. To only share his body sexually with me, to love & cherish, in SICKNESS & in Health. He’s dishonored every single Vow Lord; I have remained true to all of my Vows & I don’t recognize the piece of paper that says we’re Divorced; No I wanted to only marry one time & be with my husband Till Death Parted Us & so he’s still my husband to me & in front of God

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