restore/trust in my marriage.

by Joyce ()

I have been married for 33yrs. I didn’t work for a while and that was one of the problems not helping with the bills. I spouse have adultery throughout our marriage. In 2002 he got another woman pregnant. We just had son in 2000. She had abortion. He walkout on me and ours 3 kids in 2006 for another one woman. My spouse came back, and we work things out. Thing was good, but he was mentally and sometime physical/emotionally with me /kids. January 2022, I had enough and said I wanted to space. He went out overseas to visit a friend of ours. While he was there. He got involve with a foreign woman and she had baby. The baby may be spouse. He got a DEA test done and waiting the results, to see. I know my spouse love me!! He didn’t want to go back there. I know what GOD!! says about married. I’m a GOD!! fearing person. God is in life every day!! I pray for healing and Restoration for our marriage. Please pray for my family.

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