Prayer to progress in my life

by Palesa ()

I and my husband have made decisions that have made me left depressed and not knowing what to do next. We had sick child for 3 yrs which made me to stop reaching for my goals and my husband convinced me to look after the family while he worked for the family. Now the kids have grown and want to progress in life and I feel stuck. I applied for jobs went to interviews and yet nothing positive comes out of it. I opted for business but I have no funds to better my life. My husband is progressing so much in his life yet I feel I am getting more poorer. My money does even last for a month. I have to keep on borrowing money. I so much need to progress in my life and want to be able to look after myself without having to ask for money from anyone. My husband has started be littling me because my money is not helping much in the house. He started cheating and comparing me to his girlfriend that is doing so well. So I need a job so that I can stop being so miserable . Your prayers will be highly appreciated. I really need progress in my life. I feel so stuck in one job with no progression. I would like to remain ANONYMOUS Thank

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