Resurrect my Marriage

by Prayers Admin ()

Abba , I pray that my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus will stand in prayer and fasting with me for my marriage and all marriages . I desire unity and for my ministry of marriage and parenting to impact lost souls in the name of Jesus . I decree and declare all generational curses broken in the mighty name of Jesus . I pray the spirit of division and destruction will leave my family in the name of Jesus . Father give me strength to continue to pray and not grow weary in doing good for my spouse during our season of separation. Replace my spouses heart with a heart of flesh and with a repentant heart in the name of Jesus . Help us to put our trust in you and not this world and help us as parents to be trying godly examples. Father I pray a heritage of unity and not a heritage of divorce for my home and my children. Father break down the walls like you did Jericho in my spouses heart, return my spouse like you did the prodigal son and save and humble my spouse like you did Jonah . I surrender my desires to you and I pray your will be done in the mighty name of Jesus . I love you Abba .Thank you for all you do , all you have done and all your about to do . Help me and the whole body of Christ to continue to acknowledge you in all our ways in Jesus name amen .

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