prodigal children

by virginia ()

please for my two sons and daughter. They were raised in the ways of the Lord. But have chosen to walk away from the Lord and live life recklessly. My son stephen believes he’s gay and is in a ( marriage) relationship and believes he was born this way. My son Michael got divorce even though he didn’t want to and put time on a time limit to restore his marriage which he was at fault for the break up but because God didn’t answer, he believes that God and Christianity is a waste of time. He drinks, smokes cigarettes and other things and lives with a girl who was a chritian too. He’s bitter, angry, etc. My daughter Sarah has chosen to rebel and has been in relationships that were not good at all.. She believes the answer to her life is a male relationship. She also believes she’s bi sexual. It’s bad . I just want to see them three back with the Lord and walking as people after his own heart. Thank you.

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